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Name of the artists:band:fall out boy the members are pete wenz,patric stump,andy hurly,joe trohman,mike

pareskuwics,ben rose,brandon ham,tj raccine kunasch

Characteristics of emo pop:loud music,yelling,gives you a bad
Where they come from:Wilmette, Illinois, United States feeling
They are recording in: Wilmette, Illinois
The song i chose is immortals by fall out boy
The song i am using is using electronic music and singing
The instrument is guitar and electrical
albums :american folie a deux infinity on high

There is electrical music

One of the vibrations are drums

Are there backing vocals?:no there isnt

Picture of the band
The pitch of the singer is low pitch

Does the tempo change:No the The main instrument when the singer is singing is a guitar
tempo does not change

The dynamics are:medium loud

The melody is in steps
The style of music they use is:pop punk, pop rock,emo pop , emo and crecendio
Are the dynamics same It is in a minor tone and then a major tone
The styles they use originated in:around the 1990 throughout the song?:no it does
The length of the tone is fast and then a little bit slow
Identify bands and other preformes that use this style,AFI. Embedded from
Dashboard Confessional
The change is that it gets louder There is about 108 bpm

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