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Curriculum Vitae

T dhnat personale
Emri/Mbiemri Ferat Shala
Adresa Rr.Lagja e Universitetit, Prishtin
Telefoni +377 (0) 44 158 577
Kombsia Kosovar
Data e lindjes 10 Qershor 1964

Prvoj pune

Data 02.07.2013 - vazhdon

Pozita Zvendsministr
Emri dhe adresa e Ministria e Mjedisit dhe Planifikimit Hapsinor
Pundhnsit Qeveria e Republiks s Kosovs
Lloji i sektorit

Data 2009 2012

Pozita Menaxher n Trep Ndrmarrje nn administrim t AKP
Emri dhe adresa e Agjencia e Privatizimit t Kosovs, Prishtin
Lloji i sektorit Industria e Minierave

Data 2006 vazhdon

Pozita Ligjrues
Emri dhe adresa e Fakulteti i Inxhinieris Mekanike, Universiteti i Prishtins, Prishtin
Lloj i sektorit Edukim

Data 2014-vazhdon
Pozita Ligjrues
Emri dhe adresa e Kolegji Juridica, Prishtin
Lloji i biznesit apo sektorit Edukim

Data 15.02.2007 - 2013
Pozita Ligjrues
Emri dhe adresa e Kolegji Tempulli, Prishtin
Lloji i biznesit apo sektorit Edukim

Emri dhe adresa e Trasing Group, Kompani pr ndrtimin e rrugve, Drenas

Lloji i biznesit apo sektorit Kompani e rrugve
Data 16.07.2010
Pozita Antar i Kshillit Drejtues
Emri dhe adresa e Oda Ekonomike e Kosovs, Prishtin

Data 2011
Pozita Ligjrues
Emri dhe adresa e Fakulteti i Gjeoshkencave, Universiteti i Prishtins, Mitrovic
Lloji i biznesit apo sektorit Edukim

Prof.As.Dr. pr lendet: Teknika e Siguris n komunikacion, Rrugt dhe
objektet n rrug, Teknologjia e Transportit n komunikacion, Siguria n
komunikacion 2, Faktort e Siguris n Komunikacion.
Universiteti i Prishtins Hasan Prishtina
Emri dhe adresa e
Fakulteti i Inxhinieris Mekanike-
Fusha e Studimit

Data 15.02.2013
Kualifikimi Doktor i Shkencave Teknike
Emri dhe adresa e Universiteti Goce Delcev, Fakulteti i Shkencave Natyrore dhe Teknike,
Institucionit Shtip Maqedoni
Fusha e studimit Studime Doktorature

Data 2003/2004 2006

Kualifikimi Magjistr i Shkencave Teknike
Emri dhe adresa e Universiteti i Prishtins, Fakulteti i Inxhinieris Mekanike, Prishtin
Fusha e studimit Komunikacion Rrugor

Data Diplomimi 1991
Kualifikimi Inxhinier i Gjeologjis
Emri dhe adresa e Universiteti i Prishtins, Fakulteti i Xehetaris dhe Metalurgjis, Mitrovic
Fusha e studimit Gjeologjis


Data 24.01.2014
Kualifikimi Certifikat
Emri dhe Adresa e International Institute for Mining Technology, JMEC, Japan international
Institucionit Cooperation Agency under the International Cooperation Program of the
Government of Japan
Fusha e studimit Country-Focused Training Program on Environmental Managing Process in
Mining Sector of Kosovo

Data 25.02.2012
Kualifikimi Certifikat Pjesmarrje n Konferenc Shkencore
Emri dhe Adresa e Instituti pr Hulumtime Ekonomike, Kolegji Universitar i Menaxhimit
Institucionit Ndrkombtar GLOBUS, Prishtin
Fusha e studimit Resurset Minerale Shtyllat pr zhvillimin ekonomik t Kosovs

Data 14 30 Shtator 2009

Kualifikimi Diploma
Emri dhe adresa e Instituti pr Promovim Ekonomik (WIFI), Oda Ekonomike e Austris dhe
Institucionit Oda Ekonomike e Kosovs
Fusha e studimit Marketing & Plan Biznesi, Menaxhimi i Projektit, Export/Import/ i Tregtis
s Jashtme
Publikime shkencore dhe

1. "Characterization of physical - mechanical and radiological properties
of diabase rock for civil engineering practices in Kosovo"; 26 May
2016; Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry; Budapest,
Ferat Shala, Elona Xhixha, Gerti Xhixha, Selim Frangu, Bislim Mua,
Merita Kaeli Xhixha, Musa Shabani, Fadil Hasani.
2. Calibration of HPGe detectors using certified reference materials of
natural origin; 13 April 2015, J Radioanal Nucl. Chem., Akademiai
Kiado, Budapest, Hungary; Gerti Xhixha, Matteo Alberi, Marica
Baldoncini, Kozeta Bode, Elida Bylyku, Florinda Cfarku, Ivan
Callegari, Fadil Hasani, Sheldon Landsberger, Fabio Mantovani, Eva
Rodriguez, Ferat Shala, Virginia Strati, Merita Xhixha Kaceli.
3. Natural radioactivity in phosphogypsum from a disposal site in
Kosovo, 14 November, 2015; The International Physics Conference
Tirana 2015; University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania; Gerti Xhixha,
Merita Kaeli Xhixha, Fadil Hasani, Ferat Shala, Erjon Spahiu, Eranda
4. Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology of the Route 7
Project, the Morine Merdar Motorway, 24 Shtator, 2015, Tiran
Shqipri, Ferat Shala, Rizah Hajdari.
5. The efficiency of the Kizhnica flotation facility and international
practices, Qershor, 2015, Shkup Maqedoni, Biserka Dimishkovska,
Kemajl Zeqiri, Ferat Shala.
6. Determination of Radiation Level of Minerals and their
Technological Residues in Artana Mine, 24 April, 2015, Stamboll -
Turkey, Bislim Muqa, Ferat Shala, Fadil Hasani.
7. A century of oil and gas exploration in Albania: Assessment of
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs), 8 May, 2015,
Amsterdam-Holand, G. Xhixha, M. Baldoncini, I. Callegari, F.
Hasani, F. Mantovani, F. Shala, V. Strati, M. Xhixha Kaeli.
8. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) generated from
lignite-fired power plants in Kosovo.
9. ELSEVIER, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 138(2014)1-6,
F. Hasani, F. Shala, G. Xhixha, M.K Xhixha, G. Hodolli, S. Kadiri, E.
Bylyku, F. Cfarku.
10. Impact of transport on air quality in Gjilan town of Kosovo-
SCIENTIFIC GEOCONFERENCES, 17-26 June, 2014, Bulgaria,
Ferat Shala, Rizah Hajdari, Letafete Latifi, Msc.Halil Demolli,
Shkumbin Shala.
11. The kinetic flotation modelling of chalcopyrite from domestic ores
using software tools, XV BALKAN MINERAL PROCESSING
Krstev; Z. Gocev; Z. Zdravev; J. Zivonaovski; Ferat Shala.
12. Rekonstruiranje na rudnicite za olovo i cink vo Kosovo, Doktorska
Disertacija, 15.02.2013, Shtip-Makedonija, Ferat Shala.
13. Application of Electrical Prospecting Methods in Search for Polly
metallic Mineralization in Binqe Region, Kosovo. SGEM
GeoConference Bulgaria, 2012 Selim Frangu, Perparim Aliqkaj,
Ferat Shala, Musa Shabani.

14. Impact of Trepas Industrial Waste Dump on the environmental
pollution Journal of sustainable development, Integrated Business
Faculty Vol 1 .a Ferat Shala , January 2012, Skopje.
15. Trepa, bearer of the development of mining and metallurgical
sector - Institute of Economic Research Globus, Prishtina , February
25, 2012, Ferat Shala, Sala Berisha-Shala, Bislim Mua, Burim
16. Physical and Chemical characteristics of Kosovos Lignite Fly ash
SGEM GeoConference Bulgaria, June 20-25, 2011, Ibrahim
Krasniqi, Ferat Shala, Izet Zeqiri, Shyqyri Kelmendi, Rafet Zeqiri.
17. Corrosion of the reinforced concrete in the industrial building of
battery electrolyte production in Trepa Journal of Institute Alb-
Shkenca, Tirana, 2011, Ali Sadiku, Mursel Rama, Ferat Shala,
Behajdin Skeja, Bekim Bajraktari, Milaim Sadiku.
18. Waste Management Action Plan for the Municipality of Prishtina,
SGEM GeoConference Bulgaria, June 20-25, 2011, Ibrahim
Krasniqi, Ferat Shala, Izet Zeqiri, Shyqyri Kelmendi.
19. Heavy Metals in Landfill Waste of Trepa, after Flotation Process as
Pollution of Water and Soil. J.INT.ENVIRONMENTAL
APLICACION & SCIENCE, Vol.6, 2011. I.Shehu, S. Demaku, T.
Arbneshi, S. Jusufi, F. Shala, B. Dobra.
20. The influence of the tailing in the Industrial Park in Mitrovica on
polluting of Sitnica River -Recent Researches in Energy,
Environment, Devices, System, Communications and Computers.
VENICE, ITALY,8-10, 03 2011. Milaim Sadiku, Ferat Shala, Bedri
Dragusha, Shefqet Rashani.
21. Famous Mineral Localities, the Re-Opening of Trepca Mine, Kosovo
Epitome-Volume 4, Geoitalia VIII Forum Italiano di Scienze della
Terra,TORINO,19-23.08.2011. Grieko Glavanni, Kastrati Shpetim,
Zeqiri Izet, Shala Ferat.
22. Ndikimi i Deponis s Parkut Industrial n Mitrovic n ndotjen e
Kombtare e Kimis, Kimia dhe Zhvillimi Aktual i Vendit 2011.
Milaim Sadiku, Elmaz Shehu, Shefqet Rashani, Selver Hoda, Ferat
23. Industrial Landfill source of air pollution in Mitrovica Recent
Researches in Environment, Energy Planning & Pollution Iasi,
Romania, July 1-3, 2011. Ferat Shala, Milaim Sadiku, Blerim Rexha,
Bedri Dragusha, Sala Bersha Shala.
24. Corrosion of the reinforced concrete in the industrial building of
battery electrolyte production in Trepca Journal of Institute Alb-
Shkenca, Tirana, 2011, Ali Sadiku, Mursel Rama, Ferat Shala,
Behajdin Skeja, Bekim Bajraktari, Milaim Sadiku.
25. Air pollution in the area around the Mining Complex Trepca in
ENVIRONMENT, University of Cambridge, UK, February 23-25,
2010, Ferat Shala, Bedri Dragusha, Milaim Sadiku.

26. Trepca Ore Belt and Stanterg mine Geological overview and
interpretation, Kosovo (SE Europe), Lubljana 2010, Sylejman Hyseni,
Bedri Durmishaj, Bislim Fetahaj, Ferat Shala, Abdullah Berisha,
Duncan Large.
Mineral Processing Symposium, 6-8 OCTOBER 2010 Capadocia
Nevshesir, Turkey, Ferat Shala and Halil Qela.
28. Management of leach residues and metallic waste emissions from
Trepa in Mitrovica, Kosova, 9th INTERNATIONAL
2009, Bulgaria, Ibrahim Krasniqi, Ferat Shala, Sala Berisha-Shala.
29. The influence of low temperatures in electrical characteristics of the
battery, Fourth annual meeting of Institute Alb-shkenca, IASH
2009, Tetova 2009, Ferat Shala.
30. Geosciences in studies on feasibility of the road passages, Sala
Berisha Shala, Ferat Shala, Shkelqim Zeqo; September 2007,
31. Teknologjit moderne n termocentralet e reja me linjit dhe ndikimi
i tyre n zvoglimin e ndotjes s mjedisit, Ferat Shala, Ibrahim
Krasniqi, Maj 2007, Tiran
32. Emetimi i ndotsve t ajrit nga TC Kosova A dhe alternativat e
mundshme pr zvoglim t ndotjes, Ferat Shala, Ibrahim Krasniqi,
Maj 2007, Tiran.
33. Examination of crushed stone aggregate from Korretica source and
mineral additive options for production of concrete and asphalt
Ferat Shala, I. Krasniqi, F. Krasniqi, S. Berisha-Shala, Sh. Zeqo, I.
Zeqiri, November 2006, Tiran.
34. Modelimi i Fisibilitetit dhe Ndikimi n Ambient t nj Korridori
Rrugor (Korridori Rrugor DurrsMorin). Punimi i magjistraturs:
Ferat Shala, Prishtin, 2006.
Botime tjera
1. Ferat Shala, Sala Berisha-Shala, Bislim Mua, Trepa, Ristrukturimi,
Sfidat dhe Perspektiva Atlantis Development, Roscoff, France
2. Shkelqim Zeqo, Ferat Shala, Teknika e Transportit Kolegji i
Shkencave te Aplikuara Teknike, Prishtin, 2014
3. Ferat Shala Rrugt dhe Objektet n rrug Fakulteti i Inxhinieris
Mekanike (Ligjrata t autorizuara), Prishtin 2012.
4. Ferat Shala Infrastruktura n Komunikacion Shkolla e lart
profesionale Tempulli (Ligjrata t autorizuara), Prishtin 2011.
5. Ferat Shala Menaxhimi dhe Marketingu n Komunikacion Shkolla e
lart profesionale Tempulli (Ligjrata t autorizuara), Prishtin 2011.
6. Bedri Durmishaj, Sylejman Hyseni & Ferat Shala Minerals Atlas of
Trepa , Mitrovic 2010.

Aftsi Personale
Gjuha Amtare Gjuha Shqipe
Gjuhe tjera Kroatisht, serbisht, angleze, gjermane (mesatare)
Njohuri Kompjuterike
Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, etj.

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