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91-343-5620 Educational Report Brigham Young University ~ Idaho Demographics Name: Jace Patterson Date of Birth: February 21, 2004 Age: 1 years old and 11 months Evaluation Date: November, 2005- January 2006 Evaluators: Cloward, Anderson, and Allen Report Author: Michelle Tavenner Reason for Referral Jace is almost two years old and ever since he was born his parents have noticed that he struggles with making eye contact and does not communicate verbally. The Patterson's have recently learned about what autism is and the different signs that someone displays if they have autism. From knowing Jace and his personality, his parents feel that lace shows some of ‘the signs of autism and feel like he could possibly have it. Jace is able to meet some of his milestones. The areas he is doing well in are his gross and fine motor skills, However thereare other milestones that he has yet been able to reach. The purpose of these interviews, observations, and testing is to assess Jace and see if there are concerns for him. havinga disability. The examiners will use the TABS, Vineland-ll, and the PLS-4 to test Jace tosee what 4 areas of development are strong and weak. Background here alt nS Developmental History Jace was a good pregnancy and delivery for his mom. When Jace was around 6 months old his Parents started to notice that he didn’t make eye contact with them. When Jace was around 15 months old they struggled to get Jace to speak and found out that he had a speech delay. Jace also had around 3 or 4 ear infections. At 18 months Jace got tubes in his ears. Ever since then he has started to babble. Jace is almost two years old now and the only form of speech he displays is some babbling. Jace doesn’t respond when his mom or dad talk to him. His parents also noticed that Jace does not mimic anyone. He won't throw a ball and also wont point to something if he wants it. Jace has shown very good motor skills at an early age. He started crawling and than-walking early on in his life. His mom is concerned because she feels that Jace is delayed in his communication skills for his age and also struggles with social interaction, After reviewing the development milestones for Jace’s age group, there are some concerns in-his social and emotional development. x Family Information and Social/Emotional History Jace is the oldest child and has a baby sister but doesn’t Pay much attention to her. His mother stays at home with him and his sister everyday. His father is a college student at Brigham Young University of Idaho. If Jace is hungry ‘or wants juice he will cry for it or takes his parents to the thing he wants. He will get excited when his dad gets home from school. Ife is tickled he will laugh. He enjoys watching cartoons. He will stare at the TV intently if there is a cartoon on. Jace shows interests in doing what his parents do. If his dad is hammering something he will want to do that as well. When Jace was about 18 months old his parents saw on the news about alittle girl who has autism and they listed some of the signs of autism and felt like that really described how Jace acted. They started looking into autism and got in touch with the toddler and infant program Medical Jace’s mom had a good pregnancy and delivery. The APGAR results when Jace was born were Good: As mentioned esrlier, Jace’s parents had his hearing tested because when Jace was younger he had somé ear infections that occurred frequently. When he was about 18 months old he had a small procedure done where there were tubes put in his ears. His eyesight seems ‘to be good and his parents feel ike he can look at small things with out a struggle. He looks at book really intently. Jace has not been able to meet all of his milestones and displays some atypical behavior for his age. | 1 «\ ted Educational History Jace so far is too young to go to school but his mother has signed him up to be in the preschool lab at Brigham Young University of Idaho. He attends nursery with his church once a week on Sundays. Observation h ef Self-Help/ Adaptive Behavior J Jace was observed in his home environment. Jace’s mother sat on the floor with a container in her hand. The container has a lid on it and Jace was standing close to her. Jace’s mother asked Jace to take the container lid off. Jace extended out both of his hands, grabs the container, and took the lid off. His right hand reached into the container and hé pulls out a handful of raisins, Later, Jace was able to grasp his sippy with both hands and drink the sippy. When Jace was sitting on the floor, he was able to put both arms of the floor and lift his body off of the ground. Once his feet were planted on the ground and his body standing up, he was able to walk. 1 When Jace was in the toddler lab a teacher asked him to put on his coat. Jace fought the teacher as she put on his coat. Jace allowed his body to fall to the floor and continued to fight against the teacher putting on his coat. Later Jace was given a bowl with pudding in it and a spoon, He was able to grasp the spoon with his fingers and feed himself the bowl of pud Cognitive Jace was observed in his home environment. Jace sat on the floor with a plastic toy that had four compartments to it. Jace leaned forward with his right arm extended. His finger touched a knob on the toy. An animal popped out of one of the compartments and than Jace pushed it back down with his hand. He did this several times, There was an examiner in Jace’s home that started blowing bubbles. At first Jace didn’t react to the bubbles but after the duration of several seconds Jace smiled and moved his left hand forward and pop the bubbles, Later on in the observation the examiner brought out a toy car and moved it around on the floor. Jace followed where the examiner moved the car. His eyes moved in the same direction as the toy car. Jace eventually bent down and picked up the car. There is a container that is in the shape of a cylinder that has holes at the top that are in a shape similar to the blocks that Jace was holding. Jace placed the correct block shapes into the hole shaped like the block. While in the toddler lab Jace climbed up the playground steps that were outside. He had one hand grasped to a side rail while he moved up the steps. He climbed up each step using one foot at a time. Jace was able to sit at a table that contained a bowl of pudding. Jace fed himself the pudding for the duration of 10 minutes Communication When Jace was observed in the home setting he walked in the direction of where his mother was sitting. He reached out his left hand towards his mother’s left hand and touched it slightly. Jace’s mother looked at Jace in the eyes for a quick second, Jace turned his body and walked in the direction of the kitchen. When Jace got towards a cupboard he started to make a noise. Jace’s mother came into the kitchen, pulled out a chair from the table and placed finger food on the chair. Jace walked to the chair and ate the food that was placed on it. Jace repeated this action 3 times during the duration of the observation. When the examiner was holding a bubble container and blowing bubbles, Jace stood close by the examiner and moved his tongue through the stick. Later during the observation there were bubble floating in the air. Jace ‘opened his mouth and said “bubble”. He touched the bubble with his left hand and it disappeared. Jace walked in the direction of where his mom was sitting and extends his arms until both of his hands were on his mothers face. His hands stayed there for the duration of several seconds and he opened his mouth. The words that came from his mouth were unrecognizable. In the toddler lab and while they are playing outside, Jace was holding onto the teachers hand. His pace of walking was slightly in front of the teachers pace of walking. They arrived at a glass door. Jace took one of the teachers hand in both of his hands. He placed the teachers hand on the handle of the door. They stayed in that position for the duration of several minutes. Later that day when the teacher moved Jace from the table he was sitting at, Jace started crying and allowed his body to fall to the floor. He continued to cry for a period of time but stopped crying after his mom picked him up and held him. Mo! ‘At home Jace was moved around frequently and played with different toys, bubbles, and went to the kitchen to get food. Jace sat on the floor with his legs extended out and played an examiher who was also sitting on the floor. Jace used both hand when he played with different blocks and toys. Jace at one point grabbed his sister rattle and shook it in his left hand several times. Jace also grabbed a stuffed animal bear and put it on his shoulder. A pig toy bounced on the floor in the direction of Jace, Jace moved his body by stepping backwards when this happened. Jace bent his knees and put his bottom on the floor. His legs extended out in front of him. His upper part of his body went forward with both arms in front of him. His fingers grabbed blocks and with one block in each had he placed the block in his right hand on the floor and than put the block in his other hand on top of the block he placed on the floor. Jace placed blocks into a container. In the toddler lab Jace went outside with the other children. His hand was intertwined with a teacher's hand. He moved his feet in the direction of the playground area, Jace came to the steps that led up to a slid, He lifted his right foot up and placed the bottom of his foot on the step. He did he same thing with his other foot. Jace repeated this action several times until he is‘at the top of the playground toy. Later that day in the toddler lab the teachers invite the students to start cleaning up and get ready to go home. A teacher led Jace away from the table that he was sitting at. Jace fought against the teacher. He forced his body towards the ground and screamed. His arms moved back and forth while the teacher held conto one arm. > Social/Emotional emotional ‘While in the home, Jace sat on the floor next to an evaluator and they both simultaneously play with a set of blocks and a shape-matching container. Later that day Jace’s eyes were in the direction of a man moving a toy car. The man reached his arm that was holding the toy car toward Jace and Jace grabbed the car with his arm. Jace walked in the direction of where is mom was sitting, he looked her in the eyes for a brief second and put his hands on his mothers face. Jace was standing in toddler lab next to a shelf and was touching a toy. A teacher came over and stood by Jace. After the teacher was there for around 30 seconds Jace walked toward another shelf in the opposite direction of the teacher. Later on that day Jace sat on the floor next to a plastic bucket holding a plastic dinosaur, One of the teachers in the toddler lab was kneeling on her knees close to Jace. She says, " Help us clean up Jace”, Jace continued to sit on the floor with a toy in his hand. After a latency of several minutes, Jace moves his hand toward the plastic bucket and releases the toy that he was holding. A teacher had her right hand grasping Jace’s left hand and they were walking in the preschool lab. Jace held the ladies hand for the-duration of about 30 seconds and than released his hand from her land. He walked in the direction of where the coats were hung up.After sitting at a table with several students for ‘the duration of 10 minutes a teacher came over and started to walk Jace away from the table. Jace stopped moving and started to scream. Tears came down his face and Jace fell to the floor. Afterthe duration of approximately 10 minutes, Jace’s mother came to where Jace was. She bent down, grabbed Jace and held him. Jace wrapped his legs around his mother’s hips. Tests Administered Vineland !!- Measures adaptive behavior from birth to adulthood. It measures day-to-day Personal adaptive behavior in four different domains, Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization, and Motor Skills. Administered to Jace on December 15, 2005 TABS: Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale ~ Assessment tool designed to identify a Persons temperament and self-regulation problems. It covers temperament, attention, social behavior, play, ete. Assessment-Tool-P526.aspx PLS-4- Preschool language scale 4" addition is a type of assessment for young children. It is interactive and helps measure the development of language. It measures the child’s total language, auditory comprehension, and expressive communication. fourth-edition-pls-4.html Test Results TABS RAW SCORE | STANDARD PERCENTILE SCORE RANK Detached 4 32 3 Hyper-Sensitive/Active a <26

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