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1 ) Cc 20-100 New York 1966-11-22

2 ) Bg 09-02 New York 1966-11-23
Sharing some points :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Our activities can be made a fried
seed by the fire of Krsna consciousness. So there will be no reaction.
2. A devotee does not wish to see Krsna. He simply Hes satisfied simply by
hearing of Krsna
3. If a man who is actually learned, hell never say that I am learned. Hell simply
say, I am the fool number one. I do not know.
4. we should be prepared to sacrifice anything for perfection of this human form of
life. Then perfection is guaranteed.
5. the living entity, is eternally a servitor of the Supreme Lord

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