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Indicators, Components and Impact of Air Pollution

Prepared to meet the task Course

Environmental pollution
Fostered by Dr. H. Sueb, Kes
Group 2 Environmental Biology 2015:
Anisa Meilia Ashoffi, Ayu Maulidya Agustiningrum, Filda Sherly Rahmani

The purpose of writing the article to know the indicators, components and impacts of air
pollution, things become Indicators, components and impacts of air pollution. Malang State
University. Faculty of Math and Science. Department of Biology. Program S1 Biology.
February 2017.

Lecturer Email:

Student Email: (Anisa Meilia Ashoffi)

Abstract Air pollution resulting environmental damage, interference with general

human health and the quality of the environment. The sources of pollution in the
air can be classified into two activities, namely activities that are natural (natural)
and anthropogenic activities. This research was carried out by conducting surveys
directly to the terminal Hamid Rusdi, to see whether or lichens (Lichenes), moss
leaves, and the number of vehicles in and out of the terminal. This study aims to
determine the level of air pollution based on the number of vehicles and the
biological factors which leaves moss and lichens (lichens). Components of air
pollution is particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx),
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and the second ozone (O3), created as a
result of photochemical reactions. Terminal Hamid Rusdi low polluted if the terms
of the number of buses in and out every month. Because there are many other
more congested terminals such as terminals and Landungsari Arjosari. According
to the head office of Hamid Rusdi terminal, the terminal is still relatively quiet
because the terminal is the transition from the Terminal Tower, which has been
relocated and dipindan to Terminal Hamid Rusdi. It is also similar when viewed
from the presence of lichens because they are two different species of lichens are
Physcia aipolia and Parmelia sulcata
Keywords: Indicators, components, impacts, air pollution

Presence of God we pray Almighty God for blessing abundance of grace and the gift
of his so I can prepare this paper on time. This paper focuses on "INDICATORS,
COMPONENTS AND IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION". In preparing this paper, the authors
got a lot of challenges and obstacles, but with the help of various parties that challenge can be
overcome. By him, the author would like to thank all those who have helped in the
preparation of this paper, may help get rewarded from God Almighty.

The author realizes that this paper still far from perfection both of form and material
preparation. Criticisms and suggestions from readers so we expect to further refinement of
paper. Final words I hope this paper can provide benefits to us all.

February, 20 2017



Pollution or air pollution is the entry or the mixing of hazardous elements into the atmosphere
that could cause environmental damage (Satriyo. 2008). Disturbances in the general human health and
the quality of the environment. Documents aviation and emissions-A primer (2005) issued by the FAA
(Federal Aviation Administration) stating that the aircraft engine produces the same emissions as the
vehicle engine bemotor, namely carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor (H2O), Oxides of Nitrogen
(NOx), carbon Monoxide (CO), and sulfur oxides (NOx).
Air pollution caused by automobiles can produce materials are metals such as tin and
iron. These materials come from the engine friction, corrosion of vehicles and vehicle exhaust
gas from the incomplete combustion. Then the materials fly with the air, causing air pollution
and also settle in buildings, vegetation and surface soil (top soil). Motor vehicle exhaust gas
emissions also tends to make the condition of the soil and the water becomes acidic.
Experience in developed countries prove that these conditions can cause the release of soil or
sediment bond with some mineral or metal, so that these metals can pollute the environment
and damage the health of humans (Yuiatri, 2013)
The air is a gas mixture contained in a layer that surrounds the Earth. The
composition of the gas mixture is not always constant. The most varied components whose
concentration is in the form of water vapor H2O and carbon dioxide (CO2). The
concentration of CO2 in the air is always low, around 0.03% (Fardiaz, 1992). Air pollution,
according to the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 41 Year 1999 on Air Pollution
Control, that air pollution is the introduction of substances, energy, and / or other components
into the ambient air by human activities, so that the ambient air quality decreases to a certain
level that causing ambient air can not fulfill its function
The sources of pollution in the air can be classified into two activities, namely
activities that are natural (natural) and anthropogenic activities. There are several types of air
pollution that is based on the form (gas and particles), based on place (outdoor and indoor),
based Interference or effect on Health (Irritansia, Aspeksia, Anesthesia and toxic), based on
their chemical composition (inorganic and organic) and based on the origin ( primary and
Some herbs may respond less well to the pollution in the air, for example lichens.
Lichens can be used as bio-indicators of air pollution because it is easy to absorb the
chemicals in the air and of the rainwater. Talus lichens do not have cuticle so that support
lichens absorb all the elements of the compounds in the air, including SO2 which will be
accumulated in talusnya. Such capabilities are the basis for the use of lichens for monitoring
air pollution. Lichens are the best indicator species that absorb large amounts of chemicals

from rainwater and air pollution. The existence of this capability makes lichens as
bioindicator good to see an air condition in an area that is contaminated or otherwise
(Hadiyati, 2013)
Ambient air quality monitoring methods generally consist of two, namely manual
and automated methods. The manual method is done by sampling the air first and then
analyzed in the laboratory. The manual method is distinguished into passive and active
methods. The difference is based on whether there is a pump for taking air samples.
Automatic method is done by using a tool that can measure air quality directly and store data.

No Parameter Method Information

1 Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) Pararosilin SNI No. 19-
2 Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2) Saltzman SNI No. 19-
3 Karbon Monoksida (CO) NDIR SNI No. 19-
4 Oxidant/O3 Neutral Buffer SNI No. 19-
Kalim Iodida 7119.8.2005
5 TOTAL Suspended Particulates Gravimetric SNI No. 19-
(TSP) / dust 7119.3.2005
Source: Annex VI Candy LH No. 12 of 2010
Table 1. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methods


This research was carried out by conducting surveys directly to the terminal Hamid
Rusdi, to see whether or lichens (Lichenes), moss leaves, and the number of vehicles in and
out of the terminal. This study aims to determine the level of air pollution based on the
number of vehicles and the biological factors which leaves moss and lichens (lichens). The
study was conducted on Saturday, February 18, 2017 in Terminal Hamid Rusdi Malang Jl.
Mayjend Sungkono No. 11 Wonokoyo, Kedungkandang, Malang East Java 65135. The
method used is the method of direct observation by seeing lichens and moss leaves then used
cell phones to take pictures. Simultaneously with interview to the commander Transportation
Agency in place to determine the number of vehicles in and out. Tools and materials used are
mobile phones used for photographing leaves moss and lichens, and is also used to record the
time of the interview.

Source: Google Maps

Figure 1 shows the location of the terminal Hamid Rusdi and 3-point observation location
and retrieval of data.


Indicators of Air Pollution
Air pollution is the presence of one or more physical substance, chemical, or
biological weapons in the atmosphere in an amount which can endanger the health of
humans, animals, and plants, disrupting the aesthetics and comfort of, or damage to property.
Air pollution can be caused by natural sources and human activity. Some definitions of
physical disturbances such as noise, heat, radiation or light pollution is regarded as air
pollution. The nature of the air resulting in impacts of air pollution can be directly and
locally, regionally, and globally. Air pollution can be smoke, haze, dust, and fumes. Those
things are sourced from nature and from human activities (Kelishadi, 2012).
Athmosphere can neutralize toxic solid, liquid and gaseous substance with melting
polluted substances. However, because the production of such substances excessive and
depending on meteorological conditions and topography, the atmosphere in a continuous
process of pollution. There are several main types of pollution. Among the major pollutants in
the urban atmosphere, especially particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen
oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and the second ozone (O3), created as a
result of photochemical reactions. Particles in the air for fuel combustion processes for
energy. The gases produced as a result of burning fuels in automobiles, homes, and industry
is a major source of pollution in the air. The exhaust from burning fuels in automobiles,
homes, and industry is a major source of pollution in the air. Burning wood and charcoal in
fireplaces and barbeques can release significant quanitites soot into the air. Another type of
pollution is the release of toxic gases, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen
oxides, and chemical vapors. It may take part in further chemical reactions once they are in
the atmosphere, forming smog and acid rain (Trk, 2011).
The air is an important factor in life, but with increasing physical development of cities
and industrial centers, air quality has changed. That was once fresh air is now dry and dirty.
This is if not immediately addressed, these changes can be harmful to human health, animal
and plant life. Air pollution is defined as any material or foreign substances in the air that
cause changes in the composition (composition) air than normal. The presence of a foreign
substance or substances in the air in a certain amount and is in the air in a long time, will be
able to interfere with human life. When such a situation occurs then the air is said to have
been contaminated (Trk, 2011).
According to the Environmental Candy No. 12 of 2010, air pollution is the introduction
of substances, energy, and / or other components into the ambient air by human activities,
thereby transcending air quality standard that has been set. Substances, energy and / or other

components of the so-called pollutants. If too many of these pollutants in the environment
will destroy the environment in the surrounding either the humans, animals, and plants.

Sources of Air Pollution

The entry of contaminants into the air can be natural, such as forest fire smoke, due to
volcanoes, meteorite dust and jets of sea salt; also largely caused by human activity, for
example due to the activity of transport, industry, waste disposal, either as a result of
decomposition or burning and household activities There are two types of pollutants which
are as follows:
a. The primary pollutants, namely chemicals that directly contaminate the air in dangerous
concentrations. The substances came from natural air components such as carbon dioxide,
which rises above normal concentrations, or something that is not normally found in air, for
example lead.
b. Secondary contaminants, namely hazardous chemicals formed in the atmosphere through
chemical reactions among the components of the air.
The primary source of contaminants can be subdivided into two major categories :
1. Natural Resources
Some of the outdoor activities that can cause air pollution is of volcanic activity, forest fires,
the activities of microorganisms, and others. Pollutants produced generally is smoke, gases,
and dust.
2. Sources of man-made
Human activities that generate pollutants assortment include the following activities:
a. Combustion, such as burning trash, burning on household activities, industry, motor
vehicles, and others. Pollutants produced include smoke, dust, grit (fine sand), and gas (CO
and NO).
b. The smelting process, such as steel smelting process, the manufacture of soda, cement,
ceramics, asphalt.
c. Mining and quarrying, such as mineral and metal mines. Pollutant produced mainly is dust.
d. Processing and heating as in the food processing, meat, fish, and tanning. Pollutant
produced mainly smoke, dust and odors.
e. Disposal of waste, both industrial waste and household waste. Pollution is primarily
from the water treatment plant exhaust. While the teruatam pencemarnya material is H2S gas
that causes a foul odor.

f. Chemical processes, such as the process of fertilization, the process of petroleum
refining, processing of minerals. Keris, and others. Pollutants produced, among others, dust,
vapors and gases
g. The development process such as the construction of buildings, roads and activities
such. Pencemarnya material which mainly was smoke and dust.
h. The process of atomic or nuclear experiments. Pencemarnya materials which are mainly
gas and radioactive dust (Katheeri, 2012).

The level of pollution in the environment needs to be known in order to mentukan

Iangkah countermeasures impact. To find out, it takes a measurement of the factors of
physical, chemical, or biological indicating degradation or damage to the polluted
environment. These factors are referred to the indicators of pollution.
a) Physical
Air pollution: the properties of air that can be observed, clean air should not be
colorless and odorless, udanya color or odor in the air showed the presence of pollutants.
Water Pollution: turbidity, odor, color, and temperature, can be an indicator of pollution.,
Clean water should clear (not cloudy), odorless, colorless, and the temperature is relatively
modest. Water turbidity associated with tersusupensi concentration of solid particles in water.
Water turbidity can be measured simply using a device called a Secchi disc (secchi disc).
Secchi disc is marked with black and white. Discs can still be seen clearly indicate the level
of light penetration in these waters. Odor and color or temperature changes ekstrirr in water
can indicate the presence of certain chemicals or pollutants in water.

b) Chemically Air pollution: air pollutant standards index (ISPU) informing the levels of air
pollution monitoring results konsentrasi average variety of air pollutants during a 24 hour
period. The monitored pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2),
nitrogen oxide (NO), ozone (03), damateri particulate matter (dust). Increasing
concentrations of compounds in air pollutants is an indicator for the level of air pollution c)
Biologically Air Pollution: The living beings are vulnerable to changes in the concentration
of pollutants in the air can be used as indicators of biological indicators biologi.Contoh to
observe air pollution levels are lichens (Lichenes). Lichens are a symbiotic photosynthetic
algae or cyanobacteria with fungi. Lichens consist of several groups that each have different
levels of sensitivity to air pollutants. Therefore, the existence of certain groups of lichens in

an area can be an indicator for the level of air pollution in the region. lichens Usnea sp. and
Hibiscus sp. will not be able to survive Iiikit concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air is too
high (Usuli, 2012).

Component Air Pollution Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

NO2 is produced under high temperature combustion is the main criteria pollutants that
are precursors to photo- chemical fumes, ozone, and acid formation. trations NO2
concentrations are found in all the permissible limits (hourly and daily). Trends in the value
of re-prospective higher and lower than NO2 during the winter and summer can be attributed
to the improved process of oxidation, where the decline reactions photochemical reaction
occurs between NO2 and hydroxyl (OH) radicals that form nitric acid (HNO3).

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

CO levels varied in the range of 0.01 to 5.73 mg / m3 Carbon monoxide is a gas that is
colorless, odorless, and tasteless. It consists of one carbon atom is covalently bonded to an
oxygen atom. In this bond, there are two covalent bonds and the coordination covalent bond
between carbon and oxygen atoms. Carbon monoxide is produced from incomplete
combustion of carbon compounds, notably in internal combustion engines. Carbon monoxide
is formed when there is a lack of oxygen in the combustion process. Carbon monoxide is
flammable and produces a blue flame, producing carbon dioxide. Although it is toxic, CO
plays an important role in modern technology, which is the precursor of many compounds of
carbon. arbon monoxide, although regarded as a pollutant, have long existed in the
atmosphere as a result of the product of volcanic activity. He dissolved in the lava of the
volcano at high pressure in the Earth's mantle. Carbon monoxide contents of volcanic gases
vary from less than 0.01% to as much as 2% depending on the volcano. Because natural
sources of carbon monoxide are so variable from year to year, it is difficult to accurately
measure natural emissions of the gas.

Carbon monoxide has an indirect radiative forcing by raising the concentration of

methane and ozontroposfer through chemical reactions with other atmospheric constituents
(eg hydroxyl radical, OH) that would otherwise eliminate methane and ozone. Through
natural processes in the atmosphere, carbon monoxide is eventually oxidized to carbon
dioxide. The concentration of carbon monoxide had a short-lived in the atmosphere.
Anthropogenic CO from automobile and industrial emissions contribute to the greenhouse
effect and global warming. In urban areas, carbon monoxide, along with aldehydes, reacts

photochemically to produce peroxy radicals. Peroxy radicals react with nitrogen oxides and
increase the ratio of NO2 to NO, thus reducing the amount of NO that is available to react
with ozone. Carbon monoxide is also a constituent of tobacco smoke.

Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

SO2 concentration was recorded in the range of 0.03 -84.65 mg / m. The concentration
of SO2 can be increased depending on the source of nearby activities such as Indus- trial and
vehicle emissions. The main source of SO2 gas pollution is the burning of coal, oil, gas and
timber. SOx other sources, namely from industrial processes such as petroleum refining
industry, sulfuric acid industry and steel smelting industry. Transport especially motor
vehicles also contributes as a cause of SOx pollution. Most of SO2 is converted into SO3
after being in the atmosphere, by photolytic processes and catalytic. Total SO2 is oxidized to
SO3 is influenced by several factors including the amount of water available, intensity, time
and spectral distribution of sunlight, and the number of catalytic materials. At night or under
humid conditions or during rain, atmospheric SO2 is absorbed by water droplets alkaline and
react at a certain speed to form sulfates in the droplet.
The main source of SO2 gas pollution is the burning of coal, oil, gas and timber. SOx
other sources, namely from industrial processes such as petroleum refining industry, sulfuric
acid industry and steel smelting industry. Transport especially motor vehicles also contributes
as a cause of SOx pollution. Most of SO2 is converted into SO3 after being in the
atmosphere, by photolytic processes and catalytic. Total SO2 is oxidized to SO3 is influenced
by several factors including the amount of water available, intensity, time and spectral
distribution of sunlight, and the number of catalytic materials. At night or under humid
conditions or during rain, atmospheric SO2 is absorbed by water droplets alkaline and react at
a certain speed to form sulfates in the droplet.

Ozone (O3)
Ozone consists of three oxygen molecules and extremely hazardous to human health.
Naturally, the ozone generated by ultraviolet light mixing with the Earth's atmosphere and
form ozone layer at an altitude of 50 kilometers. Ozone is concentrated in the lower
stratosphere between 15 and 30 km above the earth's surface, known as the 'ozone layer'.
Ozone is produced with various chemical compounds, but the main mechanisms of income
and displacement in the atmosphere is the force absorption of ultraviolet (UV) from the sun.
Ozone is very mengkakis and is believed to be toxic and blackened ordinary materials. Ozone

has a pungent odor, offensive. Ozone is also formed at low levels in the air due to electric
currents such as lightning, and by high-energy electromagnetic radiation such.

UV is associated with the formation of skin cancer and genetic damage. Increased
levels of uv also has adverse effects on the immune system of animals, aquatic organisms in
the food chain, and plants. Absorption of harmful UV rays by stratospheric ozone is
important for the whole earth. Ozone in the earth is formed by ultraviolet light breaks down
molecules of oxygen O3 forming element. The element oxygen molecules joined does not
decompose and form O3. Sometimes elements will join the N2 oxygen to form nitrogen
oxides; which when mixed with light capable of forming ozone. Fluctuations O3 vary in the
range, 04 to 274.21 ug / m3. (Katheeri, 2012)
Impact of Air Pollution
As a result of the negative effects of air pollution on health, the following was observed:
Increasing cases of lung cancer
Increased frequency of chronic asthma crisis
Increased frequency of asthma cases
Increased frequency of cough / phlegm
Increased acute disorders repiratory system on
Increasing the eyes, nose and throat irritation cases
Reduction of respiratory capacity
Increased mortality
The decline in productivity and production
Increased cost of medical care
SO2 can affect the respiratory system and lung function, as well as eye irritation.
Respiratory tract inflammation causes the secretion of cough, phlegm, asthma and chronic
bronchitis and makes people more susceptible to respiratory infections. Hospital admissions
for cardiac disease and mortality increase on days with high levels of SO2. When SO2
combines with water, it forms sulfuric acid; This is the main component of acid rain which is
a cause of deforestation (Turk, 2011)

Health Impact
The substance of pollutants contained in the air can enter the body through the
respiratory system. Away the penetration of contaminants into the body depends on the type
of pollutant. Large-sized particulates can be retained in the upper respiratory tract, whereas

small particulates and gases can reach the lungs. From the lungs, pollutants are absorbed by
the circulatory system and spread throughout the body. The health impacts of the most
common is the ISNA (upper respiratory infection), including, asthma, bronchitis, and other
respiratory disorders. Some contaminants are categorized as toxic and carcinogenic.
Estimating the impact of air pollution in Jakarta related to premature deaths, hospital
admissions, reduced the effective working days, and ISNA in 1998 amounting to 1.8 trillion
and will rise to 4.3 trillion rupiah in 2015.

Impact on plant
Plants growing in areas with high air pollution levels can be stunted and prone diseases,
including chlorosis, necrosis, and black spots. Particulate deposited on plant surfaces may
inhibit the process of photosynthesis. Acid rain is the usual pH of rainwater was 5.6 for their
CO2 in the atmosphere. Air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2 reacts with water to form acid
rain and lowers the pH of rainwater. The impact of acid rain, among others: - Affect the
quality of surface water - Damaging crops - Dissolve the heavy metals contained in the soil
thus affecting the quality of groundwater and surface water - Characteristically thus
damaging corrosive materials and building (Trk, 2011).

Greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of CO2, CFCs, methane, ozone, and
N2O in the troposphere which absorbs the sun's heat radiation reflected by the surface of the
earth. As a result of heat trapped in the troposphere and rise to the phenomenon of global
warming. The impact of global warming are:
- The increase in the average temperature of the earth
- Melting polar
- Regional and global climate change
- Changes in the life cycle of flora and fauna

Damage to the ozone layer

Ozone layer in the stratosphere (20-35 km altitude) is a natural protective earth that serves to
filter ultraviolet B radiation from the sun. The formation and decomposition of ozone
molecules (O3) occurs naturally in the stratosphere. Emissions of CFCs reach the
stratosphere is very stable and causes the rate of decomposition of ozone molecules faster
than formation, thus forming the holes in the ozone layer (Budiyono, 2010).


Figure 1. Shows the table content and duration of SO2 (Turk, 2011)
The above table shows that the standard content of SO2 in the air according to WHO is
50 ug / m3 for a short period and 125 ug / m3 for the long term. And standard content of the
PM in the air according to WHO is 50 ug / m3 for a short period and and 125 ug / m3 for a
long period. If the level exceeds the parameter then the air is polluted. The second table
shows the duration of exposure to SO2 inhalation by humans. If inhaled in the levels of 20
ppm, it can lead to eye irritation and coughing, inhalation levels of 10 ppm in 10 minutes then
cause Bronkhopasma, if inhaled in levels of 5 ppm within 24 hours, it can cause respiratory
problems. If inhaled in levels of 0.5 ppm in 10 minutes, it will cause asthma and respiratory
problems. If inhaled in the levels of 0.25 ppm within 24 hours, it will cause unhealthy
situation suddenly. If inhaled in the levels of 0.19 ppm within 24 hours of death.

Figure 4 shows the point 3 where there are lichens on tree manga and moss leaves on paving
(Personal Documentation, 2017)
Just like at point 1 and 2, At point 3 there are lichens kind Physcia aipolia stuck in a
tree. Physcia aipolia is a type of lichen from the tribe Physciaceae with the characteristics
inherent in wood, has the type of talus foliose, there soredia on talusnya
and the upper surface with white dots. However, the paving next to the
tree there are different species of lichen species Parmelia sulcata ie.
Parmelia sulcata has characteristics have foliose green talus, there isidia
and soredia but do not have the lobes are not fixed, the top surface of the

talus without pores with a black bottom surface. Soredia talus below the surface is black,
there is a white line on the upper surface and the upper surface soredia rarely on the boundary
edge. (Usuli, 2012).

Figure 5 shows the photograph data obtained from the file along with its head office
DISHUB terminal Hamid Rusdi Malang (Personal Documentation, 2017).


1. Malang Dampit 40 88 295 45 92 355

2. Malang Lumajang 15 15 73 16 16 104

3. Malang Blitar 1 1 0 0 0 0

Jumlah 56 104 368 61 108 459

Figure 8 shows the amount of data recaps the bus and out of the terminal in January 2017
Based on the data obtained in a month if there is a total of 1156 (bus Dating + bus
leaving), it can be said that the location is contaminated with lower if the terms of the number
of buses in and out every month. Because there are many other more congested terminals
such as terminals and Landungsari Arjosari. According to the head office of Hamid Rusdi
terminal, the terminal is still relatively quiet because the terminal is the transition from the
Terminal Tower, which has been relocated and dipindan to Terminal Hamid Rusdi.

- Terminal Hamid Rusdi low polluted if the terms of the number of buses in and out every
month. Because there are many other more congested terminals such as terminals and
Landungsari Arjosari. According to the head office of Hamid Rusdi terminal, the terminal is
still relatively quiet because the terminal is the transition from the Terminal Tower, which has
been relocated and dipindan to Terminal Hamid Rusdi.
- It is also similar when viewed from the presence of lichens because they are two different
species of lichens are Physcia aipolia and Parmelia sulcata

Urnal should make comparisons with other related research results of this paper because the
research is up to date over a long time, the research should be compared with the new


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