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Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)

Barriers and Enablers

Medical Practices with 50 or More FTE Physicians

Barriers to implementation of EMRs in group practices

1. Lack of resources to invest in information technology 49.4%

2. Lack of provider support 41.4%
3. Difficulty establishing a good return on investment 37.9%
4. Time and effort to prepare the organization for EMR 37.9%
5. Difficulty integrating systems 31.0%
6. Lack of easy way to input data and notes 21.8%
7. Skills and preferences of existing support staff 20.7%
8. Lack of standards within the organization 13.8%
9. Other or dont know 13.7%
10. Limitations of existing products/technology 9.2%
11. Security concerns 5.7%
12. Lack of management support 1.1%
The above results are based on 68 responses to the question, Based on your opinion and experience,
which are the three most significant barriers to EMR implementation in your organization?

Enablers that facilitate implementation of EMRs in group practices

1. Sought active leadership involvement 93.9%

2. Sought active provider involvement 93.9%
3. Sought active staff involvement 90.9%
4. Created pre-installation plan 84.8%
5. Implemented thorough due diligence process 81.8%
6. Conducted a site visit to an organization already using the product 78.8%
7. Provided your own pre-implementation training to staff and providers 72.7%
8. Implemented an EMR pilot 66.7%
9. Vendor provided on-site training 66.7%
10. Utilized project management tools such as time line, status reports, etc. 66.7%
11. Performed Return On Investment analysis 63.6%
12. Implemented post-implementation assistance 63.6%
The above results are based on 33 EMR user responses to the question, Did your organization
engage in any of the following activities as part of the selection process? The results list the 12
most frequently cited enablers.

A more complete report on this collaborative project by the MGMA Center for Research & Pfizer
Health Solutions Inc, is available at

The MGMA Center for Research is the research and development companion to the Medical Group
Management Association (MGMA). The Center for Research, a 501(c)(3) research foundation, conducts quan-
titative and qualitative research to advance the art and science of medical group management. Visit

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