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Course Material No. 1

Universe and the Solar

This course material is designed to help
• What are the theories on the origin of the solar system?
• describe the historical
development of theories that • Is the universe really expanding?
explain the origin of the
• compare the different
explaining the origin of the
Solar System
• Appreciate the formation of the
universe and the solar system


The learner shall be able to make a For this lesson, you would need the following resources:
concept map and use it to explain how • Universe and the solar system PPT
the geosphere, hydrosphere,
• Videos
atmosphere, and biosphere are


The learners demonstrate an

understanding of the formation of the
universe and the
solar system



Before you start, try answering the following

Think Upon!
1. What is the composition of the universe?

2. What are the theories of the origin of the

5 The Universe

________________________________________ 7 Big Bang Theory
3. What is the composition of the solar system?

4. What are the theories on the origin of the solar 8 Expanding Universe

9 The Solar System

Formation of the Solar

10 System

Theories on the
11 origin of the Solar

12 Earth and Earth’s


19 Written Work 1
Image from:

Post Test

Have you ever wondered what is out there

on the space? Do you imagine living in other
planets such as planet Mars? Or do you know
how big our universe is? Believe it or not there
are many things out the space that scientist is
still observing and studying. Some things are
not yet proven and is still in dispute. The
whole universe is already too far and so big to

On this lesson, you are about to discover,

or should I say be updated and recall some
concepts taught on you when you were grade Image from:
school and junior high school.


Watch the video provided and answer the following

guide questions.

Answer the following questions.

1. What comes into your mind when you are watching the
2. Do you really believe that the universe is that big as in the
3. On what specific thing you are curious about the universe?

The Universe

Everything that you see is actually part of this so-called universe. The
universe is a vast space that comprises everything that exists. The planets,
galaxies, stars, light, dust clouds and even time. Outside the space there are
millions of galaxies that contains billion of stars. The universe itself were
studies and observed by the cosmologists and the study on it is called

Now let us know the profile and composition of the universe. According
to scientist the universe is consists of three substances, the normal matter, the
dark matter and the energy. The normal matter is consisting of atoms that
make up the stars, planet, human beings, and every other visible object in the
universe. Even the smallest dust particle and the largest galaxy is part of the
universe. Most of the universe's measurable matter takes the form of
individual hydrogen atoms, the
smallest atomic product,
consisting of only a proton and an
electron (if the atom also contains
a neutron, it is instead called
deuterium). Two or more
electrons exchanging atoms is a
molecule. A dust particle is
several trillions of atoms together.

Image from:

This spectacular image from the SPHERE instrument on ESO's Very Large
Telescope is the first clear image of a planet caught in the very act of
formation around the dwarf star PDS 70. The planet stands clearly out,
visible as a bright point to the right of the center of the image, which is
blacked out by the coronagraph mask used to block the blinding light of the
central star. Credit: ESO/A. Müller et al.

These clumps of matter have started to be counted by scientists and the

resulting numbers are very wild. There are at least 100 billion stars in our
home galaxy, the Milky Way, and the visible universe includes at least 100
billion galaxies. If galaxies were all the same size, that would give us, in the
observable universe, 10,000 billion (or 10 sextillion) stars. But it also seems
like the universe comprises a lot of matter and energy that we can't see or
observe directly. Together, all stars, planets, comets, sea otters, black holes,
and dung beetles account for less than 5 percent of the universe's material.
About 27% of the rest is dark matter, and 68% is dark energy, none of which
is even vaguely known. If dark matter and dark energy did not exist, the
universe as we understand it would not function, and they are considered
"dark" because scientists do not seem to detect them directly. Not yet, at least.

In terms of age, the universe is said

to be approximately 13.8 billion years
old. Its age emerged from the calculation
of the universe's composition of matter
and energy density. This allowed
researchers to measure how rapidly in
the past the universe expanded. The
gravitational force of tiny variations in Image from:
matter density back then, according to app-virtually-explore-space/

NASA, gave rise to the vast web-like system of stars and emptiness seen
today. By gravity, dense regions pulled in more matter. In other words, the
more massive they become, the more matter they can pull through gravity,
creating stars, galaxies, and larger structures known as clusters, superclusters,
filaments, and "great walls" walls: thousands of galaxies over a billion light
years in length. There was no development in less dense areas, which formed
into an area of seemingly empty space called voids.

Astronomers assumed about 30 years earlier that the universe consisted

nearly entirely of regular atoms or baryonic matter. But there has been even
more evidence lately, according to NASA, showing that most of the

ingredients that make up the universe come in ways that we do not see.
Atoms just make up 4.6 percent of the world. Of the remaining, 23% is made
up of dark matter, and is likely to consist of one or more subatomic particle
species interacting very weakly with ordinary matter, and 72% is made up of
dark energy, which is evidently behind the universe's accelerating expansion.
Hydrogen makes up about 75 percent when it comes to the atoms we are
familiar with, while helium makes up about 25 percent, with heavy elements
making up just a small percentage of the atoms of the universe.

The Big Bang Theory

The most famous theory of the origin of the cosmos centers in all
history on a planetary tragedy and match the Big Bang. This hypothesis was
born out of certain findings that, in all directions, other galaxies are traveling
away from ours at tremendous distance, as if they were all driven by an
ancient explosive force. The Big Bang, though, did not arise as an eruption in
the normal manner one might think about such things, or that one could infer
by its name, according to NASA. The cosmos did not extend into space, there
was no space before the universe, so it is easier to perceive the Big Bang as the
simultaneous appearance of space in the universe everywhere. After the Big
Bang, the universe has not extended from any place. Yet, instead, space itself
was stretching and bringing with it matter.

When the universe was just 10-34 seconds or so old, an enormous

explosion of acceleration was witnessed, known as inflation, in which space
itself evolved faster than the speed of light. The universe doubled in size at
least 90 times during this period, going almost instantaneously from some
atomic size, the golf ball sized. The expansion of the universe has continued
after inflation, but at a slower pace, according to NASA. The cosmos cooled,
and matter formed as space extended. Neutrons, protons, ions, anti-electrons,
photons and neutrinos filled the universe one second after the Big Bang. The
light elements were born in a process known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis
within the first 3 minutes of the universe. Temperatures cooled from Kelvin
100 million to Kelvin 1 billion, and protons and neutrons collided to create the

hydrogen isotope deuterium. To make helium, most of the deuterium is

mixed, and trace amounts of lithium have also been produced.

Expanding Universe

Since outer space galaxies are moving away from us, the galaxies that
are the furthest away travel the most. This just means that all the other

galaxies travel Image from:

away from you, no matter what galaxy you happen to be in. Galaxies, though,
don't travel across space. They are traveling in space, so space is moving as
well. In other words, there is no center of the universe; everything dies from
everything else. In the Big Bang, around 13.7 billion years ago, the universe
was expanding and maybe limitless in its reach. It includes anything from the
smallest molecule to the largest galaxy in nature.

To describe the expanding universe, one common analogy is to picture

the universe as a loaf of bread dough growing. The raisins move farther away
from one another as the bread grows and spreads, but they are still trapped

in the dough. There could be raisins out there, in the case of the universe, that
we can no longer see because they have passed so far that their light has never
reached earth. Fortunately, at the local level, gravity oversees everything and
holds our raisins together.

The Solar System

As we can see, a great

deal of astronomy is driven by a
need to explain the origin of
things; to find at least partial
answers to age-old questions
about where the cosmos, the sun,
the world, and how we come
from the earth. Each planet and
moon is a beautiful location that
could inspire our imagination as
we try to predict what it might be
like to visit. Taken together, the
representatives of the solar system retain patterns that can teach us about the
formation of the whole system. When we continue our exploration of the
planets, we want to offer a modern Image from:
picture of how the solar system was

Our solar system is found in the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way
galaxy. Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to
it by gravity—planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune, dwarf planets like Pluto, hundreds of moons, and
millions of asteroids, comets, and meteors. Beyond our own solar system, we

have found thousands of planetary systems orbiting the other stars of the Milky

There are more planets outside our own solar system than stars in the
night sky. So far, in the Milky Way, we have detected thousands of planetary
systems orbiting other stars, with more planets being discovered all the time.
Many of our galaxy's hundreds of billions of stars are believed to have planets
of their own, and the Milky Way is just one of the universe's maybe 100 billion

Formation of the Solar System

Our solar system was
formed from a thick cloud of
interstellar gas and dust around
4.5 billion years ago. The cloud
exploded, likely due to a nearby
burning star called a supernova
shockwave. It formed a solar
nebula, a rotating, revolving
disk of debris, as this dust cloud

Gravity at the middle pulled

Image from:
more and more material in. The strain
in the heart was ultimately so high that
hydrogen atoms started to fuse to form helium, releasing a massive amount of
energy. With that, our Sun was born, and more than 99 percent of the available
matter gradually accrued. Often, matter was clumping together further out in
the disk. These clumps, creating larger and larger objects, smashed into each
other. Any of them grew massive enough to turn them into spheres with their
gravity, becoming planets, dwarf planets, and large moons. In other examples,
there was no creation of planets: the asteroid belt consisted of bits and pieces

of the early solar system that could never yet come together into a world.
Asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and small, erratic moons were other smaller
leftover items.

In our solar system, the order and organization of the planets and other
bodies is attributed to the way the solar system was formed. Closest to the Sun,
when the solar system was young, only rocky matter could survive the heat.
The first four asteroids, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are terrestrial planets
for this purpose. With sturdy, rocky surfaces, they're thin. Meanwhile,
elements we are used to seeing settled in the outer regions of the young solar
system as salt, liquid or gas. Gravity pushed these elements together, and that's
where the Jupiter and Saturn gas giants and the Uranus and Neptune ice giants
are located.

Theories on the Origin of the Solar System

1. Tidal Theory - The application of continuum mechanics, suggested by Sir James Jeans
and Sir Harold Jeffreys, to view and forecast the tidal deformations of terrestrial and
satellite bodies and their atmospheres and the seas of the earth under the gravitational
load of another astronomical body or bodies such as the moon. It includes the sun
approaching another star that set ups tidal forces, and the instability of the sun results in
part of its mass being torn off to form the planets.
2. Solar Nebula Theory - States that, billions of years ago, the solar system evolved from
a falling cloud of gas and dust. It is widely acknowledged by scientists today that the
properties of the solar system are amazingly well described. The creation of our solar
system from a cloud of nebula created from a collection of dust and gas is identified. It
is thought that the sun, planets, stars, and asteroids were created by a nebula around 5
billion years ago at around the same time.
3. Protoplanet Theory - The Protoplanet hypothesis indicates that a great cloud of gas and
dust rotated steadily in space around 5 billion years ago. The cloud had a diameter of at
least 10 billion kilometers. The cloud shrank under the pull of its own gravitation oil as
time elapsed, triggered by the eruption of the moving star to crash.

4. Modern Laplacian Theory - A French scholar in mathematics, numbers, physics of

astronomy named Pierre Simon Laplace proposed modern Laplacian theory in 1796,
first proposing that the sun and the planets developed in a spinning nebula that cooled
and collapsed. It condensed into rings that gradually produced the planets and the central
mass that became the sun. It is modern version assumes that solid dust grains were found
in the central mass that cost the gas to travel slowly Ask the center condensed. After the
heart slowed down, the temperature increased, and the dust evaporated from the cloud
of form. The heart, steadily spinning, became the sun.

With the aid of interstellar probes, the discoveries of recent years in the
solar system help us understand the presence of rings around giant
planets and strong volcanic processes on them and their satellites.
These great observations have led to the interpretation of the solar
system's actual cosmogony and the eruptive evolution of celestial
bodies. As time goes by, many discoveries might exists and change
what we have already know about the universe and our solar system.

Earth and Earth’s Subsystems

Forming the Earth

• As soon as most of the materials (dust, gas, subatomic particles) cooled

down and coalesce, and have migrated towards the center of the
growing solar system, the smaller units (the planets) started to form.

• As the young Earth grew larger, it gains mass enough to pull smaller
particles into it.

• This accumulation or accretion of materials provided heat through

impact which became a factor in the “re-melting of the whole planet”.
Remelting, Iron Catastrophe, and Differentiation

• This melting process produced a semi-molten body in which denser

materials (like iron) sank to its core while the less dense materials are
left on the surface.

• The sinking of the denser materials into the core has allowed the
formation of the different layers of the earth that we know today
(crust, mantle and core).
What are the characteristics of Earth that make life possible?

• Without differentiation, the earth would be a rocky mass just like the
other planets.

• Earth is termed as the “planet of life” where matter and energy

continue to flow. It is the only planet in the solar system to harbor life.

• Biogeochemical cycles drive the Earth’s subsystems. It is through

these cycles that earth materials are recycled and replenish.

All the planets in the Solar System share the same origin with Earth-as dust
particles that combined through accretion. How come Earth, as far as we know,
is the only planet that can sustain life?

Everything that happened since the beginning of time is essential to the

existence of life on Earth. The expansion and cooling of the universe, the
creation of heavier elements from supernovas, or the smallest and seemingly
inconsequential processes on the planet are all significant to the existence of
life on Earth. Some important characteristics of Earth that are necessary in
supporting life include the presence of liquid water, its ability to maintain heat,
and the existence of its atmosphere.
Life would not have begun without water. The presence of water allowed the
first photosynthetic organisms to thrive. Organisms such as cyanobacteria used
sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce biomass and oxygen, an
essential component of the atmosphere. These single-celled organisms would
then evolve into the organisms present today.

Scientists believe that water on Earth came from two possible sources: water
released through volcanism and water from the icy meteors from the outer
regions of the Solar System which bombarded Earth. It is also important to
note that Earth's distance from the sun, called babitable zone, allows Earth to
hold water in its liquid form.

The heat that drives the different systems necessary to support life on Earth
comes from two sources: from Earth and from the sun. Heat coming from Earth

is caused by the radiogenic heat from the radioactive decay of materials in the
core and mantle and extruded via active tectonic activities, such as volcanism
and plate movement.
Heat is also provided by the sun. As radiation from the sun enters Earth, some
of the heat is trapped by the atmosphere. This causes the greenhouse
phenomenon needed by plants to carry on with photosynthesis. Photosynthesis
also ensures the right amount. and flow of gases on Earth. Without it, there
would be too much greenhouse gases that would cause global warming.

A greenhouse effect is just one of the many benefits of having an atmosphere.

Having an atmosphere also greatly influences surface temperature, weather,
and climate, which are essential to the formation of life and biodiversity on

The Solar System model places the sun at the center with the terrestrial and
Jovian planets revolving it. The motions of the sun and planets happen
simultaneously. Earth's motion is evidenced by the daily rotation and the
yearly revolution.

Earth's rotation is the amount of time that it takes to turn around once on its
axis. An axis is a an imaginary line about which a body rotates. Earth's axis is
tilted 23.5 degrees. There are two different kinds of rotation: the amount it
takes for Earth to turn on its axis is known as the sidereal day, and the amount
of time it takes for the sun to return to the same spot is called a solar day. The
variation is due to Earth's rotation: while Earth rotates on its axis in 23 hours,
56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds, it is also orbiting around the sun, so the sun's
position in the sky catches up by 4 minutes each day.
The rotation of Earth comes from the angular momentum of all the particles
that came together to create Earth 4.6 billion years ago. The sun, Earth, and the
rest of the Solar System were once part of a giant cloud of interstellar gases
and other elements. As the cloud collapsed, the momentum of all particles set
the cloud spinning. This is the cause of the Solar System's current motion. As
the sun spins, Earth and the moon also rotate on their axes.
The simultaneous motions of Earth make it possible to support life. As Earth
rotates around the sun, a flow of energy is received through solar radiation.
1. Biologically, only photosynthetic organisms are capable of harnessing and
converting radiant energy into chemical energy through the process of

photosynthesis. This chemical transferred from one trophic level to the next.
energy is.
2. Physiologically, all organisms respond to stimulus. Each organism is
equipped with a unique structure, such as the human skin, that responds to
sunlight. Melanin is a brown to black pigment produced by melanocytes found
in most epidermis of animals and humans. When produced, melanin serves as
protection because it blocks ultraviolet radiation which damages the skin and
could lead to skin cancer.
3. Meteorologically, Earth's weather and climate are driven by solar radiation.
Heating of the planet because of rotation affects the different biogeochemical
cycles such as the hydrologic cycle. The water vapor in the atmosphere causes
moisture and clouds to form and precipitation to happen. Moreover, the
varying atmospheric pressure exerted by air results in the general circulation
of the atmosphere. It is this general circulation that determines the different
ecosystems on Earth.
The solar radiation Earth receives every day, however, is not the same
throughout the year. Since Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis as it revolves
around the sun in an elliptical orbit, the angle by which light is received on
Earth varies. This results in changes in daytime, weather, ecosystems, and

Earth's Systems

Earth science looks at the entire planet as a system of interacting parts called
subsystems. It focuses on the processes and changes within and among these
parts. Each subsystem can be studied separately, but ultimately, they are
dependent on and connected with the other subsystems.

Although energy enters Earth's systems in the form of solar radiation and
leaves as infrared, Earth can be considered as a closed system with respect to
how matter is confined within the planet. Any loss of matter within this system
is considered negligible with respect to the mass of Earth.

Earth as a Closed System

The amount of matter within a closed system is fixed. This can be illustrated
by discussing the volume of mineral resources a planet has. The resources used
can never be regenerated, and the waste produced cannot really be disposed.
Once used up, these mineral resources transform into something else,
maintaining the amount of matter within this closed system.

Changes within one subsystem eventually in others. Although Earth is

considered a closed system, its four subsystems are open systems, and matter
and energy can freely transfer among them. Thus, any disturbance in one n
affects the others. For example, when Mount Pinatubo system erupted in 1991,
nearly 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide was ejected into the atmosphere. This
gas cloud traveled around the world and caused global temperatures to drop
temporarily by 0.5°C. The eruption dramatically changed the topography of
Central Luzon. Many people in Pampanga developed silicosis from inhaling
the fine volcanic ash and silica dust Lahars caused by subsequent typhoons and
extreme rainfall events buried numerous towns, villages, rice paddies, and
sugarcane fields. changes

Earth's Subsystems
Earth is composed of four basic subsystems: geosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere, and biosphere. It may be important to note that humans are not
part of the biosphere, and that human lives depend on the interaction of the
four subsystems.
The geosphere refers to the solid Earth. It is composed of naturally-occurring
solid minerals, organic material, or natural glass called rocks, and loose
particles of rocks blanketing the aggregate of surface of Earth called regolith.
Geosphere consists of three layers: crust, mantle, and core. Each layer differs
from the other in terms of density, thickness, and temperature.
The hydrosphere is the totality of Earth's water, including the permanently
frozen parts called cryosphere. The cryosphere includes the polar ice caps,
glaciers, and permafrost. Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that
contains water in all three phases: solid, liquid, and gas. The water in the
atmosphere is considered separate from that in the hydrosphere, but they are
ultimately interconnected.

The atmosphere is the mixture of gases that surround the planet such as
nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other trace gases.
Aside from the presence of important gases in the atmosphere, their relative
abundance is also crucial. The air in the atmosphere is generally composed of
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and the remaining 1/10 percent is
made up of different race gases.

The biosphere includes all life forms, even organic matter that has not yet
decomposed. Most life on Earth exists within a zone no wider than 20 km
where interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere
create a habitable environment. It is also in this zone that the interaction among
the different subsystems is most dynamic.

These four subsystems are closely linked through the biogeochemical cycles
which, as the term implies, involves biological, geological, and chemical
factors. For example, the hydrosphere interacts with the atmosphere,
biosphere, and geosphere through the water cycle. Water from the ground
(geosphere) is absorbed by plants (biosphere) through osmosis, and then
released into the atmosphere through transpiration. Water vapor in the
atmosphere eventually falls as precipitation where a portion of it is absorbed
by porous rocks and becomes part of the groundwater.

These biogeochemical cycles are pathways by which chemical substances

move through both biotic or living (biosphere) and abiotic or non-living
(lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) components of Earth. It allows the
circulation of important chemical nutrients that form and support life, such as
carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and water, through the
biological and physical world. It also maintains the balance of substances in
the different subsystems of Earth.

One relevant example is the carbon cycle. In this cycle, carbon can be stored
in the biosphere (within the plants), atmosphere (as carbon dioxide),

hydrosphere (dissolved CO₂ in the oceans), and geosphere (coal and oil
deposits). The large scale burning of fossil fuels by humans is increasing the
amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere by releasing carbon that should have been
stored within the rocks. The right amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere helps
regulate temperature, which is beneficial to life. However, too much CO, in
the atmosphere lead to warmer temperatures, which eventually lead to global
warming and subsequent climate change.

Image from:


Written Work 1

Create an essay answering the following guide questions.

• Why is the big bang theory the most accepted theory on the origin of
the universe?
• What made it possible for the asteroids, stars, and planets to become
one big system?
• How did Earth form after the formation of the sun?
• How Earth’s subsystems interrelated with one another?
• How did Earth become the most habitable planet in the solar system?
A4 size
Arial, 11
Normal Margin
Single Spacing


There are many theories on the origin of the solar system. There are only few that is
widely accepted by the scientists and many educators. These includes the tidal wave
theory, solar nebula theory, protoplanet theory and the modern Laplacian theory.
These four theories has the most evidences found that is why these were accepted.

2 Many studies were conducted that the universe isreally expanding. With the various
observation and space exploration by NASA and other space expedition, cosmologists
can gather data and evidence to support this claim. For now, we can believe on this
but who knows that in the future it may change.


Solar system Collision Big Bang

Cosmologists Solar Nebula Universe

Gasses Space Subsystems



Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False.

_______1. It is believed that the universe originated around 3 billion years ago together

with the sun, the planets and other members of the solar system, the stars and

the galaxies.

_______2. The study of the universe is called cosmology.

_______3. Solar Nebula theory states that the solar system formed from a collapsing cloud

of gas and dust billion years ago. It is widely accepted by scientists today

because it explains.

_______4. The Big Bang theory is the only proven theory on the origin of the universe.

_______5. The universe is composed only of baryonic matter.



The Universe (2020) Retrieve from:

universe/ (December 29, 2020)

NASA Science, Our Solar System. Retrieved from:

system/in-depth/ (December 12, 2020)

Beyond Horizons in Earth Science, Ramos, (2018), EAS publishing House Inc., Camarin, Caloocan

II., O. J. T., Morales., R. A. C., & A., R. J. D. (2016). Exploring life through science: Earth and life
science. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Shipman, J. T., Wilson, J. D., & Higgins, C. A. (2013). An introduction to physical science.
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

Tillery, B. W. (2012). Physical science. McGraw-Hill.

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