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Never antagonize a Hippo when you know that your means of

transport is by a canoe.
2. Until it finds itself in a pot of soup, a fish will never believe that
we have different types of water in the world.
3. Before lions tell their tale, the hunters’ story will always glorify
4. When chickens gather for a meeting, please take care of your
5. It is better to try a bush path during the day than walk it at night.
6. With time, even eggs will walk.
7. A tree that refused to dance will be forced to do so by wind.
8. if the sun claims to be more powerful than the moon, then let it
come and shine at night
9. a bottle which calls a rack to be it smile will end up laughing in the
10. It very okay for goat and lion to be friends but it I stupidity for the
goat to pay the first visit.
11. No matter how far you can urinate, the last drop must fall near to
your feet.
12. The mouth of an old man may smell but the advice coming form it
is sweet.
13. Good advice is like a mini-skirt. It is short but covers the most
important part.
14. Until lion stop being killed, historians will always publish stories
that interest the hunter.
15. If a man takes your wife, the best form of revenge is to let him
keep her.
16. A tree that allows birds to nest in it should never complain of its
shred leaves.
17. If you sleep with a dog, don’t get suprised in the morning to find
your self with fleas.
18. A man grows old when his wishes turn into regrets.
19. If you know that you must eat honey, then be ready to feel the
sting of a bee.
20. Knowledge thinks but wisdom speak
21. if you are a good friend of a scorpion, it doesn’t mean that you cant
b stung by a bee,
22. Unless it dies while still young, a penis will surely eat bearded
23. Never tell a crocodile how ugly its mouth looks when your buttock
are still under water.
24. o not be overtaken by the sweetness of the honey for there in lies
the bitterness of the bee’s sting
25. When a man is not wanted in the village, he is always accused of
raising dust even when he falls in a pool of water.
26. No matter how tall a tree may grow, it will always shed its leaves
on the ground.
27. No matter how a big a rat may grow, it remains food for the cat.
28. When you see a rat laughing at a cat, know that there is a hole
29. Women are as old as they look; men are as old as they feel.
30. An old man may miss his target with a spear but never with hi
31. a man who is not hungry will always say that a coconut has a hard
32. When a poor man gives a chicken, there will never be end of the
talk about it.
33. Never stand in the rain and cry because nobody will see the tears.
34. Never laugh as some one who has fallen down for there are many
slippery roads ahead.
35. When a group of people is thinking a like, then none of them is
thinking at all.
36. When a two people agree all the time, then one of them is not
37. A bird will never forget someone who plucked off its feathers
during winter season.
38. If someone always helps you to clean your mouth, then it is better
you stop eating.
39. a fish that likes swallowing bright objects will one time land on a
fisherman’s hook
40. A hook of a fisherman cannot catch a fish unless the fish open it
mouth to swallow the prey.
41. No matter how a rich man may be, he can neither drive two cars
nor sleep in two beds at the same time.
42. The God responsible for the birth of a boy child is also responsible
for his dowry/.
43. The wind that brings fresh air is the same that raises dust.
44. During calamity, even chewing a banana can break you tooth.
45. The art of being a good visitor is to know when to leave.
46. Even with a clock in your own hands, you will never tell the time
you fall asleep.
47. No matter how close your eye is to your ear, they will never see
each other.
48. Being with a hammer in your hands doesn’t mean that every
problem you meet is a nail.
49. Staying near the lake doesn’t mean that you will eat fish whenever
you want to eat it.
50. even the best dancer will finally leave the stage
51. Do not burn down your house simply because a rat has annoyed
52. Those who say that simple things don’t matter should ask a lion
how it feels when a fly enters a nostril
53. “I almost hit it” has no effect on the mosquito.
54. The tongue can not claim to be ignorant of what the teeth are doing
in the mouth.
55. you cannot stop a river from flowing but instead learn how to swim
in the direction in which it flows
56. No matter how many dimensions you can divide a cake; you
cannot increase its size. The only way of increasing it is by baking
a bigger one.
57. A fooling fly with no boy to advise it followed a dead by to the
58. A dead boy can’t argue on how it should be placed into the grave.
59. He who loves calls a one-eyed a squint.
60. A cobra will bite you wither you cal it Professor Cobra, Reverend
cobra, pastor Cobra or anything.
61. If you know that you must grow corn, and then better be on good
terms with monkeys.
62. Wise or unwise, the destination death is the same.
63. Running and scratching the soles of your feet can’t be done at the
same time.
64. A chicken will never be declared innocent in the court of hawks.
65. A rat is never safe in the prison that is safeguarded by cats.
66. It is okay for a dog to bite a goat but should a goat bite the dog,
then it becomes a miracle.
67. Those who pray for rain should be preparing to deal with thunder.
68. When dry bones are mentioned in a proverb, an old woman feels
69. A woman is like a bee when treated we, he makes honey but
should you antagonize her, she causes havoc.
70. life is a bank where every body has deposited time but will never
know the balance
71. Table manners must have been invented by people who were never
72. “some books are to be tasted, others to be chewed while others are
to be swallowed and digested”
73. If you are keen on revenge, then it is better you dig two graves.
74. No matter how high an eagle may fly, it will always come back on
the ground to pick something to eat.
75. A man who stumbles cannot chose where to fall.
76. When a shepherd is getting cattle out of a garden have invaded, the
last one to come out is normally beaten, but it doesn’t mean that it
is the only one to blame.
77. Education begins at the mother’s knee and every word spoken
within the hearing of the little children tends towards character
formation-Hosea Balou.
78. You cannot become taller by reducing other people’s heights.
79. If you are an egg seller, you should never start a fight in the
80. The greatest crime you can commit in the desert is to find water
rand you remain silent about it.
81. A person with a running stomach will never be afraid of the dark.
82. Learn how to keep your words sweet and soft because time will
come when you will need to swallow them.
83. Having been bitten once by a snake, a man will flee away at the
sight of an earth worm.
84. A shortcut is always a wrong cut.
85. No matter whether the stone falls on the egg or whether the egg
falls on the stone, the end result is the same.
86. If your cock gets in touch with your neighbor’s hen, please do not
claim the eggs.
87. A hunter who brings home rotting meat should expect a visit by the
© The Words of Wisdom were collected by Tusiime Samson Kachope

Do not photocopy or retrieve in any other means with out prior

permission of the collector. Wise words ™ is a trade mark of Wise
words Inc and a member of Infinity Group.

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