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Common Language Tag out _| Ifa staff person is not effective with a student due fo a previous interaction, they may call for a “tag out” where they will switch places with the staff person that ‘comes to tag them out. Which means that if Ms. Whyte tags out Ms. Jones from the reset room; Ms, Jones goes to Ms. Whyte's assigned classroom. Forced __| “I got this" - tap staff on the shoulder and tag them out. Tagout ‘Admin Tag | Admin may call for a tag out to remove themselves from a behavior in order to Out follow up on discipline, make phone calls, etc. Sensory _ | Sensory breaks are planned interventions for students. Planned sensory breaks Break must be recorded on the Gym/Sensory Room Schedule, Please see Kim if you have questions on how to appropriately provide students a sonsory break, ‘Gym Break | Gym breaks are planned interventions for students. Planned gym breaks must be recorded on the Gym/Sensory Room Schedule. Eyes On When a student leaves an assigned area staff need to be “eyes on" meaning keeping eyes on the siudent and only giving the repeated direction that the student needs to reset. Takea —_| Abreakiin the classroom in the designated break space. A take a break should Break fast no longer than 4 minutes. Chill A requested break for a student in the reset room. Chills are limited to two per student per day unless their individual plan calls for more. Reset A staff directed break to the reset room. Resets occur in the reset room only (not the hallway or other non reset room space). A reset is assigned for no more than 5 minutes. A reset starts when a student is calmly in their space in the reset room. Staff should ideally use a timer or clock to watch the time. ‘Trauma ‘Student is refusing to go to a staff directed break. Call ‘Student Para immediately goes “eyes on” and calls for the Trauma Team. The student Walk out | needs to reset (in the reset room) prior to returning to class. “Fix- it? When a student has a bottom line behavior that requires the student to mediate with a peor or staff, clean up a mess etc. AWS When a student has left school properly and/or was physically aggressive with staff or student (not while in a hold). *** Trauma Team members must aways respond when called. ifthe Trauma Team members are not available the staff person calling for the Trauma Team should call a code based on the support level they are needing 4, 2, or 3. Codes: 1) Allstaff are responsible for responding to codes 2) When responding to a code respond “responding,” depending on the code that was called once you have heard the correct amount of people have responded wait for a new code prior to responding. If there are two TAs in a room one of you should always respond When you hear a code, The other TA should remain with the class to ensure that students don't become escalated by the calling of the codes. 3) MAKE SURE YOU have headphones on at al imes. It is an expectation that when you are at work you have your walkie on, headphone in, and are responding when called upon, Calling 1 people for support Calling 2 people for support Caling 3 people for support Admin 1. Possible need for ambulance or police 2, Students have left school property 3. Review paperwork for significant bottom line behaviors that may result in a consequence outside of the discipline flow chart. Staff Messages: 1) Staff should only wear the 53 key and their badge under their shirt to keep students from snatching these items. 2) Walkies should be attached fo your person at all times know. you need a clip please let admin

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