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3.1 The Research Design

The design of this research used a qualitative. It was for getting

information and analysis about Lexical Semantic Relation Errors in the third

semester students instead in the sample class at FKIP Islamic University of Riau.
According to Rugaiyah (2016 : 1), Penelitian Kualitative adalah
penelitian tentang riset yang bersifat deskriptif dan cenderung
menggunakan analisis. Proses dan makna (perspektif subjek) lebih di
tonjolkan dalam penelitian kualitatif. Landasan teori dimanfaatkan
sebagai pemandu agar fokus terhadap penelitian dan sesuai dengan
fakta di lapangan.

Based on the quotation above, qualitative research is the research that

describing the problem with analyzes the data and uses several theories to

reinforce that research. While, according to Creswell (2003), qualitative research

is a research problem that can be understood by exploring a concept or

phenomenon. It means that the researcher makes an interpretation of data. It

includes developing a description of an individual or setting, analyzing data for

themes or categories, and finally drawing conclusions about its meaning

personally and theoretically, stating the lessons learned, and offering further

questions to be ask.
Based on the arguments above, this research adapted a qualitative

procedure. It means the researcher explained a phenomenon about Lexical

Semantic Relation Errors and also show numerical data about what is the most

Lexical Semantic Relation Errors found in essay writing of the third semester

3.2 The Source of Data

Based on Silalahi (2016:17) in Rugaiyah,
Data dalam penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif bukan angka. Data
dapat berupa gelaja-gejala, kejadian, dan peristiwa yang kemudian
dianalisis dalam bentuk kategori-kategori.

Based on the explanation above, it means this research explaining the

problem by analyzing and describing the phenomenon that occur in this
research. This research also used data primer that taken from third semester
students essay of argumentative text at English Study Program of FKIP UIR.

3.3 The Location and Time of Research.

This was a kind of descriptive research, and it investigated and analyzed as

well the Lexical Semantic Relation Errors in the Third Semester students English

Department academic year 2015/2016 FKIP Islamic university of Riau at jl

Kaharudin Nasution no. 113 Perhentian Marpoyan Pekanbaru through Essay

writing in their class.

Table 3.1 Table Activities

No Activities Okt Dec jan Feb March Apr

1. Wrote proposal

2. Gave the proposal to

the sponsor and co.
sponsor to revised it

3. Acc to seminar

4. Seminar proposal

5. Got data and

analyzed it

6. Revised and thesis

7. Approved and join


3.4 The Research Instrument

To collect the data, the writer used instruments of the research. The

instrument of the research was documentation.

3.4.1 Documentation
The writer used a documentation through collecting an essay writing result

from each sample. And those results have been gathered and analyzed as well.

Based on Rugaiyah (2016:23),

kajian dokumen merupakan sarana pembantu peneliti dalam
mengumpulkan data atau informasi dengan cara membaca surat-surat,
pengumuman, iktisar rapat, pernyataan tertulis kebijakan tertentu dan bahan-
bahan tulisan lainnya. Penggunaan dokumen ini berkaitan dengan apa yang
disebut analisis isi. Cara menganalisis isi dokumen ialah dengan memeriksa
dokumen secara sistematik bentuk-bentuk komunikasi yang dituangkan secara
tertulis dalam bentuk dokumen secara obyektif.

Based on that quotation, the researcher analyzes the third students essay

writing by reading the essay first after that analyzes every lexical error there, and

the last describing those errors based on the limitation of this research.

Table 3.2 Table of Indicators

No Indicator Sub-Indicators
1 Error of Collocation of Prepositions
Lexical Semantic Relation
2 Error of Probable Collocations
3 Meaning Similarity Error

4 Sound Similarity Error

3.5 Data Collection Technique

3.5.1 Documentation

Data in this research have been taken in the academic year 2015/2016.

Because of data collection technique in this research is documentation, so there

was no particular technique for getting the data. Just collect those particular data

from a proper class.

In the first step, the researcher did a pre observation by asking English

lecturer about several problems of writing essay in English department students

FKIP UIR and found that Lexical Semantic Relation Errors has one of those

problems in writing that already found.

The next step was the researcher wished to find a data about essay writing

that available and reachable to be analyzed. And the data have been taken after

essay writing mid test.

The last step, the researcher already ask Mrs. Diyah Ayu Risqiani as one of

English lecturers in English Department FKIP UIR for gathering several essay

writing from each class. So in this research, the researcher had been taken all data

from four classes that be taught by Mrs. Dyah Ayu Risqiani. These data hopefully

could be a source of data that represent a lexical semantic relation errors situation

in English department education faculty Islamic University of Riau.

In this case, the essays type that researcher wishes to gather was an

argumentative essay. The reason of choosing this type was because an

argumentative text was an essay using writers argument dominantly. Expectedly

through this type, the researcher could find the original Lexical Semantic Relation

Errors from the students without any influence from the other theories or expert

arguments as well.

3.6 Data Analysis Technique

Qualitative Data Analysis (1994), by Miles and Huberman, was a

comprehensive sourcebook, describing analysis that was directed at tracing out

lawful and stable relationships among social phenomena, based on regularities

and sequences that link these phenomena.

For this researchs analysis technique, the writer would like to use Miles

and Hubermans method about three main components in analyzing qualitative


1. Data Reduction
Data reduction based on Miles and Huberman (1994) defined all of data

which was reduced in an anticipatory way as the researcher chooses a conceptual

framework, research question, cases and instrument. It was not something

separate from the analysis; it was part of the analysis. In the early stages, it

happens through editing, segmenting and summarizing the data. Data reduction

was the process of separating the data becoming two categorizes data, data that

could be analyzed and data that couldnt be analyzed as well.

The early stages in this research happen through editing, segmenting and

summarizing as well. The researcher segmenting those essays based on the type of

lexical semantic relation errors (phenomenon of lexical semantic relation errors in

writing from EFL learners) that was mentioned in the chapter two. Segmenting

step in this research will be done by underlying word or sentence that was

included in the type of those lexical semantic relation errors categorically.

In the middle stages, it happens through coding and memoing, and

associated activities such as finding themes, cluster and patterns.

The middle stages in this research happen through associated activities

such as finding themes, cluster and patterns. The researcher already found the

words or sentences has been underlying that was included into a limitation

indicator in this research. In the later stages, it happens through conceptualizing

and explaining, since developing abstract concepts was also a way of reducing the

The later stages in this research happen through conceptualizing and

explaining the data. In this case the researcher already explained several reasons

in reducing the data. In both qualitative and quantitative analysis, the objective of

data reduction was to reduce the data without any significant loss of information.

In qualitative analysis, an additional important component of not losing

information was not to strip the data from their context.

2. Data Display

According to Miles and Huberman (1994) Data displays defined as an

organize, compress and assemble information. Because qualitative data are

typically voluminous, bulky, and dispersed, Displays help at all stages in the

analysis. These displays are used at all stages, since they enable data to be

organized and summarized they show what stages the analysis has reached and

they are the basis for further analysis. The message was clear: good qualitative

analysis involves repeated and iterative displays of data.

In this research, Data display has been done in grouping the data that

already reduce in a reduction step. In this case, the researcher has been grouping

data based on the limitation of the problem that has been explained clearer in the

chapter one and it was explained in the phenomenon of lexical semantic relation

errors in writing (chapter two) as well.

3. Drawing and verifying conclusions
The reason for reducing and displaying data was to assist in drawing

conclusions. While drawing conclusions logically follow reduction and display of

data, in fact it takes place more or less concurrently with them. In conclusion

drawing and verification involve the researcher interpretation about the problem

in this research and then drawing meaning from displayed data. Thus possible

conclusions saw be noted early in the analysis, but they may be vague and ill-

formed at this stage. They were not finalized until all the data was in, and have

been analyzed. Conclusions in the form of propositions, and once they have been

drawn, they need to be verified.

In this step, researcher has been calculated with a percentage, which one

from those fourth lexico semantic relation errors that was mostly found in the

fourth semester students essay writing. To help describe the common errors found

in the opinion paragraph writing of students in third semester of English

Department FKIP UIR Pekanbaru the writer also uses quantitative approach as

seen in the following table and formula.

The formula is:

X 100
P = Percentage

F = The numbers of classification used
N = Data numbers
(Adopted by Punch, 2009)

The drawing and verifying step in this research happen through

commenting and analyzing the data that has been reduced and grouped as well.

This step was the last step of processing the data (Lexical Semantic Relation

Errors in essay writing).

The total amount and percentage of Lexical Semantic Relation Errors

based on the indicators in this research was shown in the following table:

Table 3.3 Matrix Indicators of Lexical Semantic Relation Errors

No. Indicators Level of Error

Amount Percentage (%)

1. Error of Collocation of Prepositions

2. Error of Probable Collocations

3 Meaning Similarity Error

4 Sound Similarity Error



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