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Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat Service at Messianic Temple Beth El on
Shvat 6, 5776 - January 16, 2016

Rise up My army! Rise up My army! Rise up My Leviim (Levites!) Rise up My Kohanim! (Priests) Rise up the small
and the old ones! Rise up those who fear Me! Rise up!!!
Rise up for this time and hour for surely you have come to My Kingdom, the Kingdom of Yeshua HaMashiach, for
such a time as this. For it is written in Yoel/Joel 2:11, And Yahweh shall give forth His voice before His army, for
His camp is very great, for mighty is the doer of His word. For the day of Yahweh is great and very awesome, and
who does bear it?

As the enemy, hasatan himself, is gathering his army and placing them in the strategic positions, so am I. I am Who
I Am, gathering My army, My heavenly army and My earthly army. And I am placing you in strategic positions for it is
written in Ephesians 6:12, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in the
heavenliness. And also in II Corinthians 10:4-6, For the weapons we fight with are not fleshly, but mighty in
Elohim for overthrowing strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the
knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Mashiach, and being ready to punish all
disobedience, when your obedience is complete.

I have overcome hasatan, he is under My feet. For it is written in Colossians 2:15, Having stripped the
principalities and the authorities, He made a public display of them, having prevailed over them in it. And also
in Romans 16:20a, And Elohei HaShalom (the Elohim of peace) shall crush hasatan under your feet shortly, I am
crushing hasatan under your feet as you exercise your authority to trample upon snakes and scorpions, and over all
the power of the enemy for your feet are the feet of bronze. Crush the heads of your enemies for it is written
in Bereshit/Genesis 3:15c, He shall crush your head "I have smitten all My enemies on the cheek; I have
broken the teeth of the wrong. I have given you the victory and My banner over you is My Ahavah (Love).

Come to Me as it is written in Mattithyahu 11:28-30, Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I shall
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find
rest (rest, security) for your beings. For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.

Run to Me, to the fountain of Living Waters as it is written in Yohanan/John 4:10f, and He would have given you
living water. Draw from Me for truly out of your inner most part will flow Living Water. It is written in Yohanan
7:37e, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink. As the Scripture said, out of His
innermost shall flow rivers of living water. Come and drink Mayim Chayyim, Mayim Chayyim, Mayim Chayyim
(Living Waters) from the fountain of your deliverance.


Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat Service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on II Adar 2, 5776 - March 12, 2016

My children,

Do not fall away because of the stress in your life. Do not drift away because of the anxiety and the worry. I am
there, I see what is going on but sometimes you drift. You think I dont know. You think I dont see the situations
that you are facing, but I do. Dont fall away by giving the stress all your attention, by giving the worry all your
attention, for you will start drifting away and you wont even know it. Little by little your anxiety and your fears will
overtake you and you will spend less and less time with Me, but you wont even realize it. You will meditate less,
you will pray less and you will have no joy. You will fall away and then you will pray to Me and ask Me things
and I will not answer you and you will not know why. It is because you have drifted so far from Me that even
if I gave you the answer, you would not hear.

These are very troubling times, My children. You need Me more now than youve ever needed Me before. Whether
you are tired or sick or unhappy, fearful, whatever it is, dont let it consume you. Let Me consume you and then the
troubles will not look so big. Be careful, child, do not fall away. Do not start giving your problems precedence
over Me because you will not recognize the falling away. It will just happen and one day you will be empty, your
soul and your spirit will be empty and you will call on Me and I will not be there. I am very serious about this
because I see many in the Body doing this, falling away, speaking to Me less and less, hearing Me less and less,
not giving situations over to Me, but trying to take care of them, themselves. Dont be part of this group. You know
what to do. Now you must put into practice what you have been taught. Dont fall away. These End-Times are
very, very, very difficult and satan has pulled out everything in his arsenal to attack My people. I love you so
much. I dont want to see any of you fall to the wayside. You are My army. Act like My army! Let Me lead you
and you follow Me. Listen to your leader. Listen to your leader. Do what she says and you will not fall

Precedence: the condition of being considered more important than someone or something else
Arsenal: a collection of weapons and military equipment stored by a country, person, or group.

Tehillim 121:1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from Yahweh, Maker
of the heavens and earth.

Tehillim 18:30 The El - His way is perfect. The Word of Yahweh is proven. He is a shield to all who take refuge in

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not worry at all, but in every matter, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known to Elohim. And the peace of Elohim, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your
hearts and minds through Messiah Yeshua.

Yeshayahu 48:17 Thus said Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Set-apart One of Yisrael: I am Yahweh your Elohim,
teaching you what is best, leading you by the way you should go.
Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat Service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on I Adar 18, 5776 - February 27, 2016

After Esther Doroninas message in tongues and the interpretation, Rabbi prayed in tongues first and then
she spoke and said:

Some of you came stressed, stressed, stressed, so stressed out and because of this you lost the sight of Yeshua.
You concentrated only on your problems and they overwhelmed you. You could not even worship Elohim. You could
not even praise Him. This is how deep the stress got to you but Ruach Elohim is saying to you, You cannot
worship Me this way. You cannot praise Me this way. You have to put aside all your problems and fix your eyes
upon the Author (Founder) and the Finisher (Perfecter) of your emunah. As soon as you walked in here
(Messianic Temple Beth El), you walked into the presence of Elohim.

Elohim is the only One Who can comfort you. Elohim is the only One Who can solve your problems. Elohim is the
only One Who can heal your pain. Elohim is the only One Who can provide for you, but you are trying to do this on
your own again, playing this pity party, poor me and its not pleasing to Elohim.

Rabbi says: You dont believe the Word. You dont speak the Word. I looked at some of you and you
were absolutely ineffective during praise and worship. Ineffective! This is how the enemy bound you. The
enemy bound you hand and foot. Your mouth, your lips and your eyes are bound too. You were distracted. It was
not Yeshua Who was your focus.

But the reason you came here (for Shabbat service) was to bow down to Yeshua and to worship Yeshua. Only when
you give yourself to Him 100% you will be touched by Ruach Elohim.

No matter what your story is, I have been there. I know. I understand. I was upset. I was mocked and ridiculed. I
was taken advantage of. I was hurt. I was offended. I have been broken many times. I was ripped apart by the
demons many times but I chose to come to the House of Elohim and give myself to Him, so that He will come down
to heal me, mend me and restore me. And Elohim have done it many times. I didnt have to go through several
services to be touched by Ruach Elohim.

When you cry out to Elohim from all your heart, He comes down to touch you. It is done by the power of His Ruach
HaKodesh. But it only happened when I gave myself wholeheartedly to Him. And some of you are not doing this.
You are not crying to Elohim with all your heart, with everything within you, when every cell of your body cries out to
your Creator.

Some of you think that you can solve your problems by yourself, but you cannot, you cannot. For it is not by might,
nor by power, but by Ruach HaKodesh. You have to realize Who Elohim is

Your problems blinded you. Your emotions blinded you. Your debts blinded you and you forgot Who Yeshua was.
He is the Messiah. He is the One Who was raised from the dead. He is the One Who is alive. There is none like
Him. He is alive and because He is alive, you can live in Him.
And the devil does not have any power over you unless you give yourself to the devil. Unless you give yourself to
depression, to bitterness, to judgment, to oppression, to hopelessness and helplessness only when you give in to
the enemy, he comes and he gets you in his snare and then you are trapped in this snare.

But Ruach Elohim is telling you, Look up. Lift up your eyes. Lift up your eyes so you will be able to see Yeshua,
your Deliverer.

You still are blind (spiritually). You still are deaf (spiritually). You still do not understand (spiritual things). You have
eyes but you cannot see. You have ears but you cannot hear. You have a mind but you cannot perceive because of
the attacks of the enemy. But when the attacks of the enemy are ferocious, you cry out to Elohim and His Spirit
comes as it is written in Yeshayahu 59:19, When the enemy shall come in like a nahar (flood, river), the Ruach
[HaKodesh] of Yahweh shall lift up a standard against him.

Yeshua said, I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. What part of this you do not understand or believe?
He also said, I am your Elohim. There is none else. Elohim said: If I am for you, who can be against you? Elohim
said, No weapon formed against you will prosper. What part of this you do not believe, Beth El?

Elohim said, I am Yahweh Rofechah. I am Yahweh your Healer. By the stripes of My Son, Yeshua, you are healed.
What part of this you do not understand, Beth El? What part dont you understand when Elohim said, I am Yahweh
Yireh. I am Yahweh your provider? I provide for all your needs according to My riches in glory through My Son,
Yeshua HaMachiach. What part of this you do not understand Beth El? Elohim said, I am your Protector. I am the
Magen David over you, the Shield of David and the Shield of Avraham. What part of this you dont understand, Beth

Elohim said, I am Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzhak and velohei Yaakov. I am Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I Am Who I Am. What part of this you dont understand nor believe, Beth El? You take your Bible and you read it
and you still dont believe what is written there.

I have given you emunah. I have given you faith. Why dont you use it? Why are you so hopeless and helpless and
so open (vulnerable) to the enemy to attack you again, and again and again? Why wont you submit to Me, resist the
devil and he will flee? Why dont you desire to become a soldier in My army? Why are you still so immature that the
enemy does whatever he wants to do with you? For you have become a mocking song to them. And I am saying to

My children, Rise up, rise up, Messianic Temple Beth El, for you have come to the Kingdom of My Son, Yeshua, for
such a time as this! I have given you power. I have given you authority. I have given you knowledge. I have given
you wisdom. I have given you ALL through My Word, through the teaching, through the understanding, through the
power of Ruach HaKodesh for you to use against the enemy and to be victorious! Why do you reject My truth? Why
do reject My Yeshua?

Why do you reject My Word and lean upon your own understanding, upon your flesh? Thus said Yahweh, Cursed is
the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Yahweh. For he shall be like
a shrub in the desert, and not see when good comes, and shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, a salt
land that is not inhabited.(Yirmeyahu 17:5-6) This is what My Word says. Blessed is the man who trusts in
Yahweh and whose trust is Yahweh. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by
the river, and does not see when heat comes. And his leaf shall be green, and in the year of drought he is not
anxious, nor does he cease from yielding fruit. (Yirmeyahu 17:7-8).Who do you choose to be, a cursed man or a
blessed man? Choose today whom you serve, Beth El!

You are my first line of defense. I have revealed this to you but some of you still resist My Ruach HaKodesh and
play poor me. I have come to give you life from the dead. I have come to give you victory over hasatan. I have
come to give you victory over death and destruction, sickness and disease, grave and death. I have overcome the
grave and death. Why cant you overcome the grave and death?

You desire to be like Me? Do it My way and not your way and you will see the enemy paralyzed before you,
shaking before you, trembling before you for you have to become My extension, the extension of My power, the
extension of My love, the extension of My wisdom, the extension of My rachamim and My chesed, the extension of
Who I am The Conqueror of Evil.
Go forward, My children. Do not be afraid. I am saying to you this Shabbat morning, Al tirai, Beth El! There is no
power of hell that can withstand you when you exercise My power and My authority in the Name of My Son,
Yeshua. There is no evil force that can withstand you. There is no army on the earth that can withstand you,
neither in the heavens. You are My army, very small, still hidden, but very powerful."

I desire each one of you to praise Me as you never praised Me before. I desire each one of you to worship Me as
you never worshiped Me before for I dwell on the praises of Yisrael. I dwell on the praises of Yisrael. I desire you to
praise Me every day: in your house, in your car, as you walk, as you lay down. Let the praises, the high
praises of Elohim be in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand to execute vengeance on the hagoyim,
punishment on the peoples, to bind their melachim (sovereigns) with chains, and their nobles with iron bands: to
execute on them the written right-ruling; a splendor it is for all His kedushim (kind ones). Hallelu Yah! (Tehillim

I have given you everything! Use it today! For you dont know what tomorrow will bring.

The calamity is approaching, it is getting closer and closer, and closer, and closer, and closer. The mighty American
dollar will fall. You will experience the collapse of the economic system, not only in this country, but worldwide. This
is where the transfer will take place, the transfer, the transfer, the transfer, the financial transfer that was stored up
at the hands of the wicked and will be transferred into the hands of My righteous servant for it is written in Mishle
13:22b, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

Only I can prosper you. Only I can bless you. Only I can open a door for you that has been shut for all these years.
The door that I open no one will be able to shut. Why do you still doubt? Why do you still doubt Me? You upset Me
with your doubts. You bring sadness to My heart with your doubts.

I have given you more than I have given to any of My other children. The least of you is equipped more. I said the
least of you is equipped more than anybody outside of Messianic Temple Beth El throughout the Body of Messiah of
Yeshua globally, globally! The least of you knows more than the more advanced out there. Why do you still doubt

I Am Who I Am, speaking to you this Shabbat morning. Come to Me, My children. Come to Me and take My yoke.
Learn of Me. Take My yoke for My yoke is easy and My burdens are light. Your yoke, the satanic yoke, is very
heavy and your burdens are very heavy. Thats why you have to take My yoke upon yourself because when you
take My yoke upon yourself, I am leading you. I will not allow you to fall.

I am there to hold you. I am there to uplift you. And if some of you are weak and weary, I am going to put you upon
My shoulder like a faithful shepherd. I will carry you, Beth El. I will carry this weak and tired sheep. Dont worry. I will
not leave you to the wolf.

I am a good Shepherd and you are in My corral of Messianic Temple Beth El. Strict discipline reigns here in Beth El.
There is no confusion here. There is no contamination here. It is just My Spirit and My Word. Nothing else. Dont
quench My Spirit. Dont upset Me. Think upon what I said to you today and act accordingly. Amein.
Revelational knowledge given to Karen Sulpizii
by Ruach Elohim on Sivan 12, 5776 - May 18, 2016

All of the great empires of the world that worshiped idols and did not worship Me fell. I destroyed their civilizations
and I will destroy America too if the people do not return to Me. Her seen and unseen enemies will overtake her.

I am going to unleashbarbarians on America to show My wrath against the injustices being done to Me first and
then to all of My creation the people, air, water, soil, animals, birds, fish.

The United States has been strong and powerful only because I made it that way. The leaders sought Me and used
to listen to Me. But do you not see that now your government is getting weaker and weaker?
Already My hand of knowledge, power, protection has been lifted from America and your enemies are making great
preparations to destroy you. There are those of your own countrymen who will rise up against you traitors, as
well as enemies from afar.

In addition to warning you about Islam and all the fanatical factions coming against you and the fact that your
military are not dealing effectively with them, I am also telling you that I am not removing all evil from America at this
time but I am going to remove from your mist a portion of those who hate Me and those who I will not strive with

I will remove a portion of:

1. Those who have repeatedly not responded to My calls

2. Those who knowingly lead people astray from Me in the universities, in the music sector, in the medical field, in
the arts and sports those with influence who do not acknowledge Me in anything they say or do, whose very
profession is from Me because I have blessed them with the abilities, skills and talents they possess.

3. Those who lie and deceive the flock, especially leaders but also others in the assemblies

4. Those in the five-fold ministry who are wolves in sheeps clothing leading My people astray

5. Those who try to sexually change their bodies lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender telling people I made a
mistake when creating them

6. Those who are sexual deviants, including LBGT, in all respects of the body

7. Those who abuse the young, the old, the infirm

8. Those who sell drugs and those who abuse their minds and bodies with drugs

9. Those who totally abuse their bodies with alcohol so they cannot function

10. Those who help people die (euthanasia). Assisted death is murder.

11. Those who perform abortions.

12. Those who prey on babies, children, women for sexual gratification, cruelty and torture

13. Those involved with porn movies - uncleanness (impure, foul, dirty, filthy).

14. Those who produce porn-like movies, vampire and zombie movies, films full of darkness, violence and
destruction from Hollywood that influence the mind and adversely affect the human soul, enlightening it to the vast
and diverse extent of evil which it does not need to know or understand.

15. I will bring down some of the wealthy people in high positions in the economic sector who abuse their positions
and use unscrupulous tricks to deceive, defraud and steal from the masses.

Every aspect of the American way of life will be affected by My Wrath. I will touch everyone and everything so that
this unbelieving, uncaring, hypocritical, godless, evil country will know I AM WHO I AM

Your heart will grow faint when you realize who has not survived the calamities afflicting America. There will be
a smell of death across her soil and many, many tears will flow

However, My hand of blessing is upon you, Messianic Temple Beth El. Your time of hiding is almost over. Soon
you will move into the land I have given you to possess. My building and your blessings will come forth
suddenly!!. Just be patient a little while longer. The finances are coming. Some of your enemies are still being
disposed of, mountain snow melting and bolted gates and locked doors being forced to open

Put your trust in Me. I go before you and fight for you. I am driving out before you people greater and stronger
than you so you will possess what I have for you. I am doing this for you because of your obedience to Me
through your leaders.


1. Tehillim/Psalms 121:1, 2 - I lift up my eyes to the hills; where does my help come from? My help comes from
Yahweh, Maker of the heavens and earth.

Tehillim/Psalms 46:1 - Elohim is our refuge and strength, a help in distress soon found. Therefore we do not fear
though the earth reels and mountains topple into the heart of the seas.

2. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 5:20, 21 - Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light
for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever
in their own sight!

3. Tehillim/Psalms 59:5 And You, Yahweh, Elohim Tzevaot, Elohim of Yisrael, awake to punish all the
nations. Show no favor to any wicked traitors (home grown terrorists). Selah

4. Devarim/Deuteronomy 5:7, 9 - You have no other mighty ones against My face. . . . you do not bow down to
them nor serve them, for I, Yahweh, am a jealous El, visiting the crookedness of the fathers upon the children to the
third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.

5. Bereshit/Genesis 3:3a - And Yahweh said: My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray.

6. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 65:12 - And I shall allot you to the sword, and let you all bow down to the slaughter, because I
called you but you did not answer, and you did evil before My eyes and chose that in which I did not delight.

7. Yaacov/James 1:17 - For every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of
lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.

8. Mattithyahu/Matthew 24:4 - And Yeshua answering said to them: Take heed that no one leads you astray.

9. Mattithyahu/Matthew 7:15 - But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly
they are savage wolves.
2nd Corinthians 11:13 - (There) are false emissaries, deceptive workers, masquerading as emissaries of Messiah.

10. Bereshit/Genesis 1:31a - And Elohim saw all that He had made, and see, it was very good.
Mattithyahu/Matthew 5:48 - Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect,

11. Romans 1:26,27 . . . Elohim gave them over to degrading passions. For even their women exchanged natural
relations for what is against nature.
and likewise, the men also, having left natural relations with woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with
men committing indecency, and receiving back the reward which was due for their straying.

1 Corinthians 6:9 - Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the reign of Elohim? Do not be
deceived. Neither those who whore, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals.
Galatians 5:19 And the works of the flesh are well-known which are these: adultery, whoring, uncleanness,

12. Mishle/Proverbs 3:33a - The curse of Yahweh is on the house of the wrong.

13. I Corinthians 3:16, 17 - Do you not know that you are a Dwelling Place (Temple) of Elohim and that the Spirit of
Elohim dwells in you?
If anyone destroys the Dwelling Place of Elohim, Elohim shall destroy him. For the Dwelling Place of Elohim is set-
apart which you are.

14. Mishle/Proverbs 20:1 - Wine is a scoffer, strong drink a brawler and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.
15. Shemot/Exodus 20:13 (6th Commandment) - You do not murder.

16. 1 Shmuel/Samuel 2:6a - Yahweh puts to death and makes alive.

17. Mishle/Proverbs 3:33a - The curse of Yahweh is on the house of the wrong.

18. Yehezkel/Ezekiel 24:13a - In your filthiness is wickedness.

19. Yehezkel/Ezekiel 24:13a -I n your filthiness is wickedness

20. Ovadyah/Obadiah 1:3,4 - The pride of your hearts has deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock
(hidden while doing your evil), whose dwelling place is high (in your profession), who say in your heart: Who shall
bring me down to the ground?
Though you rise high as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there I shall bring you down,
declares Yahweh.

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some, by longing for it, have strayed
from the belief, and pierced themselves with many pains.
Shemot/Exodus 20:15 (8th Commandment) - You do not steal.

21. Shemot/Exodus 3:14 - And Elohim said to Moshe, I am that which I am. And He said: Thus you shall say to
the children of Yisrael, I AM has sent me to you.

22. Tehillim/Psalms 143:4 . . . my spirit grew faint within me, my heart within me is stunned.

23. Tehillim/Psalms 6:6 - I have grown weary with my groaning; every night I flood my bed. I drench my couch with
Iyov/Job 16:16 - My face is reddened from weeping and on my eyelids is the shadow of death

24. Tehillim/Psalms 24:7 - Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up you everlasting doors! And let the
Sovereign of esteem come in.

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 22:22 - And I shall place the key of the house of David on his shoulder. And he shall open, and
no one shuts; and shall shut and no one opens.

25 Mishle/Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Know Him
in all your ways and He makes all your paths straight.

26. Devarim/Deuteronomy 3:22 - Do not fear them (your enemies), for Yahweh your Elohim Himself fights for you.
Devarim 4:38 (190) to drive out from before you nations (hagoyim) greater and stronger than you, to bring you in,
to give you their land as an inheritance, as it is today.

27. 1 Shmuel/Samuel 15:22d - To obey is better than an offering. (Obedience brings blessings from Elohim).

1. a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person, crude.
2. a person without culture, refinement, or education; philistine.

1. a group within a larger group, party, government, organization, or the like
2. a state of conflict within an organization; dissension.
3. Conflict within an organization or nation; internal dissension
Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Wednesday Night Prayer
at Messianic Temple Beth El on Aviv 13, 5776 - April 21, 2016

The time is getting short. The enemy will increase his attacks. Beware! Pray! Obey when I speak to you. Walk
closely with Ruach. Attacks will be increased. The enemy has his armies all around. They are watching and
waiting. This will be a difficult time for Beth El because you are almost at the finish line and the enemy will
put obstacles in your path.

Meditate on My Word. Ingest My Word so you can bring it forth when it is needed so that no weapon formed against
you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall prove wrong because you will
have the truth.

I love all of you. I am watching, My angels are watching, the demons are watching, but only I know exactly what will
happen. Let My Word light your way. Consider Me in all your decisions. Do not go to the right or the left and then
all your ways will be established because you will stay on the straight and narrow path, the path which I give you.

Many good things will happen in this year of Yovel. Many good things will happen for Beth El.
I have watched your wanderings and your sufferings and your confusion and your puzzlement and soon I
will bring you out into a land of milk and honey. Just stay faithful to Me. Just stay faithful.

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Prophetic word giving to Sheila Murrell on Iyar 12, 5776 - May 20, 2016 at 4:40am

See, I am gathering all My people from the lands that they were dispersed to: from the north, south, east and west.
They are coming here to the light that is shining in the darkness. Even though America is falling, there is still an
array of hope: My hope - Yeshua. There is a global awakening of the sleeping giant Efraim who will help Yehudah
regain back her promised land, the land which, I AM, gave to them and not to Yishmael. Efraim is running because I
am drawing them and unsettling them from their complacency. I cause earthquakes, tidal waves, fires, famines,
sickness and disease, poverty and lack, and wars to shake them. And I am drawing them to America, an place
where they will be prepared and made ready both spiritually and physically to enter My promised land so as not to
bring their idols, false gods and other evils to again contaminate My promised land.

In order to enter in they must let go and let Me rule and reign in their hearts and minds. America became
contaminated because she didn't stand up for what is right, but compromised with the enemy and exchanged what
was worthy for what is worthless. She allowed their glitter and gold to contaminate her and blind her eyes because
of rebellion against the constraints I set in place in order for justice and righteousness to rule and reign. But she
rejected this because it was too hard and her flesh lusted after satanic gain. But before America totally falls, she
is coming once again to salvation through My Revival of Repentance using Messianic Temple Beth El to lead the
way. For this world has been plunged in darkness which I have allowed for My higher purposes.

And I will cause this darkness to draw all men unto Me. Some will come and some will not. As they come running to
America, the land of light, you and Rabbi will be used to prepare them to return to My promised land, not with empty
hands, but with skills that will contribute and not subtract, drain or fleece My country, Yisrael, like some are doing to
America. These will be My warriors that will be used mightily in the End-Times - 144,000 - then the end shall come
before the thousand year reign.

Then the song on my ipod came on entitled We Will Run:We will run, we will sing, we will dance, we will worship
the King . . .
Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat Service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on on Aviv 1, 5776 - April 9, 2016

Many, many, many, many, many are called but very few are chosen. Many, many, many, many are called. I called
many, many, many, many, many, many globally but they refused, they refused, they refused to do My will.

Therefore, thus says Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael, your Redeemer, your Mashiach, your Master, your Deliverer, your
Healer, your Elohim, I have called you, Beth El, to do My will. I have called you, Beth El, to do My perfect will and
you have done it.

Oh, you fought Me, you fought Me, you fought Me but I broke you. I broke your rebellion. I broke your disobedience.
I broke your stubbornness. I broke your pride and your arrogance. I broke you. And I continue to break you to make
you into a humble servant, into a vessel that will do My will.

Today is My Yovel, My Yovel. It is not celebrated the way this olam hazeh (this world) keeps and celebrates their
new year, their jubilations. It is My Yovel that I am proclaiming to you, the first fruits of My Messianic Nation.

You have done it. You have done My will. You have come into agreement with one another and with My Ruach
HaKodesh to celebrate My Yovel. It is not the month of Tishrei that marks the beginning of My New Year. It is this
month, the month of Aviv, as it is written in My Kitvei HaKodesh. So why did My people ignore what was written and
made error the doctrine of man? But you know, but you know. I have revealed this to you through your leader and
you know the truth.

Lets celebrate today. Lets celebrate with My Ruach HaKodesh and with My malachim. There are many of them
here and if you will ask Me I will open the eyes of your understanding today to see them. Its crowded here. My
Ruach is here with you Beth El and My malachim are here surrounding you, protecting you from evil and I am in the
midst of you. Never doubt this.

I am about to do great and awesome things in the midst of you. Get ready My beautiful children for the way I see
you is different from the way you see yourself. For I see you as My bride that has no blemish. This is how I see you.
So arise My bride, arise My love and come away My fair one.

I love you with an everlasting love. Never doubt My love. You are about to experience Elohim of the Bible, Elohim of
the Book of books, Elohim of the Book! You are about to experience Me collectively and individually as you never
did before. I will reveal Myself in such depths and in such measure that truly an eye has not seen and an ear has not
heard what I have prepared for those who love Me and are called according to My purposes.

So rise up My children, My bride, My beautiful bride, My beautiful Beth El and lets celebrate together.
Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat Service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on Aviv 1, 5776 - April 9, 2016

My children,

You have cried to Me to destroy the evil in America, those of Hamas and Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, but I
am also going to destroy those who are stiff-necked, rebellious, disobedient and these include your loved
ones, your friends, ones who I have gone to, to try to draw them to Me, but they have refused. They would
not listen. They would not repent.

You cannot save anyone. I can. But you need to pray. Pray My Word, not your words, over your loved ones and
your friends. I am trying to draw them to Me but they will not listen. Pray that they will open up their ears and listen
to what I have to say. Yes, your loved ones and your relatives, your friends are all involved in this, not just the
murderers of Hamas.

I will send My Spirit. He will come down and I will go to many and ask them again to come to Me, to receive My Son.
Some will. Some will not.

Miracles will start happening. Pray that miracles will visit your house and the houses of your loved ones. But
to do that, the hearts must be open, the spirits repentant (remorseful). I want them all. I dont want one person to
perish. I gave all a free will, but unfortunately they do not care about Me or spiritual matters because they are
carnal. And I will not go against their will.

Pray that I will have rachamim and chesed on your families. Pray because devastation is coming. They do not
know that when they forsake Me, they forsake My ways. They are destroying themselves because I will not be with

Pray My Word, My Word over your families day and night for the coming of the calamity is inevitable and its
coming closer, closer. I want to visit your homes with miracles, miracles but I cannot unless everyone is prepared
to receive the miracle for themselves. I want to see their hearts cry out. I want to see their spirits contrite. I love
them. I love all of them. I do not want to destroy them. Pray, pray as you have never prayed before for your
loved ones.

#1 Mishle 29:1 - One often reproved, hardening his neck, is suddenly broken, and there is no healing.
#2 Yohanan 6:44a No one is able to come to Me (Yeshua) unless the Father Who sent Me draws him.

#3 Yeshayahu 55:10-11
For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make
it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so is My Davar (My Word) that goes forth
from My mouth it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I
sent it for.

#4 Romans 2:4d . . . the kindness of Elohim leads to repentance.

Mark 1:15d - Repent and believe in the HaBesorah.

Yeshayahu 55:6-7
Seek Yahweh while He is to be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wrong forsake his way, and the
unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahweh, Who has compassion on him and to our Elohim for He
pardons much.

# 5 Yohanan:3:16-17
For Elohim so loved olam hazeh (the world) that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes
in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For Elohim did not send His Son into olam hazeh (the world) to
judge olam hazeh (the world), but that olam hazeh (the world) through Him might be saved.
I Timothy 2:4 - For Elohim desires all men to be saved and to come to the daat/knowledge of the emet/truth.

# 6 Devarim 30:15, 19b Free will

15 See, I have set before you today life and good, and death and evil.
19b I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.

Yehoshua 24:14a-c, 15a, b, f

And now fear Yahweh, serve Him in perfection and in truth. And if it seems evil in your eyes to serve Yahweh,
choose for yourselves this day whom you are going to serve..But I and my house, we serve Yahweh.

# 7 Romans 8:8 those who are in the flesh are unable to please Elohim.

# 8 Tehillim 145:20 - Yahweh preserves all those loving Him but all the wrong ones He destroys.
Habakkuk 3:2g - In wrath, O Elohim, remember rachamim/compassion.
Shemot 33:19d - I shall favor him whom I favor and shall have compassion on him, whom I have compassion.

#9 Yehezkel 7:3-4
Now the end is upon you and I shall send My displeasure against you, and judge you according to your ways, and
repay you, America, for all your abominations, And My eye shall not pardon you, nor would I spare, for I repay your
works while your abominations are in your midst and you, America, shall know that I am Yahweh.

# 10 I Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.

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Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat Service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on I Adar 11, 5776 - February 20, 2016

My children in Messianic Temple Beth El,

Let Me keep My harness on you for as long as need be for I love you very much and with this harness I am moving
you and putting you where you need to be and in the corral I am disciplining you, and loving you and feeding you
with My spiritual food.

You are in a very important position in My army and so the discipline and the training is very important. I want to
bring you to another level of understanding. I want to bring you to another level of praise and worship. I want to
bring you to another level of warfare and I am doing this and you dont realize it as you are in the corral, as you have
the harness on you, as you are running and moving and leaping inside the corral. But dont fight against any of this
because it is My love that is disciplining you and training you and trying to bring each of you to a new level. Do not
fight against this. Do not fight against this.

When you come forth you will be shining. You will be different than many of the others who are in the Body. You will
have such knowledge, understanding. You will know Me better than so many others. So do not fight against Me.
Understand about the corral. Understand about the harness and when you come out you will be like gems, like My
beautiful stones. Like the horses who wear all the finery, you will be wearing yours in the spirit and all the spirits will
see and know that you have arrived at another level.

Footnote (1)
Ivrim 12:11 - And indeed, no discipline seems pleasant at the time but grievous, but afterward it yields the
peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Mishle 4:13 - Hold fast to discipline, do not let go. Watch over her for she is your life.


Prophetic word given to Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin
on the 5th of Iyar, 5776 - May 13, 2016

Yahweh roars from Tzion, and gives forth His voice from Messianic Temple Beth El in Brooklyn, New

Thus said Yahweh, For many transgressions of Yehudah (Yehudim - Jews), I do not turn back, because they have
rejected the Torah of Yahweh, and did not guard His chukkot (laws). And their lies after which their fathers walked
lead them astray.

For many transgressions of Yisrael (Efraim - 10 lost tribes of Yisrael, born from above Christians), I do not turn back,
because they sell the righteousness (tzaddik) for silver (kesef), and the poor for a pair of sandals, who crush the
head of the poor ones in the dust of the earth, and turn aside the way of the meek. And a man and his father go in to
the same girl, to defile My Kadosh (Holy) Name.

I raised up some of your sons and daughters as prophets and prophetesses, but you commanded My prophets
saying, Do not prophesy in my congregation! Therefore, hear this word that Yahweh has spoken against you, O
Bnei Yisrael (the children of Yisrael: Yehudim - Jews and Efraim - born from above Christians), saying,

You alone have I known of all the clans of the earth, therefore I punish you for all your crookednesses. If a shofar is
blown in the city, do the people not tremble and be afraid? If there is calamity, disaster in a city, shall not Yahweh
have done it? For the Master Yahweh does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets
(neviim). A lion has roared! Who is not afraid? The Master Yahweh has spoken! Who would not prophesy?

Let My prophets blow the shofars and cry out in the congregations and streets of America proclaiming, An enemy,
even all around your land! And he shall bring down your strength from you for in the day I visit you, America, I will
punish you for your transgressions. And your houses of ivory and your great houses shall perish, declares
I will visit every synagogue and every church in America for surely it is written in I Kefa/Peter 4:17, Because it is
time for Mishpat (judgment) to begin from Beit Elohim (the House of Elohim). And if firstly from us, what is the end of
those who do not obey the HaBesorah HaGeulah of Elohim (the Good News of Redemption of Elohim)?

I will overthrow some of the synagogues and churches in this country as I overthrew Sedom and Amorah of old. I
will bring My mishpatim (judgments) on rabbis and pastors, so prepare to meet your Elohim, O Beit Yisrael
(Yehudim - Jews and Efraim - born from above Christians)!!!

For look, He Who forms mountains, and creates the wind, and Who declares to man what His thought is, and
makes the morning darkness, and Who treads the high places of the earth, Yahweh Elohim Tzevaot is His Name.

Have I not said in My Word, Seek Me and live. But you hated the one I sent to reprove you and you despise the
one who speaks the truth of My Word. For I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great, afflicting
My righteous servants, accepting bribes and turning aside the poor at the gate.

Therefore, listen, O Beit Yisrael (the whole House of Israel - all 12 tribes of Yisrael), for an evil time is almost
upon you and your land. Seek good and not evil, so that you live. And let Yahweh Elohim Tzevaot be with you.
Hate evil (rah) and love good (tov), and set up right-ruling (mishpat) in the gate. It might be that Yahweh Elohim
Tzevaot shows chesed (favor) to your remnant.

There will be a wailing in your land for I will pass through your midst, said Yahweh.Woe to you who are
longing for the day of Yahweh! What does the day of Yahweh mean to you? It is darkness and not light, as when a
man flees from a lion, and a bear shall meet him; or entered his house, rested his hand on the wall, and a serpent
shall bite him. Is not the day of Yahweh darkness, and not light? Is it not very dark, with no brightness in it?

I have hated, I have despised your (religious) festivals and I am not pleased with your (solemn) assemblies which
have nothing to do with My Chaggim (Feasts - Feasts of Yahweh). Though you offer Me your offerings, I do not
accept them. Take away from Me the noise of your songs (your praise and worship), for I do not hear the sound of
your stringed instruments.

Woe to those at ease in Tzion, for you have turned My right-ruling (mishpat) into poison and the fruit of
righteousness into wormwood. For look, I am raising up a nation against you America," declares Yahweh
Tzevaot, and they shall oppress you, and I shall rise with a sword against you, America, and many dead
bodies will be everywhere. And some of your synagogues and churches shall fall and never rise again! For My
eyes are on your sinful nation, America, for the sinners are going to die by My sword, those who are saying, Evil
does not overtake us nor meet us.

In that day I shall raise up Sukkat David which has fallen down (the fallen Tabernacle of David). And I will fall upon
My servants, those who have been prepared in the furnace of affliction for many years, those meek ones, those
hidden ones, those who seek Me with all their heart, mind and soul, those who tremble at My Word - at My Yeshua.
And in these days My word in Mishle (Proverbs) 13:22b, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the
righteous will be fulfilled. Yes, the financial transfer is coming, but not to those who are evil and compromise, but to
My chosen righteous servants to be used for My kadosh (holy) purposes.

My Revival is coming to you. My Revival, prophesied by My prophets, is coming to you. My Revival of Repentance
will break through by those prepared by Me for such a time as this(Lazman Hazeh). Do not turn your face from My
Revival of Repentance. Do not stand in the way of My Ruach, Ruach Elohim. Do not refuse My Revival of
Repentance. As you hear and understand My Word taught to you, be quick to turn from all your evil and repent!
Make teshuvah - repent of your pride and arrogance, ignorance and lack of knowledge of My Word, anger,
bitterness and unforgiveness, repent of forsaking Me, the Author and the Finisher of your emunah (faith) - Yeshua
HaMashiach, Your Mashiach (Savior)! Repent of worshiping idols and exalting men instead of Me, your Elohim! For
surely it is written in Yeshayahu 55:6-7, Seek Yahweh while He is to be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the
wrong forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahweh, Who has compassion on
him and to our Elohim for He pardons much and also in Nahum 1:3, Yahweh is patient and great in power, but by
no means leaves unpunished.

My Revival of Repentance will bring in My harvest. My harvest is coming, the harvest of souls to come to the My
Kingdom, the harvest of Jews and Gentiles. This harvest truly will be great, but where are the workers for My
harvest? Pray then the Master of the harvest would send out workers to His harvest. Are you a worker in My

Do not fall away from Me! Do not allow the stressful circumstances of your life pull you away from Me! Do not allow
your anxiety and fears to drift you away from Me! For surely it is written in Philippians 4:6-7, Do not worry at all,
but in every matter, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to Elohim. And
shalom of Elohim, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Yeshua

Stay in Me, stay in My Word! Lift up your eyes to the hills from where your help comes. Your help comes from
Yahweh, Maker of the heavens and earth. Read My Word, study My Word, meditate upon My Word day and night,
become a doer of My Word and I will give you victory over your enemies. Cry out to Me for understanding of My
Word, incline your heart to understanding: lift up your voice for discernment. For there are many voices out there
who speak lies and deception, therefore apply I Yohanan (John) 4, 1-3a, do not believe every spirit, but prove
(test) the spirits, whether they are of Elohim, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you
know Ruach Elohim: Every spirit that confesses that Yeshua HaMashiach has come in the flesh is of Elohim, and
every spirit that does not confess that Yeshua HaMashiach has come in the flesh is not of Elohim

In a little while, things will change. Will you be ready to hear the sound of My shofar, the sound of war during the
calamities that I am about to bring to America? Rise up, My army! Rise up, My Bride! Rise up, My warriors! Rise up,
My intercessors! For Yahweh shall give forth His voice before His army, for His camp is very great, for mighty is the
doer of His Word. For the day of Yahweh is great and very awesome, and who does bear it?

As the enemy, hasatan himself, is gathering his army and placing them in strategic positions, so am I. I AM WHO I
AM, gathering My army, My heavenly army and My earthly army. And I am placing you, My child, in the strategic
position for it is written in Ephesians 6:12, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in
the heavenliness. And also in II Corinthians 10:4-6, For the weapons we fight with are not fleshly, but mighty in
Elohim for overthrowing strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the
knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Mashiach, and being ready to punish all
disobedience, when your obedience is complete.

I am moving My Body, My people to different strategic positions. You are not to run to the north or south, west nor
east unless I command you to do so. Stand still and see the deliverance of your Elohim. Do not fear when the
calamity comes, but stand and see this great matter which Yahweh does before your eyes. For it is written
in Tehillim (Psalm) 32:7-8, You are my hiding place; You preserve me from distress; You surround me with songs
of deliverance. Selah. Let Me counsel, My eye be on you. Do no not be like the horse, like the mule, with no
understanding, with bit and bridle.

I have overcome hasatan, he is under My feet. For it is written in Colossians 2:15, Having stripped the
principalities and the authorities, He (Yeshua) made a public display of them, having prevailed over them in it. And
also in Romans 16:20a, And Elohei HaShalom (the Elohim of peace) shall crush hasatan under your feet shortly, I
am crushing hasatan under your feet as you exercise your authority to trample upon snakes and scorpions, and
over all the power of the enemy. Crush the heads of your enemies (hasatan and his shadim/demons) for it is written
in Bereshit/Genesis 3:15c, He shall crush your head I have smitten all my enemies on the cheek; I have broken
the teeth of the wrong. I have given you the victory and My banner over you is My Ahavah, My Love.

Turn from all your evil and turn to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning,
and tear your heart and not your garments and turn back to Yahweh your Elohim, for He shows favour and is
compassionate, patient, and of great kindness, and He shall relent concerning the evil.

Endure My discipline as I feed you with My spiritual food. Let Me keep My harness on you as I move you where you
need to be in the corral of My discipline. Do not fight My discipline! Do not fight My love towards you for whom
Yahweh loves, He disciplines, and flogs every son whom He receives.

If you love Me, you shall guard My commandments (mitzvot). Be kedoshim (set-apart, holy) for I Yahweh your
Elohim am kadosh (set-apart, holy)." I love you, My children, with an everlasting ahavah (love).

Run to Me, to the fountain of Living Waters for it is written in Yeshayahu 44:3-4, For I pour water on the thirsty, and
floods on the dry ground. I pour My Ruach on your seed, and My blessing on your offspring and they shall spring up
among the grass like willows by streams of water. And also in Yohanan/John 4:10f, and He would have given
you living water. Draw from Me for truly out of your inner most part will flow Living Water. It is written in Yohanan
7:37e, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink. As the Scripture said, out of His
innermost shall flow rivers of living water. Come and drink Mayim Chayyim, Mayim Chayyim, Mayim Chayyim
(Living Waters) from the fountain of your deliverance.

All Scriptures are taken from The Scriptures Institute for Scripture Research. Messianic Translation of the

Scripture references:

1. Amos 1:2a, 2:4, 2:6, 3:2, 3:6-8, 3:11a, 3:15b, 4:12c,-13, 5:4b, 5:10, 5:12, 5:13b, 5:14-15, 5:18-19, 5:21, 22b-
23, 6:1a, 6:12b, 6:14, 7:9c, 8:3c, 8:14d, 9:8a, 9:10, 9:11
2. Esther 4:14
3. Mattithyahu/Matthew 9:38
4. Tehillim/Psalms 121:1
5. Mishle/Proverbs 2:2
6. Yoel/Joel 2:11
8. II Divre HaYamim/II Chronicles 20:17b
9. Luke 10:19
10. Tehillim/Psalms 3:7b
11. Shir HaShirim/Song of songs 2:4
12. Yoel/Joel 2:12-13
13. Ivrim/Hebrews 12:6
14. Yohanan/John 14:15
15. Vayikra/Leviticus 20:26
Prophecy word given by Karen Sulpizii
during Shabbat service at Messianic Temple Beth El on
Av 9, 5775 - July 25, 2015

Note: We had just finished singing the song:

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Elohim of Yisrael,
Worthy, Worthy Worthy to receive our praise
You are awesome, Elohim of power,
Elohim of glory, come and fill this place

My Children,

I AM awesome!

I am awesome because when you come to Me and truly repent I forgive you. I am long-suffering. I dont want any to
perish. I love all of you. I love your soul. I love your spirit. I love your heart. I love all of you because I created every
piece of you, every part of you. But I am awesome because I forgive! Satan does not forgive. You disobey him and
he gets rid of you. You are worthless to him. But I look down the road and I see what your life could be if you just
repented and allowed Me to direct your life.

I have many great things in store for all of you but you must consider Me trustworthy. I have proven Myself through
the Scriptures but you dont believe because if you did you would be further on the path of righteousness than you
are right now. But I am a loving El and a forgiving El. However, your repentance must be true. It must be genuine
and I must see your heart. Words mean nothing to Me but your heart and your actions mean everything.

You are going to face many challenges in this part of your promised land because there are so many enemies
against you. I have to lead you through the darkness. I have to lead you through the secret doors, on the secret
paths that the enemy does not know about. You will be caught if you do not follow Me, if you do not hear. If you do
not let Me guide you, the enemy will eat you up.

You are going to experience things that you have never experienced before because Beth El is very small. Beth El
is not going to be small much longer. You know what My commands are in the written Word and you compromise or
you dont do them at all. How can I answer your prayers? If your own child is disobedient would you give him a
reward? I dont think so.

The new Beth El will have many challenges because it will be birthed during a calamity when the country will be
going through disasters and problems that it has never faced before. If the Muslims, the fanatical Muslims (Islam,
ISIS, ISIL), if they can make America weak, America has other enemies that wish to conquer China, Russia. They
are watching.

You will be plagued by many problems, but when I give you the new Beth El, I have given you the land and you will
be successful and you will help many IF you do what you are told. It will be very, very important that you listen to
your leaders because they hear when you do not. They walk where you do not. They may even be able to save
your life if you are going the wrong way. Your families will not understand and thats the pull. Do I go with what the
leaders say who hear from Elohim, or do I go with my family who are scared and frightened. But they will not have
the leading that I will give Beth El. Trust Me, My children. I am the only one you can trust.

The doors of the new Beth El are clean, very clean and only clean people will go through clean of heart, clean of
thought, clean of mind, clean of action. Thats who will go through. Believe Me, if some come and they want to go
through those doors and they are dirty, and some will be because you will have all kinds coming to your doors, they
will not be allowed to stay. I will make them leave. I do not want any contamination in the new Beth El, not even from
your families. Everyone who comes has to obey the rules, has to walk on the path of righteousness, a narrow path
that nobody wants to walk on because it is hard. Well, it was hard for My Son too, but He did it and He is your
example. I took Him every step of the way and I will take all of you every step of the way.

You will all be walking on the path of righteousness but the ways may be a little different because you each have a
different life to lead. You have skills in certain areas, you have anointing in certain areas and thats where I will bless
you so you can bless this ministry. But you have to be clean in order for Me to bless you.

I am watching all of you. I watch youre going out, and, youre coming in, youre sitting down, youre walking, youre
going up your steps, down your steps, when you go visit family I am there. I see all and I hear all and I want what I
see and I hear to be pleasing to Me because I am successful and if I am in you, you will be successful too.

So said Yahweh Tzevaot!


Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on
Sivan 5, 5775 - May 23, 2015
Thus says Yahweh Tzevaot,

My children, unite your heart to fear My name. You have stony hearts because the stones are your sins. As you get
rid of those sins, your heart becomes soft and I can work with it. I have great gifts to give all of you, but with a stony
heart theres no room.

Discernment for a spiritual army is very important. All gifts are important but discernment is very important. Not only
to see in the spirit but to smell and to hear. This ministry will be attacked severely in the beginning and you must
have discernment. Discernment tells you right from wrong - is this person telling you the truth or is he not? It is not
just seeing and hearing and smelling. When a person comes up to you and starts speaking are they trying to
deceive you, are they speaking truth, are they trying to start trouble? You have to discern this, and not just one of
you, but all of you. What one does not hear or catch, another one will.

People from all over the world will come here and they will bring very, very heavy spirits, very evil spirits that want to
destroy the ministry from the top all the way down.

Right now spirits are trying to destroy all of you in Beth El. Do you know that now the evil spirits are taking shifts?
Yes, they are! One shift will come and will provoke you and will try to make you sin and will try to trip you up and
when that doesnt work, they will send the next shift and that shift will try something different.

Right now is a crucial time because you are almost ready to enter the building. You cannot enter just with your
flesh. You must enter in the spirit as well.

I have many gifts to give all of you but you do not cry out enough for them. You dont want them enough. When you
want them enough and when I see you are ready, you will get your gifts.

Unite your heart to fear Me. Make your heart single-hearted, not half for Me and half for your flesh.
Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin
during Prayer Warriors Meeting at Messianic Temple Beth El
on Tammuz 21, 5775 - July 8, 2015

I am the El of Beth El and I speak to My creation. I speak to the birds and to the animals and to the crawling things. I
speak to the trees. I speak to the fish and I speak to humans as well who are made in My image. I do speak. Have
ears to hear what I say to you Beth El.

I am the El of Beth El. Sometimes you wonder when I speak to you for sometimes I speak in a whisper. Sometimes I
speak through your thoughts. Sometimes I speak through your heart and through your soul and through your spirit.
Sometimes I speak to you through others. I can even use a donkey to speak to you. I can speak to you through the
commentators on the television or radio. I can speak to you through a book, through any kind of publication that you
read and, of course, I speak through My love letter to you, through My Word.

I always speak to you My children, always, and I want you to listen to Me. You dont have to get oppressed or
depressed or discouraged because I give you the solution out of every situation. When you speak to Me I answer
you and sometimes it hurts when you ignore Me or dont listen to Me or just dont understand My reply to you.

Listen to Me, for truly when you listen to Me you show Me your obedience and its always better than sacrifice.
Listen to Me. Come to the intimacy of this communication between Me and you.
Hasatans voice is loud. My voice is soft. I want you to distinguish between hasatans voice and My voice. I want you
to learn to hear My voice for I am your Shepherd and surely it is written, My sheep hear My voice.

My blessings are upon those who hear My voice and respond to My command. If only My children heard My voice,
so many things would be avoided. If only My children listened to My counsel, so many things would be put away.
For My way is the way of truth and righteousness and holiness. Other ways, which are many, will always lead you to

Learn to listen to My voice NOW Beth El for its coming very soon upon you when, through the chaos of the
calamity, people will panic, get scared and confused and will not be able to understand when I speak and when the
enemy speaks. I want you to listen to My voice today. I want you to cry out to Me and say to Me, Abba, teach me
how to listen and recognize Your voice!

I desire to speak to you. I desire to commune with you. I desire to reveal My wisdom and knowledge and
understanding, My counsel, My might, My power to you. You just have to have the desire to listen.

The time of your hiding is almost over. I have hidden you from the evil one. I have hidden you from those who are
bitter and jealous. I have hidden you from those who are desiring to completely and totally exterminate you. The
time of your hiding is almost over. Continue to speak: We are moving, moving, moving and I will move you. It will be
at the exact time, at the appointed time, for My Ruach is preparing everything for you.

Have ears to hear what Ruach HaKodesh has just spoken to you.
Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat service
at Messianic Temple Beth El
on Adar 23 5775 - March 14, 2015

My children,

Pray for everyone connected with Hollywood. Pray for the writers, the directors, the producers, the actors and
actresses. This is what children see. This is what they pattern their life after what Hollywood produces. And what
they produce is an abomination to Me. Hollywood is unclean. People who work there are unclean.

They know nothing about what you have here My presence, My holiness, My leading. They do not have Me, nor
My Son, nor My Spirit but they do have satan and all his darkness.

They produce film after film that is dark and violent and perverse. And the young ones go to the movies and they
watch and they watch on TV and they think this is the real world but it isnt. It is the world that hasatan wants to
make. This is one of the reasons for the calamity. This is a big reason. Hollywood is full of deception and lies.They
dont understand what marriage is all about. They go and adopt children. They go and produce children that are not
of Me. They walk that wide path. They run in that wide path that is leading them to the pit and they dont see it.
Some are very evil and others just go along for the ride. They have no idea where they are going. Pray for these

Pray for movies that are about Me, about beauty, about truth.

I will have to destroy some of them because they will never change their minds, their hearts, their spirits because I
have called many of them. I called them before they entered this Hollywood thing, this Hollywood extravaganza,
this thing that they thought would make their lives take off and they would make money and they would be popular
and they didnt know it was leading them into the pit. I tried to tell them. Some of their parents tried to tell them but
they wouldnt listen.

Violence is everywhere, even in the media. Pray for the media - the people also full of lies - anything to get power,
money, exposure. The media can incite people or calm them down, but when you incite people, it brings more
exposure for the news, for the money they make, for the newspapers, for the magazines.

America is in bad shape, very bad shape. Pray for these people. Pray for the media. It incites anti-Semitism and
racism. It provokes. There are certain people who just love to provoke. They stir the pot and the witchcraft is always
there. Witchcraft is always there in Hollywood. It is there in the media because it wants control but I want you to take
control back.

Pray for My leading. Ask Me how to pray for these people. Its very important.


1. Mattithyahu/Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the clean in heart for they shall see Elohim.

2. II Corinthians 11:14b Satan, himself, masquerades as a messenger of light.

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 2:5b come and let us walk in the light of Yahweh

3. Bereshit/Genesis 2:18 And Yahweh Elohim said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I am going to make a
helper for him, as his counterpart. From the beginning of creation, Elohim made them male and female.

Mark 10:7, 8a, 9 For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall
become one flesh . . . Therefore, what Elohim has joined together (married), let man not separate.
I Corinthians 7:2 Because of whoring, let each one have his own wife and let each woman have her own husband.
I Timothy 15:14a, b the younger widows marry (1st), bear children (2nd) . . .

4. Mattithyahu/Matthew 7:13,14 Enter in through the narrow gate because the gate is wide, and the way is broad,
that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it. Because the gate is narrow and the way is
hard pressed which leads to life and there are few who find it.
Tehillim/Psalms 17:4c Some of the paths of the destroyer leading to the wide gate
2 Timothy 3:1-5 But know this - that in the last days hard times shall come. For men shall be lovers of self, lovers
of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, thankless, wrong-doers, unloving, unforgiving,
slanderers, without self-control, fierce, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than
lovers of Elohim, having a form of reverence (liars) but denying its power (are really not believers though they want
people to think they are). And turn away from these.

5. Yohanan/John 8:32 and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

6. The thing/award Fame from receiving an Academy Award/Oscar, or a Golden Globe Award, or a Grammy
Award, or a Hollywood Film Award or other awards that have been given to them

The extravaganza/blockbuster film Fame from getting a major role in a huge scale production of a very
successful film which would make them multimillionaires.

Satan told them that all this was attainable for them. All these people had to do to become famous was to sell their
soul - give up their integrity, high ethical standards, morals, honesty - but satan didnt put it to them that way. He just
infused their minds with the successes they would have and their minds eye saw fame and fortune and they started
walking down the wide paths.

Yohanan/John 8: 44h When Satan speaks the lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
Titus 1:2b Elohim who does not lie . . .

7. Luke 12:2, 3 And whatever is concealed shall be revealed and whatever is hidden shall be known. So whatever
you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms shall be
proclaimed on the housetops.

8. Luke 23:23 But with loud voices they (evil men) insisted, asking for Him (Yeshua) to be impaled. And
the voices of these men and of the (evil) chief priests were prevailing (inciting, provoking).
Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat service
at Messianic Temple Beth El
on Iyar 27 5775 - May 16, 2015

Allow Me to change the circumstances in your life. Allow Me! This is all My Ahavah. All, nothing but My Ahavah!

You say, Your love is tough! Yes, My love is tough because this is a true Ahavah. This is My true compassion. This
is My true chesed to you, My children.

Pray that you will come to know My Ahavah, then you will come to know Me.

Todah rabah, Ruach Elohim.

Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii on the First Day of Chag haMatzot
at Messianic Temple Beth El on
Aviv 16, 5775 - April 5, 2015

My beloved,

You have wondered why I did not bring you into another building when you left your old one, but your new building
was not ready. I did not want you to go into any other building where there was any other ministry and share that
building with them because those pastors are defiled, their messages are defiled, their offerings are defiled and their
buildings are defiled.

I wanted you to be in a place of holiness where you could learn about holiness and become holy. I wanted you to be
in a place where My two examples for you could teach you and lead you. They lead you on the path to holiness and
on the narrow road that leads to the narrow gate. Respect them and obey them for their prayers are keeping you
from the flames and their holiness is bringing you to holiness.

My Kingdom is suffering violence and My people have to take it back by force. Take it back from those who want to
destroy it. From the gays who are pushing people to accept them and to do business with them and to respect them
and I dont respect them. They are a people unclean in their minds and their bodies. They are an abomination to
Me. They have put the branch to My nose and I do not forget this.

The Middle East is ablaze with the killing of innocents, with cruelty, lies and deception. These people have no
remorse because they obey the father of lies and they do not understand that they will suffer from his hands as well,
as long as their soul exists.

The terrorists are killing the believers and no one is standing up for them as a group.

Islam is trying to come into the White House and into your homes. Be watchful of them.

Cry to Me, My children. Fast, for what is coming will be very difficult. Many souls will die. America will go through a
transformation. I have to tear down before I can rebuild. Pray constantly My children. Pray constantly.

Mattithyahu/Matthew 11:12 And from the days of Yohanan the Immerser till now, the reign of the heavens is
violated and the violent seize it.

KJV - . . . the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.

Yehezkel/Ezekiel 8:17 And He said to me: Have you seen, O son of man? Is it a small matter to the house of
Yehudah (or to homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals) to do the abominations which they have done here
(and in America)? For they have filled the land with violence and turn back to provoke Me. And see, they are
putting the branch to My nose.

Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 1:10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the reigns, to root out and to pull
down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.

Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin
during Shabbat service at Messianic Temple Beth El on
Adar 9, 5775 - February 28, 2015

Listen! Ecoute! (in French), Escushar! (in Spanish), Slushai! (in Russian)! Listen, My Yisrael, to the words I speak to
you today. I am Yahweh, your Elohim. I change not. As you learned from the Kitvei HaKodesh* today, I require
obedience rather than sacrifice.

Draw near to Me this morning as you never did before. For the darkness is covering the whole earth. The darkness
is covering this land, the United States of America: the darkness of rebellion, the darkness of disobedience, the
darkness of super-pride and arrogance, the darkness of ignorance, the darkness of lust, rape, assault, vandalism,
the darkness of lies, perversion, molestation. The lies of all sorts of evil are covering this land; the darkness of all
sorts of evil is covering America.

Come to Me, run to Me, My children. I have opened the heavens this morning for you, My children. I have heard
your prayers. I have heard your worship. I have heard your cry. I have heard youre crying to Me, your Abba, with all
your hearts and all your minds and all your souls and all your spirits. I have heard you.

I watch over each one of you. I know your ways. I know youre coming in and youre going out. I know what is on
each one of your hearts and on your minds. I know all about you.

I am closing the blanket of safety over the United States of America. I am pushing this blanket of safety away and I
am opening a door for the enemy to come. ISIS is in America. Hamas is in America. Muslim Brotherhood is in
America. They became Americans. They speak perfect English. They become citizens. They are here to destroy
your country, My children, from within. They are coming from the openings at the borders from the Mexican
borders to Texas and from all over. They are even coming from the sea through the containers that are packed with
weapons to be used against you.

The spirit of Amalekites is alive and well. I am allowing this to happen for this is the part of My plan for this country
and for the Body of the believers in this country. For My children fell asleep in their pews. For My children do not
walk in the footsteps that I have ordained for them from the foundation of this world. For My children, who are called
by My Name, do not want to humble themselves before Me, do not want to exalt Me. They exalt themselves.
Therefore, I will break their idols. I will break their idols and I will break them for My Word says that rebellion is as
the sin of divination and stubbornness is as wickedness and idolatry.**

I am raising you up, Beth El, to be My cohanim, my priests, for the End-Times. The time has come to take your old,
ragged clothing off and put on the garments of beauty and honor.The time has come for you, Beth El, to shine
forth as a light of your deliverance, of your Yeshua. The time has come for you, Beth El, to proclaim Me as your
Deliverer to all people.

You will learn today about the garments of the cohanim. This is for you. This is how I desire to dress you in the Spirit
so that you will have Holy garments, Beth El, instead of ragged ones. That you will present yourself and carry
yourself not only as My children, but as My cohanim. I trained you. I prepared you. Yes, I also punished you in My
love, through My discipline, and I will continue to show you My love. The rod of My correction is on your back, My

But I heard your cry today when you said to Me: Do not let me fall away, Abba. I have heard your cry, Beth El. I
will not let you fall away unless you desire to do this on your own. I will keep you. I will protect you. I will provide for
you. I will heal you. I am your Abba and you are precious in My eyes. You are My jewels. You are the
representatives of the twelve tribes of Yisrael. I love you. You are the jewels on the Ephod of the Cohen HaGadol
(High Priest) that represent the twelve tribes of Yisrael.

Fight Amalek! Fight Amalek! I have given you the Spirit of strength and boldness to fight Amalek. Fight them by My
Ruach, by My strength, by My wisdom, by My understanding, by My leading, by the unction of My Ruach and you
will have victory. You will have victory!

Be encouraged, Beth El, for surely it is written Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Yahweh delivers him out
of them all.*** I will deliver you from all your afflictions as you continue to cry out to Me for I am your Deliverer.

Never stop crying to Me. Never stop praising Me. Never stop worshiping Me. Never stop studying My Word. Love
My Word. Love My Word. Love My Son, Yeshua, and become a mighty doer of My Word.

Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard**** what I have prepared for each of you. Believe! Only believe and you
surely will go from glory to glory. *****

Rabbis notes

* Kitvei HaKodesh - The Holy Scriptures

** I Shmuel 15:23
*** Tehillim 34:19
**** I Corinthians 2:9

***** II Corinthians 3:18b

Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat service
at Messianic Temple Beth El
on Adar 2 5775 - February 21, 2015

My children understand this I did not bring America, this land, up from the great waters to be a land of heathen
worshipers. As Israel was special, this was to be a special land too.

People dont understand freedom of religion. The freedom of religion was to be the freedom to worship Me, not to
bring other gods into this country and worship them as well. This land was to be free to worship Me, yet heathens
were allowed to come. They were allowed to come and put up their temples and put up their altars and they were
allowed to worship in the midst of My people, to worship Baals. This hurt Me and it angered Me for many, many

And now hasatan has come with his terrorists who want to completely destroy this land which was supposed to
be for Me, as Israel was to be only for Me. I have let certain things come upon you to draw you to Me, but you are
insensitive to My Spirit. You do not know My Spirit. Which ever way the wind blows is the way Americans go. As
long as they can do their evil, they are happy. As long as they can go on with their lives the way they are, they are
happy. But the day is coming when they will not be happy any more.

You didnt want to worship Me. You didnt want to put up My synagogues, love My laws, obey My laws so now I
give you into your own hands, your own counsel because you did not want My counsel. You thought I didnt see.
You thought I didnt hear. But I saw it all and I heard it all.

Only two lands were made by Me for Me, Israel and America, and both have sorely disappointed me. And thats
why I have had to punish them. It is not in My heart to punish My people. Do you wish to do the same to your
children punish, upon punish, upon punish? No! You want them to learn and to start doing what they are
supposed to do. But these people are stiff-necked and stubborn. It sorrows My heart that I have to let things like
this happen.

Oh I hear the cries. I hear many cries. Now IF My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and
pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear and I will help and I will hide and I will protect and I will provide, but
for the others I will not.

They (heathens) have come to rape this country. They have brought their heathen gods onto this land so they can
worship them and just take all the resources from this country but that is not the way it was supposed to be not
from the beginning even the forefathers of this country did not understand that. Freedom! Freedom! This
freedom comes with a price. And whose freedom do you want? The Truth brings freedom and I am the Truth
(Emet). The price is giving up your idols. These pagan gods tell you they are speaking the truth but they are leading
you down that very wide path to the pit.

Wake up America before you are completely destroyed. Wake up because I am very angry. The freedom from
religious persecution was to be here. When people would come from other countries with their idols, and then give
their hearts to Me and forsake their idols and their evil ways, then I would protect them and I would help them. I
would encourage them, I would give them wealth, but instead they came with their idols and worshiped demons.
This is not the way America was supposed to be.

Now you have an enemy thats coming at you and your own government does not protect you. And it cant
because My hand has been removed. All these things that are happening and you are watching them on television
they are saying these terrible things about the government and it is all because I am allowing it. You have been
faithless to Me. Why should I be faithful to you?

Pray like you have never prayed before because I am allowing a depth of persecution on you that you have
never experienced in your life. Not many will survive, even those who call themselves believers they think they
are saved, they think they are walking the right way but theyre not. They have no idea what I require of them.

Pray like youve never prayed before for this country and for the world because as America goes so does
the rest of the world. You are no longer the superpower you used to be because I was your power. I was your
Truth. I was your understanding. I was your knowledge. I was your wisdom and you walked away from Me. You will
reap what you have sown. Pray for yourselves. Pray for your families. Pray for America that in My wrath I will
have rachamim because I am very angry.


1. Mattithyahu/Matthew 24:38, 39 For as they were in the days before the flood, eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage, until the day that Noach entered into the ark and they did not know the flood came and took them
all away, so also shall the coming of the Son of Adam be (concerning the calamity coming to New York City).
Tehillim/Psalms 78:30b and 31a Their food was still in their mouths when the wrath of Elohim came against them.

2. Mishle/Proverbs 1:25-31 And you spurned all my (wisdoms) counsel and would not yield to my reproof. Let me
also laugh at your calamity. Mock when your dread comes. When your dread comes like a storm and your calamity
comes like a whirlwind; when distress and anguish come upon you. Let them then call on me (Yeshua, the Power
and Wisdom of Elohim/I Corinthians 1:24c) but I answer not. Let them seek me but not find me because they hated
knowledge and did not choose the fear of Yahweh. They did not accept my counsel; they despised all my
reproof. Therefore, let them eat the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own counsels.

3. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 30:1 Woe to the stubborn children, declares Yahweh, to make counsel, but not from Me, and
to devise plans, but not of My Spirit, in order to add sin to sin.
Acts 7:51 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist Ruach HaKodesh, as your
fathers did, you also do.

4. II Divre HaYamim/I Chronicles 7:14 IF My people upon whom My Name is called, shall humble themselves, and
pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I shall hear from the heavens, and forgive their sin and
heal their land.

5. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 55:6 Seek Yahweh while He is to be found, call on Him while He is near.
Yaacov/James 5:16d The earnest (fervent) prayer of a righteous one accomplishes much.

6. Habakkuk 3:2g In wrath, O Elohim, remember rachamim (compassion).

Romans 9:15I shall favour whomever I favour, and I shall have compassion on whomever I have compassion.

Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin
during Warriors For Israel prayer meeting on
Sivan 19, 5775 - June 6, 2015

Im gathering My army in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm to fight My battles against evil. I hear My
people saying: Abba, deliver us from this evil that surrounds us and I am about to deliver you from this great evil
that surrounds you.

The spirit realm is My realm. This is where I operate and manifest. The fleshly and carnal realm is the realm of

I am connecting My people in the spirit realm as I had shown Sheila during the awesome intercession warfare in the
Persian Gulf when all the intercessors were connected to each other and none of them broke the rank. This is how I
am connecting My people in the spirit realm one to another, one to another and no one will break the rank.

Cry out to Me day and night for deliverance. Cry out to Me day and night for protection. Cry out to Me day and night
for provision, for its all in My hands. I can release it and I can restrain it.

Stay in My Word, day and night, for I will minister to you through My love letter that I wrote to all of you. I will speak
to you through My Word. I will explain things to you through My Word. I will reveal things to you through My Word
so that you will understand My ways, My thoughts and My mind.

Stay close to Me and to each other. I love you all.

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Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin
during Shabbat Service at Messianic Temple Beth El
on Tammuz 24, 5775 - July 11, 2015

Thus says Yahweh Elohim, the King of Yisrael to Messianic Temple Beth El:

Imminent, imminent, imminent! I say, Imminent destruction for the wicked and imminent victory for the
righteous. My Spirit of wrath will come at the same time upon the wicked ones that My Spirit of blessings will come
upon My tzaddukim (My righteous ones). I have not forgotten you, Messianic Temple Beth El. I remember you,
Messianic Temple Beth El, for you are My jewels for you represent the Remnant of all 12 tribes of Israel.

Do you remember yourself when you came here? Do you remember how, as a representative of each tribe of
Israel, you were rebellious, uncooperative, disobedient, prideful and arrogant? Well, this is how the rest of the
remnant will also be when they come here. But as I have changed you, as I have dealt with you, and continue to
deal with you, I will deal with them, with those who are about to come.

I will change them. I will change their hearts and their minds and they will come. They will run at the whistle of My

The voice of My Ruach HaKodesh - Kol Ruach Elohim: men and women and children, White and Black, Hispanic
and Asians. They will all come. They will all run to the fountain of deliverance, to the fountain of salvation, to
Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, the Messiah of Yisrael.

And I will also open the eyes of understanding of My people, Yehudim, the Jews. I will take the veil off their eyes
and they will see: the Orthodox, the Rabbis, the Ashkenazim, the Sfardim, the secular Jews. They will see Yeshua
HaMelech, Yeshua Who gave His life for all of you, Yeshua, Who became the kapporah for all of you, Yeshua Who
redeemed this world with His own dahm, with His own blood.

It is through the blood of Yeshua HaMelech that the access to the throne of Elohim is open to whomsoever will
humble themselves and come. For the veil has been torn apart by the flesh of Adon Yeshua. Many, many, many,
many, many, many, many, many, many will come.

I have given a lot to you. I require a lot from you. I require an unconditional surrender, Beth El, to My perfect will for
each one of you. Will you do it? Will you submit or will you continue to fight My perfect will for you? Today, not
tomorrow, today, Beth El, I require an unconditional surrender.

Today say to Me: If I perish, I perish. Today, Beth El, not tomorrow. Say to Me: I desire Your perfect will for Me,

Today and not tomorrow give Me all of your heart, not a part, all, all, Beth El, all, all your heart, all your mind, all your
soul, all your body ALL! Will you do it?

No more hopping between two opinions, no more confusion, no more. If you decide to follow Yeshua HaMelech,
follow Him. If you decide to follow hasatan, follow him. The decision is yours.

Cry out to Me that I will burn flesh and carnality from your hearts and minds. Cry out! You are too carnal! You are
too fleshly! For surely it is written: It is impossible to please Elohim without emunah. It is impossible to please Me
without emunah (belief - faith) so pray today and cry out to Me that I will increase your emunah so that you will not
go by the sight of your eyes nor the hearing of your ears, but only thus says Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael, so that you
will not be moved by the circumstances in your life, nor by the evil report but you will continue to stand firm upon the
Rock of your deliverance.

What do you need today? Some of you will say, I need health. I cannot serve You without health. Is it not in My
hand to make you sick or to make you holy? So why do you say to Me that you cannot serve Me until Im going to
make you holy.

Some of you will say, I need money. I cant serve You without money. Am I not the One Who can make you rich or
poor? Am I not the One Who can close the door or open the door?

Have you not read in My Kitvei HaKodesh that The promotion does not come from the east, neither from the west.
Elohim is the judge. I am Shophet Tzaddik and I surely judge each one of you according to the works of your
hands. I can bring down one and I can raise up another one. I can require your life from you today or I can give you
extra years to live.

The cares of this life have consumed your heart, My child. The cares of this evil olam hazeh, this present world,
have consumed your mind because you only think about one thing how to pay these bills and you forgot about Me
and you forgot about My kingdom, and you forgot about My Word which says , Seek first the kingdom of Elohim
and its righteousness and all the rest will be added to you. So do not worry about the food. Do not worry about the
clothing. Am I not able to provide for you as I provided for Shlomo HaMelech? So why dont you believe? Why dont
you have emunah in Me, for I am your Yahweh Yireh, Yahweh your Provider.

Unconditional surrender! Unconditional surrender! Will you make this unconditional surrender to Me today, Beth
El? The choice is yours.


Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on 7 Kislev 5775 - November 29, 2014

Many people will be surprised when I do not answer their prayers anymore when they use the name of Jesus.
They will be shocked because I have answered so many times because of My love and compassion, but now they
must know the truth, because only the truth will set them free. When the calamity comes, they will call on the right
name because they will be frantic. They will not know what to do or how to care for their families and they will think -
I heard this Name before but I never used it. I will use it now.

My Name is very important in HaShamayim. Jesus Christ is not important. Jesus Christ has deceived for many
years through many pastors and to many people. My angels shudder when they hear the name Jesus Christ. They
shudder when they hear Holy Ghost but I have loved My people and I know they have searched for Me. They have
cried out to Me and thats why I answered them. But now My Spirit of Emet, My Ruach of Truth is falling and
everyone will know Who I am and My Name is multi-faceted and it shows My disposition. It shows My character. It
shows Who I really am. When you speak to others make sure you use my right Name because if you dont, I wont
answer your prayers either.

Time is getting short. Everyone is busy in hashamayim. Things are happening on earth as well. You just dont
recognize some of those things.

Make good use of the fast. Come closer to Me. I want to help you, guide you and lead you through these weeks
before you come to the new building. I cannot say where, when or how. It will be a complete surprise. Be ready to
help the ministry in any way you can. I need yielded vessels, vessels of honor. Walk the narrow road and you
will become one of those vessels.

You are not the only orchestra I have. There are others but they do not understand yet that they are My orchestra,
but they follow my baton and one day I will reveal this to them.

As I said, there is so much going on and you cannot see it. You do not understand it, but things are happening
and they are happening quickly. Do not be afraid, just follow your leader because she follows Me.

Pray about the relationship between America and Iran. These people deceive. They speak out of both
sides of their mouths. Be afraid of these people. They would annihilate Yisrael today if they could. Your
prayers are holding them back.

Pray for your President, his cabinet, his congress. So many are not behind Yisrael and he is the chief
reason. I let America choose him twice because I have a plan for America. Eventually people will see who
this man really is. But he is not in the forefront. There are those who are hidden and they are the ones
pulling his strings. He has sold out to them. He is willing to take the backlash of the American people for
them because he thinks they will save him. But they will not.

America is in deep trouble. If My own people do not open their eyes and see whats going on and pray, how will
those who are not My people, who pray to this Jesus Christ, who go to these churches? They are totally blind.

You have been saved for such a time as this. Cry out to Me for My mercy.

Cry out to Me for compassion because I could destroy everyone and start all over again.
Message in tongues by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin and interpretation
of tongues by Karen Sulpizii given at Messianic Temple Beth El
during Shabbat service on 11 Iyyar 5774 - May 11, 2014

Note: Ruach HaKodesh was sobbing and grief-stricken throughout message given in tongues and its

I mourn for My sheep. I have so much to tell them and to give them. They dont want it. They dont even know
they should want it.

I give so much to Messianic Temple Beth El and I want to give the same spiritual food to My other sheep but
hasatan has deceived them. They go to church and they pray and they sing. And then they go home and do things
that hurt Me deeply! I am their Father, their Protector, Healer, and Helper but they go to everybody else but Me.

They hurt Me when they dont put Me first. They hurt Me when they dont read My Word. They hurt Me when they
dont put My word into practice.

I know everything about them because I made them. I know their weaknesses and strengths. My Book is to show
them the life I have for them the set-apart life, the kadosh life. You, at Messianic Temple Beth El, are getting to
know what that is but the others have no understanding because the leaders have no understanding and they dont
want to understand. They are too busy with their own agendas.

Many of the Pastors and Rabbis hurt Me. They hurt Me deeply because I want to use them to bring My people to
Me. Some of the Pastors and Rabbis are not even My people. They lead their families astray. They lead strangers
astray. They lead their congregation astray.

(Ruach HaKodesh sighed) My heart is heavy. I cry up in the heavens. Yes, sometimes there is joy but there is
more sorrow. My angels shake their heads - why, why cant the people obey? Why cant they see that what I have
for them is better than what they are doing for themselves?

So many marriages break up because the people should not be together, because I did not put them together. So
many children die from these unions because the generational sins of the fathers and mothers come upon these
children and, collectively, they make them sick.

I have called many people to Myself and they have not come. I have shown them through punishments, I have
shown them through love, I have sent people to speak to them, but they just dont understand. The youngest
generations will never understand because their parents and grandparents dont understand.

Messianic Temple Beth El, people will be coming. I will be sending them with a lot of hurts. The same hurts that
you have, the same problems that you have, so you have to listen to My Word and understand how to correct your
problems so that you can help others by ministering to them My word.

There is a Grand Master Plan for Messianic Temple Beth El, but I need people who love Me and who will obey
Me and who I can trust to run these facilities. People I can trust, people I can trust to hear My Word correctly and do
it - not go to the right or go to the left.

There are so many people on this path who went to the left or to the right and theyre falling, falling, falling into
hell little by little. They havent died physically yet but they are dying spiritually day by day.

I have so much for all of you to do. You will need to live a long, healthy life to accomplish My purpose for your

Cry for My people. Cry for the people that have to come and the people from countries all over the world. Cry for
them. Intercede for them. They wont come in without your intercession.

Those who have ears, let them hear!

Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat service

at Messianic Temple Beth El on 17 Tishrei 5775 - October 11, 2014

You all came here by the calling (prompting) of Ruach HaKodesh. The Tsunami of Ruach HaKodesh will come
as the Tsunami of evil will cover this country. Elohims hand has picked you up and brought you and planted you
in His Vineyard of Messianic Temple Beth El so He could nourish you and deal with you on a very deep level. So
you would not be lost in a large congregation and hide in it. Allow Elohim to get to your heart and rip the old heart of
stone from you and give you a new heart of flesh.

Allow Elohim to purify your thoughts and the intentions of your evil thoughts for He can impart Himself
only in clean and pure vessels. He made you this vessel and now you have to act on it pray He will answer your
prayer to make you pure and holy and as He humbles you, you will know that it is not the humbling of man but of
Elohim. This is not the hand of man over you but the hand of Elohim that tells you, Lower My child, lower. But
Abba, you reply. Get lower, child. But Abba! Get lower!

For you will never be able to go through this gate of holiness, righteousness, set-apartness until you
go lower. For as you humble yourself under the mighty hand of Elohim and go through the gate of mercy, grace and
compassion, on the other side will be all the things you desire. You cant bring everything you are dragging with
you for this gate is very narrow and you have to humble yourself. You are not to bow down before any man, but only
before Elohim of Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaacov.

He is preparing you to become a worker in His Kingdom, to become a worker in His Vineyard, for His
Revival of Repentance is upon us. It is only repentance that will bring us closer to our Elohim. Do you
desire to be closer to your Master? Repent and humble yourself before Him.

Do not murmur or complain. Be content with what you have and worship Him, worship Him, worship
Him. Praise Him and magnify His Kadosh Name and all the things that surround you will become insignificant. Your
eyes will see your Master. Your spirit will long towards Him. Your tongue will exalt and thank Him for who He is and
for His Son, Yeshua, Yeshuat Elohim, His deliverance. And then you will be filled with the joy of Elohim that will
super pass and super stand all that you are going through. This joy will be so real that you will laugh and cry, laugh
and cry, laugh and cry because of the goodness of your Master. And then you will be able to say, It is well with
my soul. It is well with my soul.

Prepare for the impact. It is the day of His wrath. Its the day of His anger. Its the day of His great
mishpatim that is about to fall not only upon New York but upon the families, and upon the churches and
congregations and individuals. Prepare to meet your Maker in a very unexpected way and tremble before
Him! Tremble before Elohim of Yisrael, Beth El. For not only the wicked will tremble before Him but the
righteous, as well. All the earth will tremble before Him!!!

He desires to renew your faith this morning. He desires to renew your mind this morning. He desires to give you a
new heart this morning. He desires you to enter into a new, more intimate relationship with Him this morning. Will
you make this first step? Will you say to Him: Hineini, Abba Here I am or will you hold back in unbelief, doubt,
confusion and anger?

It is written: I dwell in the midst of them. Allow Ruach HaKodesh to dwell in your midst as you invite Him to
circumcise your heart and renew your mind. He is waiting for your response, Beth El. Now its between you and
Your Elohim. Hes waiting for your response.

Let me decrease and You increase and deal with Your children.

Ruach Elohim also spoke to Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin and He said:

As the Tsunami wave swept thousands of people away; My wave of Ruach HaKodesh will be even mightier than
the Tsunami and it will sweep thousands into the Malchut (Kingdom) of Adon Yeshua.

Calamity that is coming is the judgment of Elohim, the punishment of Elohim.

Yirmeyahu 46:21b
They shall not stand, for the day of their calamity has come upon them, the time of their punishment.


Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat service

at Messianic Temple Beth El on 4 Elul 5774 - August 30, 2014

I am the First and I am the Last and besides Me there is no Elohim. Serve Me with gladness, Beth El. Enter into My
courts with praise and adoration. Humble yourself under My mighty hand and in due time I will raise you up.

I love you with an everlasting love, all of you. I stretch My arms towards each one of you, but some of you would
not, would not. (Ruach HaKodesh is crying). I plead with you. I reason with you, but you still would not. I strike
your back with the rod of My correction. I break My rod over your back but you still would not obey Me. Then I let
you go your own way. I gave you truly to the lusts of your flesh, your eyes, your mind and of your body.

Make teshuvah today. Repent and turn back and serve Me, your Master for I long to see you coming back into My
arms. I am a Consuming Fire. You cannot come close to Me with your sins. I will consume you. This is My message
that was given through these three angels, three malachim sent by My hand: Repentance, Humility, Holiness.
These I require from all those who truly desire to follow My Son Yeshua. It cost Him EVERYTHING. Why do you
think that it will not cost you everything? Are you greater than your Master? He was stripped off everything. Dont
think that you will not be stripped off everything as your Master was. He was despised and rejected by men. Dont
you think that you will be despised and rejected by men for My sake and the sake of My kingdom?

You live in a beautiful country. This country is still beautiful. You should only know how My other children live in
other countries and what persecution they are going through on a daily basis. Maybe you will not complain and
murmur to Me anymore. So who loves Me more: you or them? Some of them dont know how their lives will end
up when they go to sleep in the evening or when they wake up in the morning because of the persecution for My
Name. You are not there yet, My children. Not yet. For Islam has invaded Europe and Africa. They are
gone. Next step on Islams agenda is YOU: the United States of America. What are you going to do - submit
to evil or conquer and destroy evil?

The decision is not in the hands of your evil President nor the members of his Cabinet. The decision is in the
hands of My people who are called the salt of this world. The decision is in your hands. Will you allow this
country to become corrupted by Sharia law or will you establish My Torah as the law of this country?

The dark forces are coming to invade this country from the north and the south, from the west and the east, from
above and from beneath, from the land and from the sea. You dont see them coming, but I do, because they are
coming by My permission. You dont know about nor do you hear the meetings of evil ones who prepare how to tear
this country apart. You dont hear their sarcastic laughs of what they will do when they completely and totally invade
this country and make Americans their slaves. I do. I hear.

I allowed Europe and Africa to have their own way because My body of believers did not stand up against Islam.
My shepherds are too afraid to take a stand against Islam, they are afraid to be kidnapped, tortured and beheaded.
They are afraid to be martyred for My Name.

What about YOU? What about YOU? The destiny of this country is in the hands of My people.Will you
answer the calling? Will you lift up your voice against injustice and evil or will you say, Oh, they didnt
come for me! Not yet, but they will. They will.

Let My question ring in your ears this Shabbat morning. What about YOU?I
demandUNCONDITIONAL surrender to My Word.I demand UNCONDITIONAL obedience.I
demand UNCONDITIONAL surrender from all My followers. Dont say. Tomorrow because you don't know
what tomorrow will bring. What about you, My children? What are you going to do?

Rabbis note:

At the beginning of Shabbat service I shared a message of the three angels by Randy Ailie and Maurice
Smith. Ruach Elohim confirmed that these three malachim were sent by Him with the message of

Martin Niemoller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of
Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Pastor Niemoller is best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.
Prophetic word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin during Shabbat service

at Messianic Temple Beth El on 6 Av 5774 - August 2, 2014

Rabbi sang a song in tongues and spoke in tongues Kadimah. And then she was given the interpretation.

Kadimah means go forward. Forward, forward, go forward. Kadimah! Ruach HaKodesh was telling us
Kadimah! Kadimah! Kadimah! And another thing that I was receiving is that Messianic Temple Beth El is the
spiritual IDF. IDF is Israel Defense Forses. We are the soldiers in the spirit realm. And Ruach Elohim said Crawl,
crawl, crawl We have to crawl because there are some tunnels that are tall and some are not. And He said Crawl,
crawl, crawl into the enemys territory. Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy. Kadimah! kadimah! Dont be afraid of the
abduction. Dont be afraid. Just go forward. Destroy, destroy, destroy!!!

We are to pray for Benjamin Netanyahu for he is in a great danger, in a great danger. We are to pray for this
man. Thank You Ruach HaKodesh.

As the mountains surround Israel so I surround My people with My compassion and with My protection. The time
of the great revival is upon us. The revival of salvation of the Jewish and the Arab world.

Pray that My Spirit will move not only among the Israelis and among My Jewish people worldwide but it
will move upon the Arabs and Muslims world, worldwide. It is the desire and the intention of My heart to save
My people that came from the loins of their father Avraham.

Pray for the supernatural intervention of My Ruach HaKodesh in the lives of these two groups of people
who are half-brothers. For the blood of their father, Avraham, is streaming through their blood cells. Pray that I
will move supernaturally within these two groups of people with dreams, visions, angelic intervention and
supernatural revelation of who My Son, Yeshua, is. As this revelational knowledge will be supernaturally
given to them, I will melt their hearts and take the hate and hatred towards each other from their hearts and
replace it with My ahava, My love.

Pray for your brothers and sisters in the Arab world believers who are risking their lives every day to bring
My Word to their brothers and sisters, to the Arabs in the Arab countries. They are risking their lives every day but
the more they are persecuted, the more the Word, the Good News, the HaBesorah of My Son, Yeshua HaMachiach,
is spreading among the Muslims. Pray that the hearts pierced with grief and despair will be filled with trust in Me and
hope from Me.

I intend to use you, Messianic Temple Beth El, for My Kadosh purposes. Do not resist Ruach HaKodesh when I
wake you up. Do not resist Ruach HaKodesh when I fall upon you. Do not resist Ruach HaKodesh when I move
upon you. Do not tell Me that you have other things to do. Put these things aside and seek My Kingdom, My
purposes, My righteousness and all the rest of the things will surely be added unto you.

Get ready, Messianic Temple Beth El, for the time is short, for the time is very short. Do not judge with your
natural eyes. Do not judge with your natural ears but only thus says Yahweh Elohim of Israel in My Kitvei
HaKodesh, My Holy Scriptures.


Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Shabbat service

at Messianic Temple Beth El on 23 Sivan 5774 - June 21, 2014

(Ruach HaKodesh crying) You must start walking in this holiness now (referring to Elaine Strakers prophetic word
that was given prior to this). You must start walking in light NOW more than youve ever walked before because
when the calamity comes and the sirens ring out there will chaos.

The streets will be filled with people running here and there (sob), not knowing what to do and I will try to contact
you but if you are unholy how can I contact you? (sob) How will you hear My voice? You wont!! Your hearts will
faint and you will be like the ones running in the streets. Close your doors of sin. Start walking in holiness and
righteousness. Follow Me for I have shown you the way in My Word. Do this soon, My beloved, or you may be
destroyed. (sob) Do it very soon, very soon.

Things are happening behind closed doors right now, that you dont know about, that involve Beth El. I am getting
her ready and you are part of Beth El and you must be ready.

It is not easy to follow Me but you must for you will not hear Me when the sirens ring out, when the alarms come
on the television and on the radio that something is happening and no one knows what it is. Your light will have to
shine. You cannot be afraid as they are afraid.

Start walking more closely with Me today.

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"The Heart is crooked above all, and desperately sick - who shall know it?"

Satan wants to devour you

"Yet not my desire, but let Yours be done"
The process of pruning
Ruach HaKodesh is a Consuming Fire
Spiritual Codes
by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin
Length 26:05

About Us
Seekers of Truth
Family Integrity


Prophetic word given by Karen Sulpizii during Yom Kippur service
at Messianic Temple Beth El on 10 Tishrei 5775 - October 4, 2014

My children, My children. Listen to what I have to say:

There is a way of set-apartness (holiness), a highway that only the clean walk upon. To walk on this
highway you must be clean in thought, in word, in deed. Your heart must be clean, your spirit must be clean, your
body must be clean and everything you do must be clean. Not everyone who is saved knows about this way of set-
apartness (holiness). Not everyone who is saved can walk on this way of set-apartness (holiness) because you
must be clean.

To do My will at anytime you must be clean. I cannot use dirty vessels. It breaks My heart to see My own
people walk through the wide gate, walk on the wide street, walk on the wide road. It hurts Me. My Son did not
walk on this wide road. By example He showed you how to walk on the narrow road.

This way of set-apartness (holiness) is not easy. My Son did not take the easy way either.

Many are saved only in their own minds, but I do not see them as saved. They say they have accepted My
Son and follow Him, but they are liars.

The Gate into HaShamayim (heavens) is very narrow. If you take the wide road there is no Gate to
HaShamayim (heavens) at the end.

Look in your mirror and see the face looking back at you is My Son. Let His eyes pierce you pierce your spirit,
pierce your soul, pierce your heart.

If you are not walking on this highway of set-apartness (holiness) My child, get on it as soon as possible for I wish
to use you in many ways.

The calamity of New York City is near. The affliction is coming quickly. You are my battle axe in the spirit
against Al Qaeda, ISIS, against the home-grown terrorists in America and in Britain. In the spirit you are to
fight and to bring down the reign they are trying to bring to all the countries of the world. This is not of
Me. This is of the adversary. But you must be clean because I answer clean prayers. You must be clean so the
enemy cannot attack you, cannot retaliate. You must be strong clean and strong for you are the people called
by My Name. If you are clean you will have success because I have success.

WOE to those who do not celebrate My Holy Days.

WOE to them who know about My Holy Days and dont care, for it is My will to speak to My people on
these days and how can I speak to you if you are not here?

WOE to them who hate My people because great punishment will come upon them. The Middle East will
see, the Far East will see, America, Israel will see. All the countries of the world will see what I will do when
My people love Me and follow Me. When they can hear My voice and they dont go to the right or to the left,
when they take the narrow road with the narrow gate. All will see what I will do.

America wake up! Wake up! You are sleeping and you are stupid. I am trying to call each person, one by
one, but most of you do not listen. You cannot even hear my voice because you are dirty.

WOE to this sinful world!

I cry at the holidays for they are precious to Me. Thats why I put them in the Word but very few (Ruach
sighs) celebrate them the way they were meant to be celebrated. They worry about food for the stomach, but
not food for the spirit. They worry about not carrying packages but they dont worry about their hardened hearts.

WOE to this evil world!

Do you not see that I have touched the food supply? Do you not see the weather? What I have done? I have
released My angels to cause havoc on your weather which has destroyed many of your crops. How much more do I
have to do before even the heathen looks up and says: There must be a god somewhere thats doing this because
things are happening that have never happened before in areas that have never had these disasters.

I cry, I cry because the people I have created just dont care. They have their own golden calf that they have run
around and idolized. They give their resources, but not to Me. Not to build My Temples. Not to take care of My

WOE to this evil world!

But soon you will be a light in the darkness. My Temple will shine because Messianic Temple Beth El it
will be! And many will come and many will get saved, and many will get healed and many will get
delivered. This will be a ministry like no other.

WOE to this evil world!

Prophetic word given during Shabbat service at Messianic Temple Beth El
on 3 Shevat 5774 - January 4, 2014

through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin

Thus says Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael to His Messianic Temple Beth El:

I am Elohim of righteousness and holiness. I am not an elohim of compromise. I am Elohim of right-ruling. I am

not an elohim of chaos.

I am your Elohim. I am doing a new thing among you, Beth El. I am doing a deep work inside of each one of you. I
am burning all that is not of Me by the power of My Ruach and through My Word. You dont like it, but there is no
other way for you to be purified, for you to be sanctified, for you to be delivered from evil that is inside of you.

I am doing a new thing in you, My children, a thing that I have declared through My prophets. I am raising up a
tabernacle of David here on earth through you, My living stones. I am bringing true praise and worship through you.
You are learning this for it is a process as My Ruach HaKodesh is leading you.
I desire worshipers and not workers. I desire you to be warring worshipers, praising worshipers, praising Me,
Adon le olam, the King of this universe.

I am pruning you. I am watching over you. I know every thought. I know every inclination of your heart: good or
evil. I know everything about it. I know about your desires, plans, aspirations and goals. I know everything about

All these have to be submitted to My will. Pray that My will be done in your life. I am breaking you more and more
and more every day because deep calls to deep. I do not desire a surface relationship with you as some of you have
had with Me for a long time. I desire intimacy with you. I desire a close relationship with you, My children. I have so
many things to tell you.

I created you. I formed each one of you with My own hands in your mothers womb. I formed your body and
delivered you Myself. I was this midwife, an invisible midwife, who was standing there when you were about to be

I know your coming in and your going out. Do not reject My discipline. It is My love. They dont understand My
love. Those who profess My Name, those who tell My children that they know Me, those who call themselves the
leaders of the sheep, they dont know My love!

My Son knows My love! My Son experienced My love! My Son cried out to Me, Why have you forsaken Me,
Abba? But I had not forsaken. I had not forsaken Him and I have not forsaken you, My little Beth El.

You are My creation, the creation of My End-Times, My ministry, the ministry of Ruach HaKodesh. You were not
birthed by the efforts of man. You were conceived and birthed by Ruach HaKodesh. You were brought here by
Ruach HaKodesh. You have been sustained by Ruach HaKodesh.You have been watched by Ruach HaKodesh
and My Word.

Do not reprove the rebuke. Accept the discipline. Desire to be kadosh as I am your Elohim Kadosh. Separate
yourself from this olam hazeh, this evil world, where hasatan rules and reigns. Have I not said this to you that you
are in this world, but you are not of this world?

You are of the seed of My Ruach HaKodesh. I desire you to come to Me. I desire your attention. I desire your love
to be with Me, your Abba. I desire to hug and to kiss you. I desire to protect you from all evil. I desire to provide for
you. But sometimes you are just so rebellious that I have to let you go so that you will learn what it means to be a
prodigal son or a prodigal daughter.

And My intercessors are praying for you day and night, day and night, standing in the gap for each one of you,
fighting for your souls, your existence and your salvation. Fighting for your minds, your souls, your bodies, your will,
laying down their lives for you. They are at the point of collapsing because of an absolute and total exhaustion.
When one stops, another one picks up. The prayer for you is going on for 24/7 nonstop.

Hasatan wants to devour you. Hasatan wants to pull you out of this place. Hasatan wants you back in his
kingdom. He is enraged at each one of you that you abandoned your former master and chose Yeshua to be your

I have created this place, this unique place of repentance for My Spirit of repentance flows in this place. There is
no salvation without repentance. There is no redemption without repentance. There is no healing without
repentance. Repentance is the key to your success in Me.
Some of you are still so carnal and fleshly because you don't see the riches of My Word taught to you and the
power of My Spirit ministering to you in this place.

This place is a place of true worship, true worship, true worship of Me. You truly are learning how to worship Me
in spirit and truth. Many people long to come to experience My presence and My anointing, and they will at My
time, they will, you will see it Beth El. But now it is all yours. Treasure it.

You were taught so many wrong things, My children. You were taught so many wrong doctrines, My children, that
you even dont know Who I am and how I deal with My creation, but little by little I am opening your eyes of
understanding to see.

Give Me your heart, My child. Let me cleanse it, let Me purify it. Let me deliver you from your evil heart. Oh, if you
only knew the depth of your evil heart the way I see it. If you only knew, if you only understood!!! Give Me your
heart. Pray for your heart, release your heart to Me so that I will create in you a new heart, lev tahor, a new heart, a
pure heart, a clean heart, a heart that loves righteousness, a heart that loves holiness, a heart that loves right-ruling,
a heart that hates all evil, a heart that loves Me and is willing to follow Me all the way to Golgotha.

You are the first fruits of My Messianic Nation. You are the first fruits of those Maccabees who will prepare the
people for the second coming of My Son Yeshua. Have I not said it in My Word, Will I find emunah here on this
earth when I send again My Son Yeshua? Will I find those people who love Me?

Evil penetrates this earth in and out. Many evil demons are released against My creation for these truly are the
End-Times. Corruption of minds and hearts is everywhere: deception, lies, abuse, tyranny, despotism, no mercy, no
love, no compassion. These are the traces of hasatan, which are the traces of this olam hazeh, this evil world.

But I am with you. I am Who I am with you, My little Beth El. I picked each one of you and brought you here so
that My purposes would be fulfilled through each one of you: willingly or not willingly.

You are truly a puzzle to many. They cannot read you because I coded you.
There is a code that stands at the entrance of Messianic Temple Beth El. In the spirit realm there is a code. And this
is the code: Righteousness of Elohim of Yisrael reigns in this place. Holiness of Elohim of Yisrael reigns in
this place. Fear of Elohim reigns in this place. Only those who can read these codes in the spirit will be able to
enter it. For the rest the doors will be closed.

I allowed you to enter in when you didnt seek these things. I allowed you to enter in the way you were for you are
My first fruits, the delight of My hands. I broke you and broke you and broke you and I will break you again for a
vessel that is not broken cannot be used by Me. I will make you again and again and again a new vessel in My
hands. You are the works of My hands.

Prepare for an impact. Get ready. Everything that I have spoken will be fulfilled. I love you with an everlasting

This is just the beginning, just the beginning, just the beginning of a big, big job that is ahead of you. But it will not
be done by your efforts. It will be done by My Ruach. Prepare yourself for what is ahead of you. Humble yourself
under the mighty hand of Your Master and I will lift you up at My appointed time.
This is the time of deep humbling before Me for there is a time for everything under the heavens. Now is the time
of cleansing, purification, sanctification and learning to hear My small voice. Learn how to hear My small voice now
before the chaos will set in because then it will be very hard to hear My voice.

You are so different. You are so different, it is truly a multicultural congregation of My people, but you are so
much alike. Do you know why? I dwell in you and this is what makes you truly Mishpocha. So act like one, Beth El,
live like one, Beth El, be like one, Beth El. Let Me see the works of your hands. And I will reward each one of you
according to the works of your hands: either evil or good. I love you all, My children.

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The seventh day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is kept on the twenty-first day of Tishrei according to the Jewish calendar. It is known
as Hoshana Rabbah (The Great Hoshana).
Prophetic word given on 27 Av, 5773 - August 3, 2013 at Messianic Temple Beth El through Karen Sulpizii

(with some additions and clarity given by Ruach to Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin)

Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 50:24, 25
24. I have laid a snare for you, and you were captured, O Bavel, and you yourself did not know! You have been
found and also caught, because you strove against Yahweh.
25. Yahweh has opened His armory, and has brought out the weapons of His displeasure, for the Master Elohim
Tzevaot has a work to do in the land of the Chaldeans.

I have laid a snare for you and you were captured, O America, and you yourself did not know. You have been
found out because you strove against Yahweh. Yahweh has opened His armory and has brought out the weapons
of His displeasure, for the Master Elohim Tzevaot has a work to do in the land of America.

Messianic Temple Beth El, I am trying to prepare you as My warriors for the battle that is coming soon to
your doorstep. You have NEVER fought against the power of some of the evil spirits that will be in the midst
of the chaos. But, IF you are doing whatRabbi Hadassah has instructed you to do, IF you are in one mind
with each other and in one accord, you will be ready to fight in My army.

There are some of you who are Navy Seals in the spirit. The United States Navy's Sea,Air, Land Teams, known
as the Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's principal special operations force. SEAL training is extremely
demanding. You must be in excellent physical condition before you even start.

I have other camps that will be fighting besides yours, Messianic Temple Beth El, but you are the first line of
defense because you have the most knowledge about spiritual warfare. Though you are not on the physical
battlefield you are surely on the spiritual one.

If you are consistently doing the following on a daily basis you will be successful and ready to move up
in the ranks. You have fought on a small scale and for a short time, but this will be a sustained fight for a length
of time that takes strength, endurance and perseverance.YOU MUST PREPARE OR YOU WILL PERISH AND


1. Having Shacharit
2. Repenting and closing doors of sin
3. Putting on the armor of Elohim and anointing yourself
4. Praying during the day, evening and night as My Ruach wakes you up (tongues or/and Scriptures)
5. Doing spiritual warfare through binding and loosening
6. Meditating and studying My Word and drawing close to Me
7. Praising and worshiping Me doing warfare
8. Having personal fasts (not only the corporate/congregational fasting)
9. Bringing your tithes and offerings to My Temple
10. Obeying, yielding and submitting to the instructions given to you by Rabbi for she has to give an account to
Me for what she has taught you. For I have told her what to tell you.And if you dont obey, you have to
give an account to Me of why.

Nehemyah/Nehemiah 9:20a
20a. You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them.

Luke 11:17a
And He, knowing their thoughts...

Abba, give us Your Good Spirit (Your Tov Ruach) to instruct us in the way we should go (fight for Your Kingdom) for
Adon Yeshua knows our thoughts and the evil intentions of our enemies.

Instructions on what to do during the Calamity


1. Pray the Scriptures on protection over yourself

2. Release your loved ones to Elohim every day
3. Anoint yourself and put on the armor of Elohim
4. Put on your kippah
5. Plead the Blood of Yeshua over yourself
6. Put on praise music and start fighting
7. Do the spiritual warfare of binding and loosening
8. Fight until Ruach tells you to stop and the anointing will be lifted up
9. Pray that in His wrath Elohim will remember His rachamim (compassion).
10. Rest and get ready for the next round of fighting. It could come at any time.
11. You will know about it from Rabbi and/or by My Spirit.

You have not been immersed in My Ruach and fire for nothing. Now you have power!!!

This calamity and ensuing/resulting battles will be won - Not by might (strength of mighty men) nor by (military)
power but by My Spirit said Yahweh Tzevaot according to Zekaryah 4:6b

Yaacov/James 5:16c
The earnest prayer of a righteous one accomplishes much.

The more that sincere prayers go up to the heavens, the more power will come down.
Pray with kavanah (passion and emunah/faith, understanding and conviction). Prayer that moves mountains, prayer
that is heard and answered.

What to pray:

1. Pray for the people of America to repent. Pray for their hearts to be ready to receive My teachings
through Rabbis proclamation of the Revival of Repentance. Pray that they will understand through her
teachings what to repent of.

II Divre HaYamim/II Chronicles 7:14

and My people upon whom My Name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn
from their evil ways, then I shall hear from the heavens/hashamayim, and forgive their sin and heal their land.

Ruach HaKodesh, please convict us, Your people upon whom Elohims Name is called, the Remnant of the 12
Tribes of YisraEl, to humble ourselves, and pray and seek Elohims face, and turn from our evil ways, so Elohim will
hear from the heavens, and forgive us our sin and heal the land of America.

Also pray for your family and the hundreds of others in New York City who are in the Valley of Decision

Yoel/Joel 3:14
Crowds, crowds, in the valley of decision! For the day of Yahweh is near in the valley of decision.

I Melakim/I Kings 18:21b

How long would you keep hopping between two opinions? If Yahweh is Elohim, follow Him and if Baal, follow him.

Yoel/Joel 2:5c
as a mighty people set in battle array.

Those in Messianic Temple Beth El who are prepared to fight are Green Berets who are as a mighty people
set in battle array in the Spirit.

You cannot become a Green Beret without the gift of tongues.

Yoel/Joel 2:7, 8
7. They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of battle, every one goes on his way, and they do not
break ranks.
8. And they do not press one another, every one goes in his path. They fall among the weapons, but they do not

In the Spirit, these Green Berets run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of battle, every one goes on his
way and they do not break ranks and they do not press one another,every one goes in his path as Ruach Elohim
leads through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin.They fall among the weapons (it is very very hard, but they persevere), but
they do not stop. They climb into the spiritual fortresses of the enemy like a thief and they, with the malachim,
vanquish the enemy.
The United States Army Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets are a special operations force tasked with
five primary missions one of which is unconventional warfare (the original and most important mission of
Special Forces).

My people, understand that fighting in the spirit is a most unconventional way to fight a battle but it is the
most powerful and successful.

Yoel/Joel 2:11, 12
11. And Yahweh shall give forth His voice before His army, for His camp is very great, for mighty is the doer of His
word. For the day of Yahweh is great and very awesome and who does bear it?
12. "Yet even now," (before the Calamity breaks out in NYC) declares Yahweh, "turn to Me with all your heart and
with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning."

My people, during this calamity, remember:

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 41:10
Al tirai (do not fear), for I am with you. Do not look around for I am your Elohim. I shall strengthen you. I shall also
help you. I shall also uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.

Tehillim/Psalms 46:1, 2
Elohim is my refuge and strength, a help in distress, soon found. Therefore I do not fear though the earth reels and
mountains topple into the heart of the seas.

Tehillim/Psalms 56:3, 4
In the day I am afraid I trust in You, in Elohim, Whose Word I praise, in Elohim I have trusted. I do not fear, what
could flesh do to me?

Yehoshua/Joshua 3:13
13. And it shall be, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests/cohanim who bear the ark of Yahweh, the Master
of all the earth, come to rest in the waters of the Yarden, that the waters of the Yarden are cut off, the waters that
come down from upstream, and stand as a heap.

Yehoshua/Joshua 10:10, 11
10. And Yahweh threw them into confusion before Yisrael, and they smote them with a great slaughter at Givon,
and pursued them along the way that goes to Beit Horon, and smote them as far as Azeka and Makkedah.
11. And it came to be, as they fled before Yisrael and were on the descent of Beit Horon, that Yahweh threw down
hard hailstones from the heavens onthem as far as Azekah, and they died. There were more who died from the
hailstones than those whom the sons of Yisrael had slain with the sword.

Do not worry My children, I can make the waters surrounding Wall Street and the tip of Manhattan stand as a heap if
I so desire, that the American military can pass over and attack the enemy. As I put the enemy in confusion and
threw down large hailstones from the heavens on them (Amorites) and they died, I can do the same to Americas

Do not limit me. I can do whatever pleases Me, and you My warriors, please Me when you pray and fight. For that is
what will help determine the outcome of this calamity.

Tehillim/Psalms 91:7-10a
A thousand fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it does not come near you.

Only with your eyes you look on,

And see the reward of the wrong ones.
Because you have made Yahweh -
My refuge, the Most High - your dwelling place,
No evil befalls you.

If you are in NYC when the calamity comes and IF you have My mark on you, do not fear:
A thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it does not come near you. Only with your eyes
you look on and see the reward of the wrong ones. Because you have made Yahweh your refuge, the Most High
your dwelling place, no evil befalls you.

Luke 1:74, 75
74. to give to us, being delivered from the hand of the enemies, to serve Him without fear,
75. in set-apartness and righteousness before Him all the day of our life.

America, I will deliver you from the hand of your enemies, for you to serve Me without fear and in set-apartness and
righteousness before Me all the days of your lives. IF, like Shomshon/Samson (Shophetim Chapter 16), the
American people will turn from their evil thoughts and actions and turn towards Me and do what is right is in My eyes
(starting with clean and pure intentions of their hearts), then My Spirit will come on the U.S. military forces and I will
give them strength, power and wisdom against their enemies.

Messianic Temple Beth El, you also have to prepare physically, by exercising and eating nutritional food.
You must lose your extra weight because it brings sickness and disease. Remember, that during the calamity
many people will lose their lives or be injured. Some will lose their homes and their jobs. During these times people
will become so despondent (depressed, in low spirits from loss of hope or courage) that they commit
suicide. Everyday living will be affected by the Calamity: electricity cut for a while, some cell phone towers down
and food dwindling in the stores due to disruption of the supply chain. Many people will lose employment because
their buildings have been destroyed. Some of the Churches will be demolished. Children and elderly will suffer the
most. There may be fighting in the streets as well as people stealing from each other. There will be a lack of security
because of organized gangs. Martial law may have to be called in. Great fear will grip society. Fear makes people
do things they would never consider doing when their lives are normal and not thrown into chaos.

We are not even taking into consideration a possible assault on the buildings in Washington, DC or in any of the
other states. Will the Capital be demolished? Will the buildings where the House and Senate meet be
destroyed? Will crops and industry in other states be affected because of this calamity? This will be a time like we
have never seen before and only Elohim knows how long it will last. We will be praying and fasting for months
before, during and after this great Calamity.

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 43: 1-3a

But now, thus said Yahweh, your Creator, O Yaacov and He who formed you, O Yisrael, al tirai (do not fear), for I
have redeemed you. I have called you by your name, you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I am with
you; and through the rivers, they do not overflow you. When you walk through fire, you are not scorched, and a
flame does not burn you.

Tehillim/Psalms 27:1-3
Yahweh is my light and my deliverance; whom should I fear? Yahweh is the refuge of my life. Whom should I
dread? When evil-doers come against me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they shall stumble
and fall. Though an army encamps against me, my heart does not fear. Though battle comes up against me, even
then I would be trusting.
Tehillim/Psalms 145:14-16
14. Yahweh is supporting all who are falling and raising up all who are bowed down.
15. The eyes of all look to You expectantly, and You are giving them their food in its season
16. Opening Your hand and satisfying the desire of all that live.

Mishle/Proverbs 10:3a
Yahweh does not let the being of the righteous go hungry.

Tehillim/Psalms 33:18, 19
18. See, the eye of Yahweh is on those fearing Him, on those waiting for His kindness,
19. to deliver their being from death, and to keep them alive during scarcity of food.

Philippians 4:6,7, 19
6. Do not worry at all, but in every matter, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
known to Elohim
7. and the shalom (peace) of Elohim, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through
Messiah Yeshua.
19. And my Elohim shall fill all your need (not wants) according to His riches in esteem by Messiah Yeshua.

Mattithyahu/Matthew 6:30-33
But if Elohim so clothes the grass of the field, which exists today, and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how
much more you, O you of little belief?
Do not worry then, saying: What shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or What shall we wear? For all these the
gentiles seek for and your heavenly Father knows that you need all these. But seek first the malchut (reign) of
Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these matters will be added to you.

Tehillim/Psalms 84:11, 12
For Yahweh Elohim is a sun and a shield; Yahweh gives favor and esteem; He withholds no good matter from those
who walk blamelessly.
O Yahweh Tzevaot, blessed is the man who trusts in You!

Habakuk/Habakkuk 3:2d
In wrath, O Elohim, remember rachamim/compassion.

Tehillim/Psalms 57:1
Show me favor, O Elohim, show me favor! For in You my being is taking refuge; and in the shadow of Your wings I
take refuge until destruction/calamity pass by.

News Article from the New York Daily News on July 21, 2013


THE NATIONS military leaders are considering two sites in upstate New York an active Army post and a
shuttered Air Force base as potential missile interceptor sites on the East Coast.

The Missile Defense Agency is looking at 10 sites on the East Coast, including Fort Drum, the old Griffiss Air Force
Base near Rome, NY and the former Loring Air Force Base in northern Maine.
The agency expects to come up with a list of potential locations for further review in a matter of weeks.

The Defense Department has been directed to create an East Coast interceptor site in response to a perceived
threat from Iran, which is believed to be developing nuclear weapons.

The Associated Press


Prophetic word given during Shabbat service at Messianic Temple Beth El
on 6 Av, 5773 - July 13, 2013

Right after an awesome praise and worship Ruach Elohim moved upon Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin to sing the National
Anthem of Israel in tongues. Then Ruach Elohim used Rabbi Hadassah and Karen Sulpizii to interpret the message
in tongues and to speak His will and mind to His people, Messianic Temple Beth El.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: I thank You, Abba, for this song, the National Anthem of Israel in tongues, please give us
the interpretation of what Ruach Elohim sung to us in tongues.

Karen Sulpizii: Nothing can come between America and Israel. Because if the ties are broken, America will suffer
much more. Right now things are very difficult for Israel and we have to stand with them, that our ties will not be
broken with them. This was the National Anthem of Israel, but it pertains to us as well.

Rabbis commentaries: If America doesnt stand with Israel, America will perish. If you want America to
stand with Israel, you must pray for Americas ties with Israel.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: I am gathering My nation, my Messianic Nation for such a time as this, for this is a crucial

Karen Sulpizii: Watch Israel and look into Israels history to see how they have won their battles. If only America
watched Elohim help Israel win their battles, but America wants to do it on her own and she will not survive. It is
either Elohims way or no way. When Israel went on their own they were defeated by their enemies.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: Study Israeli history and see how Israel fought against their enemies when they were
victorious. When Elohim was with them they won and when they went on their own, they lost. We must learn from
their victories and defeats. We have to pray for our government, our President, his cabinet, Senators and

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: I am calling you on a fast. I will give the details and the time to My servant, Hadassah. I
want all Messianic Temple Beth El to get on this fast on the same day and to finish it on the same day. I am calling
you on this fast as My first fruits, the first fruits of My Messianic Nation, born by My Ruach HaKodesh. I want you to
seek My face in My Word during the days of this fast as I will speak to you, guide you, lead you and reveal to you
the things that I intend for you to know. I desire to use each one of you for My purposes, for you are My servants,
the servants of the End-Times, My End-time handmaidens and servants.

Karen Sulpizii: And Elohim of Israel is calling this fast because this army (Messianic Temple Beth El) is Americas
first line of defense. It is heavy for us, it is heavy, for we are the first line of defense for America.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: Messianic Temple Beth El is the first line of defense for America.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin:I am about to do an unprecedented thing a new thing will spring up very soon.

Karen Sulpizii: Dont break ranks. It is very important to be in one accord.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: Submit to each other as you all submit to Me through Rabbis leadership. Do not isolate
yourself. Share with each other what I am revealing to you so that My Spirit through the gift of discernment will
confirm what is of Me and what is not.

Karen Sulpizii was given a vision: We (Messianic Temple Beth El) are on white horses holding the flag of Israel
and of America together because we are the first line of defense.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: Many people will be amazed that I have chosen you as My intercessors to intercede for
Israel and for America. You are nothing and nobody to the world, but you are precious to Me. Each one of you is
precious in My eyes. I am allowing some of you to go through the furnace of affliction and the scorching fire for I
have great purposes for you. One day this trial will be over and you will see My rewards. Do not be dismayed. Do
not be discouraged, because the battle is Mine and I am fighting for you.

Karen Sulpizii: Pray for the heart of the President and his advisors, because the President is not for this
country. And the advisors are divided. The government is divided. United we stand, divided we fall. Pray for their
hearts, their stiff-neckedness and their evil ways. Especially pray for President Obama and those who are hidden,
those we do not see, those who are behind many of his decisions. These are evil men and they do not love America
either. Their interests are overseas so if America loses, they still gain.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: But in spite of your evil government, I have an army that I am raising up even at this time
and hour. An army of My faithful servants who are crying out to Me day and night for the salvation of this country.
Yes, you are my first line of defense because you are more equipped than anyone else. Use your spiritual gifts,
your spiritual discernment, use everything that you have been taught for you have been prepared for such a time as

Karen Sulpizii: My army is also being prepared in hashamayim. As you are getting ready, they are also getting
ready. As you pray there is much movement in the heavens. I do not reveal everything for the enemy listens very
closely. But in the end, if My people pray, and they repent and repent and repent, and know what they are repenting
of, America will be saved in spite of the enemy.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: Thats why I am preparing My Revival of Repentance to go forth from Messianic Temple
Beth El to the four corners of the earth. For only repentance will bring this country and the rest of the world before
Me, Yahweh Elohim of Israel, the Beginning and the End, the Master of the universe.
Some of you are questioning why you are here in this apartment. Why have You allowed us to leave the building
that You had given to us? Some of you are wondering why this had to happen. This is My ministry, the ministry of
Ruach HaKodesh and My purposes will be established. And when they will be established, you will see what I have

Karen Sulpizii: To whom much is given, much is required. Thats why you are becomingMy Green Berets, My
Navy Seals. I can require of you more than I can require from other ministries, though I can use them too. When
you are in your prayer closet, I can reveal secrets to you that just you and I know to pray about. This is important so
that the enemy doesn't hear or see anything until the right time.

I desire to use each one of you. So start closing the doors of sin and transgression in your lives. Become clean
before Me, so I can dwell in you, speak to you, use you for this tremendous experience that you are going to have. I
have never used any of you like I am going to use you for whats coming to America.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: Continue to pray for My team. Continue to intercede and fight for them, for this team will
come together not by might nor power, but by My Spirit. I will break their rebellion and stubbornness, I will bring
them into deep repentance before Me and I will change their lives instantly as they submit to Me. I desire to use this
team for My purposes as I desire to use each one of you.

Karen Sulpizii: Time is getting short. You have already seen disasters in the different states and all across the
world. Now I am touching your food supply. As you know because of the devastation, crops are not producing like
they were; food has no taste. Where theres no food, theres chaos. Many things are coming with this calamity but
those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will heed these words.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin: I will allow evil people who hate this country to come and to bring America to her knees. I
will allow these evil people, the haters of the truth, to humble all America. Pray for My Body globally so that My Spirit
will continue to reveal My truth to My people so that My Two Houses that are still separated will become united.
Echad (One) in My hand so that the prophecy will be fulfilled. Do not seek your own interest. Do not seek your
own satisfaction. Do not seek your own thing. But remember, seek My kingdom, the Kingdom of Elohim and all
the rest will be added to you.

Karen Sulpizii: I love America and I love Israel but the people of both countries have to yield to Me or they will
never be totally victorious over their enemies. Two democracies that are losing their democracy because of their
own evil and by their own hands. It hurts Me because these are the only countries I made this way (formed by My
laws and built on My commandments). Pray for America, Pray for Israel!

Rabbis footnotes:
1) Yeshayahu/Isaiah 43:19 I am doing a new thing
See, I am doing what is new, let it now spring forth. Do you not know it? I am even making a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
2) Yoel/Joel 2:7 Do not break ranks
They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of battle, every one goes on his way, and they do not break
3) Maaseh Shlichim/Acts 1:14a Be in one accord
All these were continuing with one mind in prayer and supplication... Romans 15:6 that with one mind and one
mouth you might praise Elohim and Father of our Adon Yeshua HaMashiach.
4) Ephesians 5:21 Submit to each other subjecting/submitting yourselves to each other in the fear of Elohim.
5) Ivrim/Hebrews 13:17 Submit to the leadership of Elohim Obey those leading you, and be subject to them, for
they watch for your lives, as having to give account. Let them do so with joy and not groaning, for that would be of
no advantage to you.
6) Ivrim/Hebrews 10:25 Do not forsake the assembly
nor forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging, and so much more as
you see the Day coming near.
7) I Corinthians 12:10c Gift of discernment
...and to another discerning of spirits,...
8) I Yohanan/John 4:1-3 Test the spirits
Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove/test the spirits, whether they are of Elohim, because many
false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of Elohim: Every spirit that confesses that
Yeshua HaMashiach has come in the flesh is of Elohim. And every spirit that does not confess that Yeshua
HaMashiach has come in the flesh is not of Elohim. And this is the spirit of anti-messiah which you heard is coming,
and now is already in the world.
9) Merriam-Webster Dictionary First line of defense an artificial or natural barrier that can be readily employed
for defense against invasion or attack (as a line of fortifications, a river, or a narrow pass)
an organization of military land forces with which a nation seeks to maintain its integrity against armed aggression or
invasion. ~ the standing army usu. forms a nations first line of defense~
10) Yeshayahu/Isaiah 48:10d Furnace of affliction
See, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction.
11) II Divre HaYamim/Chronicles 20:15c The battle is Elohims
"Do not fear, nor be afraid of the face of this great army, for the battle is not yours, but Elohims.
12) II Divre HaYamim/Chronicles 7:14 If My people... And My people upon whom My Name is called, shall
humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways/make teshuvah, then I shall hear from
the heavens, and forgive their sin and heal their land.
13) Luke 12:48b To whom much is given...And everyone to whom much is given, from him much shall be
demanded. And to whom much has been entrusted, from him much more shall be asked.
14) Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Green Beret a member of the US army Special Forces
15) Wikipedia Navy seals The United States Navys Sea, Air, Land Teams, commonly known as the NAVY
SEALs, are the U.S. Navys principal special operations force and a part of the Naval Special Warfare Command
and United States Special Operations Command. The acronym is derived from their capacity to operate at sea, in
the air, and on land.
16) Yehezkel/Ezekiel 37:19 say to them, Thus said the Master Yahweh, See, I am taking the stick of Yosef,
which is in the hand of Ephrayim, and the tribes of YisraEl, his companions. And I shall give them unto him, with the
stick of Yehudah, and make them one stick and they shall be one in My hand.
17) I Corinthians 10:24 Do not seek your own Let no one seek his own, but each one that of the other.
18) Philippians 2:21 For all seek their own... For all seek their own interests, not those of Yeshua HaMashiach.
19) Mattithyahu/Matthew 6:33 Seek first the Kingdom of Elohim But seek first the reign of Elohim (Malchut
Elohim) and His righteousness, and all these matters shall be added to you.
Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah) is celebrated on the twenty-third of Tishrei. It marks the conclusion of the annual cycle of public
Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. We rejoice in Adon Yeshua the Living Torah.

Rejoice in My Torah
by Karen Sulpizii
Length 0:00

Prophecy during Simchat Torah service at Messianic Temple Beth El
23 Tishrei, 5774 - September 27, 2013
Through Karen Sulpizii

I am an El that gives many chances; however, when the judgment comes the days have to be fulfilled.

Rejoice in My Torah for it is your life.

It is better to be punished by Me than by man. Man is cruel, wicked and evil and I am just. I punish not only for your
actions but for the attitude of your heart. Keep your heart clean and your actions will be clean.

I want to release ALL the captives but release is a process and it depends on each individual.

Do not let your cup of iniquity get full. Repent before this can happen.

Rejoice in My Torah because it is your path for success.

I love all of you and I am happy to see that you are here on this last day of Sukkot for many do not consider this an
important day, but for Me all My feast days are important. That is when I visit My people.

Do not let any person or any circumstance turn you away from Me. Walk on the path that I gave you because there
is a way that seems right to you but is really death.

I have a special task for each one of you according to your life. My Word will make it (path) very bright for you if you
will do what My Word says.
Hoshana Rabbah...
by Karen Sulpizii
Length 0:00

Prophecy during Hoshana Rabah service at Messianic Temple Beth El
21 Tishrei, 5774 - September 25, 2013
Through Karen Sulpizii

My children, I am very pleased that you came today. This is a special day and most of My own do not respect Me.
They do not come to Me. They do not pray to Me.

They open up their shops and business as usual. I am very happy with those who have come here today and those
all over the world who have respected My day - who come and love Me and appreciated Me.

For I want to do much in the midst of My people but if they dont care about Me, if they dont invite Me, if they dont
want Me, how can I work?

This is the End-Times. It is very important that I work through My people but My people do not make themselves

Again, today is a very special day. You are learning how much I love you and how much I seek your love.

Do not stay far from Me, but come to Me.

As I draw you in the Word, come to Me.
As I draw you in the songs, come to Me.
As I draw you through circumstances in your life, come to Me.

(Ruach HaKodesh starts crying through Karen Sulpizii).

Come to Me! Come to Me! I want you so much. I want you more than you want Me.

Some day you will know; some day you will see and that day you will grieve, you will grieve that you did not want Me
in your life the way I want to be in your life.

I hear from you occasionally. I see you sometimes but your thoughts are not My thoughts. I know My thoughts are
higher but there are some thoughts that we should think together. If you have the mind of My Son, you will think like
I miss you. I want you. I love you.

Woe to those who did not celebrate today.

Woe to those who were working, who were exchanging silver and gold for goods.

Woe to those who said: I dont need Ruach HaKodesh today! I can always get Him another day.

(Ruach HaKodesh through Karen Sulpizii is angry) Well, you cannot always get Me on another day. Just because
you call Me, doesnt mean I will come. You must be sincere. You must really, really want Me. Your heart must be
genuine. Your spirit must cry for Me and then I will come, then I will come!!


Prophetic Word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El
26 Tevet, 5772 - January 21, 2012 during Shabbat Service

Thus says Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael,

You truly have come to Malchut Elohim - the Kingdom of Elohim for such a time as this. I say to you, Prevail
over your enemies! I say, Prevail over those who hate, destroy, rob, steal, and try to kill you. Prevail in the Name
of My Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, for I have surely given you the power to prevail over all your enemies. Do not be
afraid of the enemy. Let the enemy be afraid of you."

I have washed you, cleansed you, sanctified you by the precious Blood of My Son, Yeshua. You are Mine. You
are Mine. You are Mine! Do not allow fear to take over you for I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of
love and of a sound mind. II Timothy 1:7. Rebuke fear and he will flee from you bShem Yeshua HaMashiach - in
the Name of Yeshua the Messiah.

Go forward, My children, go forward! I say Kadimah!- go forth! Do not turn to the right, nor to the left. Do not
look back to Mitsrayim - Egypt, the land of slavery from where I redeemed you. Look to the Promised Land - Eretz
Yisrael, to Jerusalem, My city! Look to the Promised Land, My country where I will bring you by My hand and will
gather you from the north, south, east and west. I will bring you on eagle's wings to Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel,
to your country, to your land to dwell, to multiply, to rejoice and to praise Me, your Abba.

I say, Do not fear for I am with you, My little Beth El. You will stand because I am with you. You will stand, you
will not fall. Many will fall but you will stand for I am with you. Remember, My children, that I love each one of you
with My very special and deep love. I protect and provide for you though you do not see it the way I do. Trust Me.
Trust Me. Trust Me. Trust Me, My children. You are very special and I am proud of you. I am taking you through this
wilderness by a way you have not known - in paths you have not known I lead you. I make darkness light before
you, and crooked places straight. These matters I will do for you and I will not forsake you." Yeshayahu/Isaiah
"Though I have given you the bread of adversity and water of affliction, Yeshayahu/Isaiah 30:20. Your eyes will
soon see Yeshua, Shofet Tzaddik - the Righteous Judge, Who will judge between you and the evil people. You will
see My mishpatim - My righteous judgments fall on the wicked.

Stay together. Do not break ranks. Love each other as I have loved you. Love with an unconditional love. Speak
the truth to each other. Do not lie to each other since, you have put off the old man with his practices. Colossians
3:9. Remember faith, hope and love remain. But the greatest of these is love." I Corinthians 13:13.

I will continue to speak to some of you individually. Seek Me as you sit at My feet and I will reveal to you many
things that your mind cant imagine.

Then Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin saw Ruach HaKodesh lifted and she said, Thank you for loving us. Thank you for
being with us. Thank you for leading us through this wilderness. Then she added that we should never say, Abba
doesnt love me. It is a lie from the pit of hell. Your Abba loves and cares very much for each one of us. Todah
rabah, Abba.

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Prophetic word giving by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 22 Iyar, 5772 - May 14, 2012 during the Tfilla Intercessory prayer.

Thus said Elohim of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaacov,

The calamity that is coming will be so severe that it cannot be compared to 9/11. Many people will be caught in
this calamity. Many people will die. While she was prophesying, Rabbi Hadassah saw an open vision. And she said,
"There will be blood all over. Many men, women and children: young and old will die."

My children, prepare for an impact. Prepare! I am warning you. I am warning you. Turn away from your evil, from
your secret sins and run to Me. Run to the altar of Hesed (Mercy), Rachamim (Compassion) and Ahava (Love) for I
am a Compassionate and Loving Elohim.

Release your family to Me for you cannot protect them. You cannot save them when the calamity comes. For My
judgments (My mishpatim) are very severe. They will fall on New York City for this city is the representation of

How would a parent feel seeing his or her child molested and abused? This is how I feel when my sheep are
taken advantage of. My heart is broken over My sheep when I see the shepherds rape and abuse them. They have
stolen everything from My sheep, even their last hope. My little ones still cry to Me out of their last strength and I
hear the cry of My children.
The local government in NYC is very evil. The Mayor and his office are very evil. You do not know what is going
on behind their closed doors. They are selling NYC to the foreigners: building by building, block by block. It will not
belong to the Americans anymore but will be in possession of the foreigners who will tear the city and the country
apart with their evil purposes. Great evil has been done to My people behind closed doors.

The homosexuals are taking over the country. They are arrogant and boastful. THEY WANT YOUR
CHILDREN. They want every boy and girl in America to become a homosexual. They already took over the media,
interior design, art, hair and makeup, garment industry and Hollywood. They are taking over the educational system
saying to your children, It is ok to be a homosexual. They have made a mockery of My Word. They have infiltrated
the high echelons of society. They rule as businessmen, lawyers, doctors, nurses and educators in different levels
of society. They already have taken over Hollywood.

They hate real beauty and purity. They are despicable in their sexual acts. They are not satisfied anymore by their
sexual immorality for the demons (shadim) have already taken over their minds, souls and bodies. You will hear
more and more about homosexuality and bestiality. They are arrogant and prideful, defying My Word. Many of them
are dying of AIDS and there will be more to come. There will be new sicknesses and diseases, new venereal
diseases that will come as a result of homosexuality and bestiality. The demons of sexual perversion are released
upon the earth to attack peoples minds to desire an extreme sexual experience, for they are not satisfied sexually
anymore, but only when they have perverted sex.

You will hear about children disappearing more than ever before. They are kidnapped by satanists, witches,
sexual perverts and homosexuals to destroy the child for the rest of his or her life. You will hear more and more
about dysfunctional children. This will be more than just Autism that children are born with in America because of
the union of evil people and/or generational curses.

The witches are hunting for good men. They receive their assignments from hasatan (satan) himself how to get
them. They are sent to churches and congregations to fish good men, men who are on fire for Me. They pretend to
be born from above, they seduce these men, then they get pregnant from them and their seed will be great evil.

There is a great darkness that is coming to this country and the whole world. Stay united in My Ruach. Stay
together and love one another as I have loved you. Do not be hypocritical. Be genuine, truly become a Mishpocha
(Family) to each other as I have put you together.

Seek My will concerning your employment so that you will work for Me. For very soon every institution will turn
into a demonic establishment: every hospital, every school, every office, every bank, etc. So seek My face and I will
guide you to a specific job so that you will work for Me and for people who are My children.

The banking system will collapse. The Russians, Chinese, Muslims and Communists are united together against
this country. They want to avenge the blood of Bin Laden. They hate America and American democracy and the
blessings I have bestowed upon this country. When this country will cry and mourn, they will rejoice and celebrate. It
is coming soon and it is inevitable. Pray that in My wrath I will remember rachamim (compassion).

My little Beth El, I love you ALL. I love you with My everlasting love. You are all so precious in My sight. You are
My children, and I am your Elohim. Never doubt it. I am with you. I am the Great I am. I will never leave you nor
forsake you. So if I am with you, who can be against you?

Nahum 3:1-7
1. Woe to the city of blood! All of it is a lie, filled with plunder, the prey is not lacking.
2. The sound of a whip and the sound of rattling wheels, of galloping horses, of jolting chariots,
3. mounted horsemen with bright sword and glittering spear, and many wounded, and a mass of dead bodies, and
no end of corpses, they stumbled over the corpses -
4. because of the many whorings of the well-favoured whore, the mistress of sorceries, who sells nations by her
whorings, and clans by her sorceries.
5. See, I am against you, declares Yahweh Tzevaot, and shall lift up your skirts over your face, and shall show
nations your nakedness, and reigns your shame.
6. And I shall cast abominations upon you, and treat you as foolish, and make a spectacle of you.
7. And It shall be that all who see you flee from you, and say, Ninevah is laid waste! Who does mourn for her?
Where do I seek comforters for you?

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Prophetic Word given by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 10 Shevat, 5770 - Monday, January 25, 2010 during Warriors for Yisrael intercessory warfare prayer.

Thus said Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael, the Ancient of Days, Your Redeemer, Your Deliverer, Your Savior,
Your Healer, Your Protector and Your Provider,

My daughters, My beautiful daughters, the time has come, it is almost upon you, the time of My judgment
(mishpat) has come to judge this evil city of New York, to pour out my righteous mishpatim (judgments) upon this
evil city. I will judge every man, every woman, every child and even every animal, every bird in the sky and every
fish in the sea. For it is written inKohelet/Ecclesiastes 12:14, For Elohim shall bring every work into right-ruling
(mishpat), including all that is hidden, whether good or whether evil. It is written in Yeshayahu/Isaiah 30:18b, For
Yahweh is an Elohim of right-ruling (mishpat). I am Tzadik Shofet of the universe, the Righteous Judge.

The sins of this evil city of New York have reached the heavens (hashamayim). I have given this city one
chance after another to repent, but they would not. My righteous judgment (mishpat) has already started in My
Body. My judgment has already started in My House among the leadership for it is written in I Kepha/Peter 4:17a,
Because it is time for judgment (mishpat) to begin from the House of Elohim I will judge the evil Pastors and
Rabbis who lead My sheep astray from My hands into the hands of the enemy.

My sheep are confused and scattered for My sheep do not trust anyone, for they have been abused by their
evil leaders. My sheep are crying out to Me for help and protection. This evil leadership made them stumble and fall,
but I will remove this evil leadership and will open the eyes of My sheep to see their evil. My sheep are crying to Me,
Abba, where should I go? What am I to do? Who will lead me and teach me? Please help me because I am dying!!!
My spirit is not fed!

These evil Pastors and Rabbis led them astray from Me. They do not feed them with My Word. They feed
them with concerts, entertainment, conferences and seminars that I never ordained as well as the doctrines of men
and demons. I will punish them. I will punish every Pastor and every Rabbi who abused My sheep. I will remove My
sheep from these evil Pastors and Rabbis. I will open My flocks eyes to see evil in their leaders.

For it is written in Luke 8:17, For whatever is hidden shall be revealed, and whatever is secret shall be known
and come to light. Everything that was done in darkness will be revealed. I will reveal even the thoughts of many
hearts as is written in Luke 2:35b. I also will reveal the secret sins of the Pastors and the Rabbis: their whores and
lovers, their drug addictions, their drinking, their alcohol and cigarettes addiction. I also will reveal that My sheep are
physically, emotionally, sexually molested and abused by the evil leadership in their offices, church nurseries,
church halls and foyers and even in the sanctuary.
I will reveal to My sheep that their leaders are not like Me. My sheep will run away from these evil leaders and
run to Me, crying, Who do You want to be my leader and my teacher? Where is this place that You have prepared
for me? And I will lead them to My Ministry of Messianic Temple Beth El and to My End - Time servant, Hadassah,
who has blessed Me with all her heart and has proved to Me her faithfulness, her dedication and the willingness to
lay down her life for My sheep. She will take them in and teach them. She will bathe them in the waters of Life
(Chayim) - Ruach HaKodesh and clothe them with My Word, My Davar and will put on them the garments of praise.
She also will put on them the garments of honor. She will protect them with her body and lay down her life for each
one of them for she is my true shepherdess, My true leader, My Deborah whom I raised up, trained and prepared for
My leadership in Yisrael when the leadership failed and ceased, for it is written inShophetim/Judges
5:7, Leadership ceased, it ceased in Yisrael, until I, Deborah, arose a mother in Yisrael arose.

When the Calamity will fall, My Spirit will fall at the same time. Prepare yourself for what is coming. I have
prepared everything for you. You are to go forth. Wait for My appointed time! Everything is ready! I have opened the
fountain of life. I have opened up the fountain of deliverance to whomsoever will call on My Name. When it
happens, do not be afraid, I say to you, Al tirai! Do not panic for I have warned you in advance. Do not be afraid of
the enemy, but stand in the gap in prayer for I desire to use each one of you.

I am Who I am. I am in the midst of the chaos. And in the midst of the chaos that will be all around you do not
lose faith. I want you to stand up and lift up your voice to Me so that even in My wrath I will remember
Rachamim Habakuk/Habakkuk 3:12. Many will be killed. Many will be destroyed. Many will die, but you are to
rejoice because Yahweh Elohim is in the midst of you. For it is written in Tsepahnyah/Zephaniah 3:14-17, Shout
for joy, O daughter of Tsiyon! Shout, O Yisrael! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Yerushalayim!
Roni, bat Tziyon, Hariu Yisrael, simcha valzi bchol lev, bat Yerushalayim! Yahweh has turned aside your
judgments. He has faced your enemy. The Sovereign of Yisrael is in your midst. No longer need you fear evil. Hesir
Yahweh mishpatayich, pinah oyvech. Melech Yisrael, Yahweh, Bkirbech, al tirai! In that day it shall be said to
Yerushalayim, Do not fear, Tsiyon, do not let your hands be weak. Bayom hanu eyamer Le Rushalayim, al tirai,
Tziyon, al yirpu yadayich. Yahweh your Elohim is in your midst is mighty to save. He rejoices over you with joy. He
is silent in His love. He rejoices over you with singing. Yahweh Elohayich Bkirbech Gibor, Yoshia. Yasis
alayich bsimchah. Yogil alayich brinah.

You are more than victors. You are more than overcomers. You are more than conquerors! I love you I love
you. I love you. Continue to pray for your families. Continue to stand in the gap for each one of them. Continue to
seek My will for each one of you for I desire to use you for My purposes. I have an awesome plan for each one of
you for it is written inYirmeyahu/Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I am planning for you, declares Yahweh,
plans of peace (shalom) and not of evil, to give you a future and an expectancy."

My beautiful daughters, I see your hearts crying unto Me, and I will beautify, purify and continue to cleanse
you with My Spirit. I will dress you with My garments of praise for you are beautiful in My sight. As you continue to
glorify and magnify My Name I will answer you. I will answer you. I will answer you, but the answer might come in a
different way. Do not be surprised that the answer will come in a way you never expected, for it is written in I
Corinthians 2:16, Who has known the mind of Yahweh? Who shall instruct Him? And also inYeshayahu/Isaiah
40:13, 14, Who has meted out the Spirit of Yahweh (Ruach Yahweh), or as His counselor taught Him? With whom
did He take counsel, and who instructed Him and taught Him in the path of right-ruling (mishpat)? Who taught Him
knowledge, and showed Him the way of understanding?

Stay together; love one another as I have loved you. Pray one for another! Forgive! Forgive! Forgive! Forgive
each other as I have forgiven you.


Prophecy through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 16 Aviv, 5770 - March 31, 2010 during the service on the first day of Chag HaMatzah
Thus says Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael,

My children, My heart is crying. My heart is crying for My children who are rebellious, disobedient, arrogant, and
obnoxious, those who ignore My Shabbats, My Rosh Chodeshim/New Months and My HaMoedim (Feasts).

My heart is aching in Me for surely My children have been trapped by the enemy for centuries. They ate the lies
and deception. They drank the polluted waters that are not of My Ruach. I want you to go out and tell them the truth
for surely it is written in Hoshea 4:6a, My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Many of My people have
perished and lost their blessings, their deliverances, their healings and even their salvations because of the
stubbornness of their evil hearts.

I am crying day and night. I am stretching My hands of love and compassion to them but they will not. I have sent
My prophets, but they mocked and ridiculed them. I have sent My children, but they used and abused them. I am
sending you now. Go and fish for them for truly this flower arrangement is a heavenly arrangement which came from
My Throne for you are under the shadow of My wings, but they are not. Therefore, some of the flowers represent the
fishing poles and I have made you fishers of men. Go and fish for them. Do not be afraid of their faces or
reactions. Disregard their titles and positions for I look at the heart. Go to them and compel them to come to Me,
compel them to present themselves before Me.

Rabbis note: This prophecy pertains to a special flower arrangement for the annual congregational
Messianic Seder that took place the night before.

My heart is crying for each one of them because they have been fooled by hasatan into celebrating what they
think the day of the resurrection of My Son is. But it is not the day they think. So let Me ask you, My children? If they
come to celebrate Easter as the Resurrection Day of My Son, and it is not, whose resurrection do they celebrate? I
weep. I cry. I warn and intercede for My children. I want you to cry with Me. I want you to cry with Me.

I am the Cohen HaGadol (High Priest) Who stands and carries the twelve tribes of Yisrael upon My heart. Call
the remnant. Call the remnant OUT! Out of sun worship, out of dead churches and congregations, out of false
teachings and false prophets who speak not in My name. Those false teachers will be punished by My hand for it is
written in I Kepha/Peter 4:17, Because it is time for judgment (mishpat) to begin from the House of Elohim But I
am saying to you that the judgment has already started in My house.

You will hear of Pastors dying instantly, dropping dead, even during their sermons, even in their offices and in
their houses. You will hear false prophets and prophetesses lose their ability to prophecy. Some will be made dumb
for dumbness is one of My plagues. For I will punish the part of their bodies that were created to speak
righteousness and truth in love, but instead they used it to speak lies, deception and mistrust. They were used by
the enemy, hasatan (satan, the adversary) therefore My judgment will fall on them. For it is written
inZekaryah/Zechariah 11:17, Woe to the worthless shepherd forsaking the flock! Let a sword be upon his arm and
upon his right eye! His arm shall wither and his right eye shall be dimmed.

You will hear of many Pastors dying from prostate cancer. My judgment is falling upon them for their whoring
because they used the part of the body I created to procreate to whore. My judgment will fall on that part of the body
I desired to use. Many of them will also lose their congregations and churches.

I will take the flock from them that they used, abused, raped and molested: spiritually, sexually, emotionally,
but especially financially. My flock is crying to Me to protect, guide and lead them. They are so confused and lost
and do not know where to go, whom to trust, whom to confide in, whom they can ask for counsel because they are
disillusioned, disappointed and hurt. I will bring My sheep out of the affliction and oppression of these taskmasters
that were not appointed by Me. I will bring them to the place designated by Me so they will be able to be washed,
change their clothing, be fed, given a glass of water and shelter so they can be taken care of by My true servants
and not hirelings.

Do not criticize or judge them because you were where they are, but I, Myself, brought you out. Remember, I
do not look at the outward appearance. I look at the heart. So I am giving you this day the anointing of My love
because love forgives and does not boast, criticize or judge. Love bears all, for only with My love and compassion
can you go and minister love and compassion. For it is written in Tehillim/Psalms 18:25,26, With the kind You
show Yourself kind: with perfect one You show Yourself perfect; with the clean You show Yourself clean; and with
the crooked You show Yourself twisted. I desire you to be as merciful and forgiving to them as I am to you.

Do not worry about tomorrow what you will eat, drink or wear but seek first the Kingdom of Elohim and all
these things will be added to you. Do not worry about your bills, mortgages and payments. For it is written
in Mattithyahu/Matthew 6:33, 34, But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these matters
shall be added to you. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow shall have its own worries. Each day has enough
evil of itself. As you walk in obedience to Me, I Yahweh Yireh (Provider), will provide for everything. I will even move
the heavens and earth to provide for you, My children.


Prophecy by Cindy deVille

on 5 Sivan, 5768 - June 8, 2008

Preface: This is a very intense word and I will not make any excuses for the Spirit of God or attempt to manage
Him. I will tell you though that this word came from the depths of God's heart. I felt the same zeal and love that I
believe drove Messiah to cleanse the Temple. His presence was very heavy upon me as I wrote this... Judgment Is
Coming to the Pulpits of America.

"The zeal for My house has consumed Me," says the Spirit of God! The love for My people has overtaken Me!
Therefore I will begin, I will begin, I will begin," says the Spirit of God. "I will begin now to cleanse My house, I will
call out and I will bring judgment, I will enter in and begin in the pulpits of America! The fear of Me shall hit the five-
fold ministry, it will cause many to shudder as I utter My judgments. The five-fold ministry shall see My judgments.

Those who presume to speak for Me with hidden sin, they will see judgment come to them, swiftly and suddenly!
Those who think they can live in sin, be My mouthpiece and stand in My Holy place with the mask of deception on
their face, they shall see My swift judgments! It shall be like an earthquake, and everything shall shake! Everything
shall shake. For I will have My way! This is a day when I will not tolerate their sin anymore! NO MORE, NO MORE,"
says the Spirit of God!

For I am coming to My temple with a great roar! I will bring fear back to My house again and I will confront and
remove the sin that many in the pulpit are living in! And some shall be examples as Ananais and Saphira. All that
can be shaken will be shaken. For I will have a Holy people, a Holy nation. I will have a Glorious Body and I will
remove everything and everyone standing in My way. For this is a new day!

You say mercy, mercy, grace, grace and you think that will erase the hidden sin you continue to live and revel in! I
will have it no more! Your words are nothing to Me, it is your actions that I see! You have trampled on My grace and
made a mockery of My mercy and you have taught My people the same and now My name is shamed! Now My
people think that I am OK with sin, You have opened the door and let it into My sanctuary, into My Holy place, You
have made My house one of disgrace. You have defiled My house and defiled My people!

Sin is destroying My people, destroying My Body and destroying your nation! I am done with you, and I will have it
no more! No more mercy and no more grace, for you come near to Me with your words but your heart is far, far from
Me. Do you not know that I see everything? You cannot fool or deceive Me as you do My people, For I AM the God
of all truth and I will deal with you! For I AM a Holy God and My sanctuary shall be holy, and I WILL HAVE A HOLY
PEOPLE that they might bear My Glory!

They shall be holy unto Me, therefore I must remove the unclean things! I will raise up and I will bring down! I will
remove apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist from the pulpit, those in the five-fold ministry who are defiling
My house and defiling My people. I will have it NO MORE, NO MORE," says the Spirit of God. My judgment is
coming to the pulpits of America.

I will judge, I will cleanse, I will purify! I have seen in secret and I will reward you openly! I will expose your sin. You
have fooled My people, but you have not fooled Me," says the Spirit of God, for I see all things! I see what you have
done behind closed doors and I say to you, I WILL HAVE IT NO MORE! For judgment has opened the door and is
now coming in. These are not mere words that I speak to you, but watch Me, says the Spirit of God, I will perform
My Word, and you will know the fear of Me again. For I am the King of Glory and this is not as before, this is not as
before, this is not as before!!! I am coming to deal with the sin in the pulpits of America, I am coming in to deal with
you! I will have it no more, no more," says the Spirit of God! For I am warning you," says the Spirit of God, do not
step up to the pulpit with hidden sin in your life, for you may not live to see another day for I will have My Body, My
way, says the Spirit of Grace. This is not a game, this is not a game! All the earth shall know My name! I am not
playing games!"
Prophecy by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 9 Cheshvan, 5769 - November 07, 2008

As I was seeking the face of my Elohim, praying and meditating on Kitvei HaKodesh (Holy Scriptures),
Ruach HaKodesh reminded me about a question that He asked me before. "Are you willing to lay down your
life for My Black Yisrael, My daughter?" I didn't know what to answer, and I quickly replied, "Yes, of course,
Abba." "Don't be so quick with your answer, My child, " Ruach Elohim replied to me. Weeks passed, then
months passed as I continued to ponder on those words. Then one day I asked Ruach Elohim again. "Abba,
why did You ask me if I was willing to lay down my life for Black Yisrael? And not Spanish Yisrael or

Ruach HaKodesh through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin:

Black Yisraelites have been deceived by the enemy into voting for a Black man to become an American
President. They hoped that the Black American President will save them from death and destruction, racism and
prejudice, poverty, humiliation, and second class citizenship because of their color and history. They believed that
Obama would deliverer them out of racial slavery from the white man. They cried, prayed, hoped and then shouted
in jubilation We did it. But they didnt. By believing his lies, they became caught in the snare of the trapper. They
have been trapped by the enemy who gave them false hope in a false messiah.

I am the only One Who can deliver them from slavery to hasatan and men, but again they rejected Me, their
Deliverer and chose their false messiah. They still rebel and reject Me as the only Deliverer and think that I have
chosen Obama as My vessel to bring them out of slavery. He is My servant (for I use whomever I decide to choose
to do My will), but it is not Obama who will lead My Black Yisrael back to Me. but you, My daughter. The enemy
desires to destroy Black Yisrael, but I have a plan to save them, for surely My hand is not too short to save.

Why Black Yisrael? Because this is the only group that still acknowledges Me as the Creator and Elohim.
Generation after generation of Black Yisraelites passed this knowledge to their childrens children and though they
are rebellious and disobedient, they know the Truth and they cannot run from this Truth. It is there inside of them:
the impartation that they all received as their mothers and grandmothers took them to the churches. I went to each
one of them by the power of My Spirit and touched them with My touch. They are Mine. Those leaders that they
chose from among themselves are not My leaders. Their kings are not My kings. Their Pastors are not My
Shepherds, for not even one of them allowed Me to work out My perfect plan through them. So they all started very
humble, seeking and crying out to Me, but as fame and recognition came they couldnt stand and fell because they
never allowed Me to finish the work that I started in them. So I had to let them have their own way and they did.

I will continue to speak to My people and to reveal to them My purposes and My will. Continue to pray in tongues
and I will do miracles. Pray that the rest of Messianic Temple Beth El be filled with the gift of tongues. Hasatan
(enemy) and his shadim (demons) fight My warriors in Messianic Temple Beth El tooth and nail, for they
understand that if more of My people are added to these warriors, their demonic assignments will become very, very

My Black Yisrael was mocked, ridiculed, persecuted, killed, and murdered because of their faith in Me, and not
because of their skin color. This is what they were told: You are hated because you are Black or Negro as they
were labeled. But this is not the reason. BLACK YISRAEL HAS BEEN PERSECUTED FOR CENTURIES
BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK JEWS and many of them are LEVITES and the history of their survival is

It was their faith in Me that helped them to survive the slavery of white men, their taskmasters. Many of them wished
that they would not have this black skin. As the Yehudim (Jews) changed their names by intermingling with the
Gentiles by marriage to hide their Jewishness, many of the Black Yisraelites intermarry with other groups as well in
order not to be Black. Only I can determine the DNA of every individual and trace them back even to Noach.

So pray and fast, My daughter, for My Black Yisrael. Further instructions will be given to you later. Weep for them,
Hadassah, and love them with My Ahava (Love) and then see what I will do through your intercession and ministry. I
am Yahweh.
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Prophecy by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 7 Cheshvan, 5769 - November 5, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama won the presidential election by promising change. As I was praying and seeking the face
of Elohim of Yisrael, as well as meditating on Kitvei HaKadosh (Holy Scriptures), I asked Ruach Elohim many

What kind of change will it bring to America? America is in absolute chaos, confusion, bankruptcy, rebellion,
disobedience, pride and arrogance, drugs, prostitution, sex porn, human trafficking, homosexuality, abortion,
worshipping idols before Elohim of Yisrael. What kind of change will Barack Obama bring? Will it be a change for
the best or a change for the worse?

The wind of the Spirit has blown on America with the deceptive tactics of the enemy promising Change in the
economy, to end the war, higher employment, secure retirement, better education and affordable medical insurance,
etc. The leader of any country (especially of the USA) must submit to Elohim and lead his country back to Biblical
Jewish Roots.

This is possible only through the Revival of Repentance by bringing back the twelve tribes of Yisrael as well as the
remnant from other countries to Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael, the Creator of the heavens and earth.

Those who voted for Obama were waiting for him to become a Messiah a Deliverer to deliver them from the
horrible economic situation.

Mishle/Proverbs 14:34a
Righteousness exalts a nation

Mishle/Proverbs 16:12c
For a throne is established by righteousness

Mishle/Proverbs 16:33
The lot is cast into the lap (vote for Obama)
But every decision by it is from Yahweh

Mishle/Proverbs 21:30
There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against Yahweh
I Kepha/Peter 4:17
Because it is time for judgment to begin from the House of Elohim. And if firstly from us, what is the end of those
who do not obey the Good News of Elohim?

Mishle/Proverbs 4:7
The beginning of wisdom is: Get wisdom!
And with all your getting, get understanding

Ruach Elohim through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin:

The wind of change is blowing upon America. The wind of change for the worse: from no more prayer in public
schools, high school and college graduations, to gay curriculums in your elementary schools, celebrating Halloween
as a National Holiday, starting false revivals and calling them Revivals of the Holy Spirit, blaspheming My Spirit
and totally ignoring My Word. This change for the worse will eventually bring the persecution of My children here in
this country of freedom, America. Even now the churches are burnt down, Pastors leave their parishioners, people
are led astray, but this is just the beginning of Yaacov s troubles.
My judgment will fall at the same time as My Ruach falls. The economy will go down as the almighty American
dollar will completely devaluate. America as a super power, unsinkable Titanic will go down and sink.
But at the same time My Revival of Repentance will go forth from My Messianic Temple Beth El in Brooklyn. My
children who are hungry and thirsty for My righteousness will run to My Temple to be in My presence and to learn
My Word.

So rejoice, My daughter of Tziyon, for Your Beloved is coming to you. (Shir HaShirim 2:8). For there is another
Wind that blows from the Holy One of Yisrael, the Wind of Revival and Renewal. Yes, this Wind will be My change
as I breathe on My people the fire of My Ahava (Love) the Fire of My Revival.

Haggai 2:11-14 About America. Everything that the priests (religious leaders) bring before Yahweh is
11. "Thus said Yahweh Tzevaot (of hosts), 'Now, ask the priests (cohanim) concerning the Torah, saying,
12. "If one bears set-apart meat in the fold of his garment, and with the edge he touches bread or stew, or wine or
oil, or any food, is it set-apart?'" And the priests (cohanim) answered and said, No.
13. And Haggai said, If someone defiled by a dead body touches any of these, is it defiled? And the priests
(cohanim) answered and said, It is defiled.
14. And Haggai answered and said, 'So is this people, and so is this nation before Me,' declares Yahweh, 'and so is
every work of their hands. And whatever they bring near is defiled.'"
Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) gave me these Scriptures for America. As the religious leaders are defiled before
Elohim of Yisrael with their corrupted offerings, so this nation, the United States of America, is defiled by its political
leaders, who bring abominations before the Throne of Elohim. There is only one way out of this disastrous situation -
Revival of Repentance, a Revival of Biblical proportions that will bring America to her knees before Elohim of
Yisrael. This Revival will be a Revival of His Word and His Spirit. Even now as I write these words, Ruach Elohim is
preparing His people to receive His teachings through His anointed teachers. There are His talmidim
(disciples) globally who are eager to learn the Truth of His Word as revealed by His Ruach (Spirit).


The world awaits a move of God that truly brings together the strong, piercing preaching of the word along with
miracles and healings. For too long these have been separated into rival camps.

Smith Wigglesworth prophesied about a last great Revival -

"There will be evidence in the churches of something that has not been seen before: a coming together of those with
an emphasis on the Word and those with an emphasis on the Spirit.When the Word and the Spirit come
together, there will be the biggest move of the Holy Spirit that the nation, and indeed, the world has ever
seen. It will mark the beginning of a revival that will eclipse anything that has been witnessed within these
shores, even the Wesleyan and Welsh revivals of former years..."


Prophetic word given through Sheila Murrell,

a spiritual song sung by Esther Doronina in tongues,

and the interpretation of these tongues by Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin

on 15 Shevat 5767 - February 3, 2007 after Praise and Worship
with the CD Holy Fire by Paul Wilbur

Through Sheila Murrell:

Thus said Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael,

You are in the fire of My tough love. You say, Burn in me, burn in me, let the fire of the Holy One burn in me,
so that you will come forth as pure gold as a vessel ready for the Masters use. For this is how the Master Yahweh
creates a renewed spirit and a contrite heart in us. (Rabbis note: by allowing His Holy fire of love to burn all the
dross in all of us individually). You must not complain or murmur, rebel nor give up, but praise your Elohim while
you are in the fiery furnace of Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). And I say all this to you, Messianic Temple Beth El,
but you still refuse to allow Me to burn in you.

Rabbis note: Then Rabbi asked Ruach Elohim to sing a song to us. And Ruach Elohim started singing
through Esther Doronina a song in tongues.

As Ruach HaKodesh cried over us in tongues through Esther Doronina, Rabbi asked if anyone had an
interpretation of tongues. She first asked Esther Doronina and she said, Ruach Elohim was crying for
Messianic Temple Beth El. Then Rabbi Hadassah gave the interpretation that she received.

Listen to what Ruach Elohim is saying to us today!

I gave My life for you. Day and night I stretched out My arms to you for I shed My blood for you. But you still
rebel against Me and you still resist My Spirit Who desires to do the work in you. Then Ruach Elohim (Spirit of
Elohim) was crying specifically over certain individuals.
You still live the way you want to live and you cry out to Me, saying, Abba, why dont You deliver and heal
me? And I answer you, You hear the Word, but you are not the doer of the Word. You hurt Yeshua. You say you
are a believer, but everybody sees who you are: poor, naked and sick. It is impossible to please Elohim without
emunah (faith). You lost your faith. Your family is doomed to destruction for you are the only one in your family who
is born from above and who is supposed to stand in the gap for others."
"You are in total denial of the truth; you deny the problems that you have. You have to come to your senses as
the prodigal son did.

Rabbi is praying for the people so that they will come to their senses. Then Rabbi prayed:

Abba, help me to love the unlovable. Help me to love those who are very hard to love. Change them from being
hypocritical and complete fakes. Set them on fire for You so that they will bring esteem to Your Holy Name.

Prophetic dream given to Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin

on 1 Tevet 5768 - December 10, 2007

I had a dream. I was shown in the spirit that on a particular highway there would be a huge accident and many
people would die. It would be a calamity that is coming very, very soon. I was warning people for a long time, but
they did not believe me. Then I saw a boy, maybe 8 or 9 years old, playing with the wires of different electric poles
along the highway. I talked to him and told him that it is very dangerous to play with these poles and wires. He
looked at me as if he wanted to believe me, but at the same time he didnt. There was no supervision over him: no
adults, parents, older sisters or brothers. He was there by himself, totally clueless concerning the danger he was in.
Then I asked him who was in charge. He said, The city fathers. I perceived in the spirit that they were those who
called themselves the gatekeepers of New York. These were Pastors who put themselves in this position, but not

I called to tell them about the coming disaster and caught them sitting in their big limousine. There were several
of them in there. I looked at them and saw that they were all obese: they were so fat that this fat was oozing through
the doors of the car. Instead of discussing the pressing needs of the city and the people they were responsible
for, each one of them was talking on his cell phone about personal business, ignoring the others. Each one was
doing whatever he wanted.

I stopped their car and told them, I am Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin from Messianic Temple Beth El in Brooklyn. I
have to warn you about the coming disaster in NYC so that you warn your people. They paid absolutely
no attention to me, totally disregarding me. They laughed and mocked me. What disaster? they said to me, Dont
you know that the day is clear, and there isnt even one cloud in the sky. There is no traffic at all!" (Because the
disaster I was shown was a multiple car accident). One in particular totally ignored me and despite all that I tried to
tell him, he continued to talk on his cell. I yelled at him, Put the phone down now! He did it to his own amazement
just to see who this woman was who commanded him to do it. Then I said to them, At least tell your wives and your
children about it! Then I paused and looking very intensely at them, added, And your lovers as well.

After that I left because I knew it was absolutely useless to appeal to them. So I went to the boy who was
left unsupervised and asked him, Where are your parents? In court, he replied, They are fighting to get a
divorce he added. I instructed him to go home and not to play with the wires hanging from the electric poles. I also
warned him about the coming disaster. He listened to me, trying to figure out if I was for real, and I saw on his face
that he was trying to decide if he should listen to me or not. But because the boy was so rebellious, playing outside
without any supervision, he did not believe me. He also did not realize the danger and the consequences of playing
with the electric wires.

Then finally, as I predicted, the disaster hit New York City and I saw and heard many people dying. Then
the dream ended and I prayed for the interpretation.

The interpretation of the dream given to me by Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)

Disaster: The calamity that is coming to NYC.

Men in the car: Are the Pastors who are fat because they rob the sheep. They are hirelings. They call themselves
the gatekeepers of NYC", but they do not care for the sheep, but only for themselves. They live in sin, having lovers
on the side.

The young boy: Is the body of Messiah, who never grew up spiritually because their shepherds never fed them.
So they stopped growing because their spiritual fathers and mothers were fighting with each other. The boy is very
rebellious because the Body of Messiah is very rebellious, disobedient, immature and inexperienced. They are
playing with deadly things. The child was left totally unattended to do whatever he wanted to do. This is where the
Body of Messiah is: no accountability whatsoever. "I am gonna do what I want to do!"

My people have perished because of the lack of knowledge. Hoshea 4:6. The calamity is coming to NYC as
Yahweh had revealed to me, but nobody listened. But I did what Elohim wanted me to do. And He said to me,
Do not pray against the calamity. It has to come. It is My will.

Amos 3:6, 7
If a shofar is blown in a city, do the people not tremble? If there is calamity in a city, shall not Yahweh have done
it? For the Master Yahweh does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
Mishle/Proverbs 29:18a

Where there is no vision, the people are let loose (perish).

Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 12:10, 11

Many shepherds have destroyed My vineyard, they have trodden My portion under foot, they have made My
pleasant portion become a deserted wilderness. They have laid it waste a waste, it mourns to Me. All the land is
laid waste, because no one takes it to heart.

Prophetic word given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin

on 22 Cheshvan, 5768 - November 3, 2007 during Shabbat Service.

At the end of the Shabbat Service Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin gave an altar call Are you a worker in the harvest?

Thus said Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael, As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest according
to Bereshit/Genesis 8:22a. Harvest! Harvest! Harvest! It is the time for the harvest! For it is written
in Kohelet/Ecclesiastes 3:1, "For every matter there is an appointed time, even a time for every pursuit under the
heavens. A time for the harvest has come. My appointed time for My harvest has come. It is also written
in Revelation 14:15, And another malach (messenger) came out of the Dwelling Place, crying with a loud voice to
the One sitting on the cloud, Send Your sickle and reap, because the hour has come for You to reap, because the
harvest of the earth is ripe.

But My children are not crying out for the harvest. My children are not crying out for My harvest to come. For it
is written in Mattithyahu/Matthew 9:37, 38, The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few. Pray then that the
Master of the harvest would send out workers to His harvest.

My malachim (angels) are working day and night to prepare for My harvest. My children, make yourself
available to Me: your body, your family, your finances and everything that you have should be completely released
to Me. My harvest is surely coming, for My Revival of Repentance has already started. Pray for My Revival of
Repentance to go to the four corners of the earth to bring the harvest in.

Be merciful to those who are coming. As you show mercy to them, I will show mercy to you. For surely,
Messianic Temple Beth El, I have been very merciful with you. For it is written in Tehillim/Psalm 18:25, 26, With
the kind You show Yourself kind; with the perfect one You show Yourself perfect, with the clean You show Yourself
clean; and with the crooked You show Yourself twisted. Those who are coming will come wounded. They will be
coming with spiritual crutches and bandages, but they are coming Show them My love, My rachamim
(compassion), My hesed (mercy), My patience and My ahava (love).

I am about to bring the youth in. I want you to pray for My youth: for the children, preteens, teens and young
adults. The enemy has contaminated and polluted their minds, but I am about to reverse it.

I want you to pray more for Judah (Yehudim-Jewish people). I want you to pray more for the Orthodox Jews. I
want you to pray for the Rabbis. I want you to pray more for the Orthodox Jews, but especially for the Orthodox
Jewish women and children who are crying out to Me because of the abuse. I want you to pray for the Russian
Jews, Israelis, Black Jews, Spanish Jews, Italian Jews and Oriental Jews.

I want you to pray more for Ephraim (born from above Christians) who refuses to repent
according Hoshea/Hosea 11:5b. I want you to pray for the rebellious and arrogant Pastors. Pray that they will
acknowledge their crookedness before Me or they will be destroyed like the rest. For it is written in Hoshea/Hosea
4:9, 10, And it shall be like people, like priest. And I shall punish them for their ways, and reward them for their
deeds. And they shall eat but not be satisfied; they shall whore but not increase, for they have stopped obeying
Yahweh. And also in Hoshea/Hosea 8:11, 12, Since Ephraim has made many altars for sin, they have been altars
for sinning to him. I have written for him numerous matters of My Torah they were regarded as strange.

I have chosen this place, Messianic Temple Beth El, to be My Command Center. I am the El of Beth El. The
calamity is coming! It is coming! It is coming! It is coming! It will come at My appointed time. You are in the Ark of My
protection and provision. Stay there until I open the door. Let the calamity pass by. Pray according
to Tehillim/Psalm 57:1, Show me favour, O Elohim, show me favour! For in You my being is taking refuge;
And in the shadow of Your wings I take refuge, until destruction passes by. Pray one for another for it is
written in Yaacov/James 5:16b, Pray for one another, so that you are healed. Love one another as I have loved
you for it is written in Yohanan/John 13:34, 35. A renewed command I give to you that you love one another, as I
have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all know that you are My taught ones, if you have love
for one another. Care one for another and be gentle for it is written in I Corinthians 12:25b, but that the
members should have the same concern one for another.

Do not be false. I have so many false followers. I need genuine followers. Do not worry about anything, as you
continue to seek My face and My kingdom: all the rest will be added unto you for it is written
in Mattithyahu/Matthew 6:33, But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness and all these matters shall
be added to you.

I love you My children. I love you all as it is written in Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 31:3, I have loved you with an
everlasting love; therefore I shall draw you with kindness. Stay together and to do not break the ranks. You do not
know what is coming tomorrow. You do not know what is about to happen. Come and worship Me. Come and
commune with Me for it is written inShemot/Exodus 25:22, I shall meet/commune with you therebetween the
two kerubim. I will guide and instruct you according to Tehillim/Psalm 32:8, 9, Let Me instruct you and teach you
in the way you should go: Let me counsel, My eye be on you. Do not be like the horse, like the mule, with no
understanding, with bit and bridle; else they do not come near you.

Come to Me and I will open up your understanding for it is written in Mishle/Proverb 2:3-6, For if you cry for
discernment, lift up your voice for understanding. If you seek her as silver, and search for her as hidden treasures,
then you would understand the fear of Yahweh, and find the knowledge of Elohim. For Yahweh gives wisdom; out of
His mouth come knowledge and understanding.Surely the harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.

For I am a lion to Ephraim, and like a young lion to the house of Yehudah. I Myself tear them and go, I take
them away, and there is no one to deliver. I shall go, and I shall return to My place, until they confess their guilt and
seek My face, in their distress diligently search for Me and say, "Come, and let us turn back to Yahweh. For He has
torn but He does heal us, He has stricken but He binds us up. After two days He shall revive us, on the third day He
shall raise us up, so that we live before Him. So let us know, let us pursue to know Yahweh. His going forth is as
certain as the morning. And He comes to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the earth. as it is written
in Hoshea/Hosea 5:14-15; 6:1-3.

And according to Hoshea 6:11, Also, a harvest is appointed for you, O Yehudah (Jewish people), when I turn
back the captivity of My people.

Harvest time is coming for the Jewish people in Brooklyn, New York!
Are you a worker in My harvest?

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Prophecy given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 3 Sivan, 5766 - May 29, 2006 during Monday night

Warriors for Yisrael strategic and prophetic intercession.

Before this Prophetic Word was given, Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin was shown an open vision. In the vision she saw the
Statue of Liberty tottering to the right and to the left, barely able to hold the torch of freedom.


The Freedom of the United States of America is in danger. The spirit of Islam is in the air: the spirit of violence
and hatred. In order for My children to survive and to go through what is coming, I am establishing an absolute,
divine order of the Biblical structure My Divine Government.
1. Discipleship
2. Submission
3. Accountability

These things (discipleship, submission and accountability) have to be established in the lives of each one of
you. You must learn how to find each person in the spirit; how to see in the spirit who is higher than you are and
then to submit to this person. You have to learn the difference between the spirit realm and the fleshly realm

One of the reasons people are turning to Islam, especially among Black Ephraimites (Black people), is because
the plastic Jesus presented to them by Pastors does not deliver and the false promises of the Pastors do not
come to pass.
You have to cry out to Me that I will send you THE REVIVAL OF REPENTANCE. This is the only thing that
will save you.

Europe is already lost to Islam. Africa is fighting against Islam. My people have to stop shopping at Muslim-
owned businesses. Do not support them in any way. They must be put out of business, including the Turkish
restaurants and their businesses. The Chinese spirit, which is the spirit of Confucius, has a super-hatred toward
American freedom. The spirit of Islam will eventually devour the spirit of Confucius with even greater super-hatred
towards America.

The strategy of the adversary (hasatan) did not change: divide and conquer; piece by piece, house by house,
block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, borough by borough, and city by city in order to bring more and
more illegal immigrants into this country with their idolatrous practices. Cut their support.

Halal meat markets and farms are used as places of sacrifice for witchcraft. Islam witches and wizards
have the utmost hate for Yisrael: Yehudah (Jews) and Ephraim (Christians) and perform Islamic witchcraft rituals
against My people. They specifically target these two groups of people: Jews and Christians (Judah and Ephraim).

Muslims will start taking over the media (TV and radio) because they have the resources to do it. The internet
is constantly used by the Muslims to send messages of hate, murder and conspiracy in the Arabic language that
most people do not understand. The spirit of Islam is the spirit of anti-Messiah.

Next on the Muslims agenda is to stop American missionaries from going all over the world proclaiming the
Good News of My Son Yeshua. They will also approach those people who are uneducated in the Holy Scriptures
or simply curious about the Koran and they will try to arouse their interest in what Islam stands for and/or try to
persuade them to join their cause. They will start buying Church and Synagogue buildings and invest in other real
estate. Soon you will see numerous Muslim youth centers and mosques in every city of the United States.

When the Muslims call upon Allah, they call upon hasatan. The members of Hamas hear clearly what the
evil spirits (demons) are telling them to do. These terrorists have the spirits of rebellion, death, destruction and
boldness of dying. They dont have any fear of death; they have the spirit of fearlessness of death. Everyone one
who will take a public stand against Islam and Muslims will be under very heavy attack, including every religious
leader and/or member of the Senate and Congress. Threats, including death threats, will be issued against these
elected officials by Hamas and their religious leaders.

Attracting American youth is another Muslim agenda. Islam youth will be trained to recruit American youth.
This is what they will say to an American youth, You come to my mosque and I will go to your Church
or Synagogue. When an American will step into their mosque, the evil Muslim spirits will invade them immediately
upon their arrival.

I am warning you in advance. When these things will start happening, you will remember this Prophetic Word.

I will raise up an army of Warriors The Nation of Yisrael against the Nation of Islam. And My servant,
My general, Rabbi Hadassah will lead this army. There will be no compromise, no compromise in My army.

My Warriors for Yisrael, do not be afraid of anyone nor anything. You are victors in Me. You are more than
overcomers. Continue to praise and worship Me. Messianic Temple Beth El, you have victory over the forces of
darkness. Do not look to the left or to the right. I will give you the power to overcome your enemies. Continue to pray
and fight for the Rabbi and stand with her. She needs your prayers. Continue to speak to the source, to the Fountain
of your Deliverance.
Sing to the well and I will pour out My blessings and My promises will be fulfilled. I will open the windows of
heavens for you. I will provide, for My Name is Yahweh Yireh Yahweh your Provider.

You have to stay alert in Me day and night In order to prepare for the coming calamity. I will continue to protect
and guard you. I am with you. I am in the midst of you. Continue to cry to Me. Though you are very small, you are
mighty in Me. It is I Who is taking you through trials and tribulations (the adverse circumstances in your life) so that
you will be totally dependent on Me.

Rabbis footnotes

1. Discipleship means to become a learner, a pupil (to learn, to understand) to be trained in the Word and the
Spirit on how to come out of the old, idolatrous, pagan, sun worship lifestyle and to turn back to Yahweh Elohim of
Yisrael by becoming a follower of Yeshua HaMashiach (the Messiah).
2. Submission means to obey and make yourself subject to another in an orderly and meaningful manner; to
accept servitude by assigning someone to hold you accountable, allowing that person to ask you tough questions in
difficult areas where you know you cannot stand alone without some kind of regular accountability. Each one of us
has to submit to another person who is higher in the Spirit (holds an office higher than yours). This has nothing to do
with the offices (titles and positions) given by men, but only those ordained by Yahweh).
3. Accountability means each one of the talmidim (followers or disciples) of Yeshua HaMashiach have to be
accountable (for his actions and words) to each other so that Yahwehs Divine Government be established in their

For example:

Every congregation (church) must have a Board of Elders (Shammashim) who, together with the Pastor or
Rabbi, leads the congregation. The Pastor or Rabbi submits to the decisions of the Board of Elders in the areas of:

a. Sound doctrine
b. Guiding and Counseling the sheep
c. Finances
d. Building funds etc.

Each congregation or church, together with their leader (Pastor or Rabbi), has to submit to another larger group of
congregations or churches and to their Governing Body (Council of Leaders: Pastors or Rabbis ordained by Elohim
of Yisrael). There are many groups of Leaders (Shepherds) who do not lead the sheep to the Truth (Yeshua), but to
hasatan. The blind leads the blind and both fall into the pit. See the prophecy To the Shepherds of Yisrael.

Yahwehs government is designed to operate under the laws of mutual and freewill submission.
Subject yourselves to each other in the fear of Elohim. Ephesians 5:21.

4. Not the Historic Biblical Messiah of YisraEl

5. We, at Messianic Temple Beth El, proclaim the Revival of Repentance. In order for the people of Elohim to
repent they have to understand what to repent of.
6. Intercede for Africa and African Spiritual Leadership (Pastors and Rabbis).
7. We can see Chinese immigrants openly displaying the statue of Buddha with a food offering in their
businesses. Hindu people displaying their goddesses as an act of worship in Hindu-owned businesses. Muslims can
openly get on their knees in the middle of Fifth Avenue in Manhattan during the time of their worship to their god
Allah (hasatan). All of them eventually bring their tithes and offerings to the temples of their idols. Many of the
Muslims bring their tithe and offerings to the mosques where hate and hatred towards America is taught. We have
to stop shopping in their businesses, and this way we will put them out of business.

8. The Chinese spirit is a spirit of take over. It is a spirit of cheap things that crawled into our society. It is the
spirit of cheap labor and sweat shops that are opened all over the United States. It is not the spirit of excellence that
America was known for. It is all about money. Buddhists opened many temples to Buddha here in America. They
proudly display the statue of Buddha in their homes as well as businesses. You can now buy the statue of Buddha
not only in Chinatown in NYC, but everywhere. The spirit of dragon is in America. The spirit of cruelty, slavery and
9. Do not shop in their businesses.
10. Halal meat markets are special stores where Muslims buy meat and poultry. They are not allowed to eat
pork. Halal meat is NOT Kosher meat!

11. Halal slaughtering houses are where special Islamic prayers to Allah are prayed over their meat and poultry.

12. Islam's primary target are the Jews (Yehudim). They want to drive the Jewish people from Israel and
eliminate the rest of us in Galut (Diaspora or Dispersion). Their second target group are Christians (Ephraim). Pray
that the United States of America will stand with Israel. America has the largest population of Jews and
Christians, therefore the enemy wants to destroy all 12 tribes of Yisrael.

13. Muslims have tremendous resources because there are more than one billion of them in the world along
with their sympathizers and supporters.
14. Muslims send their messages full of hatred in the Arabic language to prevent non-Arabs from understanding

15. America is known for sending missionaries and evangelists all over the world and this is exactly what the
enemy hates. They sent their evangelists all over the world to convert people to Islam. Those who refuse to be
converted: Jews and Christians (Judah and Ephraim) are INFIDELS AND ARE TO BE ELIMINATED.
16. Unfortunately, we see it all over the country. Muslims are buying empty Synagogues and Churches. Instead
of going to the Churches and the Synagogues, Americans prefer to go to casinos or spend the time at sports events.
Muslim youth centers are built to train Muslim youth to win American youth to Allah.

17. Allah is translated in English as God. But he is not the God of the Bible. He is not the Creator of the
heavens and the earth. Allah is not Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is not the Mighty Elohim of Yisrael.
Allah is a Muslim deity, their god, their mighty one that the Muslims worship.
18. Muslim terrorist organization.

19. When the members of Hamas die, they die with the name of Allah on their lips. They praise and glorify Allah
for murdering people. They have reprobate minds so that they hear demons very clearly. The demons instruct them
exactly what to do and then they do it. They are filled and led by very powerful demonic spirits. They are taught that
it is a great honor to be a martyr for Allah. They even sacrifice their children to Allah as in ancient times when the
idolatrous nations sacrificed their children to different idols.
20. Do not be afraid to take a stand against Islam. Do not fear Hamas. Fear only Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael,
trusting that He will protect you from all enemies including Hamas.
21. When all these things start happening, remember that a prophet was in your midst.

22. Ruach Elohim did not say My Church against the Nation of Islam. But the Nation of Yisrael restored 12
tribes of Yisrael, restored to our Jewish roots, to the faith of our Avot (Fathers) Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and
restored to the True Yeshua of Yisrael, our King and Jewish Messiah, and not the plastic Jesus of
Christianity. United we stand, divided we fall.

23. We have too much compromise in our congregations and churches. Yahweh hates
compromise. Compromise brings Contamination for it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. Messianic Temple Beth El is a
place where there is no compromise with the enemy. It is a place of Truth, a place of praise and worship, a place of rest from
wandering. This is the place where rebellious sheep cannot have their own way, but only Elohims way. They must surrender and
submit or they will go and the door will be closed behind them. Messianic Temple Beth El is a place where Yahweh
rules and reigns and not the rebellious sheep. The unclean will not be able to enter and stay there according
toTehillim/Psalms 1:5, "Therefore the wrong shall not rise in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the
24. Yahweh Yireh Yahweh will provide or Yahweh will be seen, On this the mountain Yahweh
provides. Bereshit 22:14.

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklins notes on Islam. The information is taken from the book Inside Islam by
Reza F. Safa.

1. There are more than 1 billion Muslims in the world.

2. One out of 5 people is Muslim.
3. Allah is Islams god.
4. Mohammad is Islams holy prophet.
5. Islam means submission to Allah.
6. A Muslim is the one who totally submits to Allah.
7. To become a Muslim is to become a slave to Allah.
8. Islam is the way of living.
9. Koran and Badith (traditions of Muhammad) are 2 main sources.
10. La Elahe al Allah - There is no god except Allah.
11. Muhammad an Rasoul al Allah - Muhammad is his prophet.
12. Allah is the pre-Islamic name of Babylonian Bel (Baal).
13. Baal worship is the sun, moon and stars worship.
14. The crescent moon is the symbol of Islam.
15. Dying and killing is not only an honor, but the way of pleasing Allah.
16. To become a martyr for the cause of Islam assures salvation and eternal life.
17. New York is a mecca of Muslims. There are 2.5 million Muslims in New York.
18. 60 to 90 percent of all converts in America are Black African-Americans.
19. 1.5 million Black Americans were converted to Islam in America.
20. The nation of Islam is under Louis Farrakhan.
Prophetic word given through Sheila Murrell

at Messianic Temple Beth El 5766 - 2006

I am the Creator of the heavens and the earth. You were made for Me and My pleasure. You were created to
serve only Me and not the other way around, as the Shepherds/Pastors/Rabbis have twisted the truth. Thats why I
am bringing judgment on them very, very soon for they have not only lived a lie, but led many of My sheep astray
and caused them to stumble and fall.

When you do not surrender to Me certain areas of your lives, they will be taken over by the enemy. My vessels
cannot have a good and bad mixture, but must be pure vessels through which I can work, rule and reign. It is all
about Me and nothing else.

The key to Yehudahs (Judahs) great honor is his new humility and his life of praise. It is only when you
become Yehudim (Jews), which means Praisers of Elohim, that you will receive honor and respect from the
brethren. For Yahweh said, Them that honor Me, I will honor as it is written in I Shemuel/I Samuel 2:30b, for those
who highly esteem Me I highly esteem, and those who despise Me are lightly esteemed. When you begin to praise
Me, things will start happening in your life. You must enter into a life of Praise and Thanksgiving to Me. You must
have a heart full of gratitude and give thanks to Me in everything. And this will see you through.
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Prophecy given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 27 Cheshvan, 5767 - November 18, 2006 during Shabbat service

Sh'ma Yisrael,

Yahweh Eloheinu, Yahweh echad.

Baruch Shem kavod

Malchuto le olam vaed.

Hear O Yisrael,

Yahweh our Elohim, Yahweh is one.

Blessed be His Glorious Name forever and ever. Amein.


It is time for My mishpatim (judgments) to fall. It is time for My mishpatim (judgments) to start in My house. For
surely My mishpatim (judgments) have fallen, but My children still do not understand it. "Because it is time for
judgment to begin from the House of Elohim. And if firstly from us, what is the end of those who do not obey the
Good News of Elohim?" I Kepha/Peter 4:17. I rule with My mishpatim, My righteous judgments. I rule in
righteousness for Ani Shofet Tzadik - I am Shofet Tzadik - I am the Righteous Judge. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 33:22a.
And you will know that I am the El of Beth El (Bereshit/Genesis 31:13a) for I rule and reign with My mishpatim
(righteuos judgments). For it is written in Tehillim/Psalms 135:14, "For Yahweh rightly rules His people, and has
compassion on His servants" and also in Revelation 19:11c"... in righteousness He judges and fights."

The calamity that is about to fall will bring New York to its knees. As My judgment will fall, My Spirit will fall at
the same time and I will judge between the wheat and the tares (darnel).Mattithyahu/Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43.

There are many who sit in churches and congregations who are not born from above. They do not know the
power of My resurrection. They think they are saved, but they are not. They either never came to know Me or they
became backsliders and lost their salvation a long time ago. This applies to the leadership as well as the members.

Cry out to Me for souls to come to the Kingdom. America is at the crossroads: It is either My revival - the
time of refreshment or Ikavod (Ichabod) and then My esteem and My Spirit will depart from this country.

I will punish many Pastors, Rabbis and Priests for abusing, fleecing, intimidating and raping My sheep. I will
give to them according to the works of their hands for it is written in Mishle/Proverbs 24:12, "And shall He not
repay man according to his work?" Many well-known Pastors will lose their ministries and their churches will be shut
down. I will release the sheep from them. They think that they are above My Word. They live in sin. They live as
hypocrites leading vicious, unrighteous lives, but nothing is hidden from Me. I will bring every secret deed to the
surface. I will reveal every secret deed and release it openly." for it is written in Corinthians 4:5b, "... until the
Master comes, Who shall bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the thoughts of the hearts."

My new wave, My new wave of Ruach Elohim will be bigger than a Tsunami. The Tsunami wave swept away
many people, but the wave of Ruach Elohim that is about to be released will bring many people to the
Kingdom. Pray, fast and make yourself available to Me. Continue to seek Me. " Seek Yahweh and His strength.
Seek His Face continually!" I Divre HaYamim/Chronicles 16:11. "Humble yourselves, then, under the might hand
of Elohim, so that He exalts you in due time." I Kepha/Peter 5:6.

Submit to Me in all your ways. "So then subject yourselves to Elohim..." Yaacov/James 4:7. Acknowledge Me
in all your ways and I will direct your path. "Know Him in all your ways, and He makes all your paths
straight." Mishle/Proverbs 3:6. Come and worship Me. Come and commune with Me between two keruvim. "Bow
yourselves to Yahweh, in the splendor of set-apartness! Tremble before Him, all the earth" Tehillim/Psalms 96:9.
Shema Israel
by Jonathan Settel
Length 0:43

Prophetic dream given to Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin

on 24 Sivan, 5766 - June 20, 2006

I saw what looked like a town with a large population. There were men, women, children and even animals. Yes,
I saw dogs there too (maybe there were cats, but I do not remember).

These people were puppets, they were programmed. Their minds did not function at all. They did not have any
emotions or feelings. They were robots. These robots were slaves. They all served one master in one accord and in
one desire. It looked like a concentration camp. These people did not have any names or identity. Clothes, cars,
homes and personal belongings were taken from them, and they had to wear a special garb that was given to them.
Their eyes and their faces did not express any feelings. It seemed like they were not human, but they were.

I saw a few people trying to get them out of this town, however there were guards there, so I had to be very
careful. I saw people working in shifts. Those who did not work slept in some kind of barracks. These barracks were
so packed that people slept one body next to another. Though these people were naked, there were no feelings
between the men, women and children. They were like robots with strange demonic helmets on their heads. I
perceived in the Spirit that these demonic helmets were the cause of the mindlessness.

I knew in my spirit that I had to get them out. It was winter and I saw snow on the ground. Yet they did not
have any clothes or shoes to put on. Finally, I started preparing them for an escape. As I started taking the demonic
helmets off, their eyes and the expression on their faces started changing. I saw crowds of people marching before
me like battalions and when they passed by, I snatched the demonic helmet from each of their heads. I was given
the understanding that even the animals were drugged in this camp.

Now they were ready to march out of this horrible camp where they were held captives for so long. Then I saw
one of the families who I helped to escape from this camp. The father, mother and their son with his dog ran towards
me and started thanking me. Then I saw the little dog playing with the boy. Then the dog just laid down as the boy
hugged and kissed him. And all of them, the whole family, were in such peace that it passed all human

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Prophetic word given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 4 Sivan, 5765 - June 11, 2005 on Shabbat during Yeshiva class.

Thus said Yahweh Elohim of Yisrael,

Stir up the gifts. Stir up the gifts. Stir up the gifts. Do not give up! Just because I do not answer you the way
you wish or expect, does not mean that I do not answer you at all. Just because I do not answer you at the time you
expect, does not mean that I do not answer. I do, but at My appointed time! My time! Wait for My appointed time!

You need a breakthrough from the spirits of discouragement and hopelessness. Call upon My Name. I am
Elohim of breakthrough for surely you need a breakthrough. You need deliverance from your besetting sins and
thats why things are not moving in your lives. Besetting sins are the open doorways of sin in your life that have to
be shut down. You must line up with My Word.

There is something else I have against some of you. You must deal with your anger and complacency. If you
do not deal with it during the time of hesed (grace) that I give you, I will deal with it Myself. I have already spoken to
you, My child, concerning the circumstances, friends, the Word, family and work, but still you are not listening. When
I speak, I reveal My Will. My perfect Will is that no one will perish, but everyone has to come to repentance. For this
is good and acceptable before Elohim our Saviour, Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge
of the truth. I Timothy 2:3, 4.

My heart is towards evangelism. Mattithyahu/Matthew 28:19a Therefore, go and make talmidim (disciples)
of all the nations and this is what I have against you. You think about yourself and do not think about others. You
are self-centered.

Form a team. Form a team. Form a team.

Get them. Get them. Get them.

Bring them in. Bring them in. Bring them in.

And let them stand before Me in this Temple. And I will give them a chance to accept My Son Yeshua.

I am Elohim of the second chance, but to many I will give two, three or four chances. There are many who ran
away from Me because of the hypocrisy and evil of Pastors and Rabbis. They are poor representatives of Me,
because they do not have My love. I will bring the backsliders in. I will be giving them another chance because I am
married to the backslider. Do not think twice, open your mouth and speak because it is My will to bring them in. Go
and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, O backsliding Yisrael, declares Yahweh. I shall not
look on you in displeasure, for I am kind, declares Yahweh, and I do not bear a grudge forever. Only, acknowledge
your crookedness, because you have transgressed against Yahweh your Elohim, and have scattered your ways to
strangers under every green tree, and you have not obeyed My voice, declares Yahweh. Return, O backsliding
children, declares Yahweh, for I shall rule over you, and shall take you, one from a city and two from a clan, and
shall bring you to Tsiyon. Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 3:12-14

Those of you who have raised your children in the admonition of Yahweh, do not worry! They will come back to
Me! Keep standing on My promises! To those who do not want to submit to My will and break their idols themselves,
I will break them and will cause an earthquake like they have never seen before in their lives. The choice is yours.
When the appointed time comes I will bring this upon your life. I have no other way. For I have spoken to you many
times, but you refused by turning your face from Me. You said No to Me. I am reaching out to you again with My
love. Come to Me and let Me deal with your broken heart and your situation. Cast your cares upon Me for I care for
you. Cast your burden on Yahweh, and let Him sustain you. Tehillim/Psalm 55:22a casting all your worry upon
Him, for He is concerned about you. I Kepha/Peter 5:7. I do care for you. Do not put on a faade that everything is
all right.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. Does Yahweh delight in burnt offerings and slaughterings, as in obeying
the voice of Yahweh? Look, to obey is better than an offering, to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is
as the sin of divination, and stubbornness is as wickedness and idolatry. I Shemuel/I Samuel 15: 22, 23 I need
your obedience. I do not need any more sacrifices.

My children at Messianic Temple Beth El, you have to get ready because people will be coming, but you are
not ready because you are still battling against your own besetting sins. What kind of deliverance ministry is this if
you are not delivered from your besetting sins? When My wounded people come and see you, what kind of
testimony will you give them? Will you bring another excuse? The people I am about to bring here will put you to
shame. They will provoke you to shame and jealousy because they are hungry and thirsty for My Word and for My
Spirit. They are crying out to Me, saying, Abba, where is this place that You are preparing? I do not understand the
Word that I read and study. Who can teach me? Who can explain it to me? Who can guide me?

I will bring everyone by the power of Ruach HaKodesh and not by an advertisement, the same way each one
of you were brought here by My Spirit. So you will either submit and yield to the leading of My Spirit or refuse
because of the stubbornness of your evil heart. Messianic Temple Beth El will be a melting pot: black and white,
Spanish and Orientals, Yehudim (Jews) and Ephraim (non-Jews). I will bring people from every tongue,
kindred, race and continent. They will speak many different languages and will look different. They will be different
from you, Beth El. Do not dare to judge them regarding their looks and culture. Their hair is different from your hair,
their noses are different from yours, their dress is different than yours. Do not judge them. They are My jewels. They
are My children and I put My beauty in them. You will show them love. You will love each other as I have loved you.
A renewed command I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
By this shall all know that you are My taught ones, if you have love for one another. Yohanan/John 13:34, 35.

Some of them, especially teenagers, will come with red or purple hair, do not judge them. Some will be
hasatans worshippers. Pray for them and love them and I will deal with them for it is the time to bring young people
in. Let Me deal with them. I will tell them what to do with their hair, their nails and their clothing. It is time to bring the
youth. It is time to bring the youth. It is time to bring the youth. For surely the adversary has done great damage to
them. If you continue to pray and seek My face, fast and humble yourself, I will reverse the curse over the children in
America. And this is the curse: your children must perish.

Prepare for Shavuot. It will be the outpouring of My Ruach HaKodesh. Pray for the former and latter rain to fall
at the same time. I want you to see from where My Spirit is coming and where He is going to. Watch and learn how
My Spirit is flowing. The Spirit breathes where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it
comes from and where it goes Yohanan/John 3:8.

Come to Me and sit under My wings of protection at Messianic Temple Beth El. He who dwells in the secret
place of the Most High,
who abides under the shadow of the Almighty, he is saying of Yahweh, My refuge and my stronghold, my Elohim, in
whom I trust. Tehillim/Psalm 91:1.

This is the only safe place. When My mishpat (judgment) will come to New York, you will not be destroyed if
you stay under My wings. It is the time to judge the great harlot who sits upon many waters. Come unto Me all you
who labor and have heavy burdens. Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I shall give
you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for
your beings. For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light. Mattithyahu/Matthew 11:28-30.

As the hen gathers her chicks under her, so I am gathering you under Me. How often I wished to gather
your children together, the way a hen gathers her chickens under her wings Mattithyahu/Matthew 23:37b

Stay under the anointing and you will see clearly.

Stay under the anointing and you will hear My voice.
Stay under the anointing and the demons will flee.
Stay under the anointing and the healing will take place.
Stay under the anointing till joy and then power comes.
Stay under the anointing till the conviction of Ruach HaKodesh comes.

This I have against you, Beth El, your besetting sins. There is unforgiveness in your ranks. For if you forgive
men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father shall also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses,
neither shall your Father forgive your trespasses. Mattithyahu/Matthew 6:14, 15.
You hold grudges one against another. And I will not tolerate it in My Temple. But I say to you that whoever is
wroth with his brother without a cause shall be liable to judgment. And whoever says to his brother, Raka! shall be
liable to the Sanhedrin. But whoever says, You fool! shall be liable to fire of Gehenna. If then, you bring your gift to
the altar, and there remember that your brother holds whatever against you, leave your gift there before the altar,
and go, first make peace with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Be well-minded with your opponent,
promptly, while you are on the way with him, lest your opponent deliver you to the judge, and the judge to the officer,
and you be thrown into prison. Truly I say to you, you shall by no means get out of there till you have paid the last
penny. Mattithyahu/Matthew 5:22-26

You deal with it or I will. You cannot come to My Temple judging and criticizing. Do not judge, lest you be
judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged. And with the same measure you use, it shall be
measured to you. And why do you look at the splinter in your brothers eye, but do not notice the plank in your own
eye? Or how is it that you say to your brother, Let me remove the splinter out of your eye, and see, a plank is in
your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to remove the
splinter out your brothers eye. Mattithyahu/Matthew 7:1.

Deal with unforgiveness and grudges. I am giving you time. Get ready physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare. Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready.

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Prophecy given in tongues through Esther Doronina and interpretation through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at
Messianic Temple Beth El.

8 Shevat, 5763 - January 11, 2003 during Shabbat service.

Thus says Elohei haShalom to the Kehillah of the Kadoshim (Assembly of the set apart ones),

Come, My children, come to Me. Make Aliyah (Hebrew: go up) in the Spirit. Go higher and higher and higher in
the Spirit.

Yaacov, Yaacov! You are My Yaacov, whose name was changed to Yisrael. You are My Yisrael, My beloved.
Awake, o slumberer! Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids. How long would you lie down, O lazy
Pray, intercede, study the Word! Tremble, tremble, tremble before Me at My Temple for the fear of Yahweh is a
fountain of life.

Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is My Shalom."

Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is My Deliverer."
Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is My Healer."
Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is My Shield."
Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is My Sustainer (The lifter up of my head)."
Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is My Restorer."
Say, "Hallelu Yah, Yeshua is Giver of Life."

Trust, trust, trust in Me with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Me in all your
ways, and I will make all your paths straight.
Thus says Yahweh, your Creator, O Yaacov, and He Who formed you, O Yisrael, Do not fear, for I have redeemed
you. I have called you by your name, you are Mine. Shalom I leave with you My Shalom I give to you. I do not give
to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I love you.

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Prophecy given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 18 Adar 2 - March 2, 2002 during the Shabbat service

I am calling all of Messianic Temple Beth El on a fast. I will tell each one of you individually. It is time for the
bride to fast. You will not be able to fast later when the Bridegroom comes. Fast now before your Bridegroom comes
to you.

I am coming. I am coming to you and, surely, the walls of New York City will come tumbling down. It is not by
might nor by power, but by My Spirit and you are my eyewitnesses. I will cause a Revival among the Rabbis and
Pastors. This is your next outreach. You will reach out to the leadership. I will explain, reveal and give the details of
the things I want you to know. This is My Outreach, done My way, for My ways are higher than yours.

It is My desire to move among the leadership for they are far away from Me. They live unholy lives. They have
sin in their lives and they do not have any power. They lie to themselves and lie to My sheep. My sheep have gone
astray because My shepherds live in sin. My desire is to start the Revival to the leadership for My judgment surely
will start from this house.

I want to give them another chance. I want to bring them back. Those who will obey and repent will be
forgiven. Those who will continue to go their own stubborn way, My judgment will fall on them. I will close down their
churches and release the sheep from their hands the sheep they have abused. Because they hated knowledge
and did not choose the fear of Yahweh, they did not accept my counsel, they despised all my reproof. Therefore let
them eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own counsels. For the turning away of the simple slays
them, and the complacency of fools destroys them. But whoever listens to Me dwells safely, and is at ease from the
dread of evil. Mishle/Proverbs 1:29-33.

Pray that My judgment will start soon. I want to give them another chance because I love them. I remember
when they were young they loved Me and sat at My feet waiting for Me to feed them. Then they decided that they
did not need Me anymore, that they knew it all! Moreover, every time I tried to enter their churches, they shut the
door in My face, so My Ruach (Spirit) left grieving and mourning for them.

My Messianic Temple Beth El, you are My watchmen on the walls of New York. You are to speak My Word.
For as I spoke through My prophet Yehezkel (Ezekiel), it is the watchman who warns and gives the warning. If after
the warning, the person repents, I will not require the blood of this man from the watchmans hands. But if you
continue to be quiet and play their game, if you continue to dance to the tune of their flute, and you will not tell
them that they have come short of the esteem (glory) of Elohim, I will require their blood from your hands.

Do not be intimidated by their titles, their positions or the way they carry themselves, for the spirits of pride,
arrogance, obnoxiousness and ignorance are in them and not that of humility. Do not be intimidated by what you
see with your eyes, even when they become infuriated by what I will be speaking through you. Do not be afraid by
their arrogance and pride. Do not be intimidated by their reactions. I am with you. I will give you the words to shut up
the lions mouths. They will be surprised by the wisdom of your words. And they will know that it is not your wisdom,
but one that comes from hashamayim, from above.

Stand for Me, My people. Stand for My Truth and My Righteousness. Stand for My Holiness and My
Understanding! Do not compromise. I will give you the Spirit of courage and boldness. I will cause My Ruach (Spirit)
of fire to fall on you so that when you speak, the fire will come from your mouth. Do not be afraid. Stand for Me, My
children. For it is My time for My mishpatim (judgments) to come from this house. it is time for judgment to begin
from the House of Elohim." I Kepha/I Peter 4:17.

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Prophecy given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin at Messianic Temple Beth El

on 14 Cheshvan, 5762 - October 31, 2001.

I have called upon You, for You answer me, O El; Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.Tehillim/Psalm 17:6.

And this is the boldness that we have in Him, that if we ask whatever according to His desire, He hears us. I
Yohanan/I John 5:14.

I am Yahweh, Yahweh of miracles. Miracles are coming, healings are coming, deliverances are coming,
renewals are coming, restorations are coming, and provisions are coming for My latter day Temple. I will be pouring
out My latter day anointing on My latter day people. Let us, now fear Yahweh, our Elohim, who gives rain, both the
former and the latter, in its season. He guards for us the appointed weeks of the harvest. Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah

Why do you doubt and have confusion? I am Yahweh of miracles and miracles are My specialty. They are
coming to Messianic Temple Beth El. All the earth and the heavens believe that miracles are coming. My Word
does not fall on the ground for My Word that goes forth from My mouth - it does not return to Me empty, but shall do
what I please, and shall certainly, shall certainly, shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for. Yeshayahu/Isaiah
55:11. Believe My children. Continue to believe and you shall see the esteem (glory) of your Elohim.

Have I not shown you in the Word that I am the rain? So let us know, let us pursue to know Yahweh. His
going forth is as certain as the morning. And He comes to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the
earth. Hoshea 6:3. It is time to seek Yahweh, till He comes and rains righteousness on you. Hoshea 10:12b. I
am the boss. I am reigning and ruling, I am establishing my Throne here in Messianic Temple Beth El.
Righteousness and right-ruling are the foundation of His Throne. Tehillim/Psalm 97:2b. My malachim (angels) are
waiting with excitement to receive their assignments to come to Messianic Temple Beth El. They are waiting in
excitement to see what I will do at Messianic Temple Beth El, but you still do not believe Me. My malachim (angels)
love to come to Messianic Temple Beth El. My malachim love to come to Messianic Temple Beth El. And they are
waiting to see what I, Yahweh of miracles, Yahweh, a man of war will do at Messianic Temple Beth El.

My prophets wanted to see this day. They longed to see this day. If you only knew the expectation of those
waiting in the heavens!!! The whole world, nations and America are praying for the Revival. The whole world is
praying for Messianic Temple Beth El, this little Beth El. But My chosen ones still do not understand what their
Father will do for them. Every church and every country is praying for Messianic Temple Beth El for this is My
chosen place. Do not doubt any more. From this day forth do not doubt any more. Walk by faith. Get out of your
boat and walk on the water with Me. Just believe and you will see my esteem (glory), the esteem of the Only
Begotten Son of the Father.

I will bring the people here. I will bring the people here. They will run to Messianic Temple Beth El from the
north, the south, the east and the west. My children are hungry. Here you are eating the manna from the heavens.
But My children do not know the truth and they ask Me: Where is this place that You have been preparing for me,
Abba? Who will guide, teach and mentor me?

My Beth El, you look like you are nobody to the world, but it is I Who have chosen you. But when you cry to
Me, saying: Abba, I am a child. I do not know anything. Please teach me Your Torot (laws) and your precepts.
Then I say to you: Yes, indeed, I am your Abba and I will teach you, child, because I love you. Those people who
will be coming to Messianic Temple Beth El will be amazed to find out that I have chosen the outcast of the world
each one of you to bring My plan to fruition.

You will see many miracles at Messianic Temple Beth El. You will see many physical healings; you will see
people who were paralyzed getting out of their wheelchairs and leaping for joy. AIDS and cancer patients will be
healed by My Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). You will see legs and hands healed and grow, tumors disappear. You
will see miracles in this place. I will bring Kings and Queens, Presidents and Ministers to My Temple. And they will
bring gifts to Messianic Temple Beth El as they did to King Solomon.

And there came from all peoples, from all the sovereigns of the earth who had heard of his (Shlomo) wisdom, to
hear the wisdom of Shlomo. I Melakim/Kings 4:34. She (the sovereigness of Sheva) came to Yerushalayim with a
very great company, with camels that bore spices, very much gold, and precious stones. I Melakim/Kings
10:2. And all the earth sought the presence of Shlomo to hear his wisdom, which Elohim had put in his heart. And
they were each bringing him presents: objects of silver and objects of gold, and garments, and armour, and spices,
horses, and mules, the matter of a year by year. I Melakim/Kings 10:24-25. Senators and Congressmen, rich and
poor will be coming to Messianic Temple Beth El and you all will be together.

I want you to start praying for Spanish, Russian, Black, and Oriental Israel. I will bring them. I am preparing their

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 54:1-5.
Sing, O barren one, you who did not bear! Break into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labour! For
the children of the deserted one are more than the children of the married woman, said Yahweh.
Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not. Lengthen your
cords, and strengthen your stakes.
For you shall break forth to the right and to the left, and your seed inherit the nations, and make the deserted cities
Do not fear, for you shall not be put to shame, nor hurt, you shall not be humiliated. For the shame of your youth you
shall forget, and not remember the reproach of your widowhood any more.
For your Maker is your husband, Yahweh Tzevaot (hosts) is His Name, and the Kadosh (Set-apart) One of Yisrael is
your Redeemer. He is called Elohei Kol HaAretz (the Elohim of all the earth).

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The Flock of Elohim of Israel
Bishop Eddie Long
Joel Osteen
Ted Haggard

Given through Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin in the summer of 1997

"but again he (Yarovam) made priests (cohanim) from all sorts of people for the high places. Whoever wished, he
ordained to become one of the priests of the high places." I Melakim/Kings 13:33b.
Thus said Yahweh your Elohim,

Pastors are ordaining Pastors who are not called into full time ministry and who are notcalled at all by Me. They
do it because of different motives:

1. Popularity
2. Ambition for fame (A dream to become famous)
3. Pride and Arrogance (A desire to be seen and heard)
4. Greed for money
5. Competition
6. Rivalry

Sometimes these people who call themselves Rabbis or Pastors simply cannot find any job nor do they have any
education or training in any field at all. The only thing they can do is GO INTO THE MINISTRY OR TO BECOME
AN ORDAINED RABBI. These people start working as missionaries or Christian workers, then they achieve higher
positions or obtain certain titles in the ministry or the church. Eventually they become directors of different programs,
but they have never been called into leadership. They never sought Elohim's will about their ordination
or position, but even if they did, they never received confirmation from above. They did not want to wait for an
answer or hear the words: Not now from the heavens. They did not want to submit to My training and discipline,
so they leaned on their own understanding and did what seemed right in their own eyes.

The requirements to become a Rabbi or Pastor have been lowered by the Synagogues and Churches. It is so
easy to be ordained today: no training, no formal education. Just fill out an application and you can get your
ordination, even online!

Is not My Word like a fire? Declares Yahweh, and like a hammer that shatters a rock?"Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah

And the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,

"Daughter of man, prophesy AGAINST THE SHEPHERDS OF YISRAEL, prophesy and say to them, Thus
said the Master Yahweh to the shepherds, Woe to the shepherds of Yisrael who have been feeding
themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock? You eat the fat and you put on the wool. You
slaughter the fatlings YOU DO NOT FEED THE FLOCK. Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:2-3.

The Shepherds who made it according to the world's standards (have mega-congregations) live luxurious lives,
feeding themselves, but not the flock. They are guilty of misuse of My money. They spent the money on different
programs and projects that were never ordained by Me or used it for their personal purposes. They never prayed for
the peace of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) as My Word commands them to do. Tehillim/Psalms 122:6. Neither did
they give a penny to support the Messianic believers in Israel. The people in their churches are poor, sick, lost and
have strayed.

You have not strengthened the weak, nor have you healed the sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought
back the straying, nor sought what was lost; but "You have ruled them with might and harshness."

They proclaim deliverance when there is no deliverance. They proclaim healing, when there is no healing. They
proclaim liberty and freedom, when there is no liberty or freedom. They say to My sheep: Woman, thou art loosed
when she is not loosed. They cannot deliver nor heal anyone because they are powerless. They live in
sin. They say: In the name of Jesus deceiving themselves and others into believing that something is happening in
the spirit realm, but nothing really happens; instead, the demons laugh and mock them.
They rule the flock with harshness and cruelty. They do not have mercy nor compassion for My sheep. They
demand from My sheep what they do not do themselves. They say to My sheep: You have to seek God early in the
morning! But they never wake up to seek My face themselves. They say to My sheep: You have to pray and fast!
But they never pray nor fast themselves. They say to My sheep: You have to read and study the Word! But they
never do it themselves because they are too busy going to their carnal and empty Pastoral meetings. They say to
My sheep: You have to seek the face of God! But they dont seek My face themselves.

They cannot hear the voice of My Ruach (Spirit) because they are too far from Me. Therefore they go to their
intercessors and ask them, What are you getting? They say to My sheep: You have to be strong and bold!" But
they do not have any courage to proclaim My Word. They say to My sheep: You have to evangelize the world", but
they cannot even witness to their own families and neighbors because they live in compromise.

They do not have any good fruits in their lives. Their children are astray because of their rebellion. There is no
peace or harmony between them and their spouses. Some of them abuse their wives. Many of them even rape
them. Many of them have lovers and girlfriends. These women might be their secretary or any young, beautiful
woman in their church. They abuse children, boys and girls, raping them in their own offices. Once at home, they go
to the internet and watch pornography. There are some of them who are HOMOSEXUALS. They either were never
delivered from the spirit of homosexuality and abuse or they opened a door to being a down low.

I am revealing what is going on in the Catholic Church now, but the time is coming when I will throw off the masks
from Christian Pastors, Jewish Rabbis and Messianic Rabbis as well. This will be an even bigger scandal than the
one in the Catholic Church. I will reveal what is going on among the Evangelical, Fundamental, Pentecostal,
Charismatic and Messianic circles.

And they were scattered because there was no shepherd. And they became food for all the beasts of the
field when they were scattered." "My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill. And
My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, and NO ONE WAS SEEKING OR SEARCHING FOR
THEM. Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:5-6

My sheep have been wandering from one congregation (church) to another because there is no shepherd who
can help them. Demons are attacking My sheep ferociously and brutally because My sheep do not know My
Word, My Son Yeshua nor My Ruach (Spirit).

Therefore, you shepherds, hear the Word of Yahweh:

As I live, declares the Master Yahweh, "because My flock became a prey and My flock became food for
every beast of the field, from not having a shepherd, and My shepherds did not search for My flock, but the
shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock," therefore, O Shepherds, hear the Word of Yahweh!
Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:8.

"Thus said the Master Yahweh, See, I am against the shepherds, and shall require My flock at their hand,
and shall make them cease feeding the sheep, and the shepherds shall feed themselves no more. And I
shall deliver My flock from their mouths, and they shall no longer be food for them. Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:9.

Therefore, Shepherds of Yisrael, I will require My flock from your hands and I will make you cease feeding them
with PLASTIC FOOD. I will shut down your congregations and churches and will lead My flock away from you.
Then, you will not be able to feed yourselves anymore and many of you will have to find secular jobs to provide for
your families.

For thus said the Master Yahweh,

See, I Myself shall search for My sheep and seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day
he is among his scattered sheep, so I shall seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where
they were scattered in a day of cloud and thick darkness. And I shall bring them out from the peoples and
gather them from the lands and shall bring them to their own land. And I shall feed them on the mountains
of Yisrael, in the valleys, and in all the dwellings of the land. In good pasture I shall feed them, and their fold
shall be on the high mountains of Yisrael. They shall lie there in a good fold and feed in rich pasture on the
mountains of Yisrael. I shall feed My flock and make them lie down, declares the Master Yahweh. I shall
seek out the lost and bring back the strayed. And I shall bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick,
but the fat and the strong I shall destroy. I shall feed them with right-ruling. And as for you, O My flock, thus
said the Master Yahweh, see, I am judging between sheep and sheep, between rams and goats."
Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:12-17.

"I will bring My flock to good and rich pastures and I, Myself, shall feed them. I am judging between the sheep
and the goats. I am saying to My reapers to separate the wheat from the tares for the time of the harvest is upon
you. Have I not said: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Master, Master,' shall enter into the reign of the
heavens, but he WHO IS DOING THE DESIRE (WILL) OF MY FATHER IN THE HEAVENS." "Many shall say to
Me in that day, 'Master, Master,' have we not prophesied in Your Name, and cast out demons in Your Name,
and done mighty works in Your Name? And then I shall declare to them, I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART

I will take My sheep from your evil congregations and churches and bring them to My designated shepherds and
shepherdesses, unknown to this world but trained and hidden in Me. These men and women are truly My
leadership, ordained from hashamayim (above), those who seek Me and trust in Me with all their hearts. These
leaders have been truly humbled by My hand in the furnace of the fire of My love. They are those who surrendered
their lives UNCONDITIONALLY TO ME, saying, If I perish, I perish.

I am gathering My sheep, the Remnant of all twelve tribes of Yisrael to come and stand before My Throne of
Grace and Mercy. I am restoring Malchut Elohim (Kingdom of Elohim) by making two
separate kingdoms, Yehudah (Judah) and Ephraim become ONE STICK IN MY HAND.

Is it not enough for you to have eaten up the good pasture, and the rest of your pasture you trample with
your feet? Or that you should drink of the clear waters, and the rest you muddy with your feet? And as for
My flock, they eat what you have trampled with your feet, and they drink what you have muddied with your
feet." Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:18-19.

You, Shepherds of Yisrael, feed My flock with what you trampled with your feet. You feed them SPIRITUAL
PORK, but they think it is the kosher food coming from My table. You make them drink what you have muddied
with your feet, convincing them that this is MY SPIRIT WHO BRINGS MY PRESENCE AND MY ANOINTING. BUT
URINATE ON MY FLOCK. My children do not know the difference between My presence and the counterfeit of
Ruach Elohim. My children perish because of the LACK of knowledge of My Word.

"Therefore thus said the Master Yahweh to them, See, I Myself shall judge between fat and lean
sheep. Because you have pushed with flank and shoulder, and thrust at all the weak ones with your horns,
and scattered them abroad. Therefore I shall save My flock and let them no longer be a prey. And I shall
judge between sheep and sheep." "And I shall raise up over them one shepherd, My Servant David, and he
shall feed them. He shall feed them and be their shepherd." Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:20-23. I have raised over My

And I, Yahweh, shall be their Elohim, and My servant David a prince in their midst, I, Yahweh, have
spoken." And I, Yahweh, I am your Elohim, and My Servant Yeshua, Sar Shalom (Prince of Peace) is there in the
midst of My flock. "And I shall make a covenant of peace (shalom) with them, and make evil beasts cease
from the land. And they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the forest. And I shall make them
and the places all around My hill a blessing, and shall cause showers to come down in their season
showers of blessing. And the trees of the field shall yield their fruit and the earth yield her increase and they
shall be safe in their land. And they shall know that I am Yahweh, when I have broken the bars of their yoke.
And I shall deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them, and they shall no longer be a prey for
the gentiles and the beast of the earth shall not devour them. And they shall dwell safely, with no one to
make them afraid. And I shall raise up for them a planting place of name, and they shall no longer be
consumed by hunger in the land, nor bear the shame of the gentiles any more. And they shall know that I,
Yahweh their Elohim, am with them, and that they, the house of Yisrael, are My people, declares the Master
Yahweh. And you, My flock, the flock of My pasture, are men, and I am your Elohim, declares the Master
Yahweh. Yehezkel/Ezekiel 34:24-31.









YISRAEL. YIRMEYAHU/JEREMIAH 3:1B, 2B, 3, 6, 7A, 13, 22a, 23b.

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