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Play "Say no to Bullying"


Diana: Valeria Lopez

Jessica: Nicolle Suarez

Barbara: Pilin Rivas

Teacher Rosas: Mariangel Rosas

Act I:

Diana was a transgender girl who suffered bullying by her classmates,

more specifically of Jessica and Barbara, they invented rumors about
Diana so nobody will consort with her.

Diana was sitting at his desk reading "The Fault in Our Stars" when
Barbara and Jessica arrived to make her life miserable.

Barbara: Look who we have here, to the given of class.

Jessica: That talk about Babs she is not a given, it's a steal boyfriends
* loose a laugh along with Barbara *

Diana: * Her lips are formed in a sad grin and go without adding
anything more *

Act II:

Diana arrives next day at her school, and note that her classmates are
starting to murmur, her somewhat estranged goes to his desk and sits
down to wait for the teacher.

Teacher: Good Morning Guys!

All students: Good morning Teacher.

Teacher: *The teacher comes and sits on her desktop*

Jessica: Excuse me teacher, but what happened with Teacher


Teacher: She is sick and the principal told me to come to replace it for
a few days. Well, let's start with the class, first I need someone to
come and read me a small paragraph about the Second World War.

*No one raises his hand*

Teacher: Well, let's do it by the list. Please... Diana como here.

Diana: Me?

Teacher: Yes, you.

Diana stood up from her desk and began to walk to reach where it was
the Teacher and so be able to read the small paragraph. She doesn't
notice that her classmates had started to murmur as if they wanted to
make a joke.

When she arrived at the teacher's desk, she give her the book so that
she could read.

Diana: -The Second World War was a global military conflict that took
place between 1939 and 1945. In it were involved most of the world's
Nations, including all the major powers, grouped into two opposing
military alliances: the allies of World War II and the axis powers...-

Diana could not finish reading the paragraph that all his companions
began to laugh loudly.

She could not bear it, she dropped the book and went running into the

Teacher: Silence everyone, I can't believe to be treated so badly to a


Jessica: Teacher nobody wants a transsexual girl. *She gave a slight

laugh accompanied by Barbara*

Teacher: What's wrong to be a transgender girl, each who has their

tastes and just by that she doesn't have the same sexual orientation
that you it doesn't mean that you have to treat her so badly.

The Teacher went to find Diana in the bathrooms when she saw her
sitting crying in a fetal position in a corner.

Teacher: Diana, are you well?

Diana: No, I'm not well, I don't have the guilt of being as I am, they
don't understand what I have to spend every day in my house!
Teacher: What is happening in your House?

Diana: My parents when they learned that I'm transsexual began to hit
me, and the truth, I do not understand why. * Small tears fallen down
the cheeks of Diana *

Teacher: Don't worry, I'm here for you and I will take care of that no
one makes you more harm that you already suffer, but you have to
promise me you're not going to cry more, okay?

Diana: Okay teacher.

Together walked back to the classroom. When they arrived at the

classroom, Diana was to sit at her desk.

Teacher: I need that Jessica and Barbara are left please 5 minutes
more until go to recess.

Jessica: It's needed Teacher?

Teacher: * with a slight annoying tone * if very necessary.

Jessica and Barbara: Okey Teacher.

Act III:

Jessica and Barbara are preparing her things to the recess. Until they
put a feet out of the classroom the Teacher call them.

Teacher: Girls don't forget that we have a litlle talk.

Jessica: Oh yes!, i forgoted.

Teacher: Please, take a sit.

Jessica and Barbara took seat in front of the teacher.

Teacher: *sigh* Girls why you treat so bad to Diana?

Jessica: Teacher we already explain it, we made it because she is...

Teacher: I want to hear Barbara explain it to me.

Barbara: * nervous * teacher the truth, I just still what makes Jessica
because I don't want to be excluded as Diana.

Teacher: Girls listen to me, Diana is suffering much at home so you

come and continue doing damage, please stop making him bullying or I
will have to carry out a meeting with your parents and the Principal.

Jessica and Barbara: Please teacher all less that.

Teacher: So stop bullying Diana.

Barbara: I promise never do it again Teacher.

Jessica: Me too Teacher.

Teacher: Well, now I want to go and ask for apologies to Diana for
everything you have done to her.

Barbara and Jessica: Okey Teacher.

Last Act:

Diana was eating at a table, when Jessica and Barbara arrived asking
for apologies.

Barbara: Uhm... Diana, can we sit?

Diana: Depends, if you come to insult again better leave...

Barbara: No, quiet, we don't come to insult you again... Actualy we

have to apologize you.

Diana: Really?

Jessica: It is seriously, really we are very badly treated you that way
and not respecting your sexual orientation, we forgive?

Diana: Let me think about it... of course I forgive them, and I hope that
we can be friends.

Jessica: Of course, that we will be friends.

Barbara: The best ones.

They stopped the table and gave a hug.

This proves that only by having a difference to other people, does not
mean that you have to embarrass you by this. Each person is different
and they do not have to be groups separated in which are considered
normal and which they consider abnormal. It is time that you people
who are suffering from bullying to break the silence and open with
someone you trust may be your parents, your teacher, or even your
best friend. Cases of children and adolescents who have come to
commit suicide because of bullying, please if you are experiencing
bullying or presences that someone found the this suffering don't stay
silent, could you get to save a life. Never be mistreated in silence.
Never allow yourself to be a victim. Not accept anyone to define your
life, define yourself.

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