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sense of equilibrium - a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the

orientation of the head. labyrinthine sense, sense of balance, vestibular sense, equilibrium.
proprioception - the ability to sense the position and location and orientation and movement of
the body and its parts.

Is balance a sense?

Sense of balance or equilibrioception is one of the physiological senses related to

balance. ... Balance is the result of a number of body systems working together: the
eyes (visual system), ears (vestibular system) and the body's sense of where it is in
space (proprioception) ideally need to be intact.

What is dynamic equilibrium in the ear?

iNNER EAR: contains the VESTIBULE for static equilibrium and the SEMICIRCULAR
CANALS for dynamic equilibrium. the COCHLEA, a snail-shaped structure, contains the
ORGAN OF CORTI which is where the actual hearing occurs.

an antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building.
a chamber or channel communicating with or opening into another, in particular.

Where are the equilibrium receptors located in the ear?

While the kinesthetic information needed by the brain comes from joints and muscle
fibers throughout the body, the receptors for equilibrium are located in the
semicircular canals and vestibular sacs of the inner ear.

(of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

What affects balance in the human body?

An organ in our inner ear, the labyrinth, is an important part of our vestibular (balance)
system. The labyrinth interacts with other systems in the body, such as the visual
(eyes) and skeletal (bones and joints) systems, to maintain the body'sposition.

2 function
Dynamic equilibrium indicates that the object is moving, and will continue to do so unchanged.

What is a good example of equilibrium?

Equilibrium is defined as a state of balance or a stable situation where opposing forces
cancel each other out and where no changes are occurring. An example of
equilibrium is in economics when supply and demand are equal. An example of
equilibrium is when you are calm and steady.
What is meant by static equilibrium?
Static equilibrium is a form of equilibrium that occurs when an object is at rest.
"Static" refers to the object being motionless while "equilibrium" refers to the object
either having no net forces acting upon it or having all of its net forces balanced

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