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How to extract SAR file For Windows:1


1. Download the required .sar files.

2. Download the SAPCAR exe from the SAP market place.

3. Then create a new folder(e.g C:/HANA/SAR) and then copy SAPCAR exe file in it along with the other .sar files
from default download folder.

4. Rename the SAPCAR exe filename(For example: I have renamed it from SAPCAR_721-20010453.EXE to

5. Go to command prompt,and then go to the folder.location(i,e C:/HANA/SAR - This folder is having SAPCAR exe file
in it along with the other .sar files)

6. Type sapcar -xvf and then the full file name and press enter.Please see below example:

Example: C:\HANA\SAR>sapcar -xvf IMDB_CLIENT100_112_5-10009664.SAR press enter

(Where "IMDB_CLIENT100_112_5-10009664.SAR" is the file name)

7. It will extact required files from SAR package.

Output Message: SAPCAR: 65 file(s) extracted


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