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How do I Develop Clairaudience?

5 Easy Exercises
1. Attune your hearing

Why this works: As you attune yourself to physical sounds, it becomes easier for you
to tune-into sounds from the spirit world, and hear intuitive messages.

The first thing to do to start developing clairaudience is to listen to the sounds

around you.

See, I told you it was easy!

We live in a noisy world (who else has a spouse that blasts the TV volume to watch
football?), so we automatically filter noise out. But we can use these sounds (and our
noisy spouses) to our advantage!

Exercise to develop clairaudience:

1. Close your eyes and relax

2. Set the intention to strengthen your intuitive hearing
3. Tune in and focus on the little sounds that you don’t normally pay attention to

What do you hear?

o Wind soughing through trees

o A full chorus of birds
o Your cell phone chiming that you’ve received a text
o The ‘whoosh’ of roller blades outside
o Justin Timberlake Bringing Sexy Back on the radio
o Cars in the far distance

Try this exercise in several locations; the more you can stretch your hearing, the better.
What do you hear on your right? Your left? All around you? 

2. Strengthen Clairaudience with Music

Why this works: This intuitive exercise helps you detect subtle sounds
and differentiate between them. It will help you learn how to tell your own thoughts from
clairaudient messages.

If you’ve been wondering to yourself “How can I develop my psychic hearing and rock

out at the same time?” then I’ve got the perfect exercise for you!

It’s a lot of fun to do this exercise with any band that has a lot of instrumentals. Classical
music is another great choice for this exercise

How do I Develop Clairaudience? Exercise:

o Get your jam on.
o Now, focus your attention on one instrument — oboe, violin, drum. They are all
playing simultaneously, but pick one and try to isolate its sound from the rest.
o Do you hear a violin? Great! Focus on it for a few moments.
o Now, choose another instrument and give it another go!

3. Imagine sound

Why this works: Strengthens clairaudience, and makes it easier to hear your intuition.

This is a great way to stretch those intuitive muscles!

All you need to do is sit quietly in a room and use your imagination.

Try imagining sounds like:

o Your favorite song

o The sound of your brother playing his recorder in third grade. Mom, make him
o Did your grandpa use a table saw? Listen to it.
o Did your grandmother sew so well she could have been on Project Runway?
Listen to the whirring of her sewing machine.

Starting to develop clairaudience can be as easy as imagining sound in your


Want to hear The Four Tenors perform in Italy? Listen to them in your mind and save
money on travel and ticket costs!

4. Meditation

Why this Works: Meditation raises your vibration, and clears away the clutter in your
mind. This makes it easier to connect with your intuition and do mediumship.

Wondering, how do I develop clairaudience? Meditate!

If you’re thinking, “Meditation doesn’t work for me. I can’t stop thinking,” don’t beat
yourself up. A key function of our minds is to think, so of course we can’t just switch it
off. Just like all of these exercises, it takes practice.

o Take some pressure off. Give your mind permission to rest and “float” for a while
to declutter.

o Take 5 – 10 minutes and breathe. Let the thoughts come into your mind and then
just float away in a cloud.  Do some imagining.  Imagine how wonderful it will be
when you’ve finally developed your clairaudience!
o Once you’ve got the hang of meditating, start asking questions during
meditations. Ask your Spirit Guides and Higher Self any questions you may have,
and ask that the information be received via your clairaudience.

If you truly dread the idea of meditation, go for a walk in nature and just let your mind
wander.  Activities that relax you, such as a leisurely walk, painting, etc. are all forms of

Read:  How to Meditate – 8 Tips for Newbies

5.  Ask for spirit messages

Why this works: Trains you to have a two-way communication with Spirit, and makes
you more confident in your clairaudient abilities.

You may be saying, this is all great, but how do I develop clairaudience now?  How will I
know when this gift is developed?

Practice asking questions and receiving information from Spirit.

In this context, we refer to Spirit as your Spirit guides, Ascended Masters, loved ones in
heaven, and even your Higher Self.

So, if you have a decision to make, ask Spirit for guidance.  Then, listen for an answer.

It may come in the form of a song, a letter in the mail, something a stranger says to you. 
It may come in an “answer” that just “pops” into your head seemingly out of nowhere.

Example: You just left your in-laws house.  Your pushy father-in-law’s says you should
absolutely NOT allow your 13 year old to Snapchat.  But Mom, all my friends are on it
… Pleeeeease!!

You get in the car and Sarah Bareillis’ Who Made You King of Anything is on the radio.
‘Nuff said.

Practicing having a two-way communication with Spirit is going to help you a

LOT, especially if you are working on your mediumship gifts.

It’s also going to continue to train you to detect the subtlety of Spirit.

The MOST important thing with all of this is just to relax and have fun with ALL of
these exercises.

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