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55 S 500 W #715 Salt Lake City, UT (702)501-4842

Dear Mrs. Singley

I received from Robert Casagranda the job description of the Tutor Student Leader position in the
LDS Business College Student Development Center. Your strides in reaching students on and off
campus using online programs like Zoom to improve the tutoring center are promising. Being already
familiar with and able to use Zoom, Asana, and Google apps while managing the Writing Center, my
skills would enable me to jump right in to assist your tutoring center as Tutor Student Leader.

With five semesters experience of tutoring under my belt, I offer the hindsight and foresight needed
to lead new and returning tutors to greater success with their own students. Below are the
qualifications I possess that match the corresponding requirements found in the posted job

Qualifications Requirements
Attained CRLA Level 3 Certification CRLA Level 1 Certification required
Created a security training using the Teamwork, creativity, and initiative
Ghostbusters theme song Excellent written and verbal
Tutored for five semesters in the LDS communication skills
Business College Writing Center Discretion, as it relates to privacy and
Certified student employees on FERPA student confidentiality

Youll find additional skills and qualifications are included in the attached resume. I am
thrilled by the opportunity to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to the SDC management
team. Please consider an interview with me to prove what I can offer in person where paper
simply falls short. I appreciate your candid consideration and timely response.

Respectfully yours,

Caitlin Freeman
Writing Center Lead, LDS Business College
Enc: Resume

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