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Strategic Teaching Guide

The Borrowers
By Mary Norton

Made by Rachel Monteleon

Table of Content
Chapter 1 3
Chapters 2 and 3 4
Chapter 4 5
Chapters 5 and 6 6
Chapters 7 and 8... 7
Chapters 9 and 10. 8
Chapters 11 and 12.. 9
Chapter 13... 10
Chapters 14 and 15. 11
Chapter 16 12
Chapters 17 and 18.. 13
Chapters 19 and 20.. 14
Guess That Word 16, 17
Frayer Model 18, 19, 20
Vocabulary Cluster Foldable 21
My Borrowing Bag.. 22
Coding Text. 23
Vobackulary.. 24
RAFT 25, 26, 27
DRTA.. 28, 29
I have Who has?...................................................................................................... 30
Stacks.... 31, 32
Readers Theater.. 33, 34
The Borrowers Story... 35, 36
Work Cited.. 37

Chapter 1
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. What is the relationship like between Mrs. May and Kate? Explain.

2. Mrs. Mays brother claims to have seen the borrowers. If your brother or
sister told you they had seen a borrower, would you believe them? Why or
why not? (Evaluating)

Activity: (Guess That Word see Appendix pages 16 and 17)

Each students name will be written on a popsicle stick and placed in a cup.
Students will choose a partner by drawing a name from the cup
(heterogeneous groups).
Each group will be given two die and two Guess That Word worksheets.
Coloring utensils will be provided.
Students will write their five vocabulary words in random order for
numbers 1-5 and spot number 6 will be wild (wild means choose any one of
the five words).
Students will not share the order of their words with their partners (an
open folder can be used as a barrier to hide their papers).
Each student will roll 1 die. The student with the biggest number will go
The first student will roll the first die, determining which word will be used.
The second die will be rolled to determine which strategy the student will
use to share the word (if they are drawing a picture to share the word, they
will flip their worksheet over and do it on the back). The other student will
guess which word is being presented until they get it correct.
Students will alternate until each student has covered all five words at least
one time.
Purpose: This activity uses Marzanos second, third, fourth and fifth step. Students
are engaged during the entire activity because they are either trying to guess their
partners word or trying to share their word with their partner. This also shows
whether or not they actually understand the meaning of the words because they
must put it in their own words.

Chapters 2 and 3
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. Where do you think Uncle Hendreary, Aunt Lupy, and Eggletina are now?

2. Why was Homily so worried about Pod? (Understanding)

Activity: (Frayer Model see Appendix pages 18, 19, and 20)

A target word will be written on the board for the entire class. The target
word will have four pieces of string coming from it taped to the board,
creating four sections labeled Definition, Characteristics, Examples, and Non-
Each student will be given a piece of a Frayer Model, either the definition,
characteristics, examples, or non-examples. (5 students will be assigned to
each section).
Individually students will come up with one or more answers on their
worksheet (they may use resources in the classroom).
Once students have at least one answer, they will bring their paper to the
board and tape it in the correct section.
Then as a whole class, we will discuss the completed Frayer Model.
Purpose: This activities is a graphic organizer that uses Marzanos first, third, and
fourth step. It is a fun way to learn the meaning of new words and see what words
students do and do not know.

Chapter 4
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. What did Pod mean when he said, I been seen? Why is being seen such a
bad thing? (Understanding/Evaluating)

2. What do you think would have happened to Pod if the boy did not choose to
help him with the tea cup? (Creating)

Activity: (Vocabulary Cluster Foldable see Appendix page 21)

Every student will be given a square piece of construction paper with 1 of

the 4 vocabulary words written in the middle.
They will then be divided into 4 groups (homogeneous) which is determined
by the word they are given.
Then, the students will make their foldable cubes as a whole class.
After they are finished making their cubes, students will collaborate with
their group members to come up with 5 synonyms for their word by using
resources in the classroom (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.).
They will write their synonyms on the outside of their foldable cube and
then blow it up.
Once all the groups are finished, students in each group will be numbered 1
through 5.
Students will then form new groups, according to their numbers
(heterogeneous; 5 groups).
Each student will share the synonyms on the outside of the cubes with the
rest of the group members.
After hearing the synonyms, the group members will discuss and guess the
target word.
Once they have guessed, they can look inside the cube to reveal the answer.
Repeat so that every group member has shared their word.
Purpose: This activity uses Marzanos third, fourth, and fifth step. It keeps
students engages by having them discuss the synonyms in the first groups and
when they share their word in the second group. If also solidifies the meaning of
the vocabulary words.

Chapters 5 and 6
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. Based on what you have learned about emigrating, how would you solve the
problem of being seen? Would you choose to stay in your home or emigrate
after being seen by a human boy? (Creating)

2. Do you think Arriety is envious of Eggletina? Explain. (Evaluating)

Activity: (My Borrowing Bag see Appendix page 22)

Each student will be given a Borrowing Bag.

There are 4 questions in the bag that students must answer individually.
If students finish early, they will turn over the Borrowing Bag and choose
one of the two short essay questions and write until the end of the lesson.
Students will turn it into the teacher at the end of class
Purpose: The purpose of this is to help students to focus and keep them engaged
while they are reading because students know they will have to answer questions
after reading. This also reinforces comprehension to see how well and what
information the students have retained or not retained.

Chapters 7 and 8

Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. Why does Arriety want to learn the trade of borrowing? (Understanding)

2. The last few sentences of chapter 8 say, Something had moved above her on
the bank. Something had glittered. Arriety stared. What do you think
Arriety sees? Use evidence from the text to explain your answer. (Applying)

Activity: (Coding Text see Appendix page 23)

The teacher will pass out the Text Coding Manipulatives to every student.
Each students will receive a full text copy of chapters 7 and 8 (that way
students will be able to write in the margins).
Then, students will read both chapters silently to themselves (they may
move anywhere in the classroom).
During the reading they will use the symbols on the manipulative to code the
The will put a * for something that they found interesting or exciting, a ? for
something that confused them, and an R for something that reminds them of
Once they finish reading, they will get with a partner and discuss their
markings for the remaining class time.
Purpose: This activity helps keep students engaged and gives them a purpose for
reading. It also informs the student and the teacher whether or not the student
understands what they are reading. It also allows them to make connections
beyond the text.

Chapters 9 and 10
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. What did Arriety see? How would you have reacted if you were in Arrietys
situation? (Remembering)

2. According to Arriety, compare and contrast borrowing and stealing.


Activity: (Vobackulary see Appendix page 24)

Students will be called up by eye color and then individually get a

vocabulary word taped to their back without knowing what the word is and
then return to their seats until everyone has a word.
Students will walk around the room trying to figure out their word
Other students will look at the word and describe it without saying the
word to the student who is wearing the word.
Students can use fill in the blank sentences, rhyming, definitions, synonyms,
antonyms, etc. (any reference they can think of without actually saying the
Once the student wearing the word guesses correctly, they may take the
word off their back.
Everyone participates until all the cards are off every students back.
Purpose: This is a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activity that appeals to all types
of learners. It uses Marzanos second, fourth, and fifth step. It also keeps all
students engages throughout the entire activity.

Chapters 11 and 12
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. How would the story be different if the human boy was mean and cruel
towards Arriety? (Creating)

2. Because it was too dangerous for Arriety to carry a letter across the field to
her family, she got the human boy to do it. How would you have gotten the
letter across the field to your family? (Applying)

Activity: (RAFT see Appendix pages 25, 26, and 27)

The teacher will place two separate stacks of worksheets on the front table.
Students will be called up (by their birthday month) to choose which
worksheet they wish to complete.
One worksheet will be to write in your diary as Arriety and the other will be
to write a letter to your family as the human boy (the content of both
writings should include, who they met outside, what they did, and what
they talked about).
Students will write for 15 minutes.
Purpose: This activity is used to solidify concepts and reinforces comprehension.
Because students have to go beyond they story, it shows whether or not they
really understood the content. If also gives students a choice, making it more
exciting for the student.

Chapter 13
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. In the beginning of the chapter, Arriety lies to her mother. Do you think this
is morally right? Why or why not? (Evaluating)

2. What message did the boy give to Arriety? What do you think it means?

Activity: (DRTA see Appendix pages 28 and 29)

Divide students into 3 homogeneous groups.

Each group will be given a DRTA worksheet to fill out while reading the
Before a group begins reading the chapter, they will write down an inference
(what they think is going to happen in the chapter).
While they are reading, they will write down evidence from the text that
either proves or disproves their inference.
After they have finished reading, they will write down what actually
Then they will share with the group what their initial inference was,
evidence they found and whether or not it was accurate.
The teacher will be going around to different groups throughout the
activity, listening and discussing students inferences and evidence.
Purpose: This activity helps students connect to prior knowledge before reading
the chapter and gets them excited. It also helps keep students focused and
engaged in the reading because they have to find evidence for or against their
predictions. I also reinforces comprehension because after students read they
must write what actually happened in the story.

Chapters 14 and 15
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. How does Homily react when she meets the boy compared to how Arriety
reacted when she first met him? (Analyzing)

2. What did the boy give to the Clock family and why do you think that is?

Activity: (I haveWho has? Vocabulary see Appendix page 30)

Have the students form a circle in the classroom either sitting on the floor or
Give each student an I have Who has? card. The card has two sides, a
Who has? side and an I have side (one side with a vocabulary word and
the other with the definition of a different word).
The teacher will select one student to start (this student will only read the
question on their card, not the I have side).
Then the student that has the vocabulary word that matches the definition
to the previous Who has..? question will read the I have side and then
read the Who has? side.
This will continue until every student has read through both sides of their
cards, eventually stopping will the student that started.
Purpose: This activity appeals to all three learning types, visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic. It uses Marzanos first and forth steps to solidify concepts and help
students review old vocabulary words and learn new ones. This also shows
what words students do and do not know.

Chapter 16
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. If you were a borrower, where would you live? (Applying)

2. What is the relationship like between Mrs. Driver and Aunt Sophy?

Activity: (Stacks see Appendix pages 31 and 32)

The teacher will pass out to every student a list of vocabulary words
(already studied) with definitions and examples of the words used in the
Divide class into 4 heterogeneous groups.
Give each group a container with 10 plastic cups inside (Each cup will have a
vocabulary word written on the side).
The teacher will select which group goes first.
A member of the group will pull a cup from the container, then read the
word, and try to define it. If they need a hint, the other group members can
use the handout to read the word used in the text.
The other group members will check the definition using the handout.
If the member got it right they can stack the cup to create a tower, but if
they got it wrong, the group cannot use the cup again and must set it aside.
Group members within each group will repeat this process until all the cups
have been used.
The team with the highest tower wins.
Purpose: Stacks is a very interactive activity that uses Marzanos first, second,
third, and fourth steps. This is a fun way to keep students engages and learning
without them even knowing. It reviews old vocabulary words and teaches new
words as well.

Chapters 17 and 18
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. How did Mrs. Driver find the borrowers? Did you expect her to find them?

2. What would you do differently in order to keep the borrowers a secret? (


Activity: (Readers Theater see Appendix pages 33 and 34)

Every student will be given an identical script.

Then silently in their seats, students will be given about 5 to 7 minutes
to read the script to themselves.
Once everyone has finished, as a whole class students will the script
Then students will be divided into 2 heterogeneous groups and
assigned their parts by the teacher.
Students will then have 20 minutes to go over the script with their
Then, students will perform the skit with their script in hand while
the rest of the class watches.
Once they have finished the second group will perform.
Purpose: This activity solidifies concepts and reinforces comprehension. It is
used to make sure students really understood what happened in the reading.
In this case it reinforces a critical plot point in the story.

Chapters 19 and 20
Target Vocabulary:


Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think would have happened if Pod would have never been
seen by the human boy? (Creating)

2. Why did Mrs. May go back to the old country home? (Understanding)

Activity: (Comic Strips: Semantic Map see Appendix pages 35 and 36)

After completing the book, each student will be given a The Borrowers
Story worksheet. (coloring utensils will be provided)
The worksheet will have 6 empty squares for the students to fill in
Students will choose 6 plot points to write chronologically in the comic strip
After they have finished choosing their plot points, they will draw pictures
that correlate with the plot point for that square.
When they are finished they will hang their comic strips on the wall and
share them with the class.
Purpose: This activity makes sure that students really understood the plot of the
story. It reinforces comprehension and keeps them focused because after students
are finished reading, they must writing key points that took place throughout the
story. This also shows what student do and not know.


Guess That Word
Write the 5 words on each line in any order. Do not let your partner
see your words. Your partner will guess your word from the strategy
you use.

First Dice Words roll the first die to see which word you will
1 = __________________
2 = __________________
3 = __________________
4 = __________________
5 = __________________
6 = Wild (choose any word)

Second Dice Strategies roll the second die to see what

strategy you will use to share the word with your partner
1 = Give your definition of the word
2 = Draw a picture of the word (on the back of your paper)
3 = Act it out
4 = Give a synonym or antonym
5 = Use the word in a sentence
6 = Wild (choose any strategy)

Name:Rachel Monteleone
Guess That Word
Write the 5 words on each line in any order. Do not let your partner
see your words. Your partner should guess your word from the
strategy you use.

First Dice Words roll the first die to see which word you will
7 = Shrouded
8 = Vanish
9 = Conceited
10 = Intervals
11 = Hastily
12 = Wild (choose any word)

Second Dice Strategies roll the second die to see what

strategy you will use to share the word with your partner
7 = Give your definition of the word
8 = Draw a picture of the word (on the back of your paper)
9 = Act it out
10 = Give a synonym or antonym
11 = Use the word in a sentence
12 = Wild (choose any strategy)


Definition Characteristics


Examples Non-Examples




To leave one country or region to settle another__


How to Make a Vocabulary Cluster Foldable
Before you blow it up write 5 synonyms of the target word that
was written in the middle of your paper.

After you have written your synonyms

on the outside of the cube, gently blow
air into the hole.

My Borrowing Bag
Answer Key

Name 3 of the main characters in this story.

Arrietty Pod Homily

Pod is seen by the boy upstairs while he is attempting to borrow a

a) crotchet hook b) saucer
c) tea cup d) both b and c

Name one of the many things that Eggletina had.

Eggletina had a pet cat.

Who is telling the story of the borrowers?

a) Kate b) the boy
c) Mrs. May d) Arrietty

If you were a borrower, where would you go or what would you borrow?
If I were a borrower, I would like to explore outside in order to see nature
with a completely different point of view. The grass would be like a thick
green forest. The flowers that are beautiful already would be so large
creating even more beauty for my eyes.

Coding Text


Bilingual Fathoms Salvage Processions

Exploits Essentials Emerge Inferno

Retorted Embedded Alight Ventured

Faltered Conviction Deliberately Swiveled

Groping Badger Stifled Census

Name: _____________________
Pretend you are Arriety. Write a diary entry about the day you had. Make
sure to include what new things you did, who you met, and what you talked
Dear Diary,













Name: _____________________
Pretend you are the human boy. Choose a family member to write to about
the day you had. Make sure to include what new things you did, who you
met, and what you talked about.
Dear ____________________,













Name: Rachel______________
Pretend you are Arriety. Write a diary entry about the day you had. Make
sure to include what new things you did, who you met, and what you talked
Dear Diary,
_______Today dad finally let me go upstairs. It was so exciting. Everything__

was huge, almost comical. I got to explore outside, running free. I met the__

human boy while I was outside. At first it was scary, but then I realized he_

wasnt going to hurt mean. We talked about his sisters and I told him about

borrowing. He said its stealing, but I know thats not true. The boy also___

told me that there are a lot of other big people, but I dont believe him.______

Could you imagine having to make those ridiculously big chairs for millions

of people? I dont know why my parents are so worried about being seen by

him. I kind of like him. He told me if I wrote a letter to my Uncle___________

Hendreary, he would take it to him for me because that field is much to big_

for me to cross. Well mom is calling me and I dont want her to find out my_

secret, so I guess I have to go for now._______________________________________


Name: _________________________

Based on the previous chapter, what do you think is going to happen next?

Evidence to prove or disprove your prediction:


What actually happened in this chapter?


Name: ____Rachel______

Based on the previous chapter, what do you think is going to happen next?
I think that Arrietys parents are going to find out that she met the boy.____

Evidence to prove or disprove your prediction:

He had seen her.___________________________________________________________
I heard your voice, he said, and there was a dreadful quietness about the__
way he spoke.______________________________________________________________

What actually happened in this chapter?

Pod was in Aunt Sophys room when he heard Arriety talking to the boy.___
Arrietys father finds out that she met the boy.______________________________

I Have Who Has?
Glinted a gleaming brightness; a quick flash of light

Emerge to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity

Inferno a furnace or oven; a very hot place

Plateau a relatively level surface considerably raised above the surrounding

Dredged to locate by painstaking investigation or search

Bilingual to be able to speak to languages with the facility of a native speaker

Fathoms to measure the depth of; measure the meaning of

Salvage the act of saving something from danger

Processions the act of moving along in an orderly succession or in an a formal and

ceremonious manner

Exploits A bold or daring feat; spirited or heroic act

Sufficient To make something broken whole, sound, or usable by repairing

Mending To make something broken whole, sound, or usable by repairing

Obscured Not clear or plain; not readily seen

Gingerly With great care or cation

Turmoil A state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance

Imperative Absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable

Suppressed To restrain; prevent the development, action, or expression of

Placating make less angry or hostile

Retorted to have said something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in

a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner

Embedded fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass

Each group is given 10 cups with a vocabulary word on each cup. These
words will be on the cups:

When a student gets the definition of the word correct, the group will stack
the cups like so:

One member of your group will pull out a cup and say the definition of the word on
the cup. If they get it right, stack the cup to build a tower. If they get it wrong, you
must put that cup to the side. If you need a hint the other members of your group
may read the IN TEXT section. Every member must go at least once. Go until all the
cups have been used. The team with the highest tower wins!


Disheveled Untidy; Disarranged; Pod would come for her a rather
Hanging loosely or in weary Pod, _______ and dusty to
disorder take her back for tea.
Endeavor To attempt; to achieve or Even Great-Aunt Sophy seemed
gain distantly affected by a spirit of
Depleted To seriously decrease or But trinkets out of the drawing-room
exhaust the abundance or cabinet that, she told herself
supply of grimly, staring at the ________
shelves, was a different story
Suppressed To do away with; to stop; You wrote to him! Homily cried in
to vanquish a kind of _________ shriek.

Imperative Absolutely necessary or And how more that important

required; unavoidable how _________ it had seemed to make
sure the Hendrearys were alive.
Turmoil A state of great Pod had raised his hand to her; and
commotion, confusion, or she remembered that, in the general
disturbance _______ and for once in her life, she
had left the supper washing-up for
Gingerly With great care or cation The boy reached behind him and very
________, careful to keep it upright,
held a wooden object over their
Obscured Not clear or plain; not Chair legs were everywhere and
readily seen chair seats _______ her view.

Mending To make something He was well away on his yearly turn-

broken whole, sound, or out of the storerooms, ________
usable by repairing partitions and putting up new
Sufficient Adequate for the purpose; So thats where they had lived, she
enough thought, those pleasure-loving
creatures, remote and gay and self-

Readers Theater: Spotted Under the Floor
Roles: Mr. Crampfurl, Mrs. Driver, Aunt Sophy, The Boy, Arriety,
Pod, Homily, Narrator 1, Narrator 2, and Narrator 3

Narrator 1: Everyone in the room can feel the tension radiating

from Mrs. Driver, including Mr. Crampfurl and Aunt
Sophy. Nobody knows for sure, but they know something
is wrong.
Mr. Crampfurl: (Looking at Mrs. Driver with confusion) Whats
wrong with you tonight? You seem uneasy.
Mrs. Driver: (setting down a tray of dishes) Nothing. That boy is
up to something, thats all. (she quickly leaves the room)
Aunt Sophy: (looking to Mr. Crampfurl) I wonder what she
thinks it is.
Mr. Crampfurl: (tossing a carefree glancing at Aunt Sophy)
Aww, its probably nothing to worry about.
Narrator 2: Both Mr. Crampfurl and Aunt Sophy leave the room
for bed. Meanwhile, Mrs. Driver sees a faint light down
the stairs and in the kitchen. She suspects it is the boy up
to no good and intends to find out.
Mrs. Driver: (moving slowly in the dark kitchen) I could have
sworn I saw a light and heard whispers. Where are those
Narrator 3: Mrs. Driver strikes the match creating a bright light.
Mrs. Driver: (looking with curiosity) What is that pink think on
the floor by the stove? The whispers are coming from
beneath the floor? (ripping up the floorboards)
Pod, Homily, and Arriety: Oh no! (begin to scramble around and
run away)
Mrs. Driver: (screaming and crying) Ohhhhh! Its little people!
Narrator 1: Mr. Crampfurl runs into the kitchen, confused after
being woke up from his sleep.
Mr. Crampfurl: (sleepily) Whats all the fuss about?
Mrs. Driver: (screaming) Theres a nest of them!
Mr. Crampfurl: A nest of what?
Mrs. Driver: Little People. We must call the Police!
Narrator 2: Mrs. Driver frantically leaves the room to call for the
police while Mr. Crampfurl chases after her. Up in his
room, the boy was listening to everything that had
happened. Quietly, he creeps down the stairs to see what
has become of the Clock family.
The Boy: (whispering) Arriety, are you there? Pod? Homily?
Narrator 3: The Clock family slowly appears from the enormous
hole in the floor.
The Boy: (whispering) Where have you been ?
Pod: Weve been hiding in the passage in the clock. I think it is
time we emigrate.
Homily: (moaning in disappointment) Ohhhh.
Narrator 1: Arriety begins to cry.
Homily and Arriety: (together) But we dont want to go now.
Were happy here.
Pod: I know, but weve been seen. We have to go.
Narrators: (together) Eventually the police come, but by this
time, the Clock family was gone.

The Borrowers Story
Choose 6 main plot points from the story. Write one point in each
box in chronological order (follow the arrows). Then draw a
picture that represents that plot point

The Borrowers Story
Choose 6 main plot points from the story. Write one point in each
box in chronological order (follow the arrows). Then draw a
picture that represents that plot point
Pod Clock takes Arriety is seen by the The boy brings gifts
Arriety, his daughter, human boy who lives to the Clock family
upstairs to learn the upstairs. who are living under
trade of borrowing. a board in the kitchen

The boy creates an Mrs. Driver brings in

escape hatch from the town rat catcher to
which the Clock exterminate the Clock The Clock family is
family may or may family discovered by the
not have escaped cook, Mrs. Driver.

Work Cited
The borrowers picture -
The foldable directions -
Stacks -
Guess That Word -


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