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White Noise WWIS (Convo)

Scene 1:

1. Cut to a Mid Shot of therapist. So, tell me why youre here

2. Cut to an over the shoulder shot from therapist looking at Dante. Its
hard to figure out where to start
3. Close up of therapist. Why not the beginning?
4. Cut to a close up of Dante. If only I knew where to find the beginning
5. (leaning back) Mid shot of therapist. What do you mean, explain
yourself clearly
6. Extreme close up of Dantes eyes closing.

Scene 2:

1. Close Up of Dantes face waking up in horror.

2. Cutaway to Close Up of hand gripping chair
3. Return to Mid shot Dante in shock
4. Mid shot of therapist. Wha- whats the matter? Dante?! You need...
5. Mid Shot of therapist, leaning forward and reaching for glass. Here,
have some water and compose yourself...
6. Match on action to a Two Shot of therapist handing glass of water to
Dante. Its ok, here, have...
7. Cut to a Close Up of Dante. I havent slept for weeks- I cant close my
8. Mid shot of therapist. Hmm what you're telling me is is quite fascinating, I think
Ive come to a conclusion...
9. Two shot of therapist continuing ...but the way you talk, the way youre...
10. Close Up of therapist. When did this insomnia start?
11. Camera Cuts to a Mid Shot of Dante and holds for 5 seconds. It started
after I woke up, everything was quiet but I could hear a low hum, almost imperceptible but its
there and it never goes away
12. Camera begins to slowly track sideways, behind the therapists head
and ends in a Mid Shot of Dante. As it became louder
13. Cut Away to a Close Up of therapists reaction whilst looking down at a
14. Cut to and Over the Shoulder Shot of Therapist looking at a check list
and ticking a box
(Have Charles repeat the as it became louder
15. Close up Therapist We will get to the bottom of this
16. Two shot of the duo exit the scene

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