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Religion due Thursday April 13 at 11:30pm

1. How can I discern between truth and error?

Make sure your response includes all of the following items:

The necessity of relying on the scriptures, words of modern prophets, and

the Holy Ghost.

The importance of study, faith, and prayer.

How to find, evaluate, and use reliable sources concerning the History of the
Church and its revealed doctrine.

How you can apply the principles you have learned in discerning truth from
error to help you or someone you know with a current decision, challenge,
or problem.

Question 1 options:

2. What has been the most helpful part of this class for you?

3. Why is it important for me to understand that Joseph Smith has done

more, save Jesus only, for the Salvation of men in this world, than any other
man that ever lived in it? (D&C 135:3).

Make sure your response includes all of the following items:

3. The vital role of the First Vision in the Restoration of the gospel and the
opening of the dispensation of the fullness of times.

4. A truth restored through Joseph Smith and how it has blessed your life.

5. Priesthood keys or saving ordinances restored through Joseph Smith and

how they have blessed your life.

6. How Joseph Smiths role in the restoration of truth, priesthood keys, and
saving ordinances has brought you closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus

4. How have ONE of the following key events or doctrines of the Restoration
positively affected your life?

Choose only one of the following to write about: a) The coming forth of the Book
of Mormon, b) key sections and doctrine in the Doctrine and Covenants, c) the
revealed organization of the Church, d) the restoration of the priesthood, e) temples
and temple work.

Make sure your response includes all of the following items:

What you have you learned about this event or doctrine from your
participation in this course.

How this event or doctrine is an example that the heavens are opened.

How this event or doctrine has blessed your life or why it is personally
important to you.

Your written testimony in regards to what you have learned about the
restored gospel.

Question 4 options:
5. If you could change one aspect of this class to make it more helpful what
would it be?

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