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Stroke occurs when a blood vessel to the brain is either blocked by a clot (ischemic stroke) or bursts
(hemorrhagic stroke). When that happens, part of the brain is no longer getting the blood and oxygen it
needs, so it starts to die. The brain controls the movements and thoughts, stroke affects the brains ability
to think and control body functions. It can also affect language, memory and vision as well as cause
paralysis and other health issues. One symptom of stroke includes numbness or weakness on one side of
the body which was experienced by the patient and the main reason why the patient was brought to the

According to the World life expectancy, stroke deaths in the Philippines reached 63,261 or 12.14% of
total deaths in the Philippines. The age adjusted rate is 119.21 per 100,000 of population and ranks the
Philippines as the #54 in the world.

Strokes need prompt treatment. The motto for stroke management is time lost is brain lost. After an
ischemic stroke, the amount of irreversible damage increased steadily as long as brain regions remain
without sufficient blood supply. The patient presenting to the emergency department with stroke must be
evaluated with urgency.

Cushings triad is a set of three primary signs that often indicate an increase in intracranial pressure.
These includes: a change in respirations, often irregular and deep; a widening pulse pressure; and
bradycardia. This is an important, but late sign of raised intracranial pressure that doctors, paramedics and
nurses must be on the look for with patients who have had a recent injury, brain injury, neurosurgery, or
anyone with a sudden altered level of consciousness.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of blood against
the artery walls is high enough that may eventually cause health problem. It can also increase the risk of
heart disease and stroke. High blood pressure damages arteries so they burst or clog more easily and
weakens and put the person at much higher risk for stroke.

Hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much of the
hormone thyroxine. It can accelerate the bodys metabolism and causes sudden weight loss, a rapid or
irregular heartbeat, sweating, and nervousness or irritability. Untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to
serious complications mainly related to the heart like hypertension.

Include thyroid storm [complication of untreated hyperthyroidism]

Ischemic Stroke Thyroid Storm

Defining Features
Signs and Symptoms which
patient has

Relate to patients case please

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