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Words and phrases used when rescheduling meetings


To take place at a time later than originally scheduled

I postponed the meeting until Friday.

The meeting has been postponed until Friday.

To make someone or something late or slow

Our flight from Shanghai to Stuttgart was delayed by 50 minutes.

The problems delayed the release of the project.
move forward

For some people, you move an appointment forward by moving it to an

earlier time or date. However, some cultures view the progression of time
differently, so this phrase can be confusing.

Can we move the date of our meeting forward?

They moved the date of the supplier meeting forward to Friday.
move back

Again, for some people, this means to move a meeting to a later time or
date. As mentioned before, this can be confusing.

Im afraid we have to move the meeting back.

Theyre getting in later than we expected, so we have to move the
start back.

Whats the solution?

In order to be 100% everyone understands where they need to be and

when, leave out time phrases that can be confusing and use from and
to. From designates the old time of the meeting and to designates the
new time of the meeting. This way, theres no confusion about if the
appointment is earlier or later.

An email example on rescheduling meetings

Hi everyone,
Due to a meeting room problem, the time of the project kick-off meeting
has been changed from Monday, January 13th at 11:00 in room 143 to
Wednesday January 15th at 16:00 in room 324.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
The introduction

In this section we use opening expressions and the reason of our email.
We can also thank or answer a previous email which we received.

A veces nos cuesta empezar una carta o email. Una buena forma es
mencionar la razon por la que escribimos despues de un opening
expression. Esto ayuda a que el compositor y el lector entiendan el
proposito principal de la carta o email. El prrafo de introduccin solo
consta de algunas lineas.

Opening Expressions: How to start an email / letter

How are you?

How have you been?
Hows everything going?
I was glad to hear from you.
I hope things are going well with you these days.
I hope you are doing fine.
Hope you are well.
Whats new?

Reason one is writing:

I am writing because
The reason I am writing is because
I wanted to
I would like to

Opening Expressions when we answer an email / letter

Thanks for you email / letter

It was great to hear from you
It was so nice to hear from you.
Sorry for not writing earlier
I hope you and your family are well

Responding to news

Sorry to hear about

Glad to hear that youre all well
Good luck with
Hope you feel better soon


This is the most important part. Here we talk about the main subject and
expand with details about the reason of writing the email. If we talk about
two different things it is best to write another paragraph.

Intenten ordenar sus ideas en el cuerpo principal para que puedan

desarrollar un patron lgico para ordenar sus ideas. Cuando tienen mas
de una idea podran empezar con : First, I wanted to let you know
Esto ayuda a que el lector pueda entenderlo mejor.

Then if you need to ask for something I suggest the following


Asking for something

Can you please?

Is it ok if you ?
I want to
Would you mind ?
I was wondering if


Closing expressions

Anyway, / Well thats all for now

Hope to hear from you soon / Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Send my regards (love) to
Take care / Best wishes / Regards / (Lots of) love from
Stay in touch / Keep in touch
Bye for now
See you
PS Please send me the photos of our last trip

Antes de mandar el email o carta asegurence de leerlo completamente

para ver si hay algun error ortogrfico. Tambin analizen si cumplieron
con el objetivo de mandar el mensaje que queran y que tenga un patron

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