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Application To Run For Oregon Hillel Student Board 17-18

How to Run:

Turn in your application via email ( or in person by midnight on Sunday,

Sunday, April 9th. Be present for elections on Thursday, April 13th.
Read the general policy and officer description section of this packet.
Meet with a Hillel staff professional to discuss the position.
Answer the questions on the final page of this packet and include them with your application.
To be eligible for student board, all information in this packet must be turned in by 11:59pm on Sunday,
April 9th.

General Policy:

Each Board member should have a general desire to explore their Jewish identity and be a community
Each Student Board member has a specific area of expertise, focus, and responsibility.
The Student Board should work together to create programming, with each board member responsible
for leading at least one program per term.
Each Student Board member is strongly encouraged to meet with those students interested in running for
their respective board positions for the following year.
Student Board positions are flexible. All students have the opportunity to be involved in any aspect of
programming, as the planning and execution of programs will be committee based.
Board members are expected to participate in all Student Board meetings, arriving on time and not
leaving early. Persons who cannot make this commitment should not run for the Board, nor be allowed
to remain on the Board if they miss more than two meetings without giving valid reason and notice.
The Student Board will meet weekly.
Each Student Board member is required to meet with Brittany and the Student Board President once a
Each Student Board member is required to maintain a 3.0 GPA.
All paid Hillel interns are ineligible for running for a Student Board Position.
Each board member is expected to attend Leadership Retreats with the board (half day Fall and Spring).
Application To Run For Oregon Hillel Student Board 17-18

Hillel Student Board Offices


Creates agenda for and leads weekly Oregon Hillel Student Leadership Board meetings
Serves as a role model for Student Board and larger Hillel community and as a liaison to Hillel staff.
Serves on Oregon Hillel Foundations Governing Board
Reaches out to the broader UO community (communicating with other student groups at UO)
Meets with Hillel supervisor on a weekly basis
Meets with each Student Board member one time per term
Pays close attention to calendar for scheduling strategy and scheduling conflicts
Coordinates the transition period between Student Boards following elections


Promotes and encourages the use of Hillels goals and values in all Hillel programming
Serves as a programming resource for all Student Board positions that are involved with programming
Records minutes at all Student Board meetings and emails minutes to the board and Brittany
Assists in program development for Leadership Retreats, Ski Retreat, or other large-scale Hillel events,
including program evaluation afterwards
Pays close attention to calendar to make sure program write ups are turned in on time and logistics are
set up
Oversees Student Board members program write-ups and ensures they are timely, well-formatted, and
Coordinates with the songleading team and Shabbat chair for weekly Shabbat experiences.
Acts as a liaison for student Israel Groups, Challah for Hunger, and FYSH, and assists with Israel
programming as required


Is dedicated to continuing Jewish education and spiritual growth at Oregon Hillel

Ensures that Jewish content is a priority in Hillel programming
Ensures that appropriate procedures take place during religious content in programming, taking into
account the target population (assisting with religious events, Jewish holidays, special Shabbats,
Passover seders)
Plans & coordinates weekly Shabbats at Hillel (alongside Songleading Committee) including student
dvrei Torah
Works with students dedicated to planning & assisting with religious events, including Jewish Holidays
Acts as a liaison for student Israel groups; assists with Israel programming as required
Application To Run For Oregon Hillel Student Board 17-18


Ensures that social justice programming is a priority at Oregon Hillel and implements large-scale, long-
term programming
Empowers and assists students to plan their own Tzedek (community service) activities
Chairs biweekly Tzedek committee meetings, ensuring Tzedek Committee meets above goals
Creates at least three Tzedek programs per term (one of which should ideally partner with another
student organization)
Builds relationships between Hillel and other social-justice minded organizations on campus and in

Oversees all fundraising activities (including percentage nights at Yogurt Extreme, Chipotle,
TrackTown Pizza etc; raffle opportunities, etc.) with a goal of raising $1,800 per term outside of
Reviews potential fundraising opportunities and makes recommendations to pursue as needed
Recruits and oversees volunteer participation at Hillel-a-thon events (held once per term)
Oversees merchandise plans including purchasing and selling
Application To Run For Oregon Hillel Student Board 17-18



Position you are running for:

I have spoken with regarding my prospective interest.

If I do not win the position I applied for, I would like to drop down to this position:

I have read and understand the Hillel Student Board Structure and Guidelines, and recognize the specific
responsibilities of the position which I am running for.

Signature Date
Application To Run For Oregon Hillel Student Board 17-18

Please answer the following in one to two paragraphs.

Your response will be compiled by the voting committee and will be read by the voters.

1. Explain why you are running for this position on the Oregon Hillel Student Board.

2. What strategies would you use to engage additional students in the planning of projects and programs?

3. What skills and/or experience will you bring to the position that you are running for?

4. Is there anything else you would like us/the community to know?

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