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N: Hi Diego, how are you?

D: Good and you?

N: Good, thank you. Where are you going on vacation?
D: Now I'm planning a trip to the beach. I'll go to Brazil
N: Brazil, I was 1 month ago. Did you already buy the tickets?
D: Yes, would you advise me to bring something?
N: Sure, camera, deodorant, shampoo, soap, towel, map, sunglasses, umbrella,
swimsuit, blocker and sandals.
D: Great thanks for the suggestion. You know somewhere I can go.
N: If you tell me, where you are going specifically
D: I'm going to Sao Paulo.
N: Yes, you could go to the pacaemb stadium and visit the Avenida Paulista is
very beautiful.
D: Oh, thank you!
N: I will travel to Peru.
D: And what part of Peru specifically will you go?
N: I'll go to Machu Picchu.
D: I can advise you with some implements to carry. A tent, a backpack,
sleeping bag, repellent, shampoo, toothpaste, flashlight, map, deodorant and
trekking shoes.
N: Thank you Diego will take you in my luggage.
D: I would also advise you to stay in the lodging welcome tourist pe. Excellent
sector and economic.
N: Oh, fantastic excellent data, since I do not go with much money. See you
after the trip.
D: See you, good trip.

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