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Research Report

Characteristics of Walking, Activity, Fear of

Falling, and Falls in Community-Dwelling
Older Adults by Residence
David M. Wert, MPT; Jaime B. Talkowski, PhD, MPT;
Jennifer Brach, PhD, PT; Jessie VanSwearingen, PhD, PT, FAPTA

Objectives: Research focusing on community-dwelling older
Community-dwelling older adults comprise a large portion
adults includes adults living in senior living residences (SLR)
and independent community residences (ICR). Walking, of the general older adult population and are a significant
physical activity, fear of falling, and fall history may differ on part of ongoing research in aging.1 One characteristic that
the basis of residence. differentiates community-dwelling older adults from the
Purpose: We describe characteristics of walking, physical general population of older adults is independence in daily
activity, fear of falling, and fall history between community- activities and functioning, meaning that they do not require
dwelling older adults by residence. the assistance of another person to perform their basic day-
Methods: Participants of this secondary analysis included
to-day activities, such as bathing, toileting, dressing, cook-
community-dwelling older adults from independent living units
within a senior life care community (SLR) and older adults ing, and light housecleaning.2,3 In addition, among the inde-
recruited from the Pittsburgh community (ICR). Demographic pendent community-dwelling older adults in our research,
information and physical (gait speed and physical activity), we recognized 2 groups, those in senior living residences
psychosocial (fear of falling and confidence in walking), and (SLR) and those in individual community residences (ICR).
fall history measures were collected. We considered senior living residences to be carriage homes,
Results: Adults living in SLR compared with those in ICR were apartment and room living in a senior facility or retirement
older, were more likely to live alone, and had greater disease
community, with availability of services (ie, meals, laundry,
burden. Compared with individuals in ICR, individuals in SLR
reported less fear of falling (Survey of Activity and Fear of light housecleaning, transportation, and internal and exter-
Falling in the Elderly tool fear results 0.24 and 0.50, respec- nal housing maintenance) and adapted physical environ-
tively). Fewer older adults in SLR compared with those in ICR ments to promote mobility and reduce risk of injury.4-6
reported falling in the past year. Individual community residences were defined as more tra-
Discussion: Older adults living in SLR compared with those in ditional home and apartment living that does not include
ICR had similar physical function but differed in report of fear services as part of the home ownership or rental agreement.
of falling and fall history. Recognizing the possible differences
in psychosocial function by place of residence is important for The primary reliance is on self, family, or friends for activi-
health care providers and researchers conducting interven- ties within the home and community.
tions and studies for community-dwelling older adults. The 2 groups, based on residences (SLR and ICR), are
Key Words: falls, fear, gait, older adults, residence rarely distinguished in studies of community-dwelling older
(J Geriatr Phys Ther 2010;33:41-45.) adults,7-9 and established definitions of subgroups by resi-
dence have not been found. However, based on reports of
how and why older adults choose a place of residence,10,11
findings and interpretation of results may be influenced by
differences in living environment for the 2 groups.
Social support and mobility often impact the decision of
older adults to transition from a traditional, individual
community home setting to a senior living environment10,11
that, although independent living, has services to support
daily living and is available as part of the residence. It is rea-
sonable to expect, given the potential social and mobility-
Department of Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh, based decision for the transition, that differences in physi-
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. cal (ie, gait and physical activity) and psychosocial (fear of
Address correspondence to: David M. Wert, MPT, falling and confidence in walking) characteristics may exist
Department of Physical Therapy, University of between the 2 groups. Researchers who report on physical
Pittsburgh, 6035 Forbes Tower, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 and psychosocial outcomes of community-dwelling older
( adults may misrepresent this subgroup of older adults

Journal of GERIATRIC Physical Therapy 41

Research Report

because of differences in physical and psychosocial function oxygen, had acute illness or uncontrolled cardiovascular
based on type of residence. Understanding potential differ- disease, had diagnosed dementia or cognitive impairment
ences in performance by residence may be important in defined as a Mini-Mental State Examination score of less
selecting older adults most appropriate for a study and in than 24, were recently hospitalized for cardiac reasons or
accurately interpreting results.12 for any reason for more than 3 days, had hemiparesis with
Observing SLR and ICR differences within one of our lower extremity strength of less than 4 to 5 (MMT grade),
intervention studies, we were interested in exploring the had a fixed or fused lower extremity joint or amputation,
apparent differences. We performed a secondary analysis or had a progressive motor disorder such as multiple scle-
and examined the baseline data for physical and psychoso- rosis or Parkinson disease.
cial characteristics and fall history of 2 samples of commu-
nity-dwelling older adults with mobility disability. We Measures
expected the older adults living in SLR compared with Demographic information collected during the study
those living in ICR to have poorer walking abilities, be less included age, level of education (none, elementary, high
physically active, be more fearful of falling, be less confident school, college, graduate, other), gender, race, living
with walking, and report more falls. arrangement (lives alone: yes or no), and number of comor-
bidities (Comorbidity Index, 0 minimum and 18 max-
METHODS imum number of comorbidities per person). Gait speed and
self-reported performance-based measures, described
Design below, were collected by physical therapists experienced
We performed a secondary analysis of the baseline data with the measure.
from our recent intervention studies13 of independent com-
munity-dwelling older adults with mobility disability. The Physical Measures
investigations, whose aim was to improve walking, com- Gait speed was measured by using the GaitMat II (EQ, Inc,
pared 2 interventions: (1) traditional impairment-based Chalfont, Pennsylvania), a computerized walkway approx-
program of endurance, strength, and balance training and imately 6 m in length, with the middle 4 m for data collec-
(2) a motor learning program that promoted smooth, auto- tion. Participants walked at usual, self-selected walking
matic movement and movement adaptations to altered con- speed on the instrumented walkway for 2 practice walks,
ditions. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the intervention followed by 2 passes for gait characteristic data collec-
studies were the same, and baseline measures were collect- tion.8,12
ed in a single session. Physical activity was recorded by using an accelerometer
(ActiGraph GTIM, Actigraph, LLC, Fort Walton Beach,
Participants Florida), an electronic sensor for recording and storing the
Participants for this secondary analysis of community- intensity, frequency, pattern, and duration of ambulatory
dwelling older adults served as the 2 primary samples for physical activity.9,14-16 Accelerometers were attached to
the intervention study,13 whose aim was to improve walk- clothing at waist level over the dominant hip, during wak-
ing. The intervention study was performed at a senior living ing hours for 7 consecutive days. Physical activity was cal-
facility for independent older adults and at the Senior culated as the mean over 7 days of the average counts per
Mobility Aging and Research Training (SMART) Center at minute (CPM) worn. Accelerometer data have been vali-
the University of Pittsburgh. All older adults living in the dated in both laboratory and free-living conditions as a
senior living facility served as the SLR group (n 18, mean measure of physical activity.17-19
age 83.9 years, 83% women). The sample of older adults Activity and activity restriction. The activity subscale
from the SMART Center served as the ICR group (n 41, and activity restriction subscale of the Survey of Activity
mean age 77.5 years, 61% women). All participants con- and Fear of Falling in the Elderly (SAFFE) is an interview-
sented to participate in the study, and protocols were er-administered instrument for measuring fear of falling and
approved by the University of Pittsburgh institutional activity/activity restriction in basic and instrumental activi-
review board. ties of daily living related to fall-related fear.20 The activity
To be eligible for participation, individuals must have subscale (score, 011) is represented by the number of activ-
met all of the following inclusion criteria: 65 years of age ities out of the 11 that they currently participate in, where-
and older, ambulatory with an assistive device other than a as activity restriction is the sum of activities reported as hav-
straight cane and without the assistance of another person; ing been done less over the past 5 years (score, 011).
have written approval/clearance from their physician to
participate in low- to moderate-intensity, supervised exer- Psychosocial Measures
cise; and have difficulty with walking or balance as indi- Fear of falling was measured in 2 ways: the SAFFE Fear
cated by mild to moderate slowing of walking speed subscale20,21 and a yes and no response to the question Are
(between 0.6 m/s and 1.0 m/s) and variable gait (step you afraid of falling?22,23 The SAFFE Fear subscale was
length coefficient variability 4.5% or step width vari- used as one indicator of fear of falling. The SAFFE Fear
ability 7% or 30%). In addition, individuals were subscale gives the mean score for fear across the 11 activi-
excluded if they had dyspnea at rest or used supplemental ties (0, not worried, to 3, very worried). Scale validation

42 Volume 33 Number 1 January-March 2010

Research Report

was reported by Lachman et al,20 who showed that SAFFE Psychosocial Measures and Fall History
Fear subscale score was significantly correlated with Tinetti Individuals in SLR compared with those in ICR reported
Fall Efficacy Scale score and 1-item Afraid of Falling less fear of falling, with 22% (4/18) of older adults in SLR
Question. In addition, construct validity was obtained by and 54% (22/41) of older adults in ICR scoring fearful
Lachman et al,20 by looking at fear in relation to activity (0.40).20,21 Fewer older adults in SLR than those in ICR
restriction; higher fear scores equated with greater activity reported falling in the past year (Table 2). There was no dif-
restriction. Howland et al20,21 reported values of SAFFE ference in walking confidence between groups.
fear that distinguished level of fear and degree of activity
restriction; values greater than 0.40 significantly defined
adults as being fearful. Lachman et al20 reported mean DISCUSSION
SAFFE Fear of Falling subscale score of 0.66 (SD 0.69) As expected, older adults in SLR were older and had greater
for community-dwelling older adults in public senior hous- disease burden than those in ICR. The findings are consis-
ing developments (n 270).20 tent with a previous study that examined differences among
Confidence in walking was measured by using the Gait older adults across various living environments.25 We did
Efficacy Scale, an index of confidence in walking over var- not expect the older adults in SLR, with greater disease bur-
ious surfaces and conditions. Item scores (1 no confi- den and older age, to have similar gait speed and physical
dence to 10 complete confidence) for each of the 10 con- activity as their counterparts in ICR, nor did we expect
ditions are summed for a total Gait Efficacy Scale score those in SLR to report less fear of falling and have a lower
ranging from 10 to 100 and previously validated as a meas- percentage reporting falls compared with those in ICR. The
ure of confidence in walking.23,24 unexpected differences in physical function and psychoso-
Fall history was determined by the participants report of cial aspects may be an impact of the differences in residen-
the number of falls experienced in the past year, with 1 or tial environment.
more falls classified as a positive fall history. In previous studies, investigators have demonstrated
associations between environmental conditions, fear of
Statistical Analysis falling, and physical activity.26-32 Older adults who perceive
Descriptive statistics were performed to describe character- the external environment as less safe typically report more
istics of the older adults by residence. Independent t tests for fear of falling and are less likely to be physically active than
continuous data and 2 for categorical data were calculated older adults living in perceived safe environments.26-30 In
to test for differences in measures between individuals in addition, Huang31 recognized predictors of in-home haz-
SLR and ICR (SPSS, version 14.0). ards for falling, which included living in an urban area, fear
of falling, being older (older than 75 years), and having
poor gait and balance.31 Together, the studies reveal that the
RESULTS fear of falling, associated with external environmental fac-
Participants differed by residence for age, living arrange- tors and in-home hazards, presents a barrier to physical
ments, and number of comorbidities (Table 1). Older function and physical activity levels of older adults.
adults in SLR were older, were more likely to live alone, SLR were designed in part to reduce barriers to walking,
and had more comorbidities. Similarities between the physical function, and activity for older adults by enhanc-
SLR and ICR groups also existed; participants were pri- ing the physical surrounding for ease of navigation.
marily whites, women, and had 4 or more years of col- Additionally, SLR offer their residents access to services (ie,
lege education. cleaning and laundry service, landscape management, meal
plans, and transportation accessibility) that may reduce the
Physical Measures need for residents to participate in at-risk activities, includ-
All older adults studied walked slowly, with gait speed sim- ing yard work, home maintenance, vigorous housecleaning,
ilar for older adults in SLR and ICR. Likewise, physical and stair negotiation. The enhanced environment may, in
activity and SAFFE activity were similar for older adults in turn, create a sense of security, enabling residents of SLR to
SLR and ICR (Table 2). be more active in their environment. The sense of security
Table 1. Demographics of Participants Based on Residencea
Characteristics SLR (n 18) ICR (n 41) P
Age, mean (SD), y 83.9 (4.1) 77.5 (5.3) .001b
Education, completed 4 y of college 10 (55.6) 26 (63.4) .617
Gender, female 15 (83) 25 (61) .091
Race, white 18 (100) 36 (87.8) .121
Living arrangement, living alone 15 (83) 16 (39) .002b
Number of comorbidities (0-18), mean (SD) 5.6 (1.8) 4.4 (1.95) .025b
Abbreviations: ICR, independent community residences; SLR, senior living residences.
a Values are presented as n (%) unless otherwise indicated.

Journal of GERIATRIC Physical Therapy 43

Research Report

Table 2. Physical, Psychosocial, and Fall History Measures Based on Residencea

Dependent variables SLR (n 18) ICR (n 41) P
Physical measures
Gait speed, m/s 0.92 (0.21) 0.89 (0.14) .52
Actigraph activity, cpm 115 (42.7) 133 (66.1) .32
SAFFE activity, (0-11) 8.1 (1.4) 8.5 (1.6) .27
SAFFE restriction, (0-11) 3.9 (2.1) 3.4 (2.7) .54
Psychosocial measures
SAFFE fear of falling, (0-3) 0.24 (0.34) 0.50 (.47) .05b
Global fear of falling, n (%) 9 (50) 21 (51.2) .93
Gait efficacy, (0-100) 72 (18.5) 74.1 (17.3) .68
Fall history (Yes response), n (%) 6 (33.3) 18 (43.9) .02b
Abbreviations: ICR, independent community residences; SAFFE, Survey of Activity and Fear of Falling in the Elderly; SLR, senior living residences.
a Values are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated.

may have influenced older adults in SLR to report a lower A unique strength of this cross-sectional study is that it is
fear of falling than those in the ICR group (SAFFE Fear sub- one of the few studies to explore the independent community-
scale score 0.24 vs 0.50). The lower perceived fear of falling dwelling population of older adults based on type of resi-
reported by older adults in SLR than by those in the ICR dence. Previous work has been conducted to explore differ-
group and, secondarily, the lesser fear may have also ences between independent community-dwelling older adults
impacted gait speed and physical activity levels. For exam- and assisted living and nursing home residents, but little has
ple, older adults in SLR were older and had a greater num- been done to study differences within the independent older
ber of comorbidities, both factors associated with poorer adult population, which may be important in planning serv-
physical function, yet gait speed and physical activity were ices and providing guidance to enable older adults to live
similar between groups by residence. healthy and independently as possible. A second strength is
Alternatively, the similar mean gait speed and activity the study of physical function of community-dwelling older
for adults in SLR compared with those in ICR may be adults in SLR and ICR, independent of one another, yet in the
directly related to the supportive environment of the SLR. same geography and climate environment.
For residents in SLR, easy access to indoor walking areas Primary limitations of the study relate to whether the
(hallways) and fitness center; walking to meal, social sample of older adults in SLR and ICR represents commu-
events, and mailbox; and volunteer opportunities within nity-dwelling older adults in the population and the size of
the residential community may promote physical activity. our sample. The SLR studied may not be representative of
Seventy-two percent of older adults in SLR reported all SLR, relative to the environment and services provided
greater participation in walking for exercise (SAFFE as well as characteristics of the residents, such as socioeco-
activity) than did older adults living in ICR (61%). Of the nomic status, race, and gender. This study is a secondary
older adults who walked for exercise, only 15% of SLR analysis; defining differences between the older adults by
adults compared with 40% of ICR adults were worried residence may have been limited by inadequate power.
that they may fall. Walking for exercise for older adults in Subanalyses, stratifying within residence by fearful and not
ICR may be more difficult, including the need to climb fearful, could not be explored given the small sample size.
stairs and traverse uneven surfaces. Older adults in ICR In addition, we were unable to quantify the specific degree
who attempt the physical activity or functions similar to and/or type of assistance either group received with its daily
those in SLR may encounter environmental challenges, activities. Therefore, our findings are best interpreted with-
eliciting greater fear of falling, with a negative impact on in our defined groups of SLR and ICR. Prospective study
physical activity and falls. Older adults living in ICR had a designs may benefit from consideration of such issues to
higher percentage of participation in going out when its better understand similarities or differences between older
slippery, visiting friends and relatives, and going out adults by the type of residence.
in crowds than did their SLR counterparts. However,
87% of ICR older adults who went out when slippery,
26% who visited friends and family, and 27% who went CONCLUSION
out in crowds were worried that they may fall while doing Older adults living in SLR compared with those in ICR had
these activities. This was compared with older adults living similar physical function (gait speed and physical activity)
in SLR, who reported 71%, 13%, and 0% worry, respec- but differed in report of fear of falling and fall history.
tively. Enhanced physical surroundings and reduced need Recognizing the possible differences in physical and psy-
for participation in at-risk activities may, in turn, account chosocial function by place of residence may be important
for the lower number of older adults reporting falls in SLR for researchers conducting studies or health care delivery
(33%) than in ICR (44%). services for community-dwelling older adults.

44 Volume 33 Number 1 January-March 2010

Research Report

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