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Name: Natalie Gutierrez Course: Biotechnology Date: 03/15/17

SLCs/Semester Grade Reflection

Check your choice:
I am on-track with meeting my academic goal for the year in this course.
I am not on-track with meeting my academic goal for the year/semester.

My current course grade in Biotechnology (% and letter grade) C-72%.

Assess your performance in the following areas. Then, rate yourself in each area.
Organization & Time Management & Class Engagement
Preparation Follow-Through & Participation
I _________ I was _________ I _________
(always/usually/ (always/usually/ rarely/never) I ________ (always/usually/ (always/usually/
rarely/never) keep my absent or late for class. rarely/never) came to class rarely/never) use active
notebook and backpack I _________ (always/usually/ ready to learn. study strategies to
organized. rarely/never) use my I ________ (always/usually/ prepare for quizzes or
I _________ assignment notebook, planner, rarely/never) participated tests.
(always/usually/ or other calendar reminder at actively and cooperatively I _________
rarely/never) track my night/home. during class activities. (always/usually/
assignments in Google I _________ I ________ (always/usually/ rarely/never) take
Classroom and (always/usually/ rarely/never) rarely/never) paid attention responsibility for my own
PowerSchool. complete homework and/or and followed directions. learning.
I _________ study for quizzes after school I ________ (always/usually/ I _________
(always/usually/ hours. rarely/never) used technology (always/usually/
rarely/never) write my I _________ (always/usually/ to help me learn and stay rarely/never) use the
homework in my rarely/never) attend office hours involved in class. library resources for extra
assignment and tutoring to get help with I _________ support and growth after
notebook/calendar/planne difficult assignments or work on (always/usually/ rarely/never) school.
r. missing assignments. used technology to distract I _________
I am _________ I _________ myself from learning tasks. (always/usually/
(always/usually/ (always/usually/ rarely/never) I _________ rarely/never) create and
rarely/never) prepared for complete all assignments. (always/usually/ rarely/never) rely on a support-system
class with a charged I am _________ contribute in a positive way to at home, at school, or
laptop, homework, pen or (always/usually/ rarely/never) class discussions. elsewhere to help me stay
sharpened pencils. prepared with my assignments. on top of academics.

On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate yourself in each area? (1= very low, 5= very high)

1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5

Name: Natalie Gutierrez Course: Biotechnology Date: 03/15/17

Aside from earning a higher grade, my S.M.A.R.T. goal for the 5th progress report in
this class is
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Plan:

What steps will I have What challenges or What can I do if I get stuck or
Who can help
obstacles can I expect to need help? What strategies
to take to reach my me meet my
face when working can I use to overcome these
goal? goal?
toward this goal? challenges?

I will make sure to I may forget to write I can finish my work diligently.
turn in work on time. down homework, My teacher and
therefore forgetting to I.
turn it in.

f you feel stuck and would like to see a template paragraph and example, click h

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