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Anjelina Mayjoffo

Art 133

Unit Paper 4

March 14, 2017

Unit Paper 4

Play is probably my favorite big idea because its so fun and enjoyable. In the work,

business, and personal life play is becoming more significant because it brings humor,

happiness, and games into our lives. As Pink (2012) says, Joyfulness, as exemplified by

unconditional laughter, is demonstrating its power to make us more productive and fulfilled

(Pink, 2012, p. 188). When we use play in our lives we become more satisfied. Szekely (2012)

explains that through playing, children build and maintain all the essential ingredients for

making art, especially the joy in art making (Szekely, 2012, p. 139) He also explains that

playing is an effective way of investigating the world and the beginning to respond in creative

ways to it (2012). Playing in art classrooms can also help students be open minded and search for

ideas. In the twenty first century, it helps students with their attitudes and actions.

I would adapt my students to play by giving them full choice in the classroom.

Meaning, I would let them choose what they would like to create or do during class time. They

could go from painting, to building something extraordinary, to simply drawing something. It

would really depend on them and what they want to create. I would give my class or students the

power to control what they do and see how my students adapt to it and what they create from it.

It would bring some questions to the table for sure, because you would wonder about what each

student is going to do, or would they have groups, or would they create something as a class?

Pink, Daniel H. A Whole New Mind: Why the Right-brainers Will Rule the Future. New York:
Riverhead, 2012.Print.

Szekely, G. (2011). Testing the world through play and art. In D.B. Jaquith & N. E. Hathaway
(Eds.), The learner directed classroom: Developing creative thinking skills through art (pp. 64-
76). New York, NY: Teachers College Press

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