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Name : Maisa Zenda Mendoza Ramos



In the image there are two pictures a boy and a picture of a room. In the room
there are many hats of different colors and models, there are 4 green hats, one
blue hat and a black one in the right there is a green helmet.

There is a soccer ball next to the black hat. A big picture is in the middle of the
wall, it contains many cartoons and images about cars and toys.

There is a table in the top of the wall in that table there are letters that says:
juan david

There are 3 bears a pink one and two brown bears, the pink one is smallest, the
biggest bear have a hat and in his legs is the other bear with a small ball. Next
to the bear is a guitar with strings and next to the guitar there are 3 toys one is
a yellow car the other is a white bus and the last one is a white train, all the
toys and the guitar is over a green and black bed , the bed has many figures

Like stars and cups.

In the principal wall there are also small pictures with photographs and letters
one of them has a photo with the family and the words in colors te adoro.
Name : Maisa Zenda Mendoza Ramos

The walls are made of wood that it is painted with green color, there is a
curtain next to the bed that has more than two 5 colors and a big picture In the

Next to the wed there is flag the flag is green and white with big letters and a
shield. The roof is made of metal the roof and the walls are not together there
are a small space among the walls and the roof.

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