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Elitmus Syllabus & Exam Pattern for pH Test 2016 2017

As the Exam is conducted in every month, the candidates

get the opportunity to score high. The candidates should
know the Exam Pattern as well as the Exam Syllabus
before going to apply for the Exam. Many candidates are
looking out for the new Exam Pattern and Exam Syllabus
of the Elitmus pH Test. So, we are helping all those
candidates to know the Latest Exam Pattern/ Test Pattern
as well as Exam Syllabus. As we have given you a clear
view on the Questioning Pattern, Topics in the Syllabus of
the E litmus Test/Exam, Sections in the Elitmus exam such
as Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning / Problem Solving,
Verbal Ability, etc.., here below. The new Elitmus Syllabus
pdf can help you understand the topics in a clear way. You
can have a clear understanding by looking at the Exam
Pattern as well as Syllabus given below.
Elitmus pH Test Latest Syllabus 2016 2017:
Section I Quantitative Aptitude: Section II Reasoning:
Section III Verbal Ability:

Number Systems.
AP GP Series.
Profit & Loss.
Ratio, Proportion and variation.
Time and Work.
Time, Speed and Distance.
Quadratic Equations.
Permutations and Combinations.

Data Sufficiency.
Data Interpretation.
Crypto Arithmetic.
Logical Reasoning Puzzles.

Fill in the blanks.

Jumbled Paragraph Questions.
Reading Comprehension.

Latest Elitmus pH Test Exam Pattern 2016 2017:

Sections No.of Questions asked No.of Marks Duration of
the Exam Type of the Exam
Quantitative Aptitude 20 Questions. 200 Marks. 2
Hours. Written Exam.
Reasoning. 20 Questions.
Verbal Ability. 20 Questions.
Total 60 Questions.
Knowing the Elitmus Paper Pattern / Test Pattern will help
the students in a great way. The Elitmus is an Aptitude
Test. It is a written examination. The Duration for the
Exam is 2 Hours. There are mainly 3 Parts in this pH Test
2016 2017 such as Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning or
Problem Solving and Verbal Ability. There are 60
Questions to be asked in the Elitmus Paper. The Elitmus
Question Pattern is given in a clear way for the candidates
above. The candidates should answer the Elitmus
Questions with some thinking and reasoning skills.
Table showing Elitmus pH Test Score and Percentile

Elitmus Score & Percentile

Quantitative Aptitude. Problem Solving/Reasoning
Verbal Ability.
Score. Percentile. Score. Percentile. Score.
120.00 99.80 100.00 99.55 170.00 99.92
90.00 98.75 90.00 99.20 150.00 99.27
78.80 97.23 80.00 98.42 130.00 96.89
70.00 96.19 70.00 96.93 110.00 92.79
63.80 94.80 67.50 96.34 105.00 91.39
60.00 94.11 60.00 95.07 97.50 88.54
56.30 92.42 56.30 93.31 93.80 87.26
52.50 91.37 52.50 92.14 82.50 80.92
48.80 89.57 48.80 90.47 78.80 78.95
41.30 85.97 45.00 88.61 75.00 76.57
40.00 84.44 41.30 88.21 71.30 72.84
37.50 83.32 40.00 84.46 67.50 70.69
33.80 80.51 37.50 83.16 63.80 67.52
30.00 77.80 26.30 72.73 60.00 65.34
26.30 73.55 22.50 68.47 52.50 57.97
22.50 69.87 11.30 52.66 48.80 54.90
18.80 64.76 7.50 47.04 45.00 51.42
15.00 60.00 3.80 41.19 41.30 46.37
11.30 54.74 0.00 35.31 33.80 40.10
7.50 49.14 -3.80 27.96 30.00 36.40
3.80 43.31 -11.30 17.78 26.30 31.99
-3.80 30.00 -15.00 13.71 22.50 28.36
-7.50 24.20 18.80 25.27
-15.00 14.45 15.00 22.11
How to Register/Apply for the Elitmus pH Test 2016?

Many candidates are interested to write the Elitmus Exam.

Most of the Engineering candidates have taken this test.
As there is an opportunity for the candidates to retake the
Test, many candidates want to improve their Score which
results in getting good opportunities in the National as
well as Global Organizations. We are here to help you
register for the Exam. As we are giving you some
instruction to Elimtus Login. You can follow them to apply
for the Exam. The Steps are as follows.

Step 1: First, you have to go to the Official Website, i.e., the Elitmus login page is appeared on the screen.
Step 2: The Homepage of the Elitmus will be appeared on your
Screen. If you have registered earlier, you can login.

Step 3: If you are new, then Click on the Register Option which is on
the Right Side of the Page.

Step 4: You have to enter the required details such as Email ID and
any other details.

Step 5: Click on the Register me Option.

Step 6: You have to fill the required Personal Details as well as

Academic Details in your profile.

Step 7: Now, you have to activate your account by clicking on the

link sent to your Email ID.

Step 8: Then, you have to click on the Go to Tests Option and

apply for the Elitmus pH Test.

Step 9: To get your Registration ID, you have to Click on the Tests
Option and then My Tests Option.
What About the Application Fee for Elitmus pH Test?

The Application Fee for this Elitmus Exam can be paid by way of
cash or Demand Draft or through Online. The candidates can pay the
Fee only at the E-Litmus Office in Bangalore by Cash. The
Application Fee for the E-Litmus Exam is Rs.920.
Elitmus pH Test Exam Dates 2016 2017

The Best Part about the Elitmus pH Test is that it conducts the Test
every week in every month of the year. So, the candidates can
prepare well for the Exam and apply for the Exam. They can select a
date and write the exam on that date. The candidates can retake
this test if they want to improve their score. Thus, It is very
beneficial to the candidates. So, we are providing you the Elitmus
Exam Dates, Elitmus Schedule here below. We will also update you
with the Elitmus Test Dates in the next months in our Website the
moment the moment they appear in the Official Website. Here are
the List of Locations, Date of the Test, Last Date to Apply below. The
Elitmus Sample Papers and Test Papers are also provided in our
Location. Date of the Test. Last Date to Apply.
10th July, 2016.
Lucknow. 10th July, 2016. 5th July, 2016
Mumbai. 10th July, 2016. 6th July, 2016.
Bangalore. 10th July, 2016. 7th July, 2016.
Chennai. 10th July, 2016. 7th July, 2016.
Delhi. 10th July, 2016. 7th July, 2016.
Hyderabad. 10th July, 2016. 7th July, 2016.
Kolkata. 10th July, 2016. 7th July, 2016.
Pune. 10th July, 2016. 7th July, 2016.
17th July, 2016.

An extensive range of online tools that we provide help recruiters to easily screen
and select candidates based on this and dozens of other parameters.

It will give best job opportunities to not only freshers but also many other graduates
in India. The student with good pH score can get good more calls from companies.
AMCAT also giving job opportunities to the freshers but it is quite different from
AMCAT test pattern and AMCAT syllabus. In Elitmus, there wont be any module
related to Core subject.

We will help you at any Time. Join this Facebook Group and ask your queries related
eLitmus or any other good queries and get placed soon.
Total E-litmus test will have 3 sections with 20 questions each. Quantitative ability,
Problem Solving and Verbal Ability.
Elitmus Syllabus 2016:
Elitmus Syllabus Percentile Location
1. Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for elitmus pH Test 30-60 marks = 70-95
percentile Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai.
2. Syllabus for Problem Solving Section of Elitmus pH Test 30-60 marks = 70-95
percentile Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Lucknow, Cochin.
3. Verbal Ability Syllabus for elitmus pH Test 60-100 marks = 60-90 percentile
Chandigarh, Bhopal, Mangalore, Madhurai.

1. Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus for elitmus pH Test

Number Systems (at least 4 Questions)

Probability (Roughly 2 Questions)

Permutation Combination (2 Questions)

Geometry (At least 3 Questions)

Equations and Inequalities (1-2 Questions)

Arithmetic , Geometric and Harmonic Progressions (AP,GP,HP) : (1-2 Questions)

Logarithms (1 Questions at least)

Speed, Time and Distance (1-3 Questions)

Time and Work (1-2 Questions), sometimes asked sometimes not

Mixture and alligation (1 question), sometimes asked sometimes not

Percentage (1 question), sometimes asked sometimes not

Focus on the following topics to get a good score, I must say a very good score
(above 90 percentile).

Number Systems



Permutation and Combination

Following are the expected percentile based on marks you get:

30 marks ~ 70 percentile

40 marks ~ 80 percentile

50 marks ~ 90 percentile

60 marks ~ 95+ percentile

And if you score more than 60 marks, You will get good percentile 95-100 Percentile.

2. Syllabus for Problem Solving Section of Elitmus pH test :

Data Tabulation based Questions

crypt arithmetic Problem
Arrangement Based Problems
Bar Graphs/Pie Charts
Few Miscellaneous Questions

There are six groups of questions in this section:

First group contains 4 question based on data interpretation

Second and third group contains 2 questions each based a paragraph

Fourth group contains 4 questions based on data sufficiency

Fifth group contains 5 questions based on data interpretation

Sixth group contains 3 questions based on crypt arithmetic concept.

30 marks ~ 70 percentile

40 marks ~ 80 percentile

50 marks ~ 90 percentile

60 marks ~ 95+ percentile

And if you score more than 60 marks, You will get more percentile 95-100 Percentile.

3. Verbal Ability Syllabus for elitmus pH Test

Questions Related To Grammatical Concepts

Paragraph Based Questions
Fill In The Blanks
Reading Comprehension

4 Fill in the blanks Questions

3 Reading Comprehension paragraphs: Each RC will have 4 Questions.

2 Jumbled Paragraphs Questions

2 Vocabulary Based Question :Fill the pair of gaps in a sentence with the most
appropriate pair of words given.

60 marks ~ 60 percentile

70 marks ~ 70 percentile

80 marks ~ 80 percentile

90 marks ~ 85 percentile

100 marks ~ 90 percentile

If you score more than 100, be sure to get above 90 percentile.

Elitmus Syllabus : Negative Marking Scheme

Elitmus test contains 60 questions and those 60 questions to be solved in 120

minutes (2 Hours), Each question carries 10 marks in all the sections. Every section
will have 20 questions and it carries 200 marks in all sections. Negative marking will
be calculated through the student wrong attempts. For example, If you did more
than 25% Wrongly attempted questions then you will get negative marking for
questions wrongly done. You will lose 5 marks out of 10 marks for question which
you wrongly attempted in the outer part of 25% and questions which are
Unattempted doesnt follow any penalty.

Case 1: Student A attempts 12 questions in a section.

Ouput Result: 9 Right, 3 Wrong, 8 Unattempted.

He did exactly 25% wrong in his total no of attempts. Out of 12 questions 9

questions 75% correct 3 questions 25% wrong. So he doest have any negative

Score: 90 (9 Correct questions , 10 marks gets each questions 9*10=90)

Case 2: Student B attempts 12 questions in a section.

Output Result: 8 Right , 4 Wrong, 8 Unattempted.

He did 33% wrong in his total no of attempts which is more than 25% wrong
attempts made. Out 12 questions 8 questions correct 66% 4 questions 33% wrong.
So he will have negative marking for only wrong attempts over the 25% i.e., only 1
question will have the penalty of 5 marks in the wrongly attempted questions.

Score: 75 (8 Correct questions, 10 marks for each question 8*10=80, Wrong

attempts over 25% 1*5=5 , 80-5=75)

Mode of exam will be Pen/Paper OMR mode. Students should mark their answers in
the OMR Sheets. E-litmus test will conduct every week or twice in a month. It will
conducted in only big cities.

Test locations for Elitmus:


Test pH score will be given in less than a week. They will give only Section wise
Percentile and Section wise scores. After getting the score card you need to apply
for the companies. Here we are giving Best HR Interview Questions and Answers for
Freshers & Experienced. Hope it will be helpful to you in future.

Elitmus syllabus has been given above and sample papers are updated below. For
any queries please comment below.

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