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1. Snjezana Babic, B.Sc., Polytechnic of Rijeka,

2. Vlatka Davidovic, B.Sc., Polytechnic of Rijeka,
3. Ivan Pogari, M.Sc.,Polytechnic of Rijeka,


ICT implementation in learning strongly influences not only each basic element of learning
individually, but learning as a complex as well. Influence is being manifested in different ways
and with different intensity. The final form of learning with significant usage of ICT is known as
eLearning. Learning as a serious process requires a thorough preparation of a complete
realisation. Every such preparation should necessarily have a predictive character. Within
eLearning assignments are divided among members of a team that prepares and realizes learning.
In this spirit, a teacher shares his responsibility with other team members: a designer, a tutor, a
manager etc. depending upon a total number of team members. This paper observes eLearning,
especially its preparation, as a specialized computer software where teacher, student and other
team members are users respectively actors of a realisation. This way they are put in a situation
where they have to use all tools that are otherwise used for development of computer software.
Visualisation and graphic model of displaying individual activities provide a significant help,
especially to teacher. Paper examines a possibility of using the tools such as UML especially its
Use Case Diagram and Mind Map in planning the learning activities.
Key words: education, learning, ICT, student, visualisation, software, model

1. Introduction
Practice has shown that the process of ICT implementation into the learning is not simple and
requires a project approach and a team work. During the implementation of new educational
technologies into the educational process, a teacher becomes a part of a team and has to skilfully
connect pedagogical knowledge and skills with technological knowledge and skills. Other
members of a team can be professionals in ICT usage. Team usually has three to five members,
who besides teachers are persons in charge of preparing different parts of e-Learning such as:
instruction and graphic designers and programmers in different areas (Caplan, 2005). Size of a
team entitled for development of courses online segments depends upon institution where it is
being developed, such as, graphic designer, web programmer and programmer author of
multimedia can be the same employee of an institution (Caplan, 2005). Within the formerly
described team, Caplan (Caplan, 2005) puts an emphasis on a role of a team leader that is usually
conferred to the instruction designer. Field professional is usually expected to prepare, in
compliance with defined learning outcomes, the learning material for which his sole
responsibility is that of authors rights. Instruction designer assists field professional in choosing
the learning strategy and educational technology. Graphic designer in the above mentioned team

has an assignment of creating the graphic elements learning content in textual form, while the
assignment of a programmer author of multimedia, is to create educational audio and video
material. Web programmer helps teacher to choose existing and create new organisational web
Learning that is supported by ICT can overtake the form of a hybrid learning and pure online
learning. Considering the fact that the above mentioned forms enable a preparation of learning
that also supports different styles of learning and teaching, creation of web patterns that are to be
used for learning process is one of the priority assignments entrusted to e-Learning team.
Different institutions use different platforms for performing the online learning. The most
frequently used is Learning Management System (LMS Moodle) that can bi upgraded and
implemented by web patterns. Moodle is an acronym from Modular object-oriented dynamic
learning interface and is an open-code project referring a possible insight and change of original
application code that can be adjusted to individual needs (Bosni, 2006).
Since LMS in a certain matter represents a computer software, its usage commonly requires
connection with other tools. Equally, eCourse represents a system with a tendency of realizing
the installed goals. Designing and preparation include persons who usually have different
attitudes toward installed assignments. Consequently, different tools used for designing future
processes commonly require a visualisation of models that will help their creation and lead to a
desired form. Here we discuss two aspects of visualisation during the process of eCourses
preparation, while observing the learning as a complete educational process and an information

2. Preparation of learning by ICT and learning as a real-world model

One of the main eTeachers assignments is modelling the learning process. In the preparation
process of learning supported by ICT, we could apply information knowledge used for creation
of a complex software and level approach for creation of eLearning as a real-world model. Derntl
and Motschnig-Pitrik (Derntls et al, 2005) have developed a Blended Learning Systems Structure
(BLESS) model with several levels: Learning Theory & Didactic Baseline; Blended Learning
Courses; Course Scenarios; Blended Learning Patterns; Web Templates; Learning Platform. For
this papers purpose especially interesting is Course Scenarios level. This level represents the
first degree of abstracting the learning as a real-world model (Derntl et al, 2005).
In modelling of ICT-supported learning process it is important to respect pedagogic (didactic
and methodical) principles and characteristics of ICT technology which contribute to more
successful realisation of eLearning goals. Since modelling of eLearning combines principles of
pedagogy with characteristics of technology, for the purpose of visualising the individual
scenarios of learning process, we can use a conceptual map created with a help of MindMap tools
and standard Unified Modelling Language (UML).

2.1. Visualisation of e-Learning and a conceptual map

Conceptual map is a graphic tool for organisation and representation of knowledge (Novak
et al, 2006). Conceptual map represents concepts (nodes) and connections between them.

Concepts in a conceptual map are hierarchy-connected. It is possible for different scenarios of

eLearning to design different conceptual maps according to different learning styles and different
pre-knowledge levels. Novak (Novak et al, 2004) underlines a need for creation of individual
concept networks within conceptual map as answers to specific questions or situations. Within a
context of eLearning it is necessary to construct concept networks in comparison to installed
learning outcomes. In such described pattern a creation of conceptual maps depends upon
creativity and innovation of instruction designers and field professional in process of developing
different learning scenarios, considering at the same time students needs and learning goals.
When creating the conceptual map, it is necessary to clearly and precisely imagine content of
concepts and their connections in order to make a map readable (Cabral et al, 2004).
With a help of a conceptual map, a structure of constructing the knowledge upon didactic and
methodical principles of modelling the eLearning will be elaborated. Upon feedback information
of eLearning models efficiency, a conceptual map will be upgraded and revised so that it will
never be completely finished. Based upon created map, a teacher will approach to collecting the
learning material while other members of a team entitled for modelling of ICT learning will
approach to finding the best possible software for performing the installed activities.
Cmap Tools is software that enables a creation and usage of a conceptual map. The advantage
of using the Cmap Tools can be observed from several aspects. Authors put special emphasis
(Cabral et al, 2004) on exporting the maps in XML format due to possibility of re-usage and
creation of several eLearning scenarios. Course Scenarios level (Derntl et al, 2005) gives
multiple importances to creation of a conceptual map while basic advantage is a possibility of
eLearnings graphic visualisation.

Picture 1 Example of using the CmapTools

2.2. Visualisation of eLearning and Unified Modelling Language (UML)

Feature of an object-oriented approach, in software engineering, is a determination to
describe a real world to a manner common to people. Modern software engineering sets upon
object-oriented approach of systems modelling. UML (Unified Modelling Language) is a
standardised language for that segment. UML represents an assembly of graphic notations
outlined through 13 diagrams that help to describe and design object-oriented software systems.
Mentioned diagrams enable a graphic visualisation and specification, modelling, construction and
documentation of systems. In that sense, UML does not provide strict specifications: its role is
characterised by virtue of its usage. Different demands require different approach so diagrams are
allowed whenever necessary, in different phases of software systems development.
If each real system can be described by object approach then eLearning can be observed as a
real-systems part so we can try to model it by object approach. Description of that system, its
modelling to be more specific, can be obtained in a visually appropriate mode, by usage of

graphic notations given through UML diagrams. Of all possible diagrams, our attention will be
given to Use Case diagram.

Picture 2 Example of using UML tools

Use Case is a static diagram that describes a mode of its usage, whether by users or other
systems. It indicates how cases are connected through system and to each other, and how they
can be approached by users. Use Case diagram displays actions of people and systems outside the
observed system, together with reactions of observed system towards them. Within software
system it is being used for systems analysis and it represents a common foundation for
understanding between analytics, programmers and final users, who are also sketched as actors
within a system.
In concordance with already mentioned, by visualising the process of eLearning, it becomes
a foundation of understanding between eLearning participants. Use Case diagram can visualise
role of students, tutors, designers, managers and teachers. It is very important that participants of
eLearning align their activities so that learning can be realised in most successful way. Tools and
language for creation of graphic model can in that process have an enormous role. Use Case
diagram, through visualisation of learning activities, can closely explain what the participants are
expected to do, respectively what are their roles. At the same time, the outcomes depend upon
number of eLearning process participants. Participants, according to Use Case diagrams,
become actors and these actors have specific activities given as use case. Actors are not part of
a whole system, but they solely use system. Activities are defined according to a concrete case,
since they are connected to actors. Division of activities is not totally minimized, on use case
level, but it remains understandable for all participants. All participants of eLearning process
should be able to read diagram. Therefore it is preferable for them to be more simple and
understandable. eLearning participants dont have to invest much time in learning how to apply
Use Case diagrams. It is said that picture can spell thousands of words. Visualisation in this
case is a strong facility that can be used for demonstration of eLearning activities to all
participants. During the work with students, who for the first time meet the above described
diagram, it has been proved that visualisation is intuitive, usage of graphic elements is well
accepted, and since those graphic elements in Use Case diagram are not that numerous, not too
much time is required for acceptance of Use Case diagrams as a proper visualisation tool.

1. Conclusion
Learning, regardless to its form and realisation, has clearly installed goals defined by
connection mode between its elements. Naturally, the basic line represent student and teacher, but
the quality and complexity of their relationship is determined by learning goal, learning content
and context environment in which and for which it is performed. This kind of relationship
between mentioned elements in situation and environment that allow application of a specific
technology require systematic approach. Indirectly, that implies that learning also stands for
business and information system that requires application of methods and techniques that have
already been practiced in other environments. Normally, development of eCourse is specific,
according to individual case. It can be possible for individual team members to unite specific
assignments in preparation of eCourses. That usually represents an advantage that can lower the
price of a complete process, but the urge to cooperate with other team members also demands
additional engagements and understanding of other peoples assignments.
Modelling as a process of creating models that will serve for simulation of real-time
circumstances is indisputable phase in development of each system, eLearning included.
Disposable tools include parts which can display processes in a shape of visual models,
adjustable and comprehensive to all. In the process a special attention should be given to
visualisation of learning preparation and visualisation of learning contents that are basically
different terms with a similar realisation. That is the main reason for this paper to discuss
conceptual maps and UML as a tool.
The Polytechnic of Rijeka, within learning frames of a Specialist Graduate Study of
Information Science, as one of the learning activities also practices the participation in a project
team entitled for creation of online course with randomly chosen theme. Students, the
information science experts, realise roles of individual team members during the creation of
online learning material (course) that helps them to get prepared for that kind of assignments in
their future profession. In the process they use mentioned tools. Finally, the online course is
implemented in Learning Management System (LMS Moodle). Students, as prospective
information science experts, use knowledge from the programming field and exchange the
original Moodle application code when developing online courses.

Bosni, I. (2006); Moodle: Seminar textbook. downloaded on 20th April 2010 from
Caplan, D. (2005); Development of online courses, Edupoint, 40(V), downloaded on 20th April 2010 from
Cabral, A., Zeve, C. & Nicolao, M. (2004); Use of conceptual maps in distance learning courses. In: A. J.
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Proceedings of the first international conference on concept mapping (Vol. II, pp. 111-114). Universidad
Pblica de Navarra
Derntl, M. & Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2005); The role of structure, patterns, and people in blended learning.
The Internet and Higher Education, 8(2), 111-130.
Novak, Joseph D. & Alberto J. Caas (2006). The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to
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