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The BEST e-Learning Practices

Assoc. Prof. DSc.George Totkov, Daniel Denev

Department of Computers and Informatics,
Technical University of Košice, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia

The aim of this paper is to present the experimental results from testing of different e-learning
solutions in the frame of on-going e-Taster project (Socrates Programme, Minerva Action). The Project
focuses on developing an innovative approach for enhancing international and multilingual e-learning course
development and delivery of 12 short, freely accessible, on-line courses. The goal of the presented experiment
is the comparison of the same learning course realisations in different virtual learning environmenst and
platform called Plovdiv Electronic University (Plovdiv University, Bulgaria). Different learning design, didactic
methods, content packaging and delivery models, services and collaborative tools supported by both e-learning
systems are presented too.

Keywords:, International Projects, content packaging and delivery, e-Learning Environments, modeling of the
learning process, e-learning project management, LAMS, BEST, PeU v.2.0, Moodle v.1.6dev.-2.0, ICT, VLE,
LAMS v. 1.0.2- v. 1.1 Internationalization, PALO, EML, IMS- Learning Design (IMS, 2003), Learning
Design, Moodle-LAMS integration specifications, standards, recommendations, pedagogically neutral
software technologies, educational process reflection and modeling, e-pedagogical models, educational
paradigms, concepts and operations, educator-developer, learner-developer, pedagogical descriptiveness,
social constructivism pedagogy

1. Introduction gained using the already developed Best

The title of the paper shows clearly quadruple
meaning – the four main aspects of this research. 2. Models of Pedagogy
First of all, it summarizes shortly the realization of
different pedagogical models in the known el- In the last years a number of projects related to
environments refer to BEST (Bulgarian this approach are performed, for example,
Educational Site) development. Secondary aspect Moodle [1] [Malikoff, Dougiamas, 2005], LAMS
of the research presented is the social constructive [Ghiglione, 2005], PeU (Plovdiv electronic
pedagogical approach with learning design University) – ver. 1.0 and 2.0 ([Totkov, Doneva,
elements into social groups’ concepts construction 1998], [Totkov, Somova, 2002], [Totkov,
during the modeled collaborative work processes. 2003]), [COEDU EducatioNet (2005).
We gave prominence to the BEST known] COEDU etc.
practices those results to an e-learning Moodle was designed on base of social
technologies quality enhancement, as a goal of this constructivism. Constructionism asserts that
research. In the third place we dwell on content learning is particularly effective when constructing
packaging and delivery (portability and something for others to experience. The students
compatibility). Another interesting concept was could be considered as actively engaged in
adopted into BEST and shortly discussed is e- making meaning. Teaching with that approach
Learning projects management as a new approach looks for what students can analyze, investigate,
to processes wrapping and platform adaptability collaborate, share, build and generate based on
to the Educational Institution requirements. Finally, what they already know, rather than what facts,
the paper shares an example of best experience skills, and processes they can parrot. Moodle has
modular design that makes it easy to create and
manage user groups and learning content but there and is developed by Mimoza Communication
has not tools for learning processes design or Ltd., Hungaria. The system can simulate complex
other kind of pedagogy reflection. Also there has educational processes – real-life education. It
not functionality for Educational Institutions possesses a comprehensive, multi-levelled user
hierarchy creation and management. Moodle has management system, supporting the typical
“content-users” driven approach offering content- players of an educational process – student, tutor,
centric learning models with collaborative groups author of the curricula, student administrator, and
of learners. more over educational processes and user
accesses can be restructured and reorganized as
The LAMS sequence is the online lesson needed. COEDU provides progress
plan/model in this case, left behind for the cover tracking/control mechanisms for the tutor, for the
lecturer to implement. Lecturer could still run the student – adequate feedback and for the both – a
sequence without he knowing what was on the suite of interactive applications, to ensure
lesson model/plan. He could look at it as he went communication, taking place as part of the
through. LAMS give oportunity for creating teaching process and to maintain contact (Forums
reusable empty sequences‘ templates. Significant and Chat rooms) easily. An editor software tool is
functionality in this platform is Educational specifically developed for the purpose of
Institutions hierarchy creation and management. In authoring and publishing curricula for the COEDU
contrast to Moodle, in LAMS platform not easy system, by specification of so called “script files”.
to manage social groups. Due to the software Content can be easily extracted for use with
architecture it is difficult to communicate with external systems (internet, intranet, CD-ROM
another e-learning environment or implement disk or printers), but thanks to the XML-based
external modules. content data system, the range of output devices
The PeU ‘pedagogical meta-model’ allows can be easily expanded.
courses (by the graph representation of the The COEDU is also capable to handle existing
appropriate learning process) to be created for curricula (thanks to its XML-based content data
different didactic methods. This PeU feature system). It can be easily adapted to process and
expresses its key difference from LAMS and import content data of various external formats
Moodle. In the PeU learning models/plans, (including SCORM standard).
activities are specified as means of expressing the
"learning flow" including decision-points, 3. The BEST’s Model of Pedagogy
sequences, choices, etc. For example,
performance in one activity determines the next All educational institutions have own expectations
learning sequence. Plans could be considered as about an e-Learning environment. There has no
dual specifications, specifying the both – didactic universal platform to come up their expectations.
logic and learning content. The last is the merit to The question is “May the Educational Institution
call the PeU approach “pedagogically-driven”. has global tool for e-learning project management
Following this approach any pedagogy could be tool?” That way it will be possible to all together
expressed at a sufficiently high level via a graphical points of view on process and events pedagogical
specification. This approach allows a diversity of model and adaptability to specific educational
pedagogy used. The high level of abstraction and requirements.
flexibility makes these models a very powerful tool The necessity of modeling of the learning process
for expressing very different learning scenarios, ensues from the following observation: the learning
including personalized learning. process does not consist only of ‘absorption’ of
The COEDU distance learning system – learning content, learners that are not active in the
knowledge network (COEDU EducatioNet, learning process do not learn well; therefore the
2005) is an easily accessible tool for online adequate modeling of the teaching/learning
education, capable to service large organizations
process, in all its completeness and variety, is (e.g. the results of the learner’s assessment or
essential for the success of the e-learning. activities are able to influence the virtual learning
The BEST model/plan of the learning process process). The learners may define their own
(MLP) is an explicit representation of the learning learning objectives, monitor and regulate their own
process logic (‘learning flow’) depicted visually by learning process and not the last, their learning is
a graph structure. The MLP graph consists of embedded in a social context; (collaborative
interlinked learning objects (LO), where an LO learning).
could be: a content element (core learning material A significant difference between the BEST
or additional learning material as dictionaries, approach and the previous works lies in the
useful links to virtual libraries and other electronic possibility to interpret the MLP of a given course
resources, software tools for creation and solving from the different viewpoints (e.g. the viewpoint of
problems, writing homework, constructing texts a teacher, a learner, a guest and so on) and thus
and so on), a learning activity (self-assessment, provide necessary services for different types of
examination, group activity – consultation, forum, users. This means that using one and the same
discussion, etc.), a teacher impact (feedback, MLP for example, the teacher can test and check
marking, etc.) or a control (decision-point, the course, the learner can learn the course.
sequence, choice, parallel combination etc.). Another important application of the MLP
Thus, the MLP allows the both: interpretation is the quality assurance of the
• The definition of the ‘learning flow’ in a e- modeled e-learning course – measuring of the
learning course, i.e. it could be considered as dual educational quality on the basis of the MLP
specifications, specifying the didactic logic and in metadata and the learner’s results and marks.
the same time the content and active objects (all
tools for the educators and the learners The BEST platform implements the following
accompanying the learning process); additional important features:
• The interpretation of the e-learning course, • full independence of the supported e-learning
i.e. execution (on-line learning), registration and from the application field – studied subject field,
control of the course ‘learning flow’. learning activities, form and mode of learning,
• Representation of the knowledge in the educational necessities of the learners, learning
subject domain as ontology, structured according and teaching methods, etc.;
to the basic concepts of the SD. The elements of • intelligent support to the process of creation of
the model are coherent parts of the knowledge learning materials and assessment tests (including
content called reusable learning objects (RLOs). multimedia tools, automated linguistic processing,
RLOs are described by corresponding metadata test generation, etc.);
elements, characterizing its entity regarding • web-based on-line learning, teaching, authoring
different points of view: informational (author’s and administration supported by various
name; subject; file name, data and time), collaborative and communication tools;
descriptive (study level, learning hours, etc.) and • conversion to standard formats suitable for
conceptual (concepts from the SD presented). export to other e-learning systems, including
• Automatic generation of an e-learning conversion to e-books for autonomous browsing;
course in the modeled SD using (in addition to the • automatized forming of groups of learners
CMSD) a definition of the course subject, the (thanks to the models of learners) according to
learning objective, the study level etc., all similar educational needs and/or level, for studying
expressed in the terms of the SD concepts. the course or for team work, etc.
The interpretation is performed on the basis of the Finally we could summarized that the BEST
MLP but also using the explicitly supported model environment provide complete support of the
of the learner (including its profile, preferences, virtual e-learning process in all its dimentions
etc.). Thanks to this could be said that BEST
supports and individualized and adaptive learning
storage, use, and reuse of learning content and

Mo o dle



Pe U
• on-line interaction between student and
tutor to allow the negotiation and creation of study
Learning processess modelling – + + +
• management, categorization, browsing and
Learning conntrol and management – + + +
with user interpretations of the searching of computer based learning resources;
model • creation of personalized learning programs
Open source + + – + from these resources;
Modular design and application + – – + • creation of student profiles consisting of
grades, comments and suggestions based on
Possibility to include learning – – – +
activities in a linear sequence students' progress and other learning activities;
Support of the different kinds of – – + + • sorting, searching and querying of these
week curriculums profiles to allow the updating of the study
Intuitive userfriendly integrated + – – + programs, etc.
interfase based on the common
Nonlinear structured course model – – + + Tasting the interoperability between COEDU and
and resource management PeU is possible thanks to the common feature
Learning and course sequences – + – + they possess – both systems support exchanging
of e-learning materials in SCORM compatible
SCORM/IMS standarts support and + – – +
package play format, and also due to the fact that the both use
SCORM/IMS packages creating – – – + one and the same SCORM version, namely
capability SCORM 1.2.
Learning objects (IMS) repository – – – + During the experiment one of the developed in the
and object management
frame of e-Taster Project course, titled “Taste of
Module integration capabilities + – – +
m-Learning modules – – – + e-Learning” was exported in SCORM 1.2
Videoconfering student/teacher – – – + compatible format by COEDU exporting tool and
Special system mode for disabled – – – + later was imported into the PeU.
students Figure 3. displays the general view of the “Taste
Educational organisations – + – +
of e-Learning” course in case of the delivering via
Communication with other systems + – – + COEDU. The “Taste of e-Learning” course
(compatibility) consists of four Modules, where each of them
Dictionary with conceptual + – – + includes a number of Lessons. The COEDU
autolinking editor tool allows creation of different, non-linear
Virtual e-book library + – – +
orders of learning sequences for the purpose of
Content filters + – – +
course authoring. The learning sequence
stipulated for “Taste of e-Learning” course is
Table 1.
linear within each Lesson and fully order-
independent regarding the sequencing of Modules
and Lessons.
The experiment intends to taste the reusability of
the e-learning courses – "tasters", developed via
Figure 3. The COEDU course “Taste of e-
the COEDU learning environment in case of
Learning” delivering
delivering via another virtual learning environment
Figure 4. and Figure 5. show correspondingly the
– PeU ,….
plan of the course learning process in the PeU
The ???both…. e-leaning environments pertain to
Graph Editor and the delivering view in the PeU
the new generation of LCMS. LCMS are
Learning Subsystem.
software applications for managing the creation,
comments on parts of the content, outcomes of
Figure 4. The PeU course “Taste of e-Learning” the unit, tutor’s feedback of learner’s assignment,
learning plan chat and forum. Such kind of supported activities,
As a result the e-learning course “Taste of e- which play a central role in the learning process,
Learning” could be delivered via both virtual could not be imported in the PeU version of the
learning environments in similar way. “Taste of e-Learning” course, using the SCORM
1.2 specification, although the PeU model of the
4.1. Advantages and disadvantages of the learning process is able to involve communication,
approach followed and other activities performed by the learners,
The results of experiment carried out, indicate tutors, counsellors, etc. As ? consequence the
some unquestionable advantages of using resulting PeU course version inherits from the
standardization to ensure interoperability between COEDU version only the same content structure,
different LCMS. The necessity of transferring but not at all course active objects or those
learning materials from COEDU to PeU did not supporting the possibility to reflect the teacher
known during the design and construction of the requirements or the learner behaviour. It does not
both software systems, but the reuse of online mean that the PeU version contains no any of such
learning materials is still possible thanks to objects. On the contrary, it does, but they are
standardization. And more over it is possible either some conventional, that are supported for
independently from the particular LCMS used. all PeU courses (chat, forum, e-mail), or some
Thus it could spend a lot of authoring efforts, time objects requiring student activity that fortunately,
and money and also highly improve the quality of originally are developed as stand alone units (flash
learning content. movies).
We would like to put more attention on the some 4.2. The experiment further
disadvantages pointed out of this study. They are Another fundamental for the learning-teaching
not a discovery because similar problems could process is pedagogy – the methods used for
be encountered in all cases while trying to apply teaching and learning – and the "teaching objects"
the version 1.2 of the SCORM for exchanging e- in a course, such as assignments, learning
learning courses, because it do not support easily activities, objectives, prerequisites and so on.
exchanging of group work or communication There are three options for any learning
means and instructor-led or blended learning. So, technology when it comes to model didactic
as the SCORM 1.2 compatibility supported for approaches: "pedagogy-neutral" (supporting no
the both LCMS regarded, was our chance, as in pedagogy at all), "pedagogy-standard"
the same time it was the reason to face some (supporting a single pedagogy) and "pedagogy-
problems. driven" (supporting a diversity of pedagogy).
Most current e-learning tools and technologies are
Figure 5. The PeU course “Taste of e-Learning” "pedagogy-neutral". They are “neutral” especially
delivering in relation of the logic of interpreting of the course
The powerful LCMS to date allow for the learner content while no learning requirements are
to get a more personalised learning experience specified. On the other hand, there are hundreds
capability to work properly in the learning of different pedagogical models and strategies. As
environment, and for the tutor – to have a far recorded by many authors: learning is different
greater control over the path a learner takes from consuming content learning and the
through a given pile of content. implementation of one pedagogical model/strategy
This is exactly the case faced in the presented is not the right direction for e-learning researches
experiment. The originally developed in COEDU and standardization. For example, the course may
“Taste of e-Learning” course consists of study consist entirely of activities without any learning
units involving not only content elements, but also content and thus its transfer to a ‘pedagogy-
various learner and tutor activities, as learner’s
neutral’ or ‘pedagogy-standard’ system would be learning content objects included. Therein the both
difficult. graph representations are in essence two didactic
The PeU "pedagogical meta-model" allows templates, based on one and the same learning
courses (by the graph representation of the content. In this way we could reach real course
appropriate learning process) to be created for flexibility and which is more important adaptive
different didactic methods. This PeU feature learning and possibility to experiment with
expresses its key difference from some e-learning different didactic methods.
systems offering content-centric learning models. 6. Conclusions
In the PeU learning models/plans, activities are The common case, on the point of view of the
specified as means of expressing the "learning necessity to maintaining course interoperability
flow" including decision-points, sequences, between e-learning platforms, is: a system X can
choices, etc. For example, performance in one not interpret courses of another system Y. For
activity determines the next learning sequence. real interoperability we need an expression of the
Plans could be considered as dual specifications, complete learning process (course), regardless of
specifying the both – didactic logic and learning the tools used to make or run the course.
content. The last is the merit to call the PeU In our case, the e-learning systems used in
approach “pedagogically-driven”. experiment posses the ability to express a course
Following this approach any pedagogy could be teaching-learning process: the PeU – via a visual
expressed at a sufficiently high level via a graphical graph representation and the COEDU – via
specification. This approach allows a diversity of “script files”. So the precondition for real
pedagogy used. The high level of abstraction and interoperability and collaboration between our
flexibility makes these models a very powerful tool institutions is at hand.
for expressing very different learning scenarios, The other positive circumstance is the release of
including personalized learning. the SCORM 2004 specification. The SCORM
The goal of the further experiments was to study 2004 provides more complete support of IMS
how the learning process of the “Taste of e- Simple Sequencing, as well as of objective-based
Learning” course could be planned using more sequencing and branching.
than one didactic methods and also using the all The comments above determine the perspectives
means for pedagogy expressiveness of the PeU for the future work in the direction concerned in
approach. the paper: to face the challenge to avoid the
While the Figure 4. presents the learning process discussed limitations and to maintain full
plan of the “Taste of e-Learning” course directly interoperability between COEDU and PeU we
imported from the SCORM 1.2 format (exported have to try to lift from a SCORM 1.2 to the
by COEDU system), the Figure 6. demonstrates SCORM 2004 compatibility of the course
another plan, where the implied pedagogy strategy content.
enables personalized learning paths to be In conclusion, the current versions of the
followed, depending on a learner’s progress. This experimentation course “Taste of e-Learning” are
means, that the order and the elements in the accessible correspondingly, the COEDU version
sequence of learning objects a concrete learner is – via and PeU version –
passing on-line, are determined dynamically. The
learner’s path is driven by events and activities
(like self-assessment on-line and off-line tutor- Figure 6. The PeU course “Taste of e-Learning”–
assessment, consultation, forum participation). another learning plan
Obviously, the structure of the both plans 5. Conclusion
produced with the abilities of the PeU Graph
Editor, as well as the pedagogy restrictions and
requirements to the represented learning process
are completely different in spite of the identical References
[Unified Modeling Language, 2004] Unified
[1] Bird, R.J., Wadler, P: Introduction to Modeling Language, Version 1.5., Object
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[2] Dalziel J., Implementing Learning Design: The 3. Headings, subheadings and
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ASCILITE2003%20Dalzie%20Final.pdf. typed in Times Roman, 18pt, boldface. Author’s
[Ghiglione, 2005] E. Ghiglione, Introducing name and affiliation should be centered below the
LAMS V1.1, Workshop 1, title as shown above, typed each in Times Roman,, 2005. 12 pt with author’s name boldfaced. The word
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address.pdf. indentation. Subsection titles should appear in
[Koper, 2001b] R. Koper, ? odeling units of Times Roman 12pt, boldface with one blank line
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pedagogical meta-model behind EML, 2001, emphasized text, where appropriate.
metamodel.pdf. 2. Illustrations and pictures
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Dougiamas. Moodle integration report,
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Environments: Towards New Generations.
Use 12pt size for the text. The style in which
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the references should be listed is as follows.
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