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Keosha Davis

GP Research Paper
29 March 2017
Two-Parent Homes Are Better

Being a single parent is twice the work, twice the stress and twice the tears but also twice

the hugs, twice the love and twice the pride.In todays society it is very common for a child to

grow up in a home where one of the parents is absent. Generally, the father is the parent that is

not present, more so in African American homes. In the United States today, 16,334,000

children under age 18 live in single mother homes (Fluty 4). Single parent homes affect

children's psychology producing negative effects on the childs esteem, behavior, as well as

education. Fatherless homes also take a greater toile particularly on boys, rather than girls. Two

parent home is better than a one parent home is saying that a child should have both parent

involved in their life. A single parent is one who is living without a spouse and/or partner. This

individual takes on all of the daily responsibilities that comes with raising a child. Both mom and

dad being in the child life makes a better future for the child. Even though some people believe

unmarried people have the right to be parents, a two parent home is better than a one

parent home because a childs emotional psychological and educational well being may

suffer,the need for financial security, and better long term life effects.

Single parenting is a good topic because there are a lot of single parent around my

community. Today, only about 64 percent of children live in homes with two parents who are

married, representing an all-time low (Pew Research Center). Trend data shows a stark and

steady decline since 1960, when nearly 88 percent of children lived with married parents.

According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for single parents with children in the United
States in 2009 was 37.1 percent. The rate for married couples with children was 6.8 percent.

Rector called marriage one of the greatest weapons against child poverty.

Emotional, psychological and educational well being. According to Azuka-Obieke

results suggest that childrens well-being was associated with participation in a wide range of

activities with the parents. The ability of the custodial single parent to successfully provide a

nurturing environment for the children appeared to be affected by the familys socioeconomic

status. In general, single mothers have a harder time making ends meet. As a result of the

financial strain experienced by many single mothers, they tend to be more anxious, depressed

and overwhelmed with parenting issues. Single father on the other hand, fared much better

economically. They were able to maintain a socioeconomic status more similar to what the

children experience before separation.

Given these differences in environment, it is expected that children raised by single

fathers would have a stronger sense of wellbeing that children raised by single mothers. It can be

stressful because you wouldn't have help and you be needing breaks and someone to watch your

child while you at school or at work. Clearly it states the feelings of some mothers and single

fathers and how people feel about the situation. Based on what i read single parenting is not easy

but you don't have to be married or in a relationship to do it. The ability of the custodial single

parent to successfully provide a nurturing environment for the children appeared to be affected

by the familys socioeconomic status.Two parent home is better than a parent room because of

the emotional, psychological and educational well being. The reason i say that is because it can

be very stressful for the reason that babies are a big responsibility and they are a lot to deal with.
Financial security is another big thing with single parenting because a lot of single

parents do not have it all they struggling trying to get a job and have to use government help. For

example in many cases, such responsibility becomes enormous on the single parent especially

when the parent is not receiving alimony or child support from an ex-spouse. Therefore, calls for

stringent budgeting aimed at reducing the overall expenses in order to make ends meet. Most

single parents volunteer to work overtime or take on additional part-time jobs in pursuit of

financial security. It is a fact that financial security is another things that's difficult in single


Even full-time employment does not guarantee financial security, given the structure of

the labor force, the lower wages paid in female-dominated occupations, and the lower human

capital investment of single mothers.

Financial security is a problem for single parents especially when you have no help.

The aftermath of having been raised in a single parent home has long term effects even as

that child enters adulthood. According to Crouch and Maranto, authors of the Wall Street

Journal article, Ignoring an Inequality Culprit: Single-Parent Families more than 20% of

children in single-parent families live in poverty long-term , compared with the 2% of those

raised in two-parent families. The article highlights the education-policy analyst Mitch

Pearlsteins 2011 book From Family Collapse to America's Decline, denoting that the poverty

rate would be 25% lower if todays family structure resembled that of 1970, according to the

2009 report Creating an Opportunity Society from Brookings Institution analysts Ron Haskins

and Isabel Sawhill. Without a doubt single-parenting have a long-term effects such as education

and family structure. A 2006 article in the journal Demography by Penn State sociologist Molly

Martin estimates that 41% of the economic inequality created between 1976-2000 was the result
of changed family structure.Taking care of the family on a single income or being dependent on

the former spouse is the toughest aspects of single parenting. It is important for you to

understand about long term investments, budget your money accordingly, and if possible you

should try to earn more by doing an additional job.

The advantage that children get from living in two-parent families may actually be due to

family stability more than the fact that their parents are co-parenting or together. Even though

some people believe unmarried people have the right to be parents, a two parent home is

better than a one parent home because a childs emotional psychological and educational

well being may suffer,the need for financial security, and better long term life effects. On the

other hand, some people say unmarried people have the rights to be parents also. Two-parent

home have better effects on children than a one-parent home. One- Parent Home Effects on

Children When living with one parent the child tends to form a stronger relationship with that

parent. Raising a child on ones own is a rather hard and stressful experience, single parents have

to take a lot of effort in order to develop better organization skills, and they depend on many

factors and have more responsibility for their children. Being a single parent doesnt although

mean that a person should be separated from the whole world and stay alone with his problems

and difficulties.

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