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Group Members: Hamza Desai

Issue Liberal NDP Conservative Green

Education Free education Also want to Work with
from make Post- provinces
Kindergarten to secondary Support for and higher
Grade 12. They schools learning
will invest $50 cheaper and the families institutions
million in they will to reduce
additional invest more saving up for post-
annual support money into secondary
to the Post- helping childrens tuitions.
Secondary Stud students pay https://www
ent Support their loans. education. .greenparty.
Program, which https://www. ca/en/platfo
supports rm2006/edu
Indigenous ollege- prime- cation_empl
students university-to- minister- oyment
attending post- be-more- harper-
secondary educ affordable- announces-
ation, and will under-ndp further-
allow the support-for-
program to grow families-
in line with saving-for-
increasing dema their-
nd. childrens-
(https://www.lib education-2/

Health Care They will make The New Investments Overall, the
home care more Democratic in mental Green Party
available, Party (NDP) health, has a high-
prescription offers a through the level set of
drugs more platform that Mental Health strategies
affordable, and showcases Commission to reform
mental health strong and of Canada, health care
care more thoughtful and electronic in Canada
accessible. commitments medical consistent
to the social records with the
https://www.lib determinants through latest policy of health. Canada recommend
nge/a-new- There are Health ations.
health-accord/ well- Infoway have Their
developed had a positive platform
existing impact. highlights
strategies and Investments increasing
partnerships into health communicat
in place to research ion and
address most declined coordinatio
of the overall with a n between
indicators few notable the federal
focusing on investments government
the health of into important , and
vulnerable targeted provincial/te
populations, initiatives. rritorial
including http://election government
homelessness s, reverting
, Aboriginal election- to the
Health, platforms/ previous
poverty etc. levels of
http://election health funds
election- transfers,
platforms/ and better
allocation of
resources to
of care
urban and
Environment They will make Bill C-619 Prime The Green
environmental proposes Minister Party of
assessments national Stephen Canada has
credible again. emissions Harper today set out its
https://www.lib reduction announced plan for a targets as additional sustainable
nge/environme part of the steps to future
ntal- global effort restore and grounded in
assessments/ to reduce enhance fiscal
greenhouse salmon responsibilit
gas habitat and y,
emissions protect the ecological
and avoid marine enviro health, and
the nment, as social
catastrophic part of the justice.
effects of Conservative https://www
climate government's .greenparty.
change. It plan to ca/en/policy
also includes conserve and /vision-
accountabilit restore green/envir
y Canada's envi onment
mechanisms ronmental
to ensure heritage.
these targets https://www.g
are met.
https://www.n p? sourceid=chro
p-will-protect- me-
environment- instant&ion=1
and-grow- &espv=2&ie=
economy UTF-
Law and We believe that They believe in Prior to this The first
Order young offenders Maintaining a unnecessary defense to
must be treated election, our reduce crime is
youth criminal
differently from Government was to keep young
adults and that the justice system attempting to pass people from
principles of the that is distinct other pieces of becoming
Youth Criminal from adult legislation to criminals.
Justice Act courts. protect society Green Party
namely that and hold programs to
rehabilitation is criminals alleviate
paramount to accountable, poverty, to
denunciation and -issues-the- including bills to legalize
deterrence must parties-positions- strengthen the marijuana, to
be upheld. We on-law-and-order- handling of increase
believe that adult 1.1064865 violent and repeat physical fitness
sentences should be young offenders and sport, as
used exceptionally (Sbastiens Law) well as
with young A Stephen investing in
offenders. Harper-led community majority health, will all
news/politics/the- Government will pay big
issues-the-parties- bundle these bills dividends in
positions-on-law- into reduced
and-order- comprehensive crime. http://
1.1064865 legislation, and
pass them within ws/politics/the-
the new issues-the-
Parliament's first parties-
100 positions-on-
days. http://www law-and-order- 1.1064865

Family They will give The Urge reforms

families more money Kenneys new Conservatives, on to our tax and
to help with the high rules will the other hand, labor policies
cost of raising increase the Harper said, have in ways that
their kids. minimum put thousands of will increase
https://www.liberal. income dollars into the the opportunity
ca/realchange/helpi requirement for pockets of those for Canadians
ng-families/ sponsoring a same to spend more
parent or families. The time with
grandparent by party's math says family.
30%, double the "a typical two- Promote an
sponsorship earner family of integrated
undertaking four will receive program of
period from ten tax relief and supports, tax
to twenty years, increased benefits cuts, and
and reduce the of up to $6,600 awareness-
maximum age of per year. raising
a dependent to emphasizing
18. /news/politics/can that time spent
http://www.ndp.c ada-election- with children
a/news/conservati 2015-harper- and/or in the
ves-making-it- typical-family- community is
harder-canadian- tax-1.3210324 essential for
families-to- the
reunite continuation of
our society.

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