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tips for making thick hair

2. Olive Oil
Olive oil will also add body to your hair. Plus, it will help soften and strengthen your
Massage your hair and scalp with warm olive oil and leave it on for at least 30 to 45 minutes.
Rinse it out thoroughly and wash your hair using a mild shampoo. You can also leave the oil on your
hair overnight and then shampoo your hair the next morning.
Another option is to mix olive oil with some honey and apply the mixture on your hair. Leave
it on for at least 30 minutes and then wash your hair.

Use either or these remedies once or twice a week

How to use the blender :

Blender bias digunakan untuk apa saja. Bisa digunakan untuk membuat jus atau
membuat bumbu bumbu dapur. Berikut ini adalah cara penggunaan blender :

1. Pertama tama, kita colokan kabel penghubung blender dengan listrik

2. Kemudian kita buka tutup blender dan masukan bahan bahannya. Setelah
itu tutup kembali blenderna dengan rapat
3. Setelah itu, kita nyalakan blendernya dengan cara menekan tombol sesuai
kebutuhan. Semakin besar angkanya berarti semakin kencang blender itu
4. Terakhir matikan blender dengan cara menekan tombol on or off dan buka
tutup blender kemudian tuangkan isi blender ke dalam wadah.

Blender used for anyway . Can be used to make juices or make condiments - herbs . Here is
how the use of a blender :
1. First - and foremost, we plugs connecting cable with an electric blender
2. Then we open the lid blender and input materials - material. After the lid back on tightly
3. After that , we turn blender by pressing the button as needed . The higher the number
means it spins faster and faster blender .
4. Finally turn off the blender by pressing the button on or off and unscrew the blender
then pour the contents of the blender into the container .

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