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Italy 147 Japan 147 Japan Ankylosing Spondylitis Club 147 jaw 106 joint replacement (arthroplasty) 61
prophylaxis 62 juvenile AS 21-2 juvenile spondyloarthropathies 135-7 keratinocytes 133 keraoderma blennorrhagica
131 keoprIen 39, 40, 43 keorolac tromethamnine 39 kidney dysfunction 70 Klebsiella bacteria 111 Klub becht
reviku 146 knee 21, 22, 136 Krebs, Hans Adolf 7 kyphosis 62. low-starch diets 53 lumbar spine 9 lung complications
63, 84, 108-9 lung function testing 109 laboraory findings 97-8 case hisory 72 Landsforeningen af Morbus
Bechterew Patienter 146 lansoprazole 41 laryngoscopes, fiber optic 63 later manifestations I AS 70 neurological
problems 69-70 osteoporosis 65-7 spinal fracture 67-9 leukemia 138 limb joints, involvement I 14, 105-6 literature,
AS in 7 living with AS 3 car driving 81-5 sports and recreational activities 80-1 local AS organizations 143-49 Lodine
39 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 96 undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy 138 magnets 57 management I AS,
see treatment Manioba Ankylosing Spondylitis Association 145 Marie, Pierre 7 massage 52, 89 meclIenamate 39
Meclomen 39 meditation 54 MEDLINE Plus 59 mefenamic acid 39 meloxicam 39 men, course I AS 20 methotrexate
effectiveness 44-5 spondyloarthropathies 138, 139, 140-1 methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM) 57 Miacalcin 67 Mobic 39
Motrin 39, 40 Mozgskorlozottak Egyesleteinek Orszgos Szvetsge, Bechterew section 148 muscle-
strengthening and stretching exercises 28-36 myths about AS 3-4 nabumeone Nalfon 39 39 naloxone 55 Naprelan
39 Naprosyn 39 naproxen 39, 40 naproxen sodium 39 national ankylosing spondylitis organizations 143-9 National
Ankylosing Spondylitis Society (NASS) 146 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) 58
National Institute I Mental Health 86 National Institutes I Health (NIH) 59 nature I AS 5-6 developments in
treatment 12 family hisory 10-12 hisory, AS in 7 literature, AS in 7 sacroiliac joint 10 spine, structure I 9-10
terminology 7-8 Nederlandse bond van verenigingen van patinten met reumatische aandoeningen, Commissie
Morbus Bechterew 147 Netherlands 147 neurological problems 69-70 New York criteria 98 Nexium 41 nimesulide 39
nizatidine 41 non-spinal (limb) joints, involvement I 105-6 non-steroidal anti-inflammaory drugs (NSAIDs) 12, 87-8
COX-2 specific 42-3 effectiveness 38-43 spondyloarthropathies 138 unresponsive o 140-1 nontraditional therapy 51-
2, 56-8 diets 53 finding out about 58-9 homeopathy 53 Internet 59 traditional Chinese medicine 54-6 Norsk
Revmatikerforbund (NRF) / Bekhterev 147 North American Spondylitis Consortium (NASC) 149 Norway 147 NSAIDs,
see non-steroidal anti-inflammaory drugs Nuprin 40 nutritional supplements 53 occupational posture 77-9 oestrogen
67 older people, course I AS 21 omeprazole 41 onycholysis 133 Ontario Spondylitis Association (OSA) 145-6
organizations, AS international 143 national and local 143-9 research 149-50 Orudis 39, 40 Oruvail 39 Osgood-
Schlatter's disease 138 osteitis condensans ilii 99 osteomalacia 99 osteophytes 99 osteoporosis 21, 65-8 back pain
99 drug therapy 67 sterreichische Vereinigung Morbus Bechterew (VMB) 145 oxaprozin 39 Pagets disease 99
pamidronate 49 paraplegia 89 pelvis, cancer I the 99 penicillin 62 Pepcid 41 peptides 112, 122-3 personalized
information cards 68-9 phenylbutazone 12, 39, 40 physical therapy, see exercise and physical therapy pink eye 130
piroxicam 39 placebo effect, nontraditional therapy 52, 55 plantar fasciitis 22, 103 reactive arthritis 134 Ponstel 39
Portugal 147 posture 19, 75-7, 88 dynamic 77 exercise and physical therapy 23, 24

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