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Molecular Formula: P
Odor: Garlic-like, Acrid
Used to make organophosphorus compounds (Phosphorus Chlorides) and are used
as plasticizers, flame retardants, pesticides, extraction agents and water treatment.
Concentrated Phosphorus Acid - Fertilizers
Phosphoric Acid (Element P) - In soda beverages
Phosphates - Making of special glasses for Na lamps
Bone Ash - Fine china products; production of phosphoric acid (Odda process);
Sodium Tripolyphosphate (NaPO) - Laundry detergents
Disodium Phosphate (NaHPO) - Special glass for Na lamps

Exist in 3 main allotropic forms:

1. White/Yellow Used in incendiary bombs, for smoke screening as smoke
pots and smoke bombs, and in trainer ammunitions.
2. Black it conducts an electric current in spite of being a non-metal; can be
made by applying extreme pressure to white phosphorus.
3. Red used in manufacturing matchbook strikers, flares and

Clinical effects:
Oral (acute exposure)
o Red/amorphous phosphorus: unabsorbable and nontoxic when
ingested but may contain traces of yellow phosphorus which , at large
doses, may cause adverse effects.
o White/yellow phosphorus: toxicity is enhanced when dissolved in
solvents such as alcohol, digestible fats and oils. Ingestion is usually
followed by vomiting, which is smoking, luminescent and witch garlic-
like odor.
o GI tract: nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea,

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