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Amanda Newcomb

The Importance of Teaching

Vanguard University
EDUG 501

January 31, 2017

In what ways through the classroom environment, student motivation, and instruction - can I
engage and support ALL students in learning?

Teaching is a responsibility that the general population seems to underestimate; many

people think of it as a glorified babysitting position, as opposed to a position in which one has

the capacity to influence a life in a powerful way. When I think about the heavy weight of

responsibility that comes with teaching, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Not only must I know my

content area, I must be able to break it down and make it accessible to a variety of learners. I

must have the ability to engage and interest them in the material, as well as keep their attention

on things that they might not want to do. Anything I do or say can affect my students in both

good and bad ways, so it is imperative that I make myself approachable and accessible to every

one of my students.

The first thing that I must do in order to engage my students in their learning is to accept

that I am also a learner. "The teacher sees him-/herself as a learners, continuously seeking

opportunities to draw upon current education policy and research as sources of analysis and

reflection to improve practice" (Burden & Byrd, 2016, p 5). Not only is this important in my own

teaching so that I can learn how to become a better teacher, it can help my students to understand

that learning does not end upon completing high school or college; it is a lifelong process. Being

unafraid to show my students that I do not know everything can help them to be less fearful of

making mistakes and more willing to take chances in their own learning.

I think it is immensely important for teachers to know and understand where their

students come from and how that impacts them as people. As an English teacher, I want to use

knowledge about my students' backgrounds to help influence the content I teach. I want to utilize

culturally relevant texts so that my students can access the material in a way that is meaningful to
them. If they can understand how the content is applicable to issues that affect them in real life,

they will likely be more interested in their learning. (California Commission on Teacher

Credentialing [CTC], 2016. TPE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3).

The environment in a classroom is just as important as the content, in my opinion. It is

essential to foster an environment in which students feel safe, respected, and valued. "The

classroom environment is more than just the physical space of a classroom. It encompasses the

interactions between the teacher and students, as well as the expectations for learning and

achievement and the expectations for learning and behavior" (Burden & Byrd, 2016, p 8). I think

it is important to set up norms for the class to follow so that they understand what is expected of

them, in regards to their behavior as well as their academia. I also feel that it is important to have

a conversation with the students about mutual respect, what that looks like, and ways that

everyone in the class (teacher included) can show that respect. (California Commission on

Teacher Credentialing [CTC], 2016. TPE 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6).

To support students in their learning, a teacher must realize that each student is different

and they each have different experiences and learning styles. Teachers must realize that these

differences are strengths and it is our job to understand how best to utilize these strengths so that

we can help our students succeed. Jean Piaget said, "Learning is possible only when there is

active assimilation" (Piaget, 2003, p. S17). Students must take an active role in their education,

and to do this, they must be engaged and supported in a way that fits their needs. To appeal to

different learning styles, teachers must provide differentiated instructional strategies that make

the content more accessible. The use of drawings, music, and movie presentations are alternative

ways in which a student can demonstrate their knowledge of a work of literature, scientific

principle, or historical event. For ELLs, the use of audio books or side-by-side translations of
texts can be a useful way to provide context, while still giving an opportunity to practice

listening and reading skills. (California Commission on Teacher Credentialing [CTC], 2016. TPE

2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6).

Teaching is quite possibly the most difficult task I will ever undertake. I also believe that

it will be the most worthwhile one. I know that such a difficult profession can cause many people

to forget why they chose to begin, but I hope that my passion for my subject matter, as well as

the care and compassion I have for my students will help me to remember why I was called to

teach. I hope that I will always remember that my students are unique, diverse, and important,

and that I never take for granted the role I have in their lives.

Burden, P.R., & Byrd, D.M. (2016). Methods for effective teaching: Meeting the needs of all

students (7th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

California Commission on Teaching Credentialing (CTC). (2016). California Teaching Performance


Piaget, J. (2003). Part 1, Cognitive Development in Children: Piaget, Development and

Learning. Journal of Research and Science Teaching.

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