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Major Tales Cosmology Common Myths

There is no infinite universe nor multiple galaxies

Norse Mythology actually has plots to it. It does not Vikings did not wear horned helmets.
in Norse Mythology. Instead there are only nine
have once central story but each god has their own Richard Wagner wanted to find a
tales. Here are three main tales:
worlds: Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard,
Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, and German culture and he decided that it was
Helheim. They are all connected by the world tree inherently Norse. His work, Der Ring des
The Allfather actually has his own story. He, like all Yggdrasil (seen below). Although this picture does Nibelungen, made that myth popular. The
the gods, knows that their will be an end times. The not accurately show the way it would look. costume design was entirely made up out
conflict of Gods and Jotun (Giants) will reach a peak Not everything lives on the worlds though. There of thin air.
and it is then that the end of this world shall be. are other creatures living on the branches. Four
Odins story is going through the worlds trying to deer, an eagle, a dragon, a squirrel causing mis- Norse culture is not violent and blood-
gain knowledge. He learns of the power of the chief, the well of knowledge and many other im-
runes, gains knowledge through a trial by a giant, thirsty where they kill anyone.
portant figures are all apart of it. Along with that
and he sacrifices his own eye to learn about Ragna- This is the funniest myth since if
some of Odins tales has him on the tree. In one he
rk. one were to open the first page of either
Thor: hangs himself, stabbing himself with a spear, on
the verge of death. He is above the well trying to the Poetic or Prose Edda they would see
This tale is a lot more simple. Thor has always been
show his dedication so that the runes would un- that the first part of the book deals with
portrayed as an aggressive figure who is mostly
there to end the story by killing the Jotun who lock themselves so he could understand them. relations, bonds, host-guest relationships,
caused it. His tales are mostly about his adventures So not only are the worlds important but that and other kindness. The reason for the vio-
through the nine worlds, and it is more about con- which binds them. lence is the belief that one can go to Val-
flict than the origin of things. halla if they die gloriously in battle, so
thats what they did.
This tale is a major one. Loki is not an Aesir or Var-
nir, the two races of the gods, but a Jotun, a giant.
He was adopted by Odin and he becomes the God Marvel Comics did not do their re-
of mischief. At first his jokes are harmless enough search.
but it is after one adventure that he becomes cor- This is just sad because Thor is not
rupted. While out with Odin and Thor they end up
a noble blonde with a hammer that only he
on a long task that ends with Loki being cursed for
not giving up a golden ring. This cure and his lust for can wield. It is shown time and time again
gold allows three witches to return to the realm of that anyone can take the hammer but you
the gods but they are so dangerous that they are need the gloves that Thor has to use it.
killed. Loki, partially corrupted, takes one of their Thor is actually portrayed as an aggressive,
hearts and eats it, thus he becomes evil. He then
short tempered, non-compliant ginger who
goes on to cause havoc until being locked under-
ground where a serpent drips poison on him. At the is not one for looks but power.
end times he will break free of his binds and lead
the Jotun on the attack against the Gods.

The Ash Yggdrasil by Friedrich Wilhelm Heine

Credits and Sources
Origin of the Gods [Mjolnir] Wikipedia. Retrieved 3/9/17
The Norse Gods
from Publisher Application by Noah Johns
It is important to note that the gods were wiki/File:Mjollnir.png
never immortal beings that were always [Odin] Wikimedia. Retrieved 3/10/17
there but they are mortal creatures who can from
and will die. It all starts in Ginnungagap wiki/File:Odin,_der_G%C3%
where heat and cold came together from B6ttervater.jpg
two of the nine realms. The water dripped Poetic Edda
and the heat gave it life. The form of Ymir, Prose Edda
the first giant, came about and after him [Vikings and horned helmets] YouTube.
came the cow Audhumla, whom Ymir fed Retrieved 3/10/17 from https://
upon the four rivers of milk. The cow licked
the salty ice and from there came Buri, the v=gTLbLeow2nQ
first god. He had a son Bor, who became the [The Ash Yggdrasil by Friedrich Wilhelm
father of Odin, Vili and Ve. These gods killed Heine] Wikimedia. Retrieved 3/10/17
Ymir and from his body they created the
world. This lead to the great conflict of the File:The_Ash_Yggdrasil_by_Friedrich_Wil
gods and giants which is the driving story of helm_Heine.jpg
the mythology.
[Ymir and Audhumla] Wikimedia Com-
mons. Retrieved 3/10/17 from https://
Ymir by Gemalde: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard (1743-1809)
It is important to note that the Vikings
were not ones to write down their reli-
gion. There were some rune stones but
mostly the mythos was written down in
the 13th century after the Christianiza-
tion of Scandinavia. That is a gap of
about 7 centuries between the Viking
age and the sagas being written down.
In other words there are discrepancies.

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