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The Second Speaker of Negative Team

Name : Dini Deviana Saputri

Class/ Absent : XII MIA 4 / 13

I would like to thank to the moderator for the time given to me. Im Dini Deviana Saputri
as the second speaker of negative side.

First, I disagree with the arguments from the first speaker that said homeschooling
education system has many benefits. And it sounds to be the way for avoiding formal education
because of dissastifaction with educational options available such as different religion and
beliefs. For the basic statement given, it is not correct. Because as like we know at all, formal
education provides school children who have same religion as Islam, Christian, Catholic,
Buddha, and other belief too. It depends on our choice to choose public school or private school.
If we want to study at public school, we should understand that many children with different
religion are there. But we still can choose private school with same religious environment.

Second, the second speaker from positive side said homeschooling can develop and build
children that have less potency if they are studying at school. I can see your point of view, but
are you sure that free education system can improve the potency of children? Potency of children
can be dug if they also can adapt with situation in environment. They can learn to compete
healthily and not be selfish to get something. Homeschooling makes children not know the
environment outside where they have to act to other people like socialization and playing with
other kids.

We understand that homeschooling can be alternative to have education without formal

system. I agree with my friend who said homeschooling can give negative impact. And now Id
like to explain my opinion about homeschooling to support my friend. Homeschooling system is
a school in which parents teach their children an academic curriculum at home instead of sending
them out to a public or private school. Many people said that homeschooling is an effective way
to study for preventing children from promiscuity, fighting, smoking and illicit drugs, etc. In the
other hand, we should see it wisely. In fact, children must be trained to solve anything in their
social life. Because they can not be at home for all their life. After growing to be adult, they have
to work out and have socialization with others. Some children need to be challenged to excel in
their studies. In this sense, they thrive when they are involved in some competition. Children
who are homeschooled would not have this motivation because most of them are educated
separately. Home schooled children may not have as many opportunities to interact with other
children in comparison to children who attend regular schools. Forming bonds and socializing
with children their own age is important for the childs developmental health and development of
social skills. If home schooled, they may be deprived of the chance to form friendships and may
suffer socially. Of course, they can make friends with other home schooled children, but it is
quite different when special effort has to be made to arrange meetings. The lack of socialization
may affect them in later stages of life. That is why formal education is better because children
can learn to socialize and handle problems.

However, basically homeschooling system is an education with parent guidance. Some

cases prove that parent with full schedule working outside tend to make their children have
homeschooling with education at home. They call private teacher to come to their house around
3 hours per day then for more time their children are free to play at home by be controlled from
their home maid. Their parents are afraid to let their children growing in usual condition with
society system. Because they can not be with their children, so they are afraid their children will
have problems and their children can not handle their problem by themselves. Despite of it, the
most important thing of children development is how children can solve problem in environment
by themselves. So children can be trained to be independent. Because age around 7-17 years is
the time to find children identity. Children can miss out on the opportunity to interact with other
children. This can stunt their development socially as they do not learn how to communicate or
behave in group settings. This is obviously a vital skill in living and working as an adult.

Second point that I want to explain, homeschooling is used by some artist that still have
school period. For example, Mikha Tambayong, Nikita Willy are some artist that have
homeschooling since they were child. Because of the full schedule of striping movie, they choose
homeschooling as the best way education method. They only took 2-3 hours per day to study
with private teacher and they do some exercises in shooting location. The way I see it, they must
think that formal education is important. Such as Amel Karla, she achieved rank in her school,
she is smart but still can develop her talent in entertainment. So dont take homeschooling as the
alternative to work!

Then, the disadvantage of home school programs is that no matter how well designed
they are they will not be a match for a nationally recognized school curriculum with
examinations and accreditation. Furthermore, unless parent that not working outside teach their
children at home and have trained or hold qualifications as a teacher. They will not be able to
teach children as efficiently as a trained professional teacher would. Parents may lose patience
when they are trying to educate their children. Some parents may be too overbearing or
impatient, which may cause the child to react in a negative manner. It is may be hard for parents
to draw the line between educator and parent in the childs mind. It is quite impossible that a
home can be as well-equipped as a regular school in terms of facilities. For classes that require
experiments like physics and chemistry, it can be hard to get all the necessary chemicals,
materials, apparatus, and so on. The home would also lack facilities for sports like swimming
pools, running tracks, gyms, and fields. If they want to give their children the best possible start
in life and that means providing them with the education to be able to succeed in the world of

These are just some of the cons of homeschooling. The education of a child is one of the
key responsibilities of a parent, and they must think very carefully before removing their
children from the social learning environment of a public school. All of the arguments for and
against must be weighed carefully before making the decision to home school your children. And
I still believe that formal school is the best way education of children.

It is enough time from me. Thank you.

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