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Definition - Flip Cue Cards

Students can use this resource to test their knowledge of

key terms
Students to print out cue cards and fold in half to ensure
that definition is on the back of each key term
Student to cut individual strips and fold them in half to
then use them as a cue card to assist in learning
Each cue card will contain a key term on the front and a
definition and an example on the back
Explains what the skill is and how to do it

E.g. How to kick a drop punt in Football

Explains how to perform the learning

E.g. How to demonstrate or illustrate a
task to a group of learners

Explain to the leaner what to do and how
to do it

E.g. Communicating how to perform a lay
up in Basketball
Verbal Cues
Short statements that direct a learners
attention to important elements of the task

E.g. "Follow through" with the arm in a

overhand throw
Presenting information by having learners
Demonstration observe someone performing the skill or

E.g. Learners looking and listening to the

teacher performing a trap of the ball in

The instructor creates a learning
environment to challenge learners to
explore movement solutions without direct

instruction on how to do it

E.g. Teacher separating groups into a 3v3

game situation of handball to develop
passing. (TGfU)
Guiding the learner through the skill
execution, either physically, verbally or
visually, while they perform the skill

E.g. An instructor holding onto a

participants hand during a golf swing

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