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Q: My needs are tearing me apart against my preferences. There are physical needs to do things; I tend
to run ahead run away from those things. I understand what youre saying, as an action of go ahead
and do the exciting things, and feel the ecstasy, etc.
But my needs I feel grounded, I feel. . .
B: Why do you think they are needs?
Q: Well, I tend to try to ignore them. Thats why. . .
B: Tend to try? Does that mean try to try?
Q: I try to try to ignore them.
B: Who says you have to ignore anything? Ignoring things is what allows them to become
Q: Okay. Let me describe, in a way... like, I dont really want to work to make a living to be in a
physical body, to be in physical time. . .
B: Now, one moment. You are physical body in physical time. So you can allow one thing to be
obvious. If you are where you are, you obviously chose to do so. Therefore: first of all and
fundamentally, allow yourself to recognize: as long as you remain physical, you obviously still think
there is a reason for it. The second the microsecond you truly no longer believe you have a purpose
in being physical, you wont be. So as long as you continue to remain so, take it for granted that you
think you need to be so, for some reason.
Q: Well... okay, thank you for that. The feeling I get. . . I feel as though the awareness that when Im
here in the physical body, this one here: I feel in pain; I feel like Im more of an energy unit or
something more of a-just another space; I feel I am another space.
B: You are your own space and your own time. It doesnt fit okay. . .
Q: It doesnt fit here; I don t feel like I fit. And I realize. . .
B: We understand what you are saying; but again, by definition, if you truly didnt fit, you wouldnt be
here. So take it for granted that you obviously do fit; otherwise you would be somewhere else.
Q: Yeah. Okay. I appreciate that. And. . .
B: The idea of fitting, however, doesnt have to mean, "conforming."
Q: Oh, yeah. I acknowledge that. I feel as though Im attenuating to end on a brighter note -I feel
like as though Im attenuating, like something like you say, accelerating.
B: Yes.
Q: lm getting toward the last little upward spiral the little thing before Im no longer involved in
that dichotomy of myself.
B: All right. But do recognize that the paradox of the situation is, in order to experience what you are
talking about, the first thing you need to do is become fully involved where you are, in the moment. By

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