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Who’s food in Hong Kong

Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D

Emory University


1. #$%&'()*+,
a). -./Hong Kong0123456
b). -.12378
c). -.1239:8;

2. <=>?*+@A,
a). ?BC
b). ?DE
c). ?456

3. <=>FGH456I,
c). 2NKOPH

4. QR*3ST/choices0JU/is not0<=>FGH&+1VW,
a). &+XYZ[
b). &+X\]K^_`a[
c). &+bcd5ecf5[

5. QR*3ST/choices0Ugh1/correct0,
a). <=>XFGi4Kjklm1KnoFGp1[
b). <=>XFGi4Kjklp1KnoFGm1[
c). <=>XFGi4KqQp1m1r2s[

6. 456tuvwxcyz{| (difference),
a). 4562Nk}YZ[
b). 4562N^_k}a[
c). 4562Nck}~14[

7. 4562N?-.1*+,
a). •€.•[
b). ?-.‚^/on Hong Kong Island0
c). ƒ„rc

8. 4562Nyz…†‡ˆ‰Š‹,
a). Œ•^ 8 ŽƒR• 6 Ž
b). Υ^ĥ^
c) 24 =…‘’
9. “ 5 ”•–—˜Q?456™ƒyz,
a). 2š›œi4
b). 2š•ž
c). 2Ÿ ¡¢£¤¥/drinks0

10. <=>¦§¨©)yzª«,
a). ¬-®/Mandarin0
b). ¯°®/Taiwanese0
c). ±²®/Cantonese0

³´ Vocabulary:

1.¤4 y!n chá drink tea (v.)

µ¶: 4·U2¸¹4º^4º¤41»¼½¾
Example: The tea ceremony is an ancient ritual for the preparation, serving, and drinking of tea.
2.456 chá c"n t#ng tea restaurant (n.)
µ¶: ?-.cX¿456
Example: There are a lot of tea restaurants in Hong Kong.
3.¤ÀÁ y!n shí wén huà cuisine culture (n.)
µ¶: dÃU3¤ÀÁÂÄMÅÆ1×[
Example: China is a country with a splendid catering culture.
4.SÇ xu$n zé Choice (n./v.)
µ¶: &ÈÉÊËc|1Ì͘QSÇ[
Example: You have the choice of color for this dress.
5.wx ji% lóu restaurant (n.)
µ¶: Î1ÏÐc2Ñwx[
Example: There is a restaurant on the other side of the street.
6.i4 n$i chá tea with milk (n.)
µ¶: Ò»Ó1iÀ¸ÔX¿KciÕÖºi4ºiw×[
Example: There are many kinds of milk food in Mongolian ethnic group, such as cheese-shaped
milk products, tea with mlik, and fermented milk.
7.‰JH zuò bù lái not be able to do something (v.)
µ¶: cX¿ØÙU23Ú‰JH1[
Example: There are many things that a single person will not be able to do by himself.
8.ÛÜ dié tóu fàn a dish that has some rice on a plate (n.)
µ¶: ÛÜ ?456ÝÞX~[
Example: The dish that has some rice on a plate is sold very well in the tea restaurants.
9.ÛÊ dié z! plate, dish (n.)
µ¶: ßÛÊàáâãäåæ[
Example: Soiled dishes were randomly piled.
10.ƒ„ dào chù everywhere (adv.)
µ¶: çèéêë’K‘Äìíî[
Example: Flags were at half mast everywhere on the day of the president's funeral.
11.MM cháng cháng often, always (adv.)
µ¶: ¤wïð1ÚMMñ(òó[
Example: Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion.
12.ÅÆ f&ng fù abundant (adj.)
µ¶: dÃcôõÅÆ[
Example: China is abundant in natural resources.
13.¤ö y!n p!n drink (n.)
µ¶: ÷ø¢UX~1ùú¤ö
Example: Dark plum soup is the best drink in summer.
14.±²® gu$ng d'ng huà Cantonese (n.)
µ¶: qc-.Úrû©±²®KjcX¿ÚJû©¬-®
Example: All people from Hong Kong can speak Cantonese but not Mandarin.

!"üý/Discussion Questions0

1þ ÿ˜Q!–—"#2·ÿ$FG1dÃ_I,

2þ ÿ%ÞdÃ_£”Ã_$–1J&?*+,


4þ ,-.+Kÿ-MFG?—/0‰ ËU(512,!yz,

5. ÿSÇ56…$3(yz,_1¸ÔK56145K6789(quality), ËUuv(something else),


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