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An Article Critique


By: Julie Zaugg

Presented by:

Catherine J. Licudo



By: Julie Zaugg

The Philippines’ highest court has dismissed a petition to allow same-sex marriage,

ruling that the applicant doesn’t have a partner and therefore can’t claim to be victims of existing

laws. Jesus Falcis is a 33-year-old radio show anchor and attorney who suffered from

discrimination throughout his school years, so he felt need to advocate for LGBT rights. He filed

the application in 2015. But the court dismissed his petition Tuesday due to “lack of

standing”and “failing to rise an actual, justiciable controversy,” according to the summary of the

court ruling. The court also held Falcis and his co-counsels liable for indirect contempt, accusing

them of using constitutional litigation for propaganda purposes. Falcis described the decision as

‘disheartening’. In an attempt to avoid having his case dismissed on technicalities, he added a

gay and lesbian couple to his petition in 2016. The court did however acknowledge that the 1987

Constitution "does not define or restrict marriage on the basis of sex, gender, and sexual

orientation or gender identity or expression”.

My personal reaction to this article is I am strongly dis agree with that. No offense to

anyone but I do not agree with that same sex marriage. Although, people are fighting about

LGBT rights and privileges, we should not forget that most of the people are catholic or

Christians. The legalization of same sex marriage would go against what they believe in. Even if

it was legalized in America, a powerful country, it will not be the same with us. USA is always

be USA, and Philippine will always be Philippines. It’s against the law in our country,

Philippines. In our country, it’s not allowed because here isn’t that liberated compared to the

other countries, we Filipinos are very traditional to the reason that most of us are Catholic or

Christians, and it’s sin to marry a person with the same gender. God created Man and Woman,

you have to accept who you are or you have to learn to accept yourself because God made you

and you should be thankful.

The three arguments in this article is all about same sex marriage . If same-sex civil

marriage is institutionalized, our society would take yet another step down the road of de-

gendering marriage. There would be more use of gender-neutral language like "partners" and--

more importantly--more social and cultural pressures to neuter our thinking and our behaviours

in marriage. But marriages typically thrive when spouses specialize in gender-typical ways and

are attentive to the gendered needs and aspirations of their husband or wife. For instance, women

are happier when their husband earns the lion's share of the household income. Likewise, couples

are less likely to divorce when the wife concentrates on childrearing and the husband

concentrates on breadwinning, as University of Virginia psychologist Mavis Hetherington

If same-sex civil marriage becomes common, most same-sex couples with children would

be lesbian couples. This would mean that we would have yet more children being raised apart

from fathers. Among other things, we know that fathers excel in reducing antisocial behaviour

and delinquency in boys and sexual activity in girls. What is fascinating is that fathers exercise a

unique social and biological influence on their children. For instance, a recent study of father

absence on girls found that girls who grew up apart from their biological father were much more

likely to experience early puberty and a teen pregnancy than girls who spent their entire

childhood in an intact family. This study, along with David Popenoe's work, suggests that a

father's pheromones influence the biological development of his daughter, that a strong marriage

provides a model for girls of what to look for in a man, and gives them the confidence to resist

the sexual entreaties of their boyfriends.

Although homosexual men are less likely to have children than lesbians, homosexual

men are and will be raising children. There will be even more if homosexual civil marriage is

legalized. These households deny children a mother. Among other things, mothers excel in

providing children with emotional security and in reading the physical and emotional cues of

infants. Obviously, they also give their daughters unique counsel as they confront the physical,

emotional, and social challenges associated with puberty and adolescence. Stanford psychologist

Eleanor MacCoby summarizes much of this literature in her book, The Two Sexes. See also

Steven Rhoads' book, Taking Sex Differences Seriously.

Other people should read more articles about same sex marriage in order for them to
understand why government could not legalize this and for them to earn their understanding and
knowledge about the same sex marriage. For me this article saying that our country will not
legalize the same sex marriage, for the sake of the children who need a father and mother and
this article will give us insight to consider and follow Gods law. Do not be defean in silence.

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