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April 3, 2017

News from Room 2

Welcome back from spring break! I hope you had a wonderful time with your
families! I missed seeing all of your cute kids smiles, and I am happy to be
back in the classroom with them!

The following is a glimpse at this weeks activities :

Language Arts: (See other side) Wonders 5.4. The essential question is,
How can we protect the Earth? We will also be focusing on opinion

Math: Before the break, we learned all about money. Please continue to
have your child practice counting coins at home! This week, we are
starting to learn about time. We will cover lessons 7.7-7.11. We will
also be doing a few shape lessons from chapter 11.

Art/Music/Drama: Recycled art project.

Interconnections: We have been learning friendship skills and discussing

amazing heroes. We will continue our learning on these topics this
week. Please make sure your child knows their address and phone
number! About half of the students have passed this off, and I would
love to have all of them pass it off soon!

PE/Movement: PE time on Tuesday! Please make sure that your child comes
in shoes that are comfortable to run in; we do jolly joggers whenever it
is nice out!

Upcoming Important Information

Thursday, April 6: Report Cards Mailed Home / Spring Picture Day

Wednesday, April 19: Anti-Bullying Assembly
Thursday, April 27: Feet for Funds
May 8-12: Dibels Testing

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