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On a piece of paper, number from 1-30.

Find the correct answer listed from A to DD

1. _____What kind of list does Ben make for his new therapist?
2. _____What factor does Mr. Lambeer mention to tell Ben he can't do his
3. _____What does Ben say he is going to do anyway?
4._____ Why is Ben sent to the library for the rest of his class with Mr. Lambeer?
5. _____Who else besides Lambeer tries to change Ben's mind?
6. _____What does Lambeer not realize about Ben?
7. _____Of what does Ben remind Mr. Lambeer?

8. _____What does Ben say he is willing to do?

9. _____What does Ben take Rudy?
10. ____What did Rudy think Ben was going to do instead of visiting?
11. ____What does Ben tell Rudy he (Ben) appreciates?
12. ____What does Ben notice at Coach's house that causes him to stop there?
13. ____About what does Ben ask Coach?
14. ____What does Coach say about the question Ben asks?
15. ____What does Coach say about the Malcolm X project?
16. ____What happens when Ben goes out and runs?
17. ____What does Ben realize he does not want?
18. ____What is Cody doing on Christmas Eve?
19. ____What does Ben regret on Christmas Eve?
20. ____What does Ben think one universal thing is?
21. ____Who does Ben tell his secret to first?
22. ____What does Rudy share with Ben?
23. ____When does Ben share his secret with Coach?
24. ____What reason does Ben give for not telling Coach sooner?
25. ____How does Coach offer to help Ben?
26. ____Who are two people Ben decides to definitely tell?
27. ____ What is Dallas doing when Ben goes to her house?
28. ____Why does Dallas kick Ben out of the house?
29. ____How many signatures has Ben garnered for his project by mid-January?
30. ____What does Ben find when he visits Rudy?
A.The lights are on
B.Call the cops
C.Of things he wants to do before he dies
D.The principal
E.His girlfriend who had died
F.Life to end suddenly
G.How horrible he feels because of what he did
I.Coach wishes he had been more prepared for his girlfriends death
J.Rudy has killed himself
K.For keeping the secret from her all these months
L.The Bond Levy
M.Rudys knowledge and wisdom
N.Ben is wasting class time arguing about his project
O.January 2
P.He gets really tired for the first time
Q.Making Spaghetti
R.Just his own
S.His project
T.More supplements
U.To help people Ben loves understand why Ben kept it a secret
V.Ben does not care about a diploma
W.He wishes Ben would confine his project to English class
X.Ben would not have been allowed to play football
Y.Take whatever grade he receives
Z.He did not tell anyone about his illness when he was first diagnosed.
AA. Ben wants to get the most out of his last year of school
AB. Making plans for the future
AC. Cody and Dallas
AD. Rudy

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