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ISO 50001:2018

Energy Management System Awareness (EnMS)

1.0 ISO 50001:2018 EnMS Overview?
1.1 What is EnMS?
The ISO 50001:2018 EnMS was designed to allow any organization to pursue following a systematic
approach and the continuous improvement of its own energy performance, including:

 More efficient energy use and better use of the organization’s energy consuming assets.
 Energy efficiency.
 Reduction of energy costs.
Based on the core concept of continuously improving energy performance, the ISO 50001:2018 standard
defines and addresses the most important requirements towards use and consumption, including
measurement, procurement, documentation, design, equipment, processes, and personnel.
Al these issues can affect the energy performance of any organization.
1.2 Comparison between EMS and EnMS

 EMS helps organizations to manage aspects of their operations that can impact the environment.
Examples include the use of water and materials, the disposal of waste, the use of energy, and air
 EnMS helps organizations improve their energy performance. Energy use often has a significant
environmental impact, including the depletion of natural resources (gas, oil, fossil fuels),
greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming.
1.3 What are the benefits of adopting an ISO 50001:2018 EnMS?

 Helping in achieve energy use reduction and carbon emissions in a systematic way.
 Creating a clear picture of current energy use status, based on which new goals and targets can be
 Evaluating and prioritizing the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies and
 Providing guidance on how to benchmark, measure, document, and report corporate energy use.
 Providing a framework to promote energy efficiency throughout the supply chain.
 Making better use of energy-consuming assets, thus identifying potentials to reduce maintenance
costs or expand capacity.
 Demonstrating to the stakeholders that corporate commitment is necessary to comply with their
best practice to protect the environment.
 Fulfilling the associated regulatory requirements and responding with confidence to green trade
barriers in the global market.

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1.4 Time required to implement an ISO 50001 EnMS
The exact timing to develop an EnMS through to certification will be different for each organization. It
largely depends on aspects such as:

 The will of the company management team.

 Existing processes and activities in the company related to EnMS.
 Properly organizing (internally) the staff dedicated to the EnMS.
 The availability of adequate human and technical resources.
 Sufficient access to past and present data related to the company’s assets.
 The chosen dimensions of the boundaries and scope of the EnMS.
2.0 The ISO 50001 EnMS Structure
2.1 How is the standard structured?
The ISO 50001:2018 EnMS Standard is structured according to the general PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT
(PDCA) approach.

 PLAN- Establish energy balance of company assets, as well as define necessary objectives,
targets and action plans that will improve energy performance.
 DO- Implement an effective energy management action plan.
 CHECK- Provide a methodological and operational approach for monitoring and analyzing the
energy performance of the company.
 ACT- Continually improve energy performance with the aim of the EnMS becoming not just a
niche tool, but rather an integral part of the energy policy and day-to-day operations.
2.2 What Does EnMS Look Like?
ISO 50001 is based on common elements found in many other ISO management system standards, which
ensure a high level of compatibility with other ISOs already implemented in the business- notably with
ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 45001 (Occupations Safety & Health), ISO 14001 (Environmental).
As in other ISO management systems, an organization is given a degree of flexibility in how it
implements the EnMS. For example, your organization can determine its rate, extent, and timescale of the
continual improvement process. This flexibility helps make EnMS become a so-called “organic system”
made up of documents, processes, people, physical and organizational boundaries, as well as energy
objectives and targets.
2.3 ISO Standard List Annex – Annex L
Annex L is a section of Part 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Directives,
which prescribes the way ISO Management System Standards (MSS) should be developed and written.
The purpose of Annex L is to enhance MSS alignment and consistency, through the provision of a unified
high-level structure, identical core text, as well as common terminology and definitions. Annex L was
previously known as Annex SL- it was renamed in the 2019 edition.
Annex L allows easier implementation and integration of multiple management systems (e.g., energy
management, environmental management, quality management, etc.)

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As these standards have an identical structure, as well as identical core requirements, this will streamline
implementation and the ongoing maintenance of such systems.

3.0 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clauses

3.1 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 4
Context of the organization (Clause 4) key requirements

 Understanding the organization and its context, including determining external and internal
 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties and ensuring access to applicable
legal (and other related) requirements.
o Direct customers.
o Employees.
o Suppliers / Service providers.
o Regulatory bodies.
o Owners / Shareholders.
o Insurance.
o Government, local authorities, police, and fire brigade.
 Determining the scope of the energy management system, including boundaries, external and
internal issues, as well as legal and other requirements.
 Energy management system, including continually improving energy performance and the EnMS.

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3.2 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 5
Leadership (Clause 5) key requirements

 Leadership and Commitment – Includes ensuring integration with business processes,

availability of resources, effective communication, promotion of continual improvement and
ensuring that the EnMS meets its intended outcomes.
 Energy Policy – It is the role of Senior Managers to ensure the policy is appropriate, and that it
provides a framework for setting objectives and energy targets, as well as a commitment
satisfying legal and other requirements, and continual improvement.
 Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities – Top Managers must ensure the
relevant roles are assigned appropriately and that those who are responsible must report on
energy performance and ensure the EnMS conforms to the requirements of the standard.
3.3 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 6
Planning (Clause 6) key requirements

 Identify risks on objectives, defined as the effect of uncertainty.

 Identify opportunities related to energy performance improvement.
 Objectives, targets, and planning needed to achieve them.
 Analyze energy use and consumption (past & present), identify Significant Energy Uses (SEUs),
determine relevant variables, current energy performance, and people that impact the SEUs.
 Planning for the collection of energy data.
3.4 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 7
Support (Clause 7) key requirements

 Providing necessary monetary and physical assets, resources and systems (such as personnel,
plant/office, logistics, working conditions, etc.)
 Providing and maintaining monitoring and measuring resources.
 Determining and maintaining organizational knowledge.
 Ensuring personeel competency and providing additional training to achieve competency.
 Communicating the EnMS policy and objectives.
 Documenting information necessary for the operation of EnMS processes and conformance to
ISO standards.
3.5 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 8
Improvement (Clause 8) key requirements

 As in the current standard, organizations have been required to improve their EnMS and their
energy performance.
 Evidence needs to be provided to demonstrate the company’s improvement on the suitability,
adequacy, and effectiveness of the EnMS.
 Improvement can be achieved by implementing energy-saving opportunities, and by carrying out
a management review of the related outcomes, use of the energy policy, objectives, and the
corrective action taken.

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 Operational planning and control and ensuring these are consistent with reinforcing the continual
improvement of the EnMS.
3.6 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 9
Performance evaluation (Clause 9) key requirements

 Emphasize on the evaluation of energy performance and the EnMS, by identifying elements of
the EnMS that need to be monitored, measured, analyzed, and evaluated.
 An internal audit program must incorporate frequency, methods, responsibilities, planning, and
reporting requirements of the audit to ensure the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the
 Carry out a management review of the outcomes of analysis and evaluation, audit results, use of
the energy policy, objectives, and corrective action taken.

3.7 Brief overview of ISO 50001 clause 10

Improvement (Clause 10) key requirements

 Monitoring of performance evaluation issues that need to be addressed such as non-conformities,

corrective action, and continual improvement to enhance the performance of the EnMS.
 Constant improvement of the EnMS to demonstrate proactive and continuous energy performance

 ISO 50001:2018 provides the benefits of energy management and business processes with the
ability to meet growing global customer requirements for reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
 Certifications can provide generic assistance to an organization for establishing, implementing, or
improving an EnMS.
 Global application of an energy management standard contributes to more efficient use of energy
sources, enhanced competitiveness, and a positive impact on climate change.

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