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System Feature: Warp Turbulence

Additional Special Rule: One of the planets in this system is engulfed in a permanent Warp storm.
Star Type: Mighty

Inner Cauldron
System Influence: Dominant

Asteroid Cluster
Base Mineral Resources:
Plentiful (137) industrial metals

Gravity Riptide
Gravity Riptides follow the rules for Gravity Tides on page 227 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook.

Primaris 1
Type: Planet
Body: Vast
Gravity: High
Atmospheric Presence: Thin
Atmospheric Composition: Corrosive
Climate: Burning World
Habitability: Inhospitable
Major Continents or Archipelagos: 4
Smaller Islands: None
Territories: None
Base Mineral Resources:
Sustainable (49) industrial metals
Plentiful (386) ornamentals
Major (97) radioactives
Organic Compounds: None
Archeotech Caches: Significant (80)
Xenos Ruins: Plentiful (123) ruins of unknown origin
Inhabitants: None

Primaris 1-1
Type: Large Asteroid

Primaris 1-2
Type: Lesser Moon
Base Mineral Resources: None

Primaris 1-3
Type: Large Asteroid

Primaris 2
Type: Planet
Body: Vast
Gravity: High
Atmospheric Presence: Moderate
Atmospheric Composition: Corrosive
Climate: Hot World
Habitability: Inhospitable
Major Continents or Archipelagos: 2
Smaller Islands: 48
Territories: None
Base Mineral Resources:
Significant (77) industrial metals
Significant (80) radioactives
Organic Compounds: None
Archeotech Caches: None
Xenos Ruins: Sustainable (59) ruins of unknown origin
Inhabitants: Human
Inhabitant Development: Advanced Industry

Primaris 2-1
Type: Moon
Body: Vast
Gravity: High
Atmospheric Presence: Moderate
Atmospheric Composition: Deadly
Climate: Burning World
Habitability: Inhospitable
Major Continents or Archipelagos: 4
Smaller Islands: None
Territories: None
Base Mineral Resources: Significant (66) industrial metals
Organic Compounds: None
Archeotech Caches: Plentiful (110)
Xenos Ruins: None
Inhabitants: Human
Inhabitant Development: Voidfarers

Primaris 2-2
Type: Lesser Moon
Base Mineral Resources: None

Primaris 2-3
Type: Moon
Body: Vast
Gravity: High
Atmospheric Presence: Thin
Atmospheric Composition: Deadly
Climate: Burning World
Habitability: Inhospitable
Major Continents or Archipelagos: 1
Smaller Islands: None
Territories: None
Base Mineral Resources:
Plentiful (227) industrial metals
Plentiful (134) ornamentals
Significant (82) radioactives
Organic Compounds: None
Archeotech Caches: None
Xenos Ruins: None
Inhabitants: None
Warp Storm: This planet is engulfed in a permanent Warp storm, rendering it inaccessible to all but the most dedicated
(and insane) of travellers.

Gravity Riptide
Gravity Riptides follow the rules for Gravity Tides on page 227 of the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook.
Primaris 3
Type: Planet
Body: Vast
Gravity: High
Atmospheric Presence: Thin
Atmospheric Composition: Tainted
Climate: Temperate World
Habitability: Verdant
Major Continents or Archipelagos: None
Smaller Islands: None
Plains (Notable Species)
Mountain Range (Unusual Location)
Wasteland (Expansive, Extreme Temperature)
Wasteland (2x Expansive, Unique Compound)
Forest (Extreme Temperature)
Swamp (Unique Compound)
Wasteland (2x Expansive, Unique Compound)
Wasteland (Extreme Temperature, Notable Species)
Swamp (Exotic Nature, Expansive)
Landmarks in Plains:
3x Cave Network
Landmarks in Mountain Range:
2x Canyon
3x Mountain
Landmarks in Wasteland:
2x Canyon
2x Crater
2x Mountain
Landmarks in Wasteland:
2x Canyon
2x Mountain
Landmarks in Forest:
2x Cave Network
2x Mountain
Landmarks in Swamp:
3x Canyon
Cave Network
3x Mountain
Landmarks in Wasteland:
Cave Network
3x Mountain
Landmarks in Wasteland:
2x Mountain
Landmarks in Swamp:
2x Canyon
Cave Network
2x Inland Sea
2x Mountain
Base Mineral Resources:
Significant (68) industrial metals
Plentiful (161) ornamentals
Major (87) radioactives
Minimal (11) exotic materials
Organic Compounds:
Limited (35) curatives
Limited (35) vivid accessories
Major (93) toxins
Archeotech Caches: None
Xenos Ruins: None
Inhabitants: None

Native Species

WS BS S T Ag Int Per

48 - 45 40 40 16 40
Movement: 3/6/9/18
Armour: None
Base Profile: Predator
Skills: Awareness +10 (Per), Silent Move (Ag), Tracking (Int).
Talents: Swift Attack.
Traits: Bestial, Blind, Brutal Charge, Crawler, Darkling, Mighty, Multiple Arms, Natural Weapons, Quadruped, Size
(Scrawny), Unnatural Senses (30m).
Weapons: Claws or fangs (Melee; 1d10+4 R; Pen 0; Primitive)

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
WS BS S T Ag Int Per

58 - 58 47 33 19 49
Movement: 5/10/15/30
Armour: All 2
Bestial Archetype: Apex Predator
Bestial Nature: Brute
Skills: Awareness (Per), Tracking +10 (Int).
Talents: Frenzy.
Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge, Natural Armour (2), Natural Weapons, Size (Enormous), Valuable.
Weapons: Claws, fangs, horns, stingers, tentacles, or other deadly adaption (Melee; 1d10+5 I or R; Pen 0; Primitive)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per

40 - 41 41 35 16 40
Movement: 3/6/9/18
Armour: None
Base Profile: Scavenger
Skills: Awareness (Per), Concealment +20 (Ag), Shadowing +20 (Ag), Silent Move +20 (Ag), Tracking (Int).
Talents: None.
Traits: Bestial, 2x Crawler, Natural Weapons, Size (Hulking), Stealthy.
Weapons: Claws or fangs (Melee; 1d10+4 R; Pen 0; Primitive)

Shadowed Stalker
Shadowed Stalker
WS BS S T Ag Int Per

53 - 41 47 48 17 43
Movement: 4/8/12/24
Armour: None
Bestial Archetype: Shadowed Stalker
Bestial Nature: Deadly Ambusher
Skills: Acrobatics (Ag), Concealment (Ag), Silent Move (Ag), Tracking +20 (Int).
Talents: Crushing Blow.
Traits: Bestial, Brutal Charge, Multiple Arms, Natural Weapons.
Weapons: Claws, fangs, tentacles, stingers, or other deadly adaption (Melee; 1d10+4 I or R; Pen 0; Primitive)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per
(21) (12)
40 - 70 65 28 14 26
Movement: 5/10/15/30
Armour: Durable hide (All 5)
Bestial Archetype: Behemoth
Bestial Nature: Titanborn
Skills: Awareness (Per).
Talents: Fearless.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Armour (5), Natural Weapons, Size (Massive), Unnatural Strength (x3), Unnatural Toughness
Weapons: Oversized claws, fangs, horns, or other natural weapons (Melee; 1d10+21 I or R; Pen 0; Primitive), Trample
(Melee; 2d10+21 I or R; Pen 2; Overwhelming*)

Avian Beast
Avian Beast
WS BS S T Ag Int Per

36 40 35 35 40 16 44
Movement: 3/6/9/18
Armour: None
Base Profile: Avian Beast
Skills: Awareness (Per).
Talents: None.
Traits: Bestial, Crawler, Flyer (8), Natural Weapons, 2x Projectile Attack, Size (Hulking).
Weapons: Beak or talons (Melee; 1d10+3 R; Pen 0; Primitive), Projectile attack (25m; S/-/-; 1d10+4 I, R, or E; Pen 1;

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
WS BS S T Ag Int Per
58 - 48 45 48 19 49
Movement: 4/8/12/24
Armour: All 2
Bestial Archetype: Apex Predator
Bestial Nature: Cunning Stalker
Skills: Awareness (Per), Concealment (Ag), Shadowing (Ag), Silent Move (Ag), Tracking +10 (Int).
Talents: Swift Attack.
Traits: Bestial, Fear (1), Natural Armour (2), Natural Weapons.
Weapons: Claws, fangs, horns, stingers, tentacles, or other deadly adaption (Melee; 1d10+4 I or R; Pen 0; Primitive)

Large Flora
Large Flora
WS BS S T Ag Int Per

60 - 50 60 20 - 35
Movement: N/A
Armour: None
Base Profile: Large Flora
Flora Type: Combatant
Skills: None.
Talents: None.
Traits: Deadly, Foul Aura (Soporific), From Beyond, Improved Natural Weapons, Resilient, Size (Enormous), Strange
Physiology, Sturdy.
Weapons: Thorns, barbs, or tendrils (Melee; 1d10+6 I or R; Pen 0)

Primaris 3-1
Type: Moon
Body: Small and Dense
Gravity: High
Atmospheric Presence: Moderate
Atmospheric Composition: Toxic
Climate: Temperate World
Habitability: Inhospitable
Major Continents or Archipelagos: 4
Smaller Islands: None
Territories: None
Base Mineral Resources: None
Organic Compounds: None
Archeotech Caches: Limited (21)
Xenos Ruins: None
Inhabitants: None

Primary Biosphere
System Influence: Normal
This system's Primary Biosphere is empty and barren. Maybe there was something here once, but there's nothing left

Outer Reaches
System Influence: Weak

Starship Graveyard
Fleet Composition: Unknown Provenance
Human Tempest-class Strike Frigate - May be possible to salvage.
Xenos (other) Starship - May be possible to salvage.
Stryxis Xebec - Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.
Kroot Warsphere - Shattered beyond any value.
Chaos Reaver Soulcage Slaveship - Shattered beyond any value.
Eldar Nightshade - Shattered beyond any value.
Ork Ravager Attack Ship - May be possible to salvage.
Xenotech Resources: Plentiful (382)

Starship Graveyard
Fleet Composition: Skirmish
Xenos (other) Starship - Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.
Xenos (other) Starship - Shattered beyond any value.
Xenos (other) Starship - Shattered beyond any value.
Xenos (other) Starship - Intact enough to allow boarding, but little else.
Human Jericho-class Pilgrim Vessel - Shattered beyond any value.
Human Dauntless-class Light Cruiser - Shattered beyond any value.
Human Lunar-class Cruiser - Shattered beyond any value.
Archeotech Resources: Plentiful (199)
Xenotech Resources: Plentiful (101)

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