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Dating and relationships

verbs and expressions

to chat (somebody) up to pick up

to talk to somebody in the hope of to have a make out session or have sex
starting a romantic or sexual relationship with a girl you just met

He always tries to chat up the waitress He picked a girl up in a bar last night
at the pub
to stand (someone) up
to flirt (with somebody) it is when you don not show up to a date
to behave playfully towards another
person who you are - or pretend to be - We were supposed to meet outside the
attracted to romantically or sexually restaurant but he stood me up.

I always flirt with my teacher to date

to be going out with a person
to have an affair
when a person who is married or in a I am dating John
committed monogamous relationship has
sex or an intimate relation with another to have a crush on (someone)
person. to be really attracted to someone

He has an affair with his secretary I have a crush on Lisa

to cheat on to have chemistry

to have sex with a person who is not to have very good energy with someone
your boyfriend or girlfriend
We have chemistry. We get along each
She cheated on his boyfriend other

to go out with to fall in love with

it means that you are going somewhere to be in love with someone.
with a person you are attracted to. You
have been meeting that person. I am falling in love with Kate. She is so
intelligent and beautiful.
I am going out with Linda
to break up with somebody
to hit on to finish a relationship with somebody
to act on a way that shows you are
attracted to the other person. It is I broke up with my boyfriend
similar to chatting someone up
to make up with
He is hitting on Mariah to be reconciled.

to make out I haven't made up with Charles

to heavily kiss. It can include touching
and petting

I made out with him last night

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