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Technologies Department.

Santa Mara del Pilar




1.- What is programming? (1p)

2.- What is a flow diagram? (0,5p)

3.- Whats a programming language? (0,5p)

4.- Draw the flow diagram of a program that asks the user their age. If they are over 16, the program opens
an Internet site and finishes. If the user is under 16, the program says Sorry, you cant access the Internet
and finishes (1,2p).

5.- Write the most important rules to work in the computer lab (1p).

6.- Complete the missing steps in the programming process (write them below the chart) (0,4p):

Identifying 1? 2? Solving the

the need problem

7.- Scratch was created for (0,2):


8.- To code is (0,2):

To write instructions for the computer
To write passwords
To write a secret message that hackers cant access

9.- Complete the crosswords (1.6p):

10.- Write the names of the following devices with the correct spelling (1,5p):

1._____________ 2._____________
3._____________ 4.______________ 5._____________

11.- Circle the correct set of commands to carry out each action (0,7p).

Turn around constantly.

a) b) c)

Turn right 15 degrees and go to the mouse pointer when the space bar is pressed.
a) b) c)
12.- Locate each tool on the pictures below. Circle the tool and write the number close to it (1,2p):

1. Stop program 2. Add a backdrop from the library 3. Add a Sprite from the library
4. Add a sound to your Sprite 5. Delete a sprite 6.Change sprites rotation style
7. Make bigger 8. Change the name of the program
9. Share the project 10. Area where I find the When green flag clicked block
11. Space for the teacher to comment and grade
12. Where we click to share a project in a studio

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