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The word Incest means people marry in close relatives in blood.

By Wikipedia A slippery slope argument is saying something which start in a small
first step leads to in some significant effect for ending.
For example : if a then b , b then c, c then d . And it A = D
Is an Informal fallacies
Because we dont know if it truly A = D in the end.

Return to the topic in same-sex marriage

Peoples upport the right of same-sex marriage said that a person can marry any
other person he loves ,incestuous marriage should be accepted as well
according to slippery slope argument
Have an easy way to say:
If today we open the gate of same-marriage , then we must also accept incestuous

The principle of different-sex marriage is a person should be allowed to
marry the person of the opposite sex they wish to marry.
In this condition, it cant stop incestuous marriage.

So it is nothing about accepting same-sex marriage that must requires accepting

incestuous marriage.

An utilitarian moral views
utilitarian moral : Moral judgments based on the result of action

1.In a utilitarian moral view, same-sex incestuous marriage should also be
2.In this principle, if a different-sex incestuous couple could not reproduce , it also
can be accepted.
3.It that mean that unrelated couples who are likely to produce a genetic defect child
would also be wrong?
1.Because same-sex marriage just likes different-sex marriage , its
could stop incestuous marriage by some mechanism. So it was nothing about using
slippery slope argument to against same-sex marriage .
2.In the view of genetic defects in reproduction, it could be used to against
both kids of marriage, but not only for same-sex marriage.

But he recognized that this case make him uncomfortable or sick without logical


In incestuous marriage would be harmful to the family as whole!

There are other kinds of moral like deontology , it means no matter what the
result is, we should not do it!

Faithful Christian
Sexual role

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