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Can your bill become law?

Students whose bills become law will be given 20 points extra credit!

DAY 1 & 2: Bill Writing

1. Class will be divided between 9 in the Senate and the rest in the House.
a. The Senate elects a leader who will be the Senate Majority Leader
b. The House elects a leader who will be the Speaker of the House
2. Each person writes their own bill
3. For examples of current bills proposed in either house, visit their, current Senate
Bills or current House Bills being considered

Bill Title (think of a catchy title): Riot control

Bill Number (Choose a 3 digit number---If you are in the House label your bill H.R. ###, if
you are in the Senate label your bill S.B. ###): S.P. 666

Text of your bill, make sure it has organization (outline format or bullet points or okay),
grammar, and completeness of ideas:

Anybody that riots it is at their own risk.

The police is able to act anyway they feel is safe for them.
The police have to start with minimum discipline then will gradually get worse.
Law enforcement uses simulation rounds,Rubber grenades,Hoses,dogs,flash
grenades,and lastly mustard gas.
This would only apply under riot situations. People setting things on fire,
breaking into houses, stores etc. This would not apply to a peaceful protest,
which is just people speaking their minds

What is the fiscal impact of your bill if it were to become law? It would cost the
Government more towards the military and police.

Is your bill Constitutional? Would your bill withstand a court challenge?

I feel like it would be constitutional because it is protecting the people from riots.

Two possible positive consequences of this bill:

1. Less damage towards properties.
2. Will make the society a safer place

Two possible negative consequences of this bill:

1. We would have to use more tax money to buy more equipment to help the riot
2. It might go a little far and people may get hurt.

What types of groups might benefit from your bill?

The type of people that dont riot,they sit at home and watch it happen.
What types of groups might be harmed by your bill?
The people that are burning down their neighbor's house because they dont like

What are alternative solutions to the problem you are solving?

We can take away their freedom of speech.

What hard evidence do you have that your "solution" has ever worked in a cost effective
We can give them a time and place to riot and keep it under control.

Is it possible that society would be better off if this situation was left alone?

No then we will be right where we are right now.

DAY 3 & 4: Congress in Action

1. Each person presents to their house.
2. Only 4 bills are allowed to pass the House and 4 bills are allowed to pass the
Senate. The four bills with the MOST votes in either house will be sent to the
other house
3. The four bills will then be sent to the other side.
4. Next, they will choose their 2 favorite bills to send on to the President for signing
5. If it passes both houses they are sent to President Petty for signing.

DAY 5: Executive Action

The President has four options:
1. If he chooses to sign the bill, it becomes law.
2. If he chooses to do nothing for 10 days, the bill becomes a law.
3. If he chooses to do nothing for 10 days and during that time Congress adjourns, the
bill dies.
4. If he chooses to veto the bill, she must write his objections and return it to the house in
which it originated. That house must record the Presidents objections and reconsider the
bill. If after reconsideration of the bill and the objections the house can override the veto
with a two-thirds majority vote, the bill along with the objections are sent to the other
house for reconsideration. If that house also has a two-thirds majority vote to override
the veto, the bill becomes a law.

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